Peri-implant tissue response of immediately loaded, threaded, HA-coated
implants: 1-year results
Kitichai Rungcharassaeng, DDS, MS,a Jaime L. Lozada, DDS,b Joseph Y. K. Kan, DDS, MS,c Jay S. Kim,
PhD,d Wayne V. Campagni, DMD,e and Carlos A. Munoz, DDS, MSDf
School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Calif.
Statement of problem. Although high success rates have been reported with immediately loaded
implants, the peri-implant tissue response has not been well documented.
Purpose. This study evaluated implant success and peri-implant tissue response of immediately loaded,
threaded, hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated root-form implants supporting mandibular bar overdentures with
opposing conventional maxillary complete dentures in humans.
Material and methods. Five patients (3 men, 2 women; mean age 61 years) each received 4 HA-coated endosseous root-form implants in the interforaminal region in the mandible. The implants were rigidly
splinted with a metal framework within 24 hours. The final EDS clip prosthesis was placed 1 to 2 weeks
thereafter. The implants and peri-implant tissues were evaluated clinically and radiographically 0, 1, 3, 6,
and 12 months after prosthesis placement. Data were analyzed with a repeated measures 1-way analysis of
variance (P<.05).
Results. All implants were stable at the end of the observation period (mean Periotest value =
–5.9 ± 1.4). No peri-implant radiolucencies were noted, and no implants were lost. The mean marginal
bone changes were –0.42 ± 0.34, –0.84 ± 0.55, –1.14 ± 0.80, and –1.16 ± 0.89 mm at the 1-, 3-, 6-,
and 12-month follow-ups, respectively (P<.001). Significant declines in the rates of marginal bone
changes at each time interval were noted (P<.001). In addition, there were significant decreases in probing depth (P<.001) and plaque index (P<.001) but no significant difference in the frequency of bleeding
upon probing (P=.64).
Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, the peri-implant tissue response of immediately loaded,
HA-coated implants was favorable and comparable to that of conventional, delayed-loaded implants after
1 year. (J Prosthet Dent 2002;87:173-81.)
The peri-implant tissue response and implant success rate in this short-term study indicate that immediately loaded, threaded, HA-coated root-form implants supporting
mandibular bar overdentures may be a viable option for completely edentulous
patients. However, further research and long-term clinical studies are needed to substantiate the predictability of this treatment.
sseointegrated endosseous implants have been a
successful modality for treating completely and partially edentulous patients.1-4 To achieve osseointegration,
certain guidelines must be strictly followed.5,6 The
guidelines include an aseptic and atraumatic surgical
technique, complete soft tissue coverage, and an
extended healing time during which functional loading is avoided. Although aseptic and atraumatic
Partial funding for this research was provided by the Loma Linda
University School of Dentistry and Nobel Biocare USA, Inc.
aAssistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry.
bProfessor and Director, Advanced Education in Implant Dentistry.
cAssociate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry.
dProfessor, Department of Biostatistics.
eProfessor and Director, Advanced Education in Prosthodontics.
fProfessor and Director, Biomaterial Research Center.
surgical techniques are still considered a prerequisite,
the necessity of complete soft tissue coverage and long
healing periods has been challenged.7-21 Studies have
shown that nonsubmerged implants achieved similar
soft and hard tissue responses and were comparably
successful to submerged implants.7,8
Periods of 3 to 4 months and 4 to 6 months have
been recommended as healing times for osseointegrated implants placed in the mandible and maxilla,
respectively.5,6 Because long healing periods can
impose esthetic and functional challenges for some
patients, attempts have been made to reduce necessary
healing time. Faster osseous adaptation has been
demonstrated with hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated
implants.9-11 A direct bone-implant interface also has
been observed, even when HA-coated implants were
immediately loaded.12-14 However, the routine use of
HA-coated implants has been questioned due to lack
of long-term (more than 10 years) documented success rates.
Johnson15 reported complications associated with
HA-coated implants and suggested that HA coatings
were more susceptible to bacterial infection and rapid
osseous breakdown; however, this issue remains controversial. Furthermore, recommended healing times
are still in the range of 3 to 6 months regardless of the
type of implants used. Recently, limited animal studies
have been conducted on the osteoinductive capability
of bone morphogenetic proteins in conjunction with
endosseous implants. The presence of these proteins
seemed to induce faster bone formation around
implants as observed in histologic examination.16-18
Nevertheless, no human study has been reported, and
the suitable period for these implants to be loaded has
not been established.
