Roman History
Recent papers in Roman History
Problemy starożytnej administracji, czyli w jaki sposób rzymscy urzędnicy troszczyli się o swoją stolicę; rec. książki: Renata Kamińska, W trosce o Miasto. ,,Cura Urbis” w Rzymie okresu republiki i pryncypatu
Une conférence tout public pour présenter à des lycéens et à des parents une grande ville grecque portuaire, devenue capitale de province romaine, et présentant un peuplement mixte : plusieurs milliers d'Italiques résident Éphèse et sur... more
Knowing the toponyms, that is the local names, is of great importance for arche ology and history because with their help we can more easily identify the former settlements, fortresses, the routes along which important communications... more
En un trabajo reciente analizábamos el problema del tráfico por el río Guadalquivir y el transporte de las ánforas por el mismo durante el Alto Imperio romano. Hoy pretendemos hacer un esbozo de lo que pudo suponer el transporte de dichas... more
Nell'ambito degli studi sulla città romana di Foligno-Fulginia, si valutano alcuni importanti indizi per un'interpretazione del sito suburbano di S.Maria in Campis probabile area di culto di Ercole legato al commercio del sale e alla... more
The article explores the position of the Gerousia in the associative universe of the Greek cities of the Imperial period. The first section examines the public dimension of the Gerousia, as it emerges from its interaction with the civic... more
Since the end of 2018, the Croatian Science Foundation has been funding the scientific research project “Understand- ing Roman Borders: the Case of the Eastern Adriatic”. The project aims to determine possible archaeological traces of... more
It has frequently been maintained that a Roman legation which, according to Livy, was sent to the Greek East in 172 should be considered an annalistic doublet of a legation dispatched later, probably in the winter of 172/171. This paper... more
Roman women – priestesses, patrician women, mysterious guardians of the sacred flame of goddess Vesta, admired and respected, sometimes blamed for misfortune of the Eternal City. Vestals identified with the eternity of Rome, the... more
I resti della Porticus Aemilia hanno caratterizzato nei secoli, insieme al Monte Testaccio e alle Mura Aureliane, il paesaggio della pianura subaventina, racchiuso tra le vie Florio, Branca, Rubattino e Vespucci. Tra il 2011 e il 2013,... more
Although ignored in current treatments of Roman political culture, women were active in the streets of Rome and throughout Italy in the war-torn mid-Republic. Comedy is the best contemporary witness, developing as it did from the 270s BCE... more
Medical and Pharmaceutical University of Galaţi, RomaniaIntroduction: Dilated cardiomyopathy is a severe condition in which the heart muscle is weakened and no longer has the strength to pump blood throughout the body. The weakened heart... more
A hoard of thirty-two Short Cross pennies and one cut halfpenny was recovered by metal-detectorists at Buchlyvie, Stirlingshire, in 2019. It is currently being assessed for Treasure Trove purposes, and has the temporary designation TTDB... more
This collection of papers sheds light on how coins, riches, and lands were gained and distributed among soldiers, warriors, and mercenaries. Contributions cover a wide chronological span from Late Pharaonic to early medieval times,... more
Groundwater vulnerability assessment is a crucial step in the efficient management of groundwater resources, especially in areas with intensive anthropogenic activities and groundwater pollution. In the present study, the DRASTIC method... more
Investigations in the extra muros sector called Main Gate-Main Tower started in the year 2000 and, with a few interruptions, are still ongoing today. The sector is located in the centre of early Roman Histria and underwent numerous... more
In the 16th century, Muslim cartography once more began a resurgence, which was primarily caused by the rise of the Ottoman Empire and its relations with Europe. Be it the Tunisian ‘Ali al-Sharafi or the Ottoman fleet admiral Piri Reis.... more
En 1988 se creó, por primera vez, una cátedra de Historia Antigua en la Cataluña postguerra civil. La cátedra de Historia Antigua había sido asociada a la de Prehistoria, regida por el profesor. D. Joan Maluquer de Montes i Nicolau, quien... more
E’ il secondo di due volumi di un’opera che cerca di illustrare le vie e le città d’Italia esistenti in epoca romana. I tracciati delle strade sono dedotti da due fonti primarie, l’Itinerarium Antonini Augusti e la Tabula Peutingeriana,... more
E’ il primo di due volumi di un’opera che cerca di illustrare le vie e le città d’Italia esistenti in epoca romana. I tracciati delle strade sono dedotti da due fonti primarie, l’Itinerarium Antonini Augusti e la Tabula Peutingeriana, da... more