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Plummer, TW and Bishop, LC
Oldowan Hominin Behavior and Ecology at Kanjera South, Kenya
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Plummer, TW and Bishop, LC (2016) Oldowan Hominin Behavior and
Ecology at Kanjera South, Kenya. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 94.
ISSN 1827-4765
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JASs Proceeding Paper
doi 10.4436/jass.94033
Journal of Anthropological Sciences
Vol. 94 (2016), pp. 1-12
e-pub ahead of print
Oldowan hominin behavior and ecology at Kanjera South,
Thomas W. Plummer1 & Laura C. Bishop2
1) Department of Anthropology, Queens College, CUNY and NYCEP, 65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing,
NY 11367 USA
e-mail: thomas.plummer@qc.cuny.edu
2) Research Centre for Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology, School of Natural Sciences and
Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF UK
Summary - The Early Stone Age archaeological record does not become persistent and widespread until
approximately 2.0-1.7 million years ago, when Oldowan sites spread across Africa and ultimately into
Eurasia. However, good records of hominin behavior from this important time interval are uncommon.
Here we describe recent findings from the two million year old Oldowan site of Kanjera South, on the
Homa Peninsula of southwestern Kenya. Kanjera South is the oldest Oldowan site with large assemblages
of stone artifacts and well-preserved archaeological fauna. Our research indicates that hominin activities
were situated in an open habitat within a grassland dominated ecosystem, the first documentation of an
archaeological site in such an open setting. Hominins selectively collected and transported stone materials
(30% of the lithic assemblage) over longer distances (at least 10 km) than is typical for the Oldowan,
reflecting their preference for hard, easily-flaked lithologies unavailable on the northern half of the Homa
Peninsula. They deployed different technological strategies to more intensively utilize these hard, non-local
raw materials. Artifacts were used for a variety of tasks, including butchering small antelopes probably
obtained by hunting, working wood, working soft plant material, and processing underground storage
organs. These data suggest that the Kanjera hominins utilized a technological system that allowed them to
extract nutrient dense animal and plant foods from their environment. This shift towards the acquisition of
nutritious, hard-to-acquire foods in packets large enough to be shared may have facilitated brain and body
size expansion in the genus Homo.
Keywords - Lithic technology, Hominin adaptation, East Africa.
Background to lithic technology
The oldest evidence for stone tool manufacture comes from the 3.3 million year old (Ma)
site of Lomekwi 3, on the western shore of Lake
Turkana, Kenya (Harmand et al., 2015; Hovers,
2015). The context and behaviors associated
with this early industry, named the Lomekwian,
are still under investigation, but it is clear that
flake production was generally carried out by
hitting a stone against stationary anvils on the
ground. How well established stone tool use
was in the late Pliocene, the tasks the tools were
used for, and the identity of the hominin (living humans and related fossil species) taxon (or
taxa) that produced the earliest stone artifacts all
require further investigation. One possible use of
the tools was for animal butchery. While stone
tool-modified bones have yet to be found associated with Lomekwian artifacts, linear marks on
roughly coeval (3.39 Ma) surface fossils from
Dikika, Ethiopia, may have been produced by
hominins cutting meat off of bones using stone
tools (McPherron et al., 2010, 2011; though see
the JASs is published by the Istituto Italiano di Antropologia
Oldowan hominin behavior and ecology
Dominguez-Rodrigo et al., 2010, 2012 for a
contradictory interpretation).
Beginning ca. 2.6 Ma, artifacts referred to
the Oldowan Industry, within the Oldowan
Industrial Complex (type site Olduvai Gorge,
Tanzania) appear in the geological record of East
Africa (Leakey, 1971; Plummer, 2004; Rogers &
Semaw, 2009). In contrast to the Lomekwian,
Oldowan artifact production was frequently carried out with stones held in both hands, using a
method termed hard-hammer percussion. One
stone, often a rounded “hammerstone,” was used
to hit another stone held in a fixed position in
the opposite hand (a “core” or “flaked piece”) in
order to knock off “flakes,” or “detached pieces.”
