Recent papers in Engineering
Non-targeted analysis (NTA) is a rapidly evolving analytical technique with numerous opportunities to improve and expand instrumental and data analysis methods. In this work, NTA was performed on eight synthetic mixtures containing 1264... more
It seems very difficult to analyze private universities in Europe in the context of entrepreneurialism in the form the concept has emerged in the basic literature and available case studies. The private sector in higher education, in... more
First-principles density functional calculations together with experimental measurements demonstrate that pressure (uniform and uniaxial) increases the band gap of a perfect lithium hexafluoroaluminate (LiCaAlF6, LiCAF) crystal. As... more
This project is about the design and construction of a 220 volts inverter at a frequency of 50Hz. The device is constructed with locally sourced components and materials of regulated standards. The basic principle of its operation is a... more
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the role of shapes of containers (nine different containers) on entropy generation minimization involving identical cross-sectional area (1 sq. unit) in the presence of identical heating... more
Sulfur amino acids are typically the first-limiting amino acids (AA) used in protein metabolism in poultry. Therefore, we hypothesized that their utilization in the pre-hatch period would affect embryonic development, IGF-I and TLR4 gene... more
There have been numerous efforts aimed at improving geographic literacy in order to address societal challenges. Extension educators can use geographic information system (GIS) technology to help their clients cultivate spatial thinking... more
Renewable energy harvesting through solar photovoltaic with solar smart dome at rural area can help local farmers drying agricultural product such as coffee, spices, and dried fruit. To have a more viable and economical battery for the... more
Abstrak. Kualitas sumber daya manusia berhubungan dengan minat membaca. Kondisi minat baca masyarakat Indonesia saat ini masih rendah. Pemerintah telah berupaya mengembangkan minat baca salah satunya dengan pengembangan perpustakaan.... more
This study discusses about the ability to understand questions of writing scientific based on higher order thingking skill (HOTS) in SMAN 3 Medan. This type of research uses research and development in the field of education known as... more