Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Ozonation followed by ultraviolet irradiation provides effective
bacteria inactivation in a freshwater recirculating system
Mark J. Sharrer 1, Steven T. Summerfelt *
The Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute, 1098 Turner Road, Shepherdstown, WV 25443, United States
Received 23 January 2007; accepted 21 May 2007
Recirculating aquaculture systems may require an internal disinfection process to control population growth of pathogens and
heterotrophic bacteria. Ozonation and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation are two technologies that have been used to treat relatively large
aquaculture flows, including flows within freshwater systems that recirculate water. The objective of the present study was to
evaluate the effectiveness of ozone application alone or ozone application followed by UV irradiation to reduce abundance of
heterotrophic and total coliform bacteria in a water reuse system. Results indicate that when only ozone was applied at dosages –
defined by the product of the ozone concentration times the mean hydraulic residence time (Ct) – that ranged from 0.10 to
3.65 min mg/L, the total heterotrophic bacteria counts and total coliform bacteria counts in the water exiting the contact basin were
reduced to, respectively, 3–12 cfu/mL (1.1–1.6 LOG10 reduction) and 2–18 cfu/100 mL (1.9–3.1 LOG10 reduction). Bacteria
inactivation appeared to be just as effective at the lowest ozone ct dosage (i.e., 0.1 mg/L ozone after a 1 min contact time) as at the
highest ozone ct dosage (i.e., 0.2 mg/L ozone after a 16.6 min contact time). As with our previous research on UV inactivation of
bacteria, we hypothesize that the recirculating system provided a selection process that favors bacteria that embed within particulate
matter or that form bacterial aggregates that provides shielding from oxidation. However, when ozonation was followed by UV
irradiation, the total heterotrophic bacteria counts and total coliform bacteria counts in the water exiting the UV irradiation unit were
reduced to, respectively, 0–4 cfu/mL (1.6–2.7 LOG10 reduction) and 0–3 cfu/100 mL (2.5–4.3 LOG10 reduction). Thus, combining
ozone dosages of only 0.1–0.2 min mg/L with a UV irradiation dosage of approximately 50 mJ/cm2 would consistently reduce
bacteria counts to near zero. These findings were orders of magnitude lower than the bacteria counts measured in the system when it
was operated without disinfection or with UV irradiation alone. These findings indicate that combining ozonation and UV
irradiation can effectively disinfect recirculating water before it returns to the fish culture tank(s).
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ozonation; Ultraviolet irradiation; Advanced oxidation; Bacteria inactivation; Disinfection; Recirculating system; Water reuse;
1. Introduction
Fish feed is carbonaceous matter that is high in
protein nitrogen, and it has a balance of minerals and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 304 870 2211;
fax: +1 304 870 2208.
E-mail addresses:
(M.J. Sharrer),
(S.T. Summerfelt).
Tel.: +1 304 876 2815x224; fax: +1 304 870 2208.
0144-8609/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
vitamins. Therefore, nutrients and dissolved organics
from uneaten feed, fish feces, and excretion create an
environment favorable to a diversity for bacteria,
protozoa, micrometazoa and fungi that have a major
water quality impact in high density, water reuse
aquaculture (Colberg and Lingg, 1978; Lohr and
Gratzek, 1984; Bullock et al., 1993, 1997; Blancheton
and Canaguier, 1995; Liltved et al., 1995; Hocheimer
and Wheaton, 1995; Macphee et al., 1995; Blancheton,
2000; Leonard et al., 2000, 2002; Sugita et al., 2005;
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Michaud et al., 2006). Indeed, a reuse aquaculture
system (RAS) with a nitrification reactor requires
growth of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria, while
heterotrophic bacteria are required to prevent accumulation of soluble biochemical oxygen demand (sBOD)
or to provide denitrification.
