The MIT Press Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusett s 021 42 Modemism in Italian ArchitectuFe, 7890-1940 Richard A- Etlin Tbe MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England -4: "$,f @ 1991, Massachusetts Institute of Technology be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this book may Excerpts from Jacques Le Goff, The Birth of Purgatory, translated by Arthur Goldhammer, @ 1984 by The University of Chicago. Used by permission of the University of Chicago Press. Originally published as La naissance du Purgatoire, O 1981 Editions Gallimard. Excerpts lrom Tbe Diuine Comedy of Dante Alighieri,3 volumes, translated by Allen Mandelbaum, @ 1980, 1982by Allen Mandelbaum on the English translation. Used by permission of Bantam Books, a division of Bantam, Doubleday, Dell Publishing Group, Inc. This book was set in Sabon by DEKR Corporation and printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Etlin, Richard A. Modernism in Italian architecture, 1890-1940 / Richard A. Etlin' p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-262-05038-2 t. Fascism and architecture-Italy. 2. Architecture, Modern-20th century-ltaly. 3. Nationalism and architecture-Italy. I. Title. NA1118.E86 1'990 90-32983 720'.945'09041-dc20 CIP Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction xiii Modernism before World War 1 2 3 4 5 I The First ltalian Exposition of Architectwre 3 Arte Nuoua: Turin, 1902 23 Sant'Elia: From Arte Nuoua to Futurism 53 Contextualism and tbe Reasoned Picturesque 101 A Modern Vernacular Architecture 129 Modernism between the Wars 6 7 8 9 Decoratiue Nouecento Arcbitecture 165 The Birth of ltalian Rationalism 225 Rationalist Arcbitecture: A Contextual Auant-Garde 255 Geometric Nouecento Architecture 329 Modernism and Fascism 1.0 The Rationalist Discouery of Fascism 377 11 Imperial Architecture for the Fascist Reuolution: Rome, 1924- L934 391 12 The Casa del Fascio, Como 439 13 The Esposizione Uniuersale of 1942 481 14 The Danteum, Rome 517 15 ltalian Rationalism and Anti-Semitism 569 No/es 599 'Works Cited 679 Illustration Credits 7L3 Index 717