Hominins at most Oldowan sites were selective
in the raw materials they used to make tools,
suggesting at least a nominal appreciation for the
material properties of different stone lithologies.
Animal carcasses were also transported, at least
by 2 Ma. It is the transport of materials, both
stones and foodstuffs, which is one of the novelties of Oldowan hominin behavior (Potts, 1991;
Plummer, 2004).
Research over the last several decades has produced a great deal of data, and sometimes contradictory interpretations, of Oldowan hominin
behavior and the adaptive significance of early
stone tools. It is clear that Oldowan hominins
had a sophisticated sense of fracture mechanics
by the time of the first appearance of the industry ca. 2.6 Ma at Gona, Ethiopia (Semaw et al.,
2003; Delagnes & Roche, 2005; Stout et al.,
2005, 2010; Toth et al., 2006; Rogers & Semaw,
2009). Moreover, the concentration of artifacts
at least a short distance from raw material sources
indicates the appearance in the behavioral record
of novel transport and discard behaviors, where
materials with no nutritive value (rocks) were
moved around the landscape in anticipation of
activities requiring the use of stone tools.
It has been argued by some that there were
important differences in the behavior of hominins forming the older sites (ca. 2.6-2.3 Ma)
relative to the younger ones (ca. 2.0-1.7 Ma)
attributed to this industrial complex (Harmand,
2009a,b; Goldman-Neuman & Hovers, 2012;
Potts, 2012), with the gap in these time ranges
reflecting a dearth of sites from ca. 2.3-2.0 Ma.
The older Oldowan sites are more geographically
restricted, appearing first in Gona, Ethiopia at
2.6-2.5Ma, and then between 2.36-2.32 Ma at
Hadar and Omo, Ethiopia and Lokalalei, Kenya.
These sites tend to combine variable degrees of
raw material selectivity with short lithic transport distances (generally a few tens to hundreds
of meters) (Stout et al., 2005; Goldman-Neuman
& Hovers, 2012). It is unclear what this variability in selectivity, ranging from simply choosing relatively homogeneous cobbles to choosing
specific raw materials and specific cobble shapes,
represents. Some researchers (e.g., Harmand,
2009a) entertain the possibility that it reflects
differing levels of manual dexterity and/or technical skills between different groups (or species)
of hominins. It is also possible that some variation represents different culturally transmitted
social traditions, though there is currently no
strong data to support this interpretation (Stout
et al., 2010). Another feature of the older set
of sites is that they occur within confined stratigraphic intervals and a narrow range of geological
settings (Quade et al., 2004; Potts, 2012). The
three well-studied sites at 2.58 Ma from Gona,
for example, are found in the same stratigraphic
interval in a fluvial fining upwards sequence
above large cobble conglomerates (Stout et al.,
2010). Finally, the exact function of the stone
artifacts is not entirely clear. While cutmarks
have been found on bones from the surface of
several Gona sites (Dominguez-Rodrigo et al.,
2005), there are no in situ assemblages of bones
from any of the older sites that preserve definitive evidence of butchery (e.g., de Heinzelin et
al., 1999; Dominguez-Rodrigo & MartinezNavarro, 2012). This has led some to argue that
many Oldowan sites are palimpsests of hominin
and carnivore activity, where hominins were
primarily using stone tools for non-butchery
related activities, such as plant processing (e.g.,
Dominguez-Rodrigo, 2009).