Inadequate solids removal in culture systems can
rapidly deteriorate water quality (Rakelmann and
Hilge, 1983) and augment microbial growth (Blancheton and Canaguier, 1995; Blancheton, 2000;
Leonard et al., 2000, 2002). Removal of suspended
solids enhances fish health by improving water quality
and removing potential pathogens associated with
those solids. Husbandry practices that include regular
tank cleaning and the flushing of sumps and pipes may
reduce pathogen reservoirs and thereby decrease
potential epizootic outbreaks (Bebak-Williams et al.,
Virulent as well as opportunistic fish pathogens may
buildup in reuse culture system – in the water column, in
the biofilm, or on the fish – due to the prolonged water
retention times, increased substrate concentrations, high
fish densities, and continuous production techniques. As
the pathogen concentration is amplified in the
recirculating water, the risk of disease and epidemic
loss increases. Obviously, strict biosecurity practices
should be implemented to prevent introduction of fish
pathogens from contaminated feed, water supply, fish
and eggs from suppliers, and microbes carried into the
fish culture facility by staff and visitors (BebakWilliams et al., 2002). If biosecurity barriers are
breached and fish pathogens enter a fish farm, then the
disease problem must be addressed through disinfection
techniques that are costly, time consuming, and do not
necessarily lead to the elimination of the pathogen once
introduced. Control of epidemics can be challenging
when chemotherapeutants recirculate – returning to the
fish culture tank or passing through the biofilter when
opportunities for flushing these compounds are reduced
due to makeup water limitations – or if the entire system
requires sterilization (Heinen et al., 1995; Noble and
Summerfelt, 1996; Schwartz et al., 2000; BebakWilliams et al., 2002).
Fish health in recirculating systems would be more
secure if an internal disinfection process were used to
prevent the accumulation of fish pathogens. Although
disinfection of recycled process water adds to the fixed
and variable costs of these systems, mitigation of
potential disease occurrence has been reported with
ozonation by itself (Bullock et al., 1997; Ritar et al.,
2006) and with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation by itself
(Sharrer et al., 2005).
1.1. Ozonation
Ozone has a rapid reaction rate, produces few
harmful by-products (bromine and bromate can be
formed when bromide is present, e.g., in seawater), and
forms dissolved oxygen as a reaction end product in
freshwater (Summerfelt and Hochheimer, 1997; Summerfelt, 2003). Dissolved ozone is effective for color
elimination, nitrite reduction, algae control, turbidity
removal, improved micro-flocculation of fine particulates, and enhanced biological processing of dissolved
organic molecules (Otte and Rosenthal, 1979;
Rosenthal and Otte, 1980; Rice et al., 1981; Rosenthal
and Kruner, 1985; Paller and Lewis, 1988; Reid and
Arnold, 1992; Kaplan et al., 1994; Hozalski et al., 1995;
Rueter and Johnson, 1995; Summerfelt and Hochheimer, 1997; Summerfelt et al., 1997; Summerfelt, 2003).
In North America, we know of a number of large-scale
commercial fish farms (rearing species such as tilapia,
hybrid striped bass, Arctic char, Atlantic salmon,
sturgeon, barramundi, and others) that add ozone to
improve water quality and fish health. However,
probably few of these commercial fish farms are
ozonating at levels sufficient to achieve significant
micro-biological disinfection.
In general, ozone is an effective bactericide,
parasiticide, and virucide (Lohr and Gratzek, 1984;
Colberg and Lingg, 1978; Liltved et al., 1995; Bullock
et al., 1997; Liltved, 2002), however, some viruses have
shown high resistance to ozonated seawater (Liltved
et al., 2006). Ozone kills microbes by oxidation of the
lipid bi-layer of microbial organisms; this action is a
function of the dose (Ct), i.e., the product of the
dissolved ozone concentration (mg/L) times the mean
hydraulic residence time (min) in the contact chamber.
In addition, degree of water quality can affect the ability
to maintain a residual ozone concentration and,
therefore, the dose required for microbial reduction.
Colberg and Lingg (1978) achieved a 99.9% reduction
of four bacterial fish pathogens (Aeromonas liquifaciens, A. salmonicida, Pseudomonas fluorescens, and
Yersinia ruckerii) cultured in a phosphate buffered
saline solution applying an ozone Ct of 0.12–0.50 mg/
L min. Wedemeyer et al. (1978) disinfected water
containing the fish viruses IHNV (infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus) and IPNV (infectious pancreatic
necrosis virus) with an ozone exposure (Ct) of 0.005–
0.010 mg/L min. In bench-top studies, Liltved et al.
(1995) reported 99.99% inactivation (four log reductions in viable count) of four bacteria (Aeromonas
salmonicida salmonicida, Vibrio anguillarum, V. salmonicida, and Yersinia ruckeri) and the IPNV within
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
180 s at residual ozone concentrations of 0.15–0.20 mg/
L within fresh, brackish, and seawater. Ozone Ct doses
of approximately 2 mg/L min have been used to control
specific fish pathogens in the surface water supply at the
US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Dworshak National Fish
Hatchery in Ahsahka, Idaho (Owsley, 1991) and the
Northeast Fishery Center in Lamar, Pennsylvania
(Summerfelt et al., in press). Ozone Ct doses reported
were approximately 50% higher at the Cowlitz Salmon
Hatchery in Tacoma, Washington, and the Merwin State
Hatchery in Ariel, Washington (Cryer, 1992).
