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Problemy starożytnej administracji, czyli w jaki sposób rzymscy urzędnicy troszczyli się o swoją stolicę; rec. książki: Renata Kamińska, W trosce o Miasto. ,,Cura Urbis” w Rzymie okresu republiki i pryncypatu
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En un trabajo reciente analizábamos el problema del tráfico por el río Guadalquivir y el transporte de las ánforas por el mismo durante el Alto Imperio romano. Hoy pretendemos hacer un esbozo de lo que pudo suponer el transporte de dichas... more
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Feliks Koneczny, professor of history, was one of the most interesting Polish thinkers of the first half of the twentieth century. He was born in 1862 in Krakow. He studied history at the Jagiellonian University. He is primarily known as... more
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Monografie a orașului Callatis
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Sign 139. dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771) PLUS mēḍa 'platform, hillock' rebus meḍ 'iron’ maṇḍā 'raised platform, stool, arch' Rebus: maṇḍā 'warehouse’
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In connection with the urban and housing policies since the Thatcher regime of the U.K., urban improvements, including the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB), and the trend of the activies of housing associations (HAs) were investigated.... more
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Venice Lagoon (Italy), the largest wetland in the Mediterranean basin, is extremely vulnerable to variations in relative sea level (RSL) which is locally defined by an average rising rate of about 2.5 mm per year, resulting from both... more
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Наш Свет (Оur world) Излегува два пати месечно Број: 2 Февруари 1960 година Редакција „Детска радост“ - Издавачката куќа „Просветно дело“ Директор : Васил Куноски Уредници: Славчо Темков, Симон Дракул Технички уредник: Мехмед Али Хоџа... more
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      Macedonia1960Просветно делоНаш Свет
The article explores the position of the Gerousia in the associative universe of the Greek cities of the Imperial period. The first section examines the public dimension of the Gerousia, as it emerges from its interaction with the civic... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryVoluntary AssociationsAncient Greek History
A human double burial combined with a horse interment, discovered in 2004 in the eastern cemetery of the Roman town of Ovilava (today Wels/AUT), has been the subject of a comprehensive interdisciplinary study. This burial was remarkable... more
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The article presents a detailed philological and linguistic commentary on the Phrygian (Mysian) inscription discovered in 2021 at Gordion (§§ 1–18). The final part (§ 19) offers observations on the ethnolinguistic and sociolinguistic... more
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Since the end of 2018, the Croatian Science Foundation has been funding the scientific research project “Understand- ing Roman Borders: the Case of the Eastern Adriatic”. The project aims to determine possible archaeological traces of... more
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Nowruz, which means “new day”, is a day given importance by the communities in Central Asia and Khorasan for a long time. Nowruz, accepted as the beginning of the spring of 21 March, is celebrated as the spring festival after the “cemre”... more
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A series of remarkable images on mosaics from sepulchral buildings or ritual halls, textile works of art within a Christian context, as well as pyxides, introduce strange and unusual mythological figures into the widespread theme of... more
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