Sites in the 2.0-1.7 Ma time interval are
more geographically widespread, appearing
for the first time in new regions of East Africa
T.W. Plummer & L.C. Bishop
(e.g., the Homa Peninsula, Kenya), North
Africa (e.g., Ain Hanech, Algeria) as well as in
South Africa (e.g., Sterkfontein, Swartkrans),
and across a wider variety of depositional settings and habitats (Potts, 1998, 2012; Plummer,
2004; Plummer et al., 2009a; Magill et al., 2013;
Sahnouni et al., 2013). The appearance of H.
erectus sensu lato, and dispersal of hominins
out of Africa into Eurasia also occurred during
this time interval (Zhu et al., 2004; Ferring et
al., 2011; Lordkipanidze et al., 2013). In addition to this wider geographic spread, hominin
activities appear more persistent temporally, for
example occurring through consecutive layers in
an almost 3 meter sequence of sediments at the
2.0 Ma locality of Kanjera South, Kenya, probably representing hundreds of years of deposition (Plummer et al., 1999), or through levels
of the FLK I locality representing thousands
of years of deposition at Bed I Olduvai Gorge,
Tanzania (Leakey, 1971; Hay, 1976). Relative
to the older occurrences, sites in the 2.0-1.7 Ma
time interval tend to combine generally complex
raw material selectivity patterns with on average
longer transport distances, with some evidence
that particular raw materials were being collected for the production of specific artifact types
(Plummer, 2004; Braun et al., 2008; Harmand,
2009a,b; Goldman-Neuman & Hovers, 2012;
Potts, 2012).
The zooarchaeological record also becomes
more substantial in the 2.0-1.7 Ma time interval,
with evidence of hominin processing of fauna
recovered from multiple sites across Africa (e.g.,
Kanjera South and FwJj20, Kenya; FLK Zinj,
Tanzania; Ain Hanech, Algeria, Swartkrans,
South Africa) (Pickering et al., 2008; Braun et
al., 2010; Ferraro et al., 2013; Sahnouni et al.,
2013). These sites provide clear evidence of the
routine transport of artifacts as well as delayed
consumption and transport of food (animal
carcasses, and possibly plant foods) across the
landscape. This may reflect a socioeconomic
shift towards more cooperative foraging and provisioning in hominin groups (Plummer, 2004;
Swedell & Plummer, 2012). The most comprehensively studied Oldowan zooarchaeological
assemblages are derived from Mary and Louis
Leakey’s pioneering work at Olduvai Gorge,
Tanzania (Leakey, 1971; Potts, 1988;
Dominguez-Rodrigo et al., 2007), with interpretation of the faunal assemblage from FLK I Level
22 (FLK-Zinjanthropus or FLK Zinj) dominating the discussion of Oldowan hominin subsistence practices (Bunn & Kroll, 1986; Potts, 1988;
Oliver, 1994; Blumenschine, 1995; Capaldo,
1997; Selvaggio, 1998; Dominguez-Rodrigo et
al., 2007; Pante et al., 2012). Whether large
mammals were acquired by hominins as fleshy or
as largely defleshed carcasses with only marrow
and head contents remaining has been a point
of contention for some time (Binford, 1981;
Bunn & Kroll, 1986; Dominguez-Rodrigo et al.,
2007; Pante et al., 2012). The mode of carcass
acquisition, frequency of meat consumption and
evolutionary significance of animal tissue is still
debated, with some researchers arguing that high
quality plant foods (e.g, underground storage
organs (USOs)) were of greater dietary and socioeconomic importance than meat (O’Connell et
al., 1999; Wrangham et al., 1999). The intensity of competition between Oldowan hominins
and carnivores is also debated, as is the competitive position of Oldowan hominins within the
Plio-Pleistocene carnivore guild (Blumenschine,
1987; Bunn & Ezzo, 1993; Brantingham, 1998;
Parkinson et al., 2015). Finally, the interpretation of behaviors leading to site formation range
broadly (Plummer, 2004), from hominins picking over bones at carnivore kill sites with no faunal transport (Binford, 1981), to extensive food
and lithic transport and food sharing at secure
positions on the landscape (Isaac, 1978; Rose &
Marshall, 1996).
On-going research at Kanjera South, Kenya,
provides excellent data sets for assessing the
behavior of Oldowan hominins in this critical
time interval. One of the primary goals of our
research is to investigate the adaptive significance
of Oldowan tools. Did stone tool use play an
important but perhaps not always essential role
in the foraging ecology of early humans, akin to
chimpanzee tool usage, or was hominin foraging stone tool-dependent? Understanding how
Oldowan hominin behavior and ecology
Oldowan stone tools were manufactured, transported, used, and discarded across the landscape
will tell us something fundamental about the
behavior and cognitive sophistication of the oldest stone tool makers, and the importance of tool
manufacture and use to their survival.