1.2. Ultraviolet irradiation
UV irradiation is also a technology used in
aquaculture applications to inactivate microorganisms
(Liltved et al., 1995, 2006; Liltved, 2002; Sharrer et al.,
2005). UV irradiation has been applied in European
hatcheries and grow out facilities using recirculating
systems to produce turbot and sea bass (Blancheton,
2000). In North America, UV irradiation is often used to
treat recirculating flows in salmon egg incubation, fry,
and smolt recirculating systems.
UV irradiation inactivates microorganisms by
destructive effect on nucleic acids. Under laboratory
conditions, a UV dose of 2.7 mJ/cm2 results in a 5LOG10 reduction in Vibrio salmonicida, Vibirio
anguillarum, and Yersinia ruckerii, and a 3-LOG10
reduction in IPNV at a UV dose of 122 mJ/cm2 (Liltved
et al., 1995). However, actual fish culture conditions
may require longer exposure or higher dose (Liltved,
2002), because factors such as total suspended solids
can affect UV transmittance (Loge et al., 1996) and
bacteria may be protected by envelop of particulate
matter (Emerick et al., 1999; Liltved and Cripps, 1999).
For example, in a recirculating aquaculture system it
was observed that a UV intensity greater than 1800 mJ/
cm2 was required to achieve a not quite 2-LOG10
reduction in heterotrophic bacteria (Sharrer et al.,
2005). Farkas et al. (1986) found that UV irradiation
within a recirculating system produced inconsistent
inactivation or no inactivation of heterotrophic bacteria,
Aeromonas [hydrophila and punctata], and Flexibacter
columnaris. Sharrer et al. (2005) presented a hypothesis
that recirculating systems that treat with UV irradiation
provide selection pressure for bacteria that embed
within particulate matter or that form bacterial
aggregates, because this provides shading from some
of the UV irradiation. Even if this hypothesis is
invalidated, achieving total inactivation of bacteria in
recirculating waters using only UV irradiation appears
to be difficult.
UV irradiation is also effective at dissolved ozone
destruction. In a recirculating system used for salmonid
production, a UV irradiation dose of 49 1 mW s/cm2
removed 100% of the dissolved ozone when the inlet
ozone concentration was 0.10 mg/L (Summerfelt
et al., 2004). UV irradiation can be used to prevent
dissolved ozone residuals from reaching the fish in
recirculating systems that use ozonation for disinfection, i.e., when a dissolved ozone residual is maintained
at the outlet of ozone disinfection chambers.
1.3. Advanced oxidation process: ozonation
followed by UV irradiation
Advanced oxidation processes combine two of three
processes: ozonation, UV irradiation, or hydrogen
peroxide, to achieve synergistic oxidation effects for
achieving enhanced microbial reductions or destruction
of dissolved organic carbon compounds (Langlais et al.,
1991). Use of ozonation followed by UV irradiation has
been used in drinking water and wastewater applications to improve the efficiency of micro-biological
inactivation (White, 1992; Amirsardi et al., 2001; Oh
et al., 2003). In recirculating aquaculture systems, use
of ozone at disinfecting levels will likely reduce the
accumulation of fine particles in the recycled water,
which could potentially improve the disinfection
efficiency of subsequent UV irradiation.
The objective of this research was to assess the
degree of total heterotrophic and total coliform bacteria
inactivation using ozone alone (at several ozone
dosages) and to determine if a synergistic effect is
seen in the disinfection of microorganisms from process
water in a fully recirculating fish culture system when
UV irradiation is applied directly after ozonation.
2. Material and methods
The combined effect of dissolved ozone and UV
irradiation on bacterial disinfection was conducted
utilizing the 4800 L/min recirculating system (Fig. 1) at
the Conservation Fund Freshwater Institute (Shepherdstown, WV). The recirculated system is described
elsewhere (Davidson and Summerfelt, 2005; Sharrer
et al., 2005). During the time of the study, the
recirculating system was operated for the grow out of
Arctic Char (Salvelinus aplinus). Fish were raised under
a 24-h photoperiod, fed approximately 120-kg/day
distributed in equal portions during eight feeding events
(i.e., every 3 h), and maintained at culture densities
ranging from 100 to 130 kg/m3 through selective
harvesting events.
