Huss et al.
Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Polarization-dependent sensitivity of
level-crossing, coherent-population-trapping
resonances to stray magnetic fields
Arno Huss, Roland Lammegger, and Laurentius Windholz
Institute of Experimental Physics, Technical University of Graz, Petersgasse 16, Graz 8010, Austria
Emilia Alipieva, Sanka Gateva, Lubomir Petrov, Elena Taskova, and Georgy Todorov
Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Tzarigradsko Chaussee 72, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
Received January 6, 2006; revised May 8, 2006; accepted May 8, 2006; posted May 18, 2006 (Doc. ID 67052)
Coherent-population-trapping resonances within the degenerate two-level system of the F = 2 → F⬘ = 1 transition of the 87Rb D1 line were investigated in an uncoated Rb vapor cell by means of level-crossing-type experiments. Tuning over the two-photon resonance is achieved sweeping a magnetic field around zero value. The
influence of transverse magnetic fields on the amplitude and the width of the resonances, recorded in fluorescence and absorption, were investigated in the cases of excitation with linear, circular, and elliptical laser light
polarization. A theoretical analysis was performed for the case of linearly polarized excitation, the results of
which are in good agreement with the experiment. © 2006 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 020.1670, 020.7490, 030.1670.
Coherent-population-trapping (CPT) resonances arise in
a three-level atomic system (⌳ system) as a result of destructive quantum interference of two resonantly excited
transitions.1 Owing to very interesting opportunities for
application, the CPT resonance has recently been widely
investigated. Usually, two ground levels are coupled to a
common excited state by means of two coherent laser
fields. When the frequency difference of the two coupling
laser fields equals the frequency separation between the
two ground levels (two-photon resonance), the atoms are
prepared in the nonabsorbing dark state. Detecting the
fluorescence light emitted by the atoms, CPT is observed
experimentally as a narrow-width dip (possibly orders of
magnitude narrower than the natural line width of the
transition) when the frequency of one of the coherent
fields is scanned. A CPT resonance can also be observed in
single-frequency excitation in the so-called Hanle
configuration.1,2 Here, the Zeeman sublevels of a single
hyperfine level are excited by the + and − components of
linearly polarized laser light, with the polarization direction orthogonal to the quantization axis given by the
scanned magnetic field (MF). In this case, instead of tuning the laser frequency, the CPT resonance is detected via
scanning the MF and changing the energy of the Zeeman
sublevels. At zero MF (level crossing), the two-photon
resonance is satisfied and the resonance is observed.
Magneto-optical effects are playing a major role in the
field of magnetometry. Very high resolution (1 fT Hz−1/2)
has been reached in nonlinear magneto-optical rotation
(NMOR) experiments3 or with optical pumping magnetometer (OPM) devices.4–6 Recently, an optically pumped
magnetometer was applied successfully to measuring the
weak cardiomagnetic field.7 However, the interest in new
MF detection systems based on magneto-optical effects
continues to be strong, the CPT-based magnetometer being a promising candidate.
In a MF, the CPT resonance, obtained by two laser
fields on two different hyperfine transitions within the
hyperfine structure of alkali metal atoms, splits into several components owing to the Zeeman effect. The relative
position of these components are used for MF
measurements.8 Another method used for MF measurements is based on excitation of a single hyperfine transition with laser light, which is additionally modulated in
the kilohertz band.9 In this particular case, the condition
for CPT is satisfied if the modulation frequency matches
the frequency difference between two of the split hyperfine sublevels. A change in the registered fluorescence signal is therefore observable. The single-frequency level
crossing CPT resonances do not split in an external MF,
because for each couple of Zeeman sublevels the resonance condition is fulfilled only at a zero MF level. This
resonance phenomenon is well known also as the groundstate Hanle effect.1 As this CPT, resonances are created
by the coupling of Zeeman sublevel pairs; any external
MF influences the amplitude, width, and shape of the observed signal.
Although this effect is well known, it has not been studied systematically for this case. Generally, the CPT resonances can be detected either as a decrease of the fluorescence intensity, or as an enhancement of the transmitted
intensity. In the latter case, the transmission properties
of the coherently excited medium are mainly determined
by the electromagnetic field parameters; thus, the effect is
called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT).10
In this paper, we report studies on both the fluorescence
(CPT) and the transmitted (EIT) intensity signals, in or© 2006 Optical Society of America
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006
Huss et al.
der to explore the possibilities for applying Hanle-type
CPT resonances to MF measurements.
In this work, we investigate the width and contrast of
single-frequency level-crossing CPT resonances in the
presence of an additional probe MF orthogonal to the laser propagation direction, applying linearly, circularly, or
elliptically polarized light. All measurements were performed on the 5 2S1/2 → 5 2P1/2 transition F = 2 → F⬘ = 1 of
the 87Rb D1 line. The theoretical description of the transverse MF on the CPT resonances in the case of linearly
polarized excitation is in good qualitative agreement with
the corresponding experimental results.
