วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
Oxygen-Transfer Measurement in Clean Water
Zhen He*, Anurak Petiraksakul** and Warawitya Meesapya**
This paper presents the experiments on
The oxygen transfer capacity and the aeration
measurement of oxygen transfer capacity in clean
efficiency characterize the performance and economy
of aeration installations in activated sludge plants
[1]. From 1978, the guideline for the determination
small-scale tank with a volume of 17L. Pure
of the oxygen transfer capacity has been published.
oxygen was used to increase the dissolved
In 1984, the American Society of Civil Engineers
oxygen concentration in clean water (desorption
(ASCE), with international participation, published
measurement). While sodium sulfite was added to
the ASCE Standard “Measurement of Oxygen
decrease the dissolved oxygen concentration in
Transfer in Clean Water”. The test water shall be
absorption measurement. Standard oxygen transfer
equivalent in quality to a potable public water supply.
coefficient ( KLa20 ) was calculated based on the
Repetitive testing may be conducted in the same water,
variation of dissolved oxygen concentration with
provided that the TDS is not over 2000 mg/L [2].
time. For the absorption method, a mean value
This article presents the methods of measurement
of KLa20 can be obtained as 8.60 h-1 with a
based on the second edition of ASCE Standard
and German ATV Standard, and verifies the
oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE) was shown
influence of measurement condition. A diffuser was
in the range of 4.5-4.9% with water depth 0.3m
adopted to convey the oxygen into a batch tank.
by correcting the airflow condition. Desorption
Absorption and desorption measurements were used
measurement was investigated to certify the
to determine the oxygen transfer coefficient and
influence of water depth on SOTE. All the data
oxygen transfer efficiency. All the results were
on dissolved oxygen concentration and tested
analyzed based on standard condition, which is
water temperature was read by an electronic DO
defined as water temperature of 20°C and normal
atmospheric pressure (1013 hPa). A DO meter is the
main instrument to measure the dissolved oxygen
Keywords : dissolved oxygen concentration, oxygen
concentration, which can be used to calculate the
transfer coefficient ( KLa20 ), standard
transfer rate. Finally, the paper concludes the
oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE),
characteristic of the diffuser by SOTE. Meanwhile,
various influence factors will be analyzed by the
data treatment.
measurement and water depth.
Department of Environment & Resource, Technical University of Denmark.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology
North Bangkok.
วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
2. Theory
2.2 Summary of Test Methods
2.1 Definitions
2.2.1 Absorption Measurements
2.1.1 Oxygen Transfer Coefficient (KLaT , h-1 )
The oxygen transfer is determined from the
KLaT is determined by evaluation of an oxygen
increase of the previously, artificially lowered DO
transfer test in clean water at a certain aeration
concentration [1]. The depletion of oxygen can be
setting and at a certain temperature. It is
implemented by either adding chemicals or stripping
converted to the standard temperature of T = 20 C
with nitrogen gas. Normally, sodium sulphite is
as follows:
used to decrease the oxygen by the reaction:
K L a 20 = K L a T * 1.024 (20 - T)
2Na2SO3 + O2 → 2Na2SO4
To remove 1 kg of dissolved oxygen 8 kg of
2.1.2 Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate (SOTR20,
kg-O2.h- 1)
Na2SO3 is required. In order to expedite the reaction,
SOTR shows the amount of oxygen transferred
the catalyst of cobalt should be introduced into a
per hour at the standard condition. It can be
test tank. After the DO reach zero, the aeration
calculated by the following:
system will be switched on. By dissolving the
oxygen of the air into the water, the oxygen
SOTR = K L a 20 * C s ,20 * V
concentration increases according to the saturation
C s ,20
saturation concentration at 20 C and V
C t = C s - ( C s - C 0 ) * exp ( - K L a T * t) (6)
is the
liquid volume.
where Ct , Cs and C0 is the DO concentration at time
2.1.3 Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE,
t, saturation point and initial point, respectively.
KLa can be obtained by the relationship between
SOTE refers to the fraction of oxygen in
Ct and t.
an input airflow dissolved under the standard
condition. It can be computed by:
2.2.2 Desorption Measurements
The oxygen transfer is determined from
the decrease of the previously increased
concentration. Pure oxygen should be used to
where WO2 (kg/s) is the mass flow of oxygen in air
improve the DO concentration. Hydrogen peroxide
stream, which is calculated by:
can be an alternative of pure oxygen in most cases.
An increase of DO of about 10 mg/L should be
WO2 = 0.2765 Q s
achieved before the measurement. The decrease of
the DO follows a reversed saturation function,
Q s refers to air flow rate at standard condition
which equals to the one in absorption measurements.
defined as 0 C, 1.00 atm, and dry air (0% relative
humidity) [1]. Therefore, data about humidity,
2.3 Correction Factors
pressure and temperature are necessary for the
Due to the difference between the test condi-
conversion of the airflow rate.
tion and the standard condition, the data from the
วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
measurement should be converted into standard
condition by some correction factors.