Babbush et al19 described a technique of immediately loading 4 titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS)
implants placed in the mandibular symphysis with an
overdenture. The implants were rigidly splinted with a
metal bar, and the denture was relined with soft liner
within 2 to 3 days after surgery. The final clip prosthesis was placed 2 weeks later. The authors reported a
cumulative failure rate of 12% after 8 years of followup. Buser et al20 reported a 3% failure rate after 33
months of follow-up with a similar technique. They
splinted the implants within 24 hours and relined the
prosthesis with soft tissue conditioner at 2 weeks.
Schnitman et al21 reported a short-term follow-up on
7 patients who received a fixed provisional prosthesis
that was immediately loaded and supported by 3-4
mandibular implants. Their 10-year follow-up22
showed a 15% failure rate in 9 patients.
Tarnow et al23 reported 1- to 5-year data on 10 consecutive patients that received immediately loaded,
fixed provisional prostheses. The implants were titanium, TPS, or TiO-blasted. Ten implants minimum were
placed in each patient, of which a minimum of 5
implants were immediately loaded. Three percent of
immediately loaded implants did not integrate. In a
multicenter retrospective study on immediately loaded,
implant-supported bar overdentures, Chiapasco et al24
reported an implant failure rate of 3% after a mean follow-up time of 6.4 years. There were no significant
differences in the implant success rates among different
implant systems (TPS, International Team for
Implantology, Hand-Titanium, and New Ledermann
Screw), and no correlation existed between implant
length and the success rate as long as there was bicortical stabilization.
Parameters that are indicative of implant success in
conventional implant treatment, including marginal
bone loss,25-28 level of implant stability,29-34 and periimplant parameters,35-45 have not been reported in
relation to immediately loaded implants. The purpose
of this study was to evaluate the implant success rate
and peri-implant tissue response of immediately
loaded, threaded, HA-coated endosseous root-form
implants supporting mandibular bar overdentures with
opposing conventional maxillary complete dentures in
humans after 1 year in function.
The protocol of this study was approved by the
Institutional Review Board of Loma Linda University
(Loma Linda, Calif.). Five patients (3 men and 2
women) were included in the study. Their ages ranged
from 49 to 77 years (mean=61 years). The patients
were selected according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were a completely
edentulous maxilla and mandible, type I or II bone
quality according to Lekholm and Zarb,46 and enough
bone to allow for placement of 4 implants with the
minimum dimension of 3.8 × 12.0 mm between the
mandibular mental foramens. The exclusion criteria
were insufficient bone quality or quantity that required
a bone grafting procedure; aspects of the medical history that would complicate the outcome of the
study—namely, alcohol abuse, drug dependency, a history of smoking, poor health, or any other medical,
physical, or psychological condition that might affect
the surgical procedure or the subsequent prosthodontic treatment and the required follow-up appointments;
a history of head and neck radiation treatment; and a
history of parafunctional habits.
New maxillary and mandibular complete dentures
were fabricated, inserted, and adjusted for each patient
before surgical placement of the implants. A bilateral
balanced occlusion was used for all prostheses. A duplication of the mandibular complete denture was made
with clear autopolymerizing acrylic resin (Splint resin
polymer; Great Lakes Orthodontics Ltd, Tonawanda,
N.Y.) to be used as radiographic and surgical templates.
Mandibular computerized tomography was performed
on each patient at the Loma Linda University Medical
Center. To locate the most favorable position and ideal
size of the implants, the SIM/Plant program
(Columbia Scientific Inc, Columbia, Md.) was used to
interpret the data.
Implant placement surgery was performed under
local anesthesia (with intravenous sedation upon request
by 2 patients). Four threaded, HA-coated implants
(Steri-Oss; Nobel Biocare USA Inc, Yorba Linda, Calif.)
were placed in the interforaminal region according to
the manufacturer’s protocol with the use of the surgical
template. Precision margin esthetics (PME) transmucosal abutments (Nobel Biocare USA Inc) of
appropriate heights to create a proper plane for frameVOLUME 87 NUMBER 2
work fabrication were connected to the implants. Plastic
PME copings (Nobel Biocare USA Inc) were installed
on top of the abutments, and the flap was preliminarily
closed with Gore-Tex suture (Nobel Biocare USA Inc).