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Fig. 1. Process flow drawing of the 4800 L/min recirculating grow out system for Arctic char at the Freshwater Institute, Shepherdstown, WV (from
Davidson and Summerfelt, 2005).
To determine the presence of a synergistic effect of
ozone and UV irradiation application a side-stream
closed loop was operated utilizing water pumped from
the recirculation system’s low head oxygenation unit
(LHO) sump (Fig. 2). Ozone feed gas was supplied
using a PCI-Wedeco Model GSO40 (West Caldwell,
NJ) and entrained into solution using the suction side of
a 5-cm diameter venturi injector (Mazzei Injector
Fig. 2. Process flow drawing of water treated across the ozone contacting and UV irradiation side-stream loop at the low head oxygenation unit
(LHO) sump.
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Corporation, Bakersfield, CA). Ozone gas dissolution
into process water was enhanced by using an inline
static mixer followed by a down flow bubble contactor
(Marine Biotech Inc., Beverly, MA) to capture and vent
any off-gas out of the building. The side-loop system
was operated to produce flow rates, measured with a
Krohne Inc. (Peabody, MA) model IFS/020F magnetic
flow meter, of approximately 150 and 300 L/min (3.1
and 6.2% of total system flow) resulting in hydraulic
residence times (HRT) of 8.3 and 16.6 min within a
plug-flow contact chamber, i.e., a U-tube contactor.
Application of UV irradiation was then supplied by a
UV Logic model 02AM15 (Trojan Technologies Inc.,
London, Ontario, Canada). UV doses (mJ/cm2) at the
two flow rates were determined utilizing a proprietary
spreadsheet supplied by the UV unit manufacturer and
is described by Summerfelt et al. (2004).
Four side-loop system sampling ports were used to
determine dissolved ozone (O3) concentration across
the contact chamber (initial O3 concentration, O3
entering contact chamber, O3 at midpoint, and O3
exiting contact chamber) using Hach Chemical Company (Loveland, CO) Ozone AccuVac Reagent Ampuls
(low, medium, and high range) and a DR/4000U
spectrophotometer (Hach Chemical Company). Three
residual ozone concentrations of 0.20, 0.10, and
0.05 mg/L (exiting contact chamber) were achieved
by adjusting the ozone output produced at the ozone
Total heterotrophic bacteria and total coliform
bacteria were used as indicator organisms to determine
the relative effectiveness of a given disinfection
process; justification for the use of indicator organisms
has been provided by Zhu et al. (2002). Three sampling
sites were used to assess for bacteria counts (before
ozone, after ozone, and after UV) from 6 to 17 times.
Samples were colleted from the before O3 site by
placing the sterile sample bottle (upside down) into the
LHO sump water and inverting the bottle approximately
0.5 m below the water surface. The after O3 and after
UV samples were taken from 1.3 cm valves located
within 1 m (before and after) of the UV unit. The after
O3 port was opened and allowed to drain onto the floor
at 2–4 L/min for approximately 3 min before the sterile
sample bottle was placed under the water flow. The
process was then repeated for the after UV sample.
Heterotrophic bacteria counts were assessed using Hach
Membrane Filtration Method 8242-TGE broth with
TTC indicator. Colonies were counted, after the 48-h
incubation period, using a low-power microscope and
reported in colony forming units (cfu) per 1-mL sample.
Total coliform counts were evaluated using Hach
Membrane Filtration 8074 (m-Endo Broth) and counted
with a low-power microscope. Colonies were reported
in cfu per 100-mL sample. Removal efficiency of
bacteria was calculated utilizing the following equation:
bacteria removal ð%Þ ¼
ðcountinlet countoutlet Þ
LOG10 reduction in bacteria across the treatment system
was then calculated using the equation:
% removal
LOG10 reduction ¼ log10 1
After noting that ozone inactivation of bacteria was not
strongly dependent on ozone Ct over a range of 0.4–
3.7 min mg/L, we conducted an additional study to
determine bacteria inactivation at ozone concentrations
of 0.1 and 0.2 mg/L after only a 1.0 min HRT, which
was achieved by by-passing the ozone contact tank.
Statistical analyses were performed to assess if
significant differences exist in mean bacterial counts
before ozone, after ozone, and after UV. Specifically, a
non-parametric analysis of variance (Friedman test) was
conducted to evaluate statistical differences in all three
means. Further, post hoc analysis utilizing a Wilcoxson
signed-rank test was performed to assess statistical
differences in mean bacterial counts in the after ozone
and after UV treatments.