The Oldowan Site of Kanjera South,
Since 1995 an interdisciplinary team of
palaeontologists, archaeologists, and geologists
has been investigating the late Pliocene and
Pleistocene deposits exposed at Kanjera South,
which lies on the northern margin of the Homa
Peninsula (Behrensmeyer et al., 1995; Ditchfield
et al., 1999; Plummer et al., 1999, 2009a,b;
Bishop et al., 2006; Braun et al., 2008, 2009a,b;
Ferraro et al., 2013; Lemorini et al., 2014)
(Fig. 1). Centrally located on the peninsula, the
peaks of the Homa Mountain carbonatite complex are ringed by sediments deposited in alluvial
fans, and by streams and lakes. Fossil-bearing
sediments extend back in time to at least 6 Ma,
with the oldest well-dated archaeological occurrence being found at Kanjera South.
Magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy indicate that the archaeological sites at Kanjera South
are approximately 2 million years old (Plummer et
al., 2009). The silts and fine sands at the locality were deposited in and around channels and
floodplains near the foothills of Homa Mountain
(Fig. 1). We have recovered multiple levels of stone
artifacts and associated fauna successively through
three beds (from oldest to youngest KS-1 through
KS-3) spanning approximately three meters of
sediment (Plummer et al., 1999). The sands and
sandy silts of the beds were deposited by variable
water flow in unconfined ephemeral channels.
Thin conglomerate lenses represent brief intervals
of more rapid water flow. Except for the conglomerate lenses, hominin activity was the primary
agent of accumulation of the Kanjera archaeological materials (Plummer et al., 1999; Ferraro et al.,
2013). The 169 m2 Excavation 1 is the largest
excavation to date, and has yielded approximately
3700 fossils and 2900 artifacts with 3D (N, E, and
Z) coordinates, exclusive of materials from spit
bags and sieving. This represents one of the largest
collections of Oldowan artifacts and fauna.
The environmental setting of hominin activities
It is important to document the spectrum
of habitats that were available to hominins, and
to understand hominin adaptation we need to
determine whether they preferred particular
habitats within the available range. Over larger
timescales and geographic regions, patterns of
environmental change can be related to hominin evolutionary patterns to investigate whether
environmental change correlates with and potentially triggered evolutionary change (deMenocal,
1995). It seems likely, for example, that the
spread of grassy habitats played an important role
in the evolution and lifeways of species within
the genus Homo (deMenocal, 2004; Cerling et
al., 2011; Dominguez-Rodrigo, 2014).
Hominin activities at Kanjera South occurred
in a more open, grassy setting than is typically associated with Oldowan sites. On a local scale, analysis of the chemistry of soil carbonate nodules associated with the archaeological horizons provides
information about the vegetation cover (proportion of grasses using the C4 photosynthetic pathway versus plants such as bushes, shrubs, or trees
using the C3 photosynthetic pathway) at the time
that hominins were making, using and discarding
stone tools at the site. The Kanjera soil carbonates
have δ 13C values indicative of a very grassy setting (> 75% grass), within the range of open habitats such as wooded grasslands to open grasslands
today (Plummer et al., 2009b). Antelopes whose
living relatives are found in open settings dominate
the bovid sample, and fossil equids are also common (Plummer et al., 1999; Bishop et al., 2006).
This fauna indicates that grassy habitats were well
represented within the regional plant palaeocommunity, and not simply located in the immediate
vicinity of the site. Stable carbon isotope analysis
of enamel indicates that these animals had diets
composed predominantly of C4 plants, again
reflecting the dominance of grass in the vegetation
community (Plummer et al., 2009b).