English-Donnelle-Staubli (EDS) plastic bars
(Attachment International Inc, San Mateo, Calif.) of
proper length were prepared and placed between the
plastic PME copings. The bars and the plastic PME
copings then were joined with the use of autopolymerizing acrylic resin (GC Pattern resin; GC America
Inc, Chicago, Ill.). The resin pattern was left intraorally for approximately 20 minutes, removed, and
transferred to the laboratory where the metal framework was fabricated in type IV gold alloy (Monogram
IV; Leach & Dillon, San Diego, Calif.). Meanwhile,
the PME titanium healing caps were placed on the
PME abutments and final flap closure was performed,
leaving the healing cap exposed. Amoxicillin 500 mg
and ibuprofen 800 mg (Motrin; The Upjohn
Company, Kalamazoo, Mich.) were prescribed for
antibiotic coverage and pain control. The patients
were instructed to use 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate
(Peridex; Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio) twice
a day for 2 weeks and to start brushing the bar regularly with an end-tufted brush (John O Butler,
Chicago, Ill.) 1 week after surgery.
Trial placement of the metal framework was performed within 24 hours after surgery. After satisfactory
fit and stability of the framework were verified both
clinically and radiographically, the bar was placed in
the patient’s mouth.
One to 2 weeks after the surgery, the sutures were
removed. The mandibular denture was relieved so that
it did not touch the bar when in position. A pick-up
impression of the bar was made with the mandibular
denture with vinyl polysiloxane impression material
(Reprosil; Dentsply International Inc, Milford, Del.)
and sent to the laboratory for relining and incorporation of the metal housing for the EDS clip (Attachment
International Inc). Use of Peri-O-Floss (PHB
Company and Assoc, Osseo, Wisc.) to clean underneath the bar was demonstrated for each patient, and
instructions were given to floss at least once a day.
After relining, the denture was placed in the mouth
and adjusted, and the EDS clip was placed in the metal
housing. A clinical remount was performed and the
occlusion adjusted as needed to ensure the presence of
bilateral balanced occlusion. Each patient was asked to
return the next day for a postplacement evaluation.
Follow-up examinations were made 1, 3, 6, and 12
months after denture placement.
Data collection and analysis
All clinical examinations and data collections were
performed by 1 examiner. At each follow-up appointment, the number of implant failures, which were
Fig. 1. Occlusal jig made of vinyl polysiloxane adhered to
film holder to ensure reproducibility of images obtained.
judged according to the success criteria proposed by
Smith and Zarb47 when applicable, were recorded.
Marginal bone change also was measured with the use
of sequential periapical radiographs and the long cone
paralleling technique.48 An occlusal jig made of vinyl
polysiloxane (Exabite; GC America Inc, Alsip, Ill.) was
attached to the film holder (XCP post bite blocks 540862; Dentsply, Elgin, Ill.). The jig was fabricated
intraorally at the time of definitive prosthesis placement (Fig. 1). The occlusal jig was used as an aid in
standardizing the angulation and position of the film
in relation to the beam. The film used (Kodak Ultraspeed DF-58 or DF-55; Eastman Kodak Company,
Rochester, N.Y.) depended on the anatomic limitation. Radiographs were made at 70 kVp, 10mA for 0.5
seconds, and then developed in an automatic x-ray film
processor (Velopex; Velopex International Inc,
Catawissa, Pa.).
The marginal bone level 0, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months
after loading was compared with use of the periapical
radiographs. A photographic 35-mm slide of a measuring device (ruler) that was taken at 1:1
magnification was projected onto the screen and the
scale measured to achieve original magnification × 10.
With the projector remaining stationary, each periapical radiograph was projected onto the screen, and the
marginal bone levels on the mesial and distal aspects of
the implants were measured. The apical corner of the
implant shoulder was used as the reference point. The
distance between the reference point and the most
coronal implant-bone contact point was measured and
compared between different time intervals. The value
was positive when the implant-bone contact point was
more coronal than the reference point and was negative when the implant-bone contact point was more
apical (Fig. 2). The measurements were made to the
closest 1 mm and were divided by the magnification
factor (×10), resulting in 0.1-mm accuracy to the true
value. Measurements were made by 2 examiners
Table I. Repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance
(P<.001) on ranks on marginal bone change over time
Marginal bone loss (mm)
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
Mean ± SD
Vertical lines join groups that were not significantly different (Tukey test,
Fig. 2. Measurement of marginal bone change. Reference
point (RP) is junction between smooth titanium surface (Ti)
and rough HA-coated surface (HA). Positive value (+ve)
denotes implant-bone contact more coronal to reference
point; negative value (–ve) denotes implant-bone contact
more apical to reference point.