Water quality samples were also analyzed to
characterize background water quality conditions
within the side-loop system. Total ammonia nitrogen
(TAN) was assessed utilizing the Hach Chemical
Company Nessler method and a DR4000/U spectrophotometer. Total suspended solids (TSS) and total
dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations were determined
according to standard methods procedures (APHA,
1998) 2540D and 2540C, respectively.
Alkalinity was determined by titration according to
standard methods (APHA, 1998). Measurement of pH
was determined utilizing a Fisher Scientific Accumet
pH Meter 915 (Pittsburg, PA). UV transmittance
(%UVT) was assessed by placing a cleaned cuvette
(with a 1 cm path length) of sample water into a
DR4000/U spectrophotometer set to display transmittance at a wavelength of 254 nm.
3. Results and discussion
Table 1 describes water quality in the side-loop
system. The UV transmittance was relatively high
(90 1%), while total suspended solids concentration
was low (3.4 0.4), which both benefit disinfection
LOG10 removal cannot be calculated when the after ozone and UV total heterotroph counts were zero during all sampling events.
1.9 0.9
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.1
11.6 4.1
8.1 4.8
2.7 2.7
Ozone contacting with 16.6 min hydraulic retention time
0.04 0.01
152 1.7
105.1 2.7
0.10 0.01
150 1.0
112.7 0.6
0.22 0.01
150 1.3
107.7 2.1
181 40
138 6.4
53 10.4
3.0 1.0
0.5 0.2
1.8 0.8
12.5 3.0
3.4 1.7
5.2 2.8
Ozone contacting with 8.3 min hydraulic retention time
0.05 0.00
301 1.0
47.5 2.0
0.11 0.01
301 0.6
42.5 1.8
0.21 0.01
302 2.0
54.7 2.2
177 48
130 60
116 25
3 0.3
120 34
244 146
91.1 3.2
86.1 2.4
Ozone contacting with 1 min hydraulic retention time
0.10 0.01
150 0.1
0.21 0.01
150 1.1
Reduction in
heterotroph counts
using ozone and
UV (LOG10)
Reduction in
heterotroph counts
using ozone alone
Total heterotroph
counts after ozone
and UV (cfu/mL)
Total heterotroph
counts after ozone
Total heterotroph
counts before
ozone (cfu/mL)
3.1.1. Ozonation
At an ozone dose of 0.1–3.65 min mg/L, the total
heterotrophic bacteria counts in the water exiting the
ozone contact chamber averaged 3–12 cfu/mL, which
was a mean LOG10 reduction of 1.15–1.62 (Table 2).
There was not a significant correlation (P = 0.386)
between mean total heterotrophic bacteria count
remaining in the water at the end of the ozone contact
tank versus the ozone Ct dose (Fig. 3). These results
were counter-intuitive, because an increase in ozone Ct
is typically expected to correlate with an increase in
bacteria inactivation. However, there was a stronger,
nearly significant correlation (P = 0.071) between
ozone concentration and mean total heterotrophic
bacteria count remaining in the water at the ozone
contact tank outlet (Fig. 4). In this study, inactivating
heterotrophic bacteria with ozone in a water recirculation system was more dependent upon ozone concentration exiting the contact tank than the hydraulic
contact time.
For comparison purposes, Bullock et al. (1997)
found that ozonating at levels of 0.025 kg ozone/
kg feed fed, which was sufficient for both fish health
and water quality improvements, did not produce even a
1 LOG10 reduction in heterotrophic bacteria in the
water of a recirculating system used to produce rainbow
trout. In the Bullock et al. (1997) study, heterotrophic
bacteria counts remained in the range of 103 to 104 cfu/
mL, both with and without system ozonation. However,
Bullock et al. (1997) did not ozonate sufficiently to
produce a measurable dissolved ozone residual under
most conditions.
Total coliform bacteria counts in the water exiting
the ozone contact chamber averaged just 2–18 cfu/
100 mL over the ozone Ct range of 0.1–3.65 min mg/L
(Table 3), which was a mean LOG10 reduction in total
coliform bacteria counts of 1.9–3.1. A plot of the mean
total coliform bacteria count remaining in the water at
# of
3.1. Bacteria inactivation
UV dose
using UV irradiation. Temperature in the fish culture
system averaged 14.3 0.04 8C.