T.W. Plummer & L.C. Bishop
Fig.1 - The location of Kanjera in southwestern Kenya and of the Southern Exposures at Kanjera
where the Oldowan occurrences are found. The composite stratigraphic log shows the basal three
beds of the Southern Member of the Kanjera Formation (from oldest to youngest KS-1 to KS-3) and
the base of KS-4. Spatially associated artifacts and fossils are found as diffuse scatters and also in
more vertically discrete concentrations from the top of KS-1 through KS-3, with KS-2 providing the
bulk of the archaeological sample. After Lemorini et al. (2014), Figure 1.
The ca. 2.0 Ma sediments at Kanjera South
thus provide some of the best early evidence for a
grassland dominated ecosystem during the time
period of human evolution, and the first clear
documentation of human ancestors forming
archaeological sites in such a setting. The presence of artifacts and archaeological fauna both
low and high in the KS-2 sequence and in the
underlying KS-1 and overlying KS-3 indicates
that hominins repeatedly visited this grass-rich
area on the landscape for hundreds of years.
This is significant for several reasons. The open
setting contrasts with the more wooded settings
associated with other Oldowan sites (Plummer et
al., 2009a,b; Braun et al., 2010). This suggests
that by 2 Ma, the hominins forming Oldowan
sites were using a broad spectrum of habitats
during their foraging. Activities in open settings
may have correlated with hominin utilization of
plant or animal resources that were specific to
those habitats. Moreover, the formation of sites
in an open setting provides one line of evidence
that hominins, in at least some palaeoecosystems,
were able to effectively compete with large carnivores. This is an important finding, as there is
clear evidence that Oldowan hominins were consuming animal carcasses, and this dietary shift
would have increased the frequency that hominins and carnivores came into contact, perhaps
in competition for the same carcass.
Oldowan hominin behavior and ecology
The importance of lithic technology
The Homa Peninsula and its immediate
environs have a complex geological history, so
that a diverse array of rocks are exposed in outcrops or as cobbles in conglomerates (Braun et
al., 2008; 2009a, b). This raw material diversity
is reflected in the artifact assemblages at Kanjera
South, which were made using a greater variety
of raw materials than typically found at other
Oldowan sites (Braun & Plummer, 2013).
Extensive raw material surveys both on and
off the Homa Peninsula combined with petrological and geochemical characterization of samples collected from primary outcrops and ancient
stream and river conglomerates have been used
to build a lithological data base for sourcing most
of the rocks used in artifact manufacture. We
thus have a good idea of how far the artifacts
were transported away from their sources prior
to their discard at Kanjera South (Braun et al.,
2008). Moreover, these rocks vary in physical
properties (e.g., hardness) that can be quantified,
with the harder, and often more easily flaked raw
materials originating from conglomerates off the
Homa Peninsula, outside of the drainage system
of Homa Mountain (Braun et al., 2009a, b).
Hardness is an important variable, as experiments have shown that a flake of a hard raw
material, like the quartzite found off of the
Homa Peninsula 10 or more km away from the
site, will maintain a sharp edge much longer than
a flake of a soft raw material, such as the limestone that outcrops locally (Braun et al., 2009b).
The spatial distribution of raw materials varying
in their physical attributes provides an opportunity to assess aspects of hominin decision making
in the selection, transport, and flaking of stone.
If stone tool manufacture was not a critical component of the foraging behavior of the hominins
at Kanjera there would be little pressure to transport stone, and one would expect the artifact
assemblage to be overwhelmingly dominated by
locally available raw materials from the conglomerates in the radial drainage system off of Homa
Mountain. What we found is that approximately
30% of the artifacts recovered from Kanjera were
made on rocks that were transported to the site
from conglomerates found at least 10-13 km
away (Braun et al., 2008). Moreover, these nonlocal raw materials were more extensively flaked,
and flaked more efficiently (generating more cutting edge per unit volume) than were the local
raw materials found on the peninsula (Braun et
al., 2009a,b) (Fig. 2). Large flakes of the nonlocal raw materials were sometimes used as cores,
again as a way to increase the amount of cutting
edge per unit of rock. Finally, flakes of some
of the hard, nonlocal raw materials were occasionally retouched to resharpen their edges, an
uncommon practice in the Oldowan. This suite
of behaviors reflects the attention hominins paid
to raw materials best suited for tool use. The
finding that there are not nearly enough cores
to account for all of the flakes at the site further
hints that the artifact sample at Kanjera was part
of a larger transport system (Braun & Plummer,
2013). It appears that cores were being carried
by hominins, for use to dispense flakes as needed
for various cutting tasks.
