The People’s Ga de : U a Ga de i g, The a d No Saturday February 14th 1 . am-4pm Margaret Willes (UK) « The British Working Class and Garden History » Lisa Taylor (Leeds) : « Gardening with Taste : Gardening, Class and Lifestyle Gardening Television » Marion Ernwein (University of Geneva) « From Allotment Gardens to Community Gardens in Geneva : Discourses, Practices and Politics » Joëlle Salomon Cavin (University of Lausanne) « Urban Agriculture in Switzerland : Toward an Agrarisation of the City » o e o S s i d the -Pa a e o: s g e e l e l Co Co e Ga d gdale o a M e , t l e es t Chât CH, H h TOR Lau e t i t io s T us a oa I oll hi e Ga de ds ted: Oxfo e ues . o aio Regist o este h l e t a h e@g a il Se i e S ie es et Te h ologies