Ozone Ct
(min mg/L)
14.3 0.04
7.53 0.02
219 3
3.4 0.4
410 10
90 1
0.44 0.06
Flow rate
Temperature (8C)
Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3)
Total suspended solids (mg/L)
Total dissolved solids (mg/L)
UV transmittance (%)
Total ammonia nitrogen (mg/L as nitrogen)
Ozone concentration
measured at contact
chamber outlet (mg/L)
Table 1
Water quality in the side-loop system during the study
Table 2
Mean (S.E.) ozone concentration measured at outlet of contact chamber, water flow rate, hydraulic retention time, ozone Ct, UV dose, number of sampling events, total heterotrophic bacteria counts
before ozone, after ozone, and after UV, and reduction in total heterotrophic bacteria counts using ozone alone and using ozone and UV irradiation
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Fig. 3. Mean heterotrophic bacteria counts (with standard error bars) for each ozone Ct tested, where water samples were collected immediately
following the ozone contact chamber (&) or following ozone and the UV irradiation unit (^).
the end of the ozone contact tank versus the ozone Ct
dose (Fig. 5) suggests a strong, nearly significant
correlation (P = 0.06) between ozone Ct dose and the
remaining total coliform bacteria count. However, the
correlation between mean total coliform bacteria count
remaining in the water post ozonation and the outlet
ozone concentration (Fig. 6) was not significant
(P = 0.227).
3.1.2. Ozonation followed by UV irradiation
UV irradiation dosages of 42.5–112.7 mJ/cm2 that
were applied post ozonation reduced total heterotrophic
bacteria and total coliform bacteria counts in the water
exiting the UV irradiation unit to means of only 0–4 cfu/
mL and 0.1–3 cfu/100 mL, respectively (Tables 3 and
4). There was a significant correlation (P = 0.034)
between ozone Ct dose and the total heterotrophic
bacteria remaining in the water post ozone and UV
irradiation, with total heterotrophic counts declining
with increasing ozone Ct (Fig. 3). However, no
correlation was suggested when the mean total coliform
bacteria count remaining in the water exiting the UV
irradiation unit was correlated against the ozone Ct
(P = 0.249, Fig. 5) or the ozone concentration
(P = 0.363, Fig. 6).
As was the case with ozone Ct, little difference was
evident for bacterial inactivation at the different UV
doses. Statistical analyses (Friedman test) indicated a
highly significant (P < 0.001, a = 0.05) difference
among the three mean bacterial counts (before
ozonation, after ozonation only, and after ozonation
and UV irradiation) for both total heterotrophs and total
coliform. Post hoc analysis applying the Wilcoxson
signed rank test to further elucidate statistical differ-
Fig. 4. Mean heterotrophic bacteria counts (with standard error bars) remaining in water samples collected immediately following the ozone contact
chamber (&) or following ozone and the UV irradiation unit (^) as a function of the ozone concentration maintained at the end of the ozone contact
0.8 0.4
0.1 0.0
0.1 0.1
12 5.6
2.2 0.6
1.6 0.6
105.1 2.7
112.7 0.6
107.7 2.1
Ozone contacting with 16.6 min hydraulic retention
0.04 0.01
152 1.7 0.66
0.10 0.01
150 1.0 1.66
0.22 0.01
150 1.3 3.65
2127 975
2122 752
2065 718
0.2 0.1
3.0 2.0
0.1 0.1
4.3 1.7
4.0 0.8
2.4 0.6
Ozone contacting with 8.3 min hydraulic retention time
0.05 0.00
301 1.0 0.42
47.5 2.0
0.11 0.01
301 0.6 0.91
42.5 1.8
0.21 0.01
302 2.0 1.74
54.7 2.2
814 239
989 439
1047 275
0.2 0.2
12 4
18 12
1995 746
1521 586
Ozone contacting with 1 min hydraulic retention time
0.10 0.01
150 0.1 0.10
91.1 3.2
0.21 0.01
150 1.1 0.20
86.1 2.4
Reduction in total
coliform counts
using ozone and
UV (LOG10)
Reduction in total
coliform counts
using ozone alone
Total coliform
counts after ozone
and UV (cfu/100 mL)
Total coliform
counts after
ozone (cfu/100 mL)
Total coliform
counts before
ozone (cfu/100 mL)
# of
UV dose
Ozone Ct
(min mg/L)
Flow rate
Ozone concentration
measured at contact
chamber outlet (mg/L)
Table 3
Mean (S.E.) ozone concentration measured at outlet of contact chamber, water flow rate, hydraulic retention time, ozone Ct, UV dose, number of sampling events, total coliform bacteria counts
before ozone, after ozone, and after UV, and reduction in total coliform bacteria counts using ozone alone and using ozone and UV irradiation
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
ences in the after ozone and after UV bacterial counts
indicated statistical differences of total coliform at all
UV doses except for the lowest dose (42.7 mJ/cm2).