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. An extendedcavity diode laser is frequency stabilized to the F = 2
→ F⬘ = 1 87Rb D1 transition at a 795 nm wavelength by a
dichroic atomic vapor laser lock (DAVLL) setup.11 A part
of the laser light is split off and sent through a 87Rb vapor
cell. The cell is mounted inside a solenoid that creates a
MF B0 up to 170 G oriented parallel to the laser beam
propagation direction. The current driving the solenoid
additionally enables us to heat up the cell to 40°C, which
increases the vapor pressure and therefore the absorption
signal. The linearly polarized beam excites. + and −
transitions, which show their maximum absorption at different laser frequencies owing to the energy shift of the
Zeeman sublevels in the MF (magnetically induced dichroism). A quarter-wave plate after the absorption cell
transforms the two circularly polarized components of the
laser beam into two linearly polarized beams (orthogonal
to each other) that are separated by a polarizing beam
splitter and detected independently by two fast photodiodes. The difference between these photodiode signals is
a dispersive shaped signal, suitable for laser stabilization
purposes via a fast proportional integral differential (PID)
servo unit (see Fig. 1). The laser mode spectrum is additionally observed and controlled by an optical spectrum
analyzer. A part of the laser light (about 100 W; a laser
beam expanded to a diameter of about 1.5 cm) passes
through an uncoated 87Rb vacuum cell kept at room temperature. The cell is placed inside a solenoid, through
Fig. 1. Experimental setup. OSC, oscilloscope; PD, photodiode;
FPI, Fabry–Perot etalon; m, lambda meter; BS, beam splitter;
FG, triangle wave-frequency generator, / 4 quarter-wave plate;
PBS, polarizing beam splitter; B0, static MF.
Fig. 2. CPT (dots) and EIT (curve) resonances obtained on
5 2S1/2-5 2P1/2 87Rb 共Fg = 2 → Fe = 1兲 transition. Ilas = 57 W / cm2
(laser beam diameter 1.5 cm); compensated laboratory MF.
which a current is driven by a triangular wave frequency
generator to produce a MF scanned around zero value.
The transmitted beam is detected by a photodiode, and
the CPT signal is registered by a digital data storage oscilloscope, which is read out by a personal computer. The
fluorescence light is detected by a second photodiode, directly mounted on the sidewall of the vapor cell. This signal is observed on the same oscilloscope. Thus the CPT
resonance signals recorded in fluorescence and transmission are directly comparable.
To investigate the influence of probe MFs on the amplitude and width of the CPT resonance signals, the 87Rb vapor cell is placed inside three pairs of mutually orthogonal
Helmholtz coils, each of them wired twofold. The Earth’s
MF is thus compensated for, and additional probe MFs
are applied.
A. Excitation with Linearly Polarized Light
The dependence of the fluorescence and the transmitted
intensity on the scanned magnetic field Bscan is shown to
be Lorentzian for an expanded laser beam and low laser
power density—up to a few mW/ cm2 (Refs. 12 and 13).
The experimental signal for CPT and EIT resonances obtained with a laser power density of 57 W / cm2 and a laser beam diameter of 1.5 cm is shown in Fig. 2. The relaxation processes in the Rb cell mainly determine the CPT
resonance width. At room temperature, the Rb vapor
pressure is about 3 ⫻ 10−5 Pa, and collisions do not play a
significant role. The decay rate of the grounds-state coherence is very low, so that its effective lifetime is determined by the laser power broadening and the transit time
of the atoms crossing the laser beam diameter. When
scanning the field Bscan without any additional field Badd
applied perpendicular to Bscan, a FWHM of the CPT resonance of ⌫0 = 40 mG was measured, which for the D1 line
of 87Rb corresponds to 0.7⫻ 40= 28 kHz. For the experimental conditions T = 300 K, the laser beam diameter was
1.5 cm, the estimated time-of-flight broadening was
⬍10 kHz, and the power broadening was approximately
30 kHz. The power broadening was calculated using the
formula obtained by Javan et al.14 for low laser intensity.
Huss et al.
The presence of a stray MF changes the Zeeman splitting
and disturbs the coherence created after laser–atom interaction. To investigate this effect on the shape and
width of the CPT resonance, we applied additional MFs
Badd in two orthogonal directions (parallel and perpendicular to the vector of the laser polarization Elas). These
spatial directions were chosen in our investigations because, for these directions, the shape of the resonance signal is preserved.
1. Magnetic Field Perpendicular to the Laser Polarization
The experimental geometry and the level scheme used for
the level-crossing CPT resonance investigations are presented in Fig. 3. The linearly polarized laser light connects all Zeeman sublevels of the F = 2 → F⬘ = 1 transition
to ⌳ schemes via simultaneous + and − excitation
(quantization axis parallel to Bscan). At zero MF, the atoms are prepared in a nonabsorbing state; as a result the
fluorescence intensity is reduced. The MF Bscan scanned
along the laser beam propagation axis splits the Zeeman
sublevels and destroys the coherence. The atoms can interact with the resonant light again, so the fluorescence
intensity increases. The same results are obtained by
choosing the quantization axes parallel to Elas (see Fig. 3),
because this kind of excitation creates a longitudinal
alignment only. Bscan as well as Badd are both destroying
this alignment. The result is again an increased fluorescence intensity. The dependencies of the CPT signal am-
Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Fig. 5. (Color online) Excitation scheme for level-crossing CPT
resonances—polarization parallel to the MF Badd. The relative
transition probabilities are quoted in the insets.
Fig. 6. Amplitude and width of the