Fig. 3. Inverse relationship between marginal bone loss and
(whose measurements had been calibrated), and mean
values were recorded.
Implant mobility was the third parameter recorded.
The implant bar was removed and replaced with the
PME titanium healing caps so that individual implants
could be tested for mobility with the Periotest instrument (Siemens, Bensheim, Germany).32,33 Two
measurements per implant were made at each appointment. When there was a discrepancy between the 2
measurements, at least a third measurement was made,
and the 2 identical values were recorded. Periotest values of ≤0 indicated that osseointegration had been
achieved49; values higher than 9 denoted the absence
of osseointegration.33
Peri-implant parameters were recorded at each follow-up appointment. The parameters recorded at the
mesiobuccal, mesiolingual, distobuccal, and distolin176
gual of each implant were: score on the modified
plaque index by Mombelli et al45 (0 = no detection of
plaque, 1 = plaque recognized only by running a probe
across the smooth marginal surface of the implant,
2 = plaque visible with the naked eye, 3 = abundance
of soft matter); probing depth (University of North
Carolina color probe; Hufriedy, Chicago, Ill.) to the
nearest mm; and bleeding upon probing50 (0 = no
bleeding, 1 = bleeding on probing). Complications
also were recorded and included soft tissue complications, significant bone loss, peri-implant radiolucency,
and prosthodontic complications.
Means and standard deviations were calculated for
each clinical parameter at each time interval where
applicable. Data were analyzed with a repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance (P<.05) (SigmaStat
software; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill.). The interexaminer
reliability of marginal bone loss measurements was
analyzed with the 2-way random effects analysis of
variance and expressed as the interclass correlation
Implant failure and marginal bone change. A total
of 20 implants were placed. Four implants were
3.8 × 12 mm, eight implants were 3.8 × 14 mm, seven
implants were 3.8 × 16 mm, and one implant was
4.5 × 14 mm. At 12 months after immediately loading,
none of the implants had lost osseointegration. This
sample size yielded at least 88% power for the statistical analysis.
For marginal bone change, 96% of the measurements made by the 2 examiners were within ±0.5 mm.
Significant correlation between the 2 measurements
(ICC=0.983, P=.00) was noted. The mean marginal
bone changes were –0.42 ± 0.34, –0.84 ± 0.55,
–1.14 ± 0.80, and –1.16 ± 0.89 mm at the 1-, 3-, 6-,
and 12-month follow-ups, respectively (Table I). Most
marginal bone change occurred during the first 6
months after loading; there was no significant change
thereafter (P>.05), as shown in Figure 3. This marginal bone loss (ŷi) can be expressed in the inverse
function of time (x̂i) as: ŷi = –1.2122 + 0.8139(1/x̂i)
Fig. 4. Marginal bone level in patient 2 at 0 (A), 1 (B), 3 (C), 6 (D), and 12 months (E). In
many instances, most coronal implant-bone contact (white arrow) at time of surgery was on
PME abutment, which was smooth, polished surface (A). Despite significant bone loss
observed at 12 months (compare distance between 2 arrows), marginal bone level did not
extend apically beyond first thread (E). Black arrow indicates reference point.
with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9580. At
12 months postloading, marginal bone change ranged
from –2.6 mm to +0.7 mm (Fig. 4). Despite significant bone loss recorded, the bone level did not extend
beyond the first thread (-0.6 mm from the reference
point) at any implant site. A significant decline in the
rates of marginal bone change (mm/month) from 0 to
1 (–0.42 ± 0.34), 1 to 3 (-0.21 ± 0.20), 3 to 6
(–0.10 ± 0.14), and 6 to 12 (–0.003 ± 0.04) month
intervals also was observed (P<.001; Table II and
Fig. 5). The relationship between the rate of marginal
bone loss (ŷi) and time (x̂i) was expressed in the logarithmic model as ŷi = –0.4103 + 0.1695 ln(x̂i)
[R2 = 0.995].
Implant mobility. All implants were stable throughout the study; the recorded Periotest values ranged
from -3 to -7. There were no statistically significant
differences (P=.116) between Periotest values at 1, 3,
Fig. 5. Logarithmic model of relationship between rate of
marginal bone loss and time.
