Modernism (Literature)
Recent papers in Modernism (Literature)
In this essay I seek to explore the icon of the Fighting Cock movement (Khorus Jangi) and of its Manifesto, " The Slaughterer of the Nightingale, " in order to consider its implications and imagistic allusions. In outlining the background... more
Re-framing the concepts of utopia and allegory in the twenty-first century.
The Review article discusses four new scholarly volumes focused on various problematic issues related to Russian Modernism. The essay debates major points of methodology and research topicality with respect to Russian Symbolism and the... more
George M. Johnson does a fine analysis of the vital role the Society for Psychical Research played in the making of modernist fiction. For those interested in psychology, theories of subjectivity, and conceptions of the unconscious, this... more
"Chez Beckett, l’écriture articule intimement la dimension esthétique à l’implication subjective du créateur. Dans le premier volume de la Série, nous avons abordé certains aspects de l’impulsion créatrice de Beckett. Dans ce deuxième... more
Num texto pertencente ao espólio, Fernando Pessoa começa com a seguinte a frase: «O poeta é essencialmente um místico». Com esta citação como ponto de partida, pretendo, nesta comunicação, olhar para Fernando Pessoa como herdeiro de uma... more
Due to the increasing acceptance that we are now living in an age of radical environmental catastrophe, various innovative ecological-philosophical-artistic texts are being published, dispersed and discussed in attempting to transform our... more
This paper attempts to present Wilde's enchanting play 'The Importance of Being Earnest' as a ridicule on the Victorian society of England which remains a quintessence of the so-called gentlemanliness and mannerisms even today. The play... more
“Η μοντέρνα ποίηση και η αριστερή κριτική. Η περίπτωση του Άξιον Εστί”. Περ. Νέα Εστία, τχ. 1743 (Μάρτιος 2002), σσ. 415-435.
Book review published in European Journal of American Studies, 28 Nov. 2017.
This essay affords the first extensive reading of T.S. Eliot’s marginalia to F. H. Bradley’s ‘Appearance and Reality.’ I draw attention to a shift in Eliot’s way of doing philosophy over the course of his year at Merton College, Oxford,... more
"Originally presented at the 2010 English Association conference (University of Sydney), and English Teachers' Association (ETA) NSW conference (UTS). It provides a reading of the texts studied in the Year 12 HSC Module A (Advanced... more
In this dialogue, political theorist William E. Connolly joins forces with Nidesh Lawtoo to bring Conrad studies in the planetary age. They argue that Conrad's fictions of nautical catastrophe can help us not only diagnose but also... more
As the poet's himself testified and as it has been widely proven by critics, William Carlos Williams' In the American Grain is a work largely composed by the technique of montage, joining and stitching together a great number of materials... more
In 1929 Nikolas Calas photographed himself in a mirror of a wardrobe, in a room in Tinos with a hand-held camera (ΕΛΙΑ L003.124). The camera is not visible at first sight, as Calas tries to ‘hide’ it, positioning it in front of his tie.... more
Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent seriously explores a story of terrorism in the city called London. He projects the harrowing existence of anarchism and terrorism in the novel. It discusses every conceivable angle of a terrorist act.... more
An analysis of Eliot’s “Preludes” and “Rhapsody on a windy night”
Обект на статията са три различни интерпретации на куклата в българската литература от 1920-те години. Те са представени в разказите: "Комедия на куклите" на Владимир Полянов, "Пантомима" на Светослав Минков и "Балерина" на Владимир... more
In this thesis I explore the complex nature of James Joyce’s relationship with Giordano Bruno in The Day of the Rabblement, Stephen Hero, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. I employ an historicist methodology, and... more
The American poet Ezra Pound played a crucial role in establishing a deeper understanding of East Asian art and literature in the Anglophone sphere in the early twentieth century. Pound’s contribution, especially in his translation of... more
Samuel Beckett’s novel Watt is uniquely positioned in his oeuvre: composed in exile in 1941-45 and first published in 1953, it forecasts the transition from English to French as his preferred language of composition, and signifies a shift... more
Many researchers still consider Kafka's work as a monolithic unity. They will quote from an early text to elucidate passages in a late work, they will consider the father-son conflict as crucial for the complete work, etc. The essay... more
Во македонската книжевна критика и воопшто во современата македонска книжевност значајно место зазема Венко Андоновски – писател, поет, есеист, драмски автор, публицист и универзитетски професор. Овој труд претставува осврт кон... more
Werkartikel Kindlers Literaturlexikon
A review of the novel commissioned when its first translation to English appeared.
Commented edition of Rainer Maria Rilke's poems written between 1910 and 1926 in chronological order.
Sex Positives: The Cultural Politics of Dissident Sexualities. GENDERS 25 (New York University Press, 1997). Ed. by Thomas Foster, Carol Siegel, and Ellen E. Berry. 226-64.
Updated and illustrated version of PhD thesis, University College London. 1,161 html pages, bibliographical notes for 4,000 works, 1,100 images, 45,578 hyperlinked cross-references. Complete to 2003 with occasional but not systematic... more
St. Mawr (written 1924, published 1925) is usually addressed in terms of Lawrence’s encounters with otherness and difference, as well as his broader critique of industrialisation. This article argues for the significance of popular... more
In “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”, Wallace Stevens invites the reader to perceive and consider the blackbird, a common and otherwise insignificant bird which people would probably not notice, in “thirteen ways”. Meanwhile, “In... more
Die Studie unternimmt den Versuch einer Gesamtdarstellung von Denken und Dichten des vielgestaltigen Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Anhand der Leitbegriffe des Bewußtseins und der Erzählungen wird der gegenwärtig wohl bekannteste... more