The fact that hominins were investing energy
in the transport of hard raw materials, and more
efficiently reducing these, suggests that artifact
manufacture was of great importance in their
day-to-day lives. But what was it that they were
doing with these artifacts? One certain use
was animal butchery (Lemorini et al., 2014).
Hominins were primarily acquiring small antelopes roughly the size of Grant’s gazelles at
Kanjera South (Ferraro et al., 2013; Parkinson,
2013). The representation of the different
bones of the skeleton indicates that complete
carcasses of these animals were brought to the
site. Analyses of dental eruption and long bone
fusion indicate that many of these antelopes were
immature when they died. Damage to the fossils
indicates that hominins were using stone tools to
slice meat off of bones, and to break bones open
for their marrow. The acquisition and butchery
of small, immature, largely complete bovid carcasses may very well be the oldest signal yet of
hominin hunting. Low frequencies of carnivore
toothmarks are found on the small bovid bones,
showing that carnivores were also occasionally
interested in the carcasses at the site. But the
T.W. Plummer & L.C. Bishop
Fig. 2 - Cores from Kanjera South exemplifying the relative reduction of local versus nonlocal raw
materials. A and B are cores made from fenetized andesite locally available at Kanjera South. C
and D are cores made from Nyanzian rhyolite that was transported at least 10 Km to the site from
the Paleo-Awach river system. Core D was a rhyolite flake that was knapped to produce additional
flakes. All scale bars are 1 cm. After Braun & Plummer (2013), Figure 2.
carnivore damage largely follows the hominin
damage, and appears to represent scavenging of
the leftovers of the hominin meals.
In contrast to the small bovids, the skeletal
part distribution of medium (e.g, wildebeestsized) bovids is suggestive of both early and late
access, most likely reflecting some degree of scavenging of medium and larger-sized mammals.
Because the artifacts and fauna are stratified in
three beds through several meters of sediment,
the zooarchaeological analysis provides evidence
of hominins having repeated access to largely
complete small bovid carcasses as well as at least
intermittent access to fleshy carcasses of larger
animals over hundreds of years (Ferraro et al.,
2013; Parkinson, 2013). This provides the oldest
evidence of sustained hominin involvement with
carcasses, and indicates that by 2 Ma hominins
at Kanjera South practiced persistent carnivory.
Artifact use-wear analysis provides another
avenue for assessing the range of activities carried
out by ancient hominins. We produced flakes
of the same raw materials used by the Kanjera
hominins, and used these experimentally produced tools to work a variety of materials, such
as soft and hard wood, grass, wild tubers, animal skin and animal flesh. This use-wear reference collection was then available for diagnosing
what hominins were cutting and scraping based
on the use-wear of the quartz and quartzite tools
found at the archaeological site (Lemorini et al.,
2014). Analysis of use-wear demonstrates that
artifacts were used for butchery, corroborating
the zooarchaeological evidence for animal butchery by hominins. However, the more important
result was the evidence for plant processing, which
would have been archaeologically invisible without
the use-wear analysis. Roughly two thirds (16 out
of 23) of the artifact edges with interpretable usewear were used to process plants, including herbaceous plants, USOs and wood, the latter potentially for making wooden tools. Documentation
of wood-working at Kanjera South may provide
the oldest evidence of a multi-step production of
Oldowan hominin behavior and ecology
tools, where hammerstones were used to strike
stone flakes from cores, which in turn were used to
make wooden implements. USOs are a collected
resource that can be bundled and transported,
and may have played a key role in the evolution
of central place foraging and provisioning (Isaac,
1978; O’Connell et al., 1999; Wrangham et al.,
1999). Despite the prominence of USOs in the
discussion of hominin diets, there has been very
little archaeological evidence supporting hominin
acquisition and consumption of them prior to the
Kanjera artifact use-wear study.
