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The Medicean project aimed to the establishment of exiled Moriscos in the marshes of Pisa and Siena was previously known only through brief references, and so far it was not even possible to ascertain its actual realization. Based on the... more
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      Early Modern History17th-Century StudiesMoriscosRenaissance in Tuscany
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    • Moriscos
The book includes 168 Arab poems of different length, which for the most part had not been published before. They give a wide display of how was the Arab popular poetry in Maghribi dialect composed in the Iberian Peninsula during the last... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsAl-AndalusMoriscos
Chapter in: Forging Communities: Food and Representation in Medieval and Early Modern Southwestern Europe. Edited by Monserrat Pierra, Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press. Food and Foodways. 2018. 69-81.
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      MagicMoriscosFood Studies
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsIslamic StudiesAl-AndalusMoriscos
A corrected and continually updated bibliography (MLA format) of studies relating to Aljamiado language and literature arranged in reverse chronological order from 2021 to 1827.
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      MoriscosAljamiado TextsAljamiadoAljamiado Manuscripts
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      MoriscosTeaching HistorySpain (History)Teaching & Learning of History
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      Intellectual HistoryMoriscosSpain (History)Early modern Spain
Queridas amigas, queridos amigos: En nombre de todo el equipo docente del Máster en Genealogía, Heráldica y Archivos de la Universidad de Córdoba nos complace enormemente anunciar una nueva edición de nuestro programa de estudios, una... more
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El artículo estudia las relaciones entre el Conde de Carlet y sus vasallos, utilizando las «Cartas de población» y los pleitos provocados por su aplicación. A partir de aquí se plantean algunas consideraciones generales sobre la... more
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      MoriscosCartas pueblas
Análisis histórico-antropológico sobre la realidad y la ficción de una leyenda de la Alpujarra granadina asociada a un barranco donde se supone que hubo una batalla con un gran derramamiento de sangre entre musulmanes y cristianos.
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In the spring of 1518 an Italian cardinal, Egidio da Viterbo, travelled from Rome to Spain on a Papal mission. While the official purpose of the visit was to convince King Charles V to collaborate against the Turks, the Papal legate... more
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      Early Modern HistoryQur'anic StudiesMoriscosEarly Modern Italy
Questo studio vuole esaminare la rappresentazione letteraria della "cuestión morisca" che emerge dalle opere di Cervantes e Lope de Vega, analizzando i diversi approcci assunti nei confronti di questo nodo storico-culturale, che ha... more
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      MoriscosMiguel de CervantesLope de Vega
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      MoriscosXVII centuryAljamiado Texts
ABSTRACT: Since Gómez Moreno, historians have identified the Arab Baths of Baza (11th century) as Jewish Baths. This mistake led them to consider that the surrounding area was the Jewish Quarter. The reality is very different. There were... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsMoriscosMuslim-Christian RelationJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages
Traducido al árabe por Driss Jebrouni y M. Elkadi y publicado en Tánger por la E. Litograf. (435 páginas) PRESENTACIÓN (pp. 7-13) Por Enrique GOZALBES-CRAVIOTO Carlos GOZALBES CRAVIOTO La obra está centrada en estudios diversos acerca de... more
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      Sociology of ReligionArabic Language and LinguisticsUrban HistoryIslamic Studies
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      InquisitionArchivesIslamic StudiesMoriscos
The letter of the death and the writing of good and bad actions María CHÁVET LOZOYA  Rubén SÁNCHEZ GALLEGO  RESUMEN: La Carta de la Muerte es un escrito de origen morisco, esta, es depositada en la fosa junto al fallecido, en ella... more
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      ArchaeologyMoriscosHadith StudiesArqueología medieval
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      MoriscosNovela moriscaAbencerraje
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMoriscosHousehold Archaeology
Testificaciones escogidas de la visita inquisitorial a Priego de 1588. Tomadas del Libro XIII de testificaciones del obispado de Cuenca que comiença desde el año de MDLXXXVIII (ACD, Inq, L-326). Apéndice documental para William P.... more
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The term "maurophilia" was coined by Georges Cirot in a series of articles published in the Bulletin Hispanique during the years of the Second World War. Since then, the idealized image of the Moor in the many genres of Golden Age... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesMoriscosMuslim MinoritiesMuslims in Europe
The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Volume 3: Displaced Persons, edited by Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano. Leiden: Brill, 2015. The Sixteenth Century Journal 49.2 (2018) 533–35.