Post hoc analysis of mean total heterotrophs after ozone
and after UV indicated statistical differences at UV
doses 47.5, 54.7, and 112.7 mJ/cm2.
Ozonation was effective in the reduction of microbial populations within the recirculating fish culture
system and greater effectiveness was obtained with the
use of UV irradiation post ozonation. An ozone Ct dosedependent response was noted in the heterotrophic
bacteria counts measured post ozone-UV. However, no
ozone Ct dose-dependent response was detected in total
coliform bacteria counts remaining after ozone/UVor in
total heterotrophic counts post ozone alone. We are
uncertain why a clear dose-dependent response was not
detected in all cases. Lack of a clear dose response may
have been due to the presence of colloidal particulate
matter that exerted an ozone demand and at least
partially shielded embedded bacteria from dissolved
ozone. However, large variations detected in bacteria
counts, as indicated by the standard error bars in
Figs. 3–6, may also have contributed to the inability to
detect an ozone dose-dependent response in all cases.
Treatment using ozonation alone or ozonation
followed by UV irradiation produced many lower total
heterotrophic bacteria counts than previous research in
the same system using UV irradiation alone (Fig. 7;
Sharrer et al., 2005). Sharrer et al. (2005) found that UV
dosages of 78, 150, 303, 493, and 980 mJ/cm2 could
only achieve 0.4–0.9 LOG10 reduction in heterotrophic
bacteria, while a UV dose of 1800 mJ/cm2 could only
achieve a 1.7 LOG10 reduction in total heterotrophic
bacteria, leaving 181 71 cfu/mL in the water exiting
the UV irradiation unit. In comparison, the combined
use of ozone and UV irradiation was effective at
maintaining bacteria counts of 0.1–3 cfu/mL after
treatment (Table 2; Fig. 7). With total coliform bacteria,
however, Sharrer et al. (2005) found that UV irradiation
alone resulted in complete inactivation (<1 cfu/
100 mL) of total coliform at a UV dose of 77 mJ/
cm2. Amirsardi et al. (2001) showed that complete
inactivation of total coliform was achieved with the
application of ozone alone to wastewater. Further, the
researchers found that total heterotrophic bacteria were
reduced from 960 to 680 cfu/mL with ozone application, but reduction was augmented with UV irradiation
to 120 cfu/mL. In contrast, Oh et al. (2003) found that
little difference was evident with regard to Escherichia
coli disinfection when applying UV alone, ozone alone,
or a combined UV/ozone process. As with the UV
inactivation (Sharrer et al., 2005), we hypothesize that
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Fig. 5. Mean total coliform bacteria counts (with standard error bars) for each ozone Ct tested, where water samples were collected immediately
following the ozone contact chamber (&) or following ozone and the UV irradiation unit (^).
Fig. 6. Mean total coliform bacteria counts (with standard error bars) remaining in water samples collected immediately following the ozone contact
chamber (&) or following ozone and the UV irradiation unit (^) as a function of the ozone concentration maintained at the end of the ozone contact
Table 4
Mean (S.E.) concentrations of ozone dosed (calculateda), as well as that measured at chamber inlet, middle, and outlet
Ozone concentration
measured at contact
chamber midpoint (mg/L)
Ozone concentration
measured at contact
chamber outlet (mg/L)
Flow rate
Ozone contacting with 8.3 min hydraulic retention time
0.85 0.04
0.75 0.02
0.78 0.06
0.62 0.03
0.75 0.07
0.51 0.02
0.41 0.01
0.27 0.01
0.20 0.01
0.21 0.01
0.11 0.01
0.05 0.00
302 2.0
301 0.6
301 1.0
Ozone contacting with 16.6 min hydraulic retention time
1.2 0.1
0.96 0.04
1.0 0.2
0.55 0.07
0.9 0.1
0.43 0.04
0.44 0.02
0.24 0.02
0.15 0.02
0.22 0.01
0.10 0.01
0.04 0.01
150 1.3
150 1.0
152 1.7
Ozone concentration
doseda (mg/L)
Ozone concentration
measured at contact
chamber inlet (mg/L)
Calculated using a mass balance that accounts for the mass flow rate of ozone in the gas phase that was transferred into the water flow.
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
Fig. 7. Total heterotrophic bacteria counts after UV irradiation (1820, 990, 524, 303, 150, and 77 mW s/cm2) alone all exceeded 100 cfu/mL
(Sharrer et al., 2005), after ozonation (3.65, 1.74, 1.66, 0.91, 0.66, and 0.42 min mg/L) alone ranged from 3 to 13 cfu/mL (present study), and after
combined ozonation and UV irradiation (3.65, 1.74, 1.66, 0.91, 0.66, and 0.42 min mg/L ozone dose at UV doses of 107.7, 54.7, 112.7, 42.5, 105.1,
and 47.5 mW s/cm2, respectively) ranged from 0 to 2 cfu/mL (present study).
because the water in the recirculating system passed
through the UV irradiation unit approximately once
every 30 min, that this provided a selection process that
favors bacteria that embed within particulate matter or
that form bacterial aggregates. This data suggests that
continuous ozonation of the water may reduce the
concentration of fine particulates or otherwise make the
bacteria in the water more susceptible to UV irradiation.
Fig. 7 compares total heterotrophic bacteria counts that
remain in the recirculating water post disinfection when
utilizing UV alone (Sharrer et al., 2005), ozone alone
(present study), and the combined ozone/UV process
(present study), which illustrates the effectiveness of
sequential ozone/UV administration. Particle counts
were not collected in the present research, but will be
collected during our follow-up studies assessing
ozonation and UV irradiation on bacterial reduction
in a full-scale recirculating fish culture system.
30 min, all of the water in the recycle system was
exposed to ozone, which tended to reduce the ozone
demand of the water. In addition, the makeup water flow
to the recirculating system was also relatively high (at
7–8% on a flow basis) to reduce heat gain in the system,
which flushed the system almost once every 12–18 h
and reduced the accumulation of dissolved organic
From an engineering standpoint, adding 0.75–
1.2 mg/L of ozone into the recycle flow is not difficult,
because it can be readily transferred into the system
along with its oxygen carrier gas within the same gas
transfer device that is used to provide super-saturation
of dissolved oxygen to the fish culture tank. Also,
dosing 0.75–1.2 mg/L of ozone to the recirculating flow
is relatively little ozone compared to the 3–5 mg/L
ozone demand encountered in many surface water
disinfection applications (Summerfelt et al., in press).
3.2. Ozone dose and decay kinetics
4. Conclusions
The ozone demand of water in the recirculating
system was low, because a calculated ozone dose of
only 0.75–1.2 mg/L had to be transferred into the water
flow to maintain 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/L of ozone at the
outlet of the contact chamber at HRT’s of 8–16 min
(Table 4). In addition to the side-stream ozonation,
during the present study all of the recirculating water
was continuously ozonated within the low head
oxygenation unit. Thus, approximately once every
Combining ozone dosages of only 0.1–0.2 min mg/L
with a UV irradiation dosage of 50 mJ/cm2 provides
an advanced oxidation process that could consistently
produce a post-treatment water nearly free from total
coliform and total heterotrophic bacteria colony
forming units. However, increasing ozone Ct did
correlate with even lower counts of total heterotrophic
bacteria post UV irradiation. In comparison, bacteria
counts post ozone and UV irradiation were orders of
M.J. Sharrer, S.T. Summerfelt / Aquacultural Engineering 37 (2007) 180–191
magnitude lower than the bacteria counts measured in
the system when it was operated with UV irradiation
alone or without any disinfection (Sharrer et al., 2005).
Note, however, that the commercial growth media used
to assess for indicator organisms may not reflect total
numbers of viable organisms in the water column that
could be identified through direct microscopy. Although
the present research was conducted on a small sidestream flow, these findings indicate that combining
ozonation and UV irradiation could be used to disinfect
an entire recirculating flow before it returns to the fish
culture tank(s). The authors think that the combined
ozone and UV process will be readily scalable and
technically achievable for commercial producers. We
are presently evaluating ozonation and UV irradiation of
the entire recirculating flow to determine if applying
relatively low dosages of ozone prior to UV irradiation
will produce similar reduction in bacteria and total
particle counts. If the full-flow application of ozone and
UV irradiation achieves nearly complete bacteria
inactivation, its use could reduce the risk of epidemic
loss in commercial-scale recirculating systems.
This work was supported by the United States
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service under grant Agreement No. 59-1930-1-130.
The experimental protocol and methods used in this
study were in compliance with Animal Welfare Act
(9CFR) requirements and are approved by the Freshwater Institute Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee. We thank Grover Wilson, Brian Mason, and
Daniel Coffinberger for research system installation and
Christine Marshall, Susan Glenn, and Michael Gearheart for their assistance assaying bacteria and
analyzing water quality parameters.
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