Research at Kanjera has informed us a great
deal about the habitat use and behaviors of
Oldowan hominins in one region of East Africa,
and about the potential importance of stone
technology to the lives of our ancestors living 2
Ma. Hominins were foraging in a variety of habitats, from grasslands to woodlands, and on the
Homa Peninsula at least, processing plant and
animal foods with stone tools. Tool use seems
to have been adaptively significant, as hominins
preferentially utilized and transported stones that
were hard, and because of this produced flakes
that held a sharp edge for a long time. Hominins
consumed foods including animal carcasses and
USOs that would have required stone tool use to
acquire and/or process, were of high nutritional
value, and in the case of whole gazelle carcasses
and dense patches of tubers came in packets large
enough to be shared. The fact that these behaviors are found throughout 3 meters of sediment
indicates that they were not ephemeral, but were
sustained activities by multiple generations of
hominins in the vicinity of Kanjera South over
decades to centuries (Ditchfield et al., 1999;
Ferraro et al., 2012).
Given the paucity of archaeological sites with
stone tools and well-preserved zooarchaeological
samples from equivalent and earlier time intervals,
the degree to which the Kanjera results are generalizable to early Homo populations existing ca. 2 Ma
can be debated. But there are pockets of evidence
to suggest that the behaviors discussed here are
not unique to the hominins forming the Kanjera
assemblages. The roughly coeval site of FwJj20
in Kenya also evinces utilization of high quality
foods requiring stone tool processing, including
large mammals and aquatic fauna (fish, turtles
and crocodiles) (Braun et al., 2010). The slightly
younger sites of Ain Hanech, Algeria, FLK Zinj,
Tanzania and Swartkrans, South Africa provide
documentation of early access to fleshy carcasses
of medium-sized mammals (Dominguez-Rodrigo
et al., 2007; Pickering et al., 2008; Sahnouni et al.,
2013). At FLK Zinj at least, these may have been
hunted (Bunn & Gurtov, 2014).
By approximately 1.89 Ma early H. erectus
appears in Africa. This taxon has a larger average body size and a larger absolute brain size than
previous hominin species, and by 1.85 Ma is the
first hominin to disperse outside of the continent
(Antón et al., 2014). H. erectus was large and
wide-ranging, had a high total energy expenditure, and required a high-quality diet (Antón et
al., 2002; Pontzer, 2012). Food sharing was probably practiced by this species as a way to decrease
the daily variance in foraging returns for high
quality, patchily dispersed resources, as well as to
assist reproductively active females and offspring
unable to meet their own nutritional requirements (Aiello & Key, 2002; Plummer, 2004;
Isler & van Schaik, 2012; Swedell & Plummer,
2012). The behaviors evidenced at Kanjera, just
prior to the first appearance of H. erectus, may be
the archaeological expression of this shift towards
the tool-dependent foraging of high quality foods
within a cooperative group context.
We are grateful to the Office of the President of
Kenya, and the National Museums of Kenya for
permission to study the Kanjera fossils and artifacts.
The Homa Peninsula field research was conducted
through the cooperative agreement between the
National Museums of Kenya and the Smithsonian
Institution. Logistical support and funding was
also provided by the Smithsonian’s Human Origins
T.W. Plummer & L.C. Bishop
Program. Funding from the L. S. B. Leakey Foundation, the National Geographic Society, the
National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren
Foundation, and the Professional Staff CongressCity University of New York Research Award Program for Kanjera field and laboratory work is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank Rick
Potts and the Human Origins Program for support
during all phases of the Kanjera research. Finally,
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participate in a wonderful, stimulating conference.
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