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      Early Modern HistoryIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryVenetian History
La población mudéjar del Valle de Ricote es modelo para entender la organización de las aljamas del Reino de Murcia durante la Baja Edad Media. Así lo manifestó el desaparecido Miguel Rodríguez Llopis en su obra Señoríos y feudalismo en... more
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      MoriscosMudejaresValle De Ricoteárboles de junta
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      MoriscosColonial Latin American HistoryIberian Atlantic World
Au cours des 126 chapitres du Don Quichotte de Cervantès, les protagonistes ne sont confrontés à la mer qu'à deux reprises, en des occasions intimement liées au « problème musulman » tel que l'Espagne le vit aux XVI e et XVII e siècles.... more
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      MoriscosCervantesDon Quijote
Résumé: “Les gens se ressemblent.” Melchor Megeçi ou Hamete Çamar; une vie entre les deux rives (1544-1591) L’étude d’un complexe procès inquisitorial pose le problème de l’identification des personnes à l’Époque Moderne. Un corsaire de... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMoriscosCorsairsThe Spanish Inquisition
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Perceval, José Maria, “La Situación Actual de las Investigaciones sobre los Moriscos: Nuevas Visiones y Retos del Siglo XXI”, revista DIVERSIDAD, diciembre 2012, no 5, Año 3, pp.1-21. Ponencia expuesta en el Congreso: “Cuatro siglos... more
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      MoriscosCultural DiversityRacismo y discriminaciónImaginarios sociales
Resumen en español y en francés: Durante el siglo XVI se inventa una figura, el morisco, que reunía unas determinadas características entre el sueño y la pesadilla, cada vez más demonizado, cada vez ma unificado como uno sólo, 'son todos... more
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      MoriscosLope de VegaExpulsion MoriscosLeade Bookds Moriscos religious polemics Christian-islamic relations
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      Early Modern HistoryMoriscosMuslim MinoritiesEarly modern Spain
'“Translating” the Origins of the Spanish Nation in Miguel de Luna Verdadera historia del Rey don Rodrigo' focuses on the role of pseudo-translation as a way of introducing a morisco counter-history to Spain’s foundational myth of King... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesSpanish Literature (Peninsular)Renaissance Studies
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      Everyday Life StudiesIslamic StudiesMoriscosMaterial Culture
As Executive Editor of Medieval Encounters. "The Influence of Inter-Cultural Engagement on the Perceptions of Mendicant Friars in the Thirteenth Century Concerning Islam and Muslims" (Rickie Lette); "A Medieval Hebrew Adaptation of Two... more
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      Medieval LiteratureCrusadesFranciscan StudiesMoriscos
المؤلف: لوثي لوبيث بارالت الترجمة: د.محمد برادة ود.نادية العشيري المراجعة: د. حسام الدين شاشية ود. ياسر سرحان الناشر: مركز البحوث والتواصل المعرفي (الرياض) ومؤسسة التميمي للبحث العلمي والمعلومات (تونس) سنة النشر: 2021 عدد المجلدات: 2 عدد... more
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      MoriscosAljamiado TextsMorisquesAljamiado Texts, Moriscos, Al-Andalus and Islamic Studies
Esta edición de Los cautivos de Argel cumple el deber de reivindicar una valiosa obra del Siglo de Oro y ponerla al alcance de la comunidad académica y el público general en forma fiable. Su publicación en Clásicos Castalia viene a suplir... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern CaptivityInquisitionMoriscos
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      MoriscosEarly modern SpainExpulsion Moriscos
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      TheologyHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of MathematicsMathematics Education
Where to start when talking about _Don Quijote_? It's only the greatest book of all time!
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Comparative Literature
in The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain. A Mediterranean Diaspora, eds. M. García-Arenal and G.Wiegers, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2014, pp. 132-154
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      Spanish StudiesTheologyRenaissance StudiesIberian Studies
Se trata de un resumen de varios trabajos y un material de estudio para los estudiantes de doctorado en interculturalidad.
Véase Perceval, Todos son uno, 1997 y Perceval, Racismo y xenofobia, Cátedra, 2013.
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      MoriscosMoriscoExpulsion MoriscosMoriscos after Expulsion
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      Spanish LiteratureEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern LiteratureMoriscos
La documentación generada tras la expulsión de los moriscos puede servir para conocer el funcionamiento y evolución de ciertas comunidades campesinas. En el caso de Tolox (Málaga) es posible estudiar la organización de la agricultura... more
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      MoriscosIrrigation Systems DesignNasri Kingdom of Granada
This book is a translation of an important source of Moroccan history sources written in Hebrew. It had been written by Rabbis of Ibn Danan family emigrated from Granada to Fez in the fifteenth century. As much as interested in... more
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      Jewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismIslamic StudiesMoriscos
Entre los meses de marzo y junio de 2017 se descubrió y excavó de urgencia en el marco de una actuación de arqueología urbana una pequeña parte del yacimiento bajomedieval del Durdur, ubicado junto al río Tarafa, en el casco antiguo de... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Medieval ArchaeologyMoriscos
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      Popular CultureIslamic StudiesMoriscos
Study of moorish communities develonment from current Granada province (Baza and Huéscar regions) along XVIth Century. From demographic, economic and social assessment, their taking part on "Rebelión de las Alpujarras" (1568-1570) is... more
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      MoriscosEarly modern SpainExpulsion MoriscosKingdom of Granada Modern Age
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      MoriscosMoriscos in Granada
The Baños family represents a perfect model of social mobility in the city of Granada during 18th-century. From Moorish backgrounds, the need to hide their real genealogy led them to forge numerous documents in their way to construct a... more
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      GenealogyMoriscosLimpieza De SangreGenealogy-Family History
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      IconographyEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Art