Absorp tion
C s ,20 = C s ,T
DO (mg/l)
τ is the temperature correction factor equal to
C st,
T /Cst,
20 where C st,
T and C st,
20 are the
tabular value of DO surface saturation concentration
Desorp tion
at test temperature and 20°C, standard total pressure
Time (s )
of 1.00 atm and 100% relative humidity. Ω is the
pressure correction factor, which can be described
Figure 2 DO variation in different processes
as Pb / Ps where Pb and Ps are the barometric
pressure at test site during test and at standard
by the Figure 2. The variation of DO concentration
state (1 atm). In this experiment, an assumption was
is completed by either pure oxygen injection or
made that Ω is 1.
chemical addition.
3. Experimental Process
3.2.1 Calibration of DO Probe
Calibration of DO probe is necessary for the
3.1 Set-up
The equipment includes a 17 L of cylindrical
precise measurement. The methods used in this
tank with a diameter of 24 cm., a DO meter (YSI
experiment consist of zero check and saturation
model 550), a cylindrical ceramic diffuser, airflow
check. The zero check is run every time after the
meter and aerating device (Figure 1). The DO probe
probe is turned on, by putting probe into a 1-L tube
was installed at half water depth for absorption
added by 1 g sodium sulphite and 1 mg cobalt.
measurement. If more DO probes are applied, they can
With excess chemical, the water in the tube should
be installed at different water depth. Conductivity meter
contain zero dissolved oxygen. Saturation check
was used to measure the content of dissolved solids.
can be done before and after measurement, according
to the operation manual for the probe [3].
3.2 Operation Process
3.2.2 Temperature Measurement
Both absorption measurement and desorption
measurement were applied in the experiment. The
The temperature of test water can be read from
difference between two methods can be explained
the DO meter. The variation of temperature shall be
with an accuracy of
± 0.5 ๐C at the beginning and
the end of each test [1].
Probe M eter
Batch tank
3.2.3 Airflow Rate Measurement
DO Probe
A laboratory flowmeter made by G.A. Platon
Ltd is used to measure the airflow rate. The
Air flow meter
accuracy of the flowmeter has been checked before
Air pump
application. The inverse measuring cylinder filled with
water was used to calibrate air flowrate. The airflow
of 1550 cm3/min was applied in the measurement.
Figure 1 Sketch for experiment set-up
วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
3.2.4 Water quality
TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) and conductivity
of the test water were measured by a conductivity
AC (mg/L)
meter, when each test was finished. If TDS shows
a value higher than 2000 mg/L, the test water (clean
water) shall be changed.
3.2.5 Adding Chemicals (Absorption Measurements)
All the chemicals should be dissolved before
Time (s)
they are added. The amount of sodium sulphite
should be 10-15% more than the calculated result
Figure 4 Plot of residues of DO from a test
due to a lag time for admixture. Normally a cobalt
AC: Difference between the measured
concentration in water of 0.5 mg/L is sufficient.
DO and the predicted DO
If the test water is kept same, one time of addition
of cobalt is enough. Cobalt should be added before
should not exceed 0.8 Cs, T . At least 30 values should
sodium sulphite.
be collected for the data analysis. Desorption method
demands a start point that is 10 mg/L higher than
the saturation value.
3.2.6 Desorption Measurements
Pure oxygen and air tubes were connected to
a three-way valve fitting the other end to the diffuser.
4. Data Treatment
Pure oxygen was fed from an oxygen cylinder by a
Linear regression method is used to analyze
pressure-regulator valve through the diffuser into
the data from the experiment. This method is based
the clean water. When the DO concentration was
on the model through the DO-versus-time data.
increased to about 17 mg/L, the regulator was shut
However, equation (5) gives a nonlinear relationship
off and the air pump was switched on.
between DO concentration and time. Transformation
of this equation is necessary before it is applied. A
linear relationship can be obtained by equation (8).
3.2.7 Data Collection
With absorption method, when the concentration
C − Ct
ln s
C s − C0
of oxygen increases from zero, the test data can
start at about C = 0.1 Cs, T . The end point of the test
= K L aT * t
See in Figure 3, the slope of the plot between
C s − Ct
LnY = ln C − C and time giving a value of is
0.0031 s-1. The best estimates of the parameters,
y = 0.0031x + 0.0024
R = 0.9998
Ln Y
K L a T , is selected as the values that drive the model
equation through the prepared DO concentrationversus-time data points with a minimum residual
sum of squares [2]. The residual refers to the
difference in concentrations between a measured
Time (s)
DO value at a given time and the DO value
predicted by the model at the same time (Figure 4).