Fig. 6. Quadratic model of relationship between Periotest
value and time.
Table II. Repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance
(P<.001) on ranks on rate of marginal bone change over
time (n=40)
Table III. Repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance
(P<.116) on Periotest value over time (n=20)
Rate of marginal bone loss (mm/mo.)
0-1 month
1-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
Mean ± SD
Vertical lines join groups that were not significantly different (Tukey test,
6, and 12 months (Table III and Fig. 6). The relationship between the Periotest value (ŷi) and time (x̂i)
was expressed in a quadratic equation as
ŷi = –5.1425 – 0.1762x̂i + 0.0097x̂i2 (R2 = 0.948).
Peri-implant parameters. The mean modified
plaque index at 1 month was 1.19 ± 0.75. However, it
significantly decreased with time (P<.001). After 12
months, the modified plaque index was only
0.49 ± 0.90 (Table IV and Fig. 7). The logarithmic
relationship between the plaque index (ŷi) and time
(x̂i) was expressed as ŷi = 1.2695 – 0.2917 ln(x̂i) [R2
= 0.899]. At 1 month, probing depths >3 mm were
recorded at 3 of 80 sites; however, at 3, 6, and
12 months, the probing depths at all sites were
≤3 mm. There was a significant decrease in mean probing depth from 1 to 3 months (P<.05), but it
remained stable thereafter (Table V and Fig. 8). The
relationship between the probing depth (ŷi) and time
(x̂i) was expressed in a quadratic equation as
ŷi = 2.4963 - 0.1485x̂i + 0.0087x̂i2 (R2 = 0.761).
There was no correlation between modified plaque
index and probing depth (P=.346). A few incidences
of bleeding upon probing were recorded throughout
Mean ± SD
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
the study, but there was no significant difference
(P=.64) in the frequency of bleeding upon probing at
any time point (Table VI).
Complications. At 1 month, the EDS bar of patient
2 was impinging on the soft tissue and therefore hindering oral hygiene care. Gingivoplasty was
performed, and the problem was solved. A small
hematoma (approximately 3 mm in diameter) was
observed around an implant in patient 3 one day after
the implant placement and was surgically removed
without further complications. No other complications occurred during the observation period of this
The 100% implant success rate in this short-term
prospective study is comparable to other delayed loading and immediate loading studies (85% to
97%).1-4,20-24 All implants met all the success criteria
proposed by Smith and Zarb,47 where applicable. The
HA coating did not appear to produce any negative
effect on the overall performance of the implants.
Although histomorphometric analysis to verify the
level of osseointegration was not used in this study, the
low Periotest values as well as the absence of periimplant radiolucencies suggested that osseointegration
had been achieved and maintained. Soballe et al12,13
Fig. 7. Logarithmic model of relationship between plaque
index and time.
Fig. 8. Quadratic model of relationship between probing
depth and time.
Table IV. Repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance
(P<.001) on ranks on modified plaque index over time
Table V. Repeated measures 1-way analysis of variance
(P<.001) on ranks on probing depth over time (n=80)
Probing depth (mm)
Modified plaque index
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
Mean ± SD
Vertical lines join groups that were not significantly different (Tukey test,
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
Mean ± SD
Vertical line joins groups that were not significantly different (Tukey test,
Table VI. Chi-square test (P=.644) on frequency of bleeding
upon probing over time
showed that a fibrocartilaginous membrane was
formed around HA-coated implants subjected to
150 mm micromovement immediately after placement
and that the HA coating had the capacity to induce the
replacement of the motion-induced fibrous membrane
with bone. The results of this study suggest that HAcoated implants can achieve osseointegration when
they are immediately loaded.
The stability of the implant in bone during the healing period dictates the type of healing.6,29-31 A
proposed critical amount of micromotion (≥100 mm)
caused by overload can cause fibrous repair at the
interface rather than osseous regeneration and
osseointegration.6,29-31 In their immediate loading
study, Babbush et al19 reported that, aside from infection, failure was mostly related to delayed application
of the rigid splinting bar. In addition, Lum et al14
showed in their histologic evaluation that a direct
bone-implant interface was achieved when an HAcoated blade-form implant was immediately loaded
with rigid fixation to a firm natural tooth. Early rigid
splinting of the implants seems to be crucial in an
immediate loading situation, as it may help stabilize
No. of sites (out of 80 possible)
1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months
the implants and thus prevent detrimental micromovement. The relatively high success rate in this study
might be attributed to the presence of good bone
quality and quantity (type I or II, ≥3.8 × 12 mm),
good primary stabilization of the implants as judged
by the resistance encountered during implant placement, and the prompt placement of the rigid splinting
bar. Until further information is available, it is suggested that these 3 characteristics are important
aspects of success with immediate loading.
