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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionEarly Modern economic and social historyKonfessionalisierung
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the Book
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The prevalence of animal imagery in Celestina' has been studied by a number of critics, including Shipley and Salvador MigueL2 I would like to explore the occurrence of two animals in the work, namely the ass and the dog. The ass is... more
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    • Psychology
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      HistoryJewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryJewish History
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      HistoryLawRussian HistoryLegislation
The monograph presents a comprehensive historical analysis of the legal, social, religious, and economic life of Lviv craftsmen in the early modern period. The study consists of two parts (Corporation and People), which alternately... more
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      Economic HistoryEthnic StudiesEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Lviv
“History of the Lviv Archdiocese” (1614–1700) by Lviv canon Jan Tomasz Józefowicz is a comprehensive narrative of the history of Lviv and the East-Central Europe during the early modern period. It is being published in its entirety for... more
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      history of PolandHistory of LvivHistory of UkraineІсторія Церкви
ToC Introduction, Jeanne Peiffer and Volker Remmert 1. Everyday Numeracy, Maryvonne Spiesser 2. Practice and Profession, James Bennett 3. Inventing Mathematics, Sébastien Maronne 4. Mathematics and Worldviews, David Rabouin 5.... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of Mathematics (History)Early Modern ScienceScientific Revolution
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      HistoryHistoriographyPoliticsScandinavian history
In connection with the urban and housing policies since the Thatcher regime of the U.K., urban improvements, including the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB), and the trend of the activies of housing associations (HAs) were investigated.... more
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Arie Dubnov on Moshe Dayan's 1956 Eulogy in the Memory of Ro'i Rotberg. Podcast audio. Episode 3 in the AJS's Critical Sources podcast 32:08, recorded 2024. The Critical... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael/PalestineBorders and FrontiersEulogy
DOI: NJOG 2010 Jan-Feb; 4(2): 32-39
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Hoy en día vivimos tiempos donde la mayoría de países del mundo busca frenar el alarmante cambio climático mediante el desarrollo de proyectos de aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales de nuestro planeta, incluyendo en estos... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEnvironmental HistoryNaval HistoryEnvironmental Sustainability
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    • Geschiedenis
When Prince Ladislas Sigismund of Poland visited Florence in January-February 1625 as part of his Grand Tour, he was presented with a long series of entertainments comprising a "sacra rappresentazione" (Andrea Salvadori' s "La regina... more
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      History of FlorenceCourt historyRenaissance Jousting and Tournaments
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      Christian MissionsStoria delle Missioni
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      HistoryLinguisticsLiterary studiesLanguage Studies
Presentazione del Laboratorio di Umanistica Digitale dell'Università degli Studi di Cagliari (L.U.Di.Ca.), Cagliari, 21.11.2023.
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      Digital HumanitiesEarly Modern HistoryPublic HistoryInformatica umanistica
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      HistoryAncient HistoryOttoman EmpireIslam
Typography is two-dimensional architecture, based on experience and imagination, guided by rules and readability. And this is the purpose of typography: the arrangement of design elements within a given structure should allow the reader... more
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      HumanitiesWar StudiesPolitical ScienceGreat War
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      Mongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol Empire
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The article investigates how the word "flykting" (eng. refugee) entered the Swedish language, with forced migrants fleeing from Finland and Sweden's Baltic territories during the great northern war. I argue that this word and the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRefugee StudiesHistory of Forced MigrationsRefugee History
En este volumen de la colección presentamos las salinas de Remolinos (Zaragoza), San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia), El Zacatín (Murcia), Duernas (Córdoba) y Fuente Camacho (Loja, Granada). Como sucede en los anteriores volúmenes los textos... more
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      CroatianHrvatskiKa Band
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    • Bányászat történet
Lätlased ja tšuhnaad: kohalikud ja võõrad Liivi sõja aegses Eestis ja Lätis. Latyshi and Chukhontsy: locals and strangers in Estonia and Latvia during the Livonian War (1558–1582
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      Ethnic StudiesEarly Modern HistoryPolitical ScienceRussian History
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      HumanitiesEarly Modern HistoryHumorLaughter
Reseña del libro Risa y llanto en los tratados de Gracián. De «El héroe» a la «Agudeza y arte de ingenio».
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      HumanitiesEarly Modern HistoryHumorLaughter
Il volume, che raccoglie gli atti del Convegno nazionale della SFI, tenutosi a Napoli nella primavera del 2023, su Le parole della filosofia. Le metamorfosi del vocabolario del pensiero nella storia, offre, a lettori esperti, studenti e... more
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      FilosofíaStoria della FilosofiaStoria della filosofia antica
The paper deals with a specific kind of epigraphic monuments in Gemer region. Graffiti inscriptions, unlike other inscriptions, were mostly created spontaneously. Although this has a negative effect on their formal design, it can also... more
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      Early Modern HistoryLatin EpigraphyGraffiti in historyMedieval Epigraphy
From mythical islands located in an uncertain part of the Indies, to the destination of scores of navigators, soldiers, traders, priests, and mere adventurers only decades later, the Moluccas quickly became known in Europe for their... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of CartographyHistory of NavigationHistory of Nautical Cartography
O Seminário Internacional de Doutorandos: Desafios da História concretiza-se com 21 comunicações e duas conferências convidadas proferidas por investigadores de quatro universidades portuguesas e sete espanholas. A quarta edição deste... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesArtEarly Modern History
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    • Histoire Urbaine
El 22 de febrero de 1744 una escuadra española con apoyo francés y otra británica intercambiaron fuego intensamente en la que sería conocida como la batalla de Tolón o del cabo Sicié. A consecuencia de la misma, los españoles perdieron el... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNaval History18th Century Spain
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Byzantine Archaeology
La question de savoir qui a le droit de gouverner les océans et d'en réglementer l'utilisation reste d'actualité. Cette présentation vise à montrer comment cette problématique a agité l'esprit des juristes et des diplomates depuis le... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryLegal History
»Exploring new perspectives concerning regions traditionally considered "on the margins" of Europe, this book fills a gap in current historiography through its analysis of cities, space, and economy from the High Middle Ages to the... more
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      Economic HistorySouthern EuropeMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History