Figure 3 Plot of LnY versus time
วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
If the residue shows a curve, normally the
the lagging sodium sulphite oxidation or unstable
SOTE (%)
initial values of DO concentration are falsified by
mixing conditions. Incorrect values at the end of
the curve could influence the curved path of residues.
So, a new calculation is necessary, leaving out several
initial values or several final values [1].
2 9
5. Result and Discussion
T e s te d wa te r te mp e ra tu re ( C)
5.1 Determination of KLa20 in Clean Water
Absorption method is adopted to measure the
Figure 6 Results of SOTE in clean water
oxygen transfer rate in clean water. Results have
been converted into the standard condition by a
temperature correction factor shown in equation (1).
4. 6
Figure 5 shows the results from the water sample
SOT E( % )
with a depth of 0.30m. One thing should be noticed
that the following results are not trying to explain
the relationship between temperature and K L a 20
or SOTE. Theoretically, values of KLa20 should be
4. 4
4. 2
same due to the temperature correction.
The values of KLa20 are between 8.3 and 9 h-1
Wat er dept h ( m )
in the range of tested water temperature of 27.6-29°C.
The mean K L a 20 is 8.60 h-1. Temperature, water
Figure 7 Effect of water depth on SOTE
depth, and airflow could be the influence factors.
The results of SOTE values are within the
readings generally require a liquid velocity of at
range of 4.52 -4.81% as shown in Figure 6. The
least 0.3 m/sec near the water interface [2]. In this
values are much smaller than the reference numbers
experiment, we avoid stagnation by rapidly moving
because of the low water depth. Water turbulence
the probe through the sample [3].
may affect the probe readings. Accurate probe
Desorption technique was use to verify the
influence of water depth in the clean water. Five
different water depths (0.24, 0.26, 0.27, 0.30, and
0.32m) are chosen as test objective.
K a
2 0
(h )
5.2 Influence of Water Depth
Since the diffuser is installed at the bottom of
the tank, water depth can indicate the diffuser
depth. Figure 7 shows that SOTE increases with the
2 9
water depth because the contact time increases
T es ted w ater tem perature ( C)
between the bubble and the water. The increase of
Figure 5 Results of transfer rate in clean water by
oxygen partial pressure could be another reason for
absorption measurement
SOTE’s increasing [5]. However, this relationship
วารสารวิชาการพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ ปีท่ี 13 ฉบับที่ 1 ม.ค. - มี.ค. 2546
The Journal of KMITNB., Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. - Mar. 2003
only gives a tendency of variation of SOTE values,
strictly, such as temperature, airflow rate and stir of
instead of the precise values. Due to the small interval
water. The precision of experiment can be improved
of water depths chosen in this experiment, it is
by applying more DO probes at the different test
impossible to measure the exact change of SOTE
with water depth. For a precise measurement of SOTE
7. Acknowledgement
variation with water depth, a larger interval (0.5 m or
The authors would like to acknowledge. The
more) between water depths should be chosen.
Thailand Research Fund for financial support. They
5.3 Comparison of Absorption and Desorption
also would like to thank Department of Chemical
Engineering of KMITNB and IAESTE Thailand for
their kind help.
Figure 7 gives a SOTE value of 4.56% at water
depth 0.3m by desorption measurement, which is
within the range of 4.52-4.81% (Figure 6) at the same
water depth from absorption measurement. Both
German ATV Standards : Measurement of the
methods can meet the requirement for clean water
Oxygen transfer in Activated Sludge Aeration
Tanks with Clean Water and in Mixed Liquor.
chemicals in
pp.1-54. 1996.
absorption measurement, TDS shall be controlled
under 2000 mg/L; while no consideration of TDS
ASCE Standard : Measurement of Oxygen
is necessary with desorption measurement. The
Transfer in Clean Water. Second Edition.
economic factor shall be taken into consideration
pp.1-42. 1992.
when choosing a method. The comparison of cost
Operations Manual for YSI 550 Handheld
between pure oxygen and chemicals added can be
Dissolved oxygen and Temperature System,
investigated further.
YSI Incorporated. pp.1-27.
pr-European Standard : Wastewater treatment
plants - Part 15 : Measurement of the oxygen
6. Conclusion
transfer in clean water in activated sludge
The practice of absorption and desorption
methods for measurement of oxygen transfer
aeration tanks: pp.1-16. 1999.
coefficient in the laboratory, have been presented in
this paper. The test condition should be controlled
ASCE Water Environment Federation : Aeration
A Wastewater Treatment Process. pp.21-71.1996.