The mean marginal bone change of –1.16 ± 0.89 mm
measured in this study at 12 months is comparable to the
values reported by others.25-27 Although there seemed
to be a continuous marginal bone loss around the
implants early in this study, there was no significant mar179
ginal bone change after 6 months (P>.05). The rate of
bone loss also decreased significantly as time passed
(P<.001). Furthermore, the marginal bone level did not
extend apically beyond the first thread (–0.6 mm from
the reference point) in any of the implant sites evaluated
at the end of the study.
The apical corner of the implant neck was chosen as
the reference point because it is the junction between
the smooth titanium surface of the implant neck and
the HA-coated surface of the implant body. In this
study, the relation of the implant top to the original
marginal bone level varied; in many instances, the most
coronal implant-bone contact was on the PME abutment, which is a smooth, polished titanium surface
(Fig. 4, A). Quirynen et al28 suggested that the
smooth titanium surface, although not highly polished, seems to represent an unfavorable condition for
close bone apposition and that a radiolucency along
the smooth surface becomes visible from the moment
of loading. A stress-shielding phenomenon could be
the explanation.28 The results of this study indicated
that the bone response around the immediately
loaded, HA-coated implants was favorable and comparable to that of conventional, delayed-loaded
It has been suggested that the Periotest parameter
of an implant provides an objective diagnosis of initial
implant stability.32-34,49 In this study, Periotest values
obtained from all implants at any observation period
ranged from –3 to –7. These values indicated that
some level of osseointegration may have been achieved
in all implants.49 The fact that there was no significant
difference in the Periotest values at any point in time
(P=.116) suggests that osseointegration may have
occurred 1 month after immediate loading, which corresponds to 6 weeks after implant placement. Thus,
the question is raised whether a healing period of 6
weeks instead of 3 to 6 months could be applied to
HA-coated implants placed in type I or II bone.
The significance of peri-implant parameters in predicting implant success has been controversial.
Although it is generally agreed that plaque accumulation could induce negative mucosal response,35-37
Smith and Zarb47 proposed that the peri-implant
mucosal response should not be included in the criteria for implant success because it has not been shown
to be an important factor in achieving or maintaining
osseointegration.37-39 However, many researchers
consider the mucosal response to be correlated to marginal bone loss and loss of osseointegration.40-42
Henry et al43 suggested that although the pathogenesis of bacterial plaque in implant dentistry is still
uncertain, it should be controlled.
In this study, no attempt was made to correlate
peri-implant parameters to implant success. Rather,
these parameters were recorded to evaluate the
patients’ oral hygiene status. Mombelli et al45 showed
that there was no significant difference in the modified
plaque index of a successful implant (1.0 ± 0.7) and
failed implant (1.3 ± 1.3). The decrease in mean
plaque index with time showed that, in general, the
patients’ oral hygiene improved (P<.001). The very
low frequency of bleeding upon probing and the mean
probing depth of <3 mm indicated the presence of
healthy peri-implant tissue.26,28,44,45 The decrease in
probing depth (P<.001) and plaque index scores
(P<.001) and the lack of significant differences in the
frequency of bleeding upon probing (P=.64) during
the observation periods also suggested that the periimplant mucosal condition around the immediately
loaded, HA-coated implants had been stabilized.
Within the limitations of this short-term study, the
bone and mucosal responses around immediately
loaded, HA-coated implants were favorable and comparable to that of conventional, delayed-loaded
implants. The implant success rate achieved indicates
that immediately loaded, threaded, HA-coated rootform implants supporting mandibular bar
overdentures may be a viable option for completely
edentulous patients.
We acknowledge the graduate students of the Advanced
Education in Implant Dentistry Program for their participation in the
treatment of the patients in this study. In addition, we thank Mr
Shinichiro Maruo for his assistance in the data compilation and Dr
Goichi Shiotsu for being the second examiner in measurements of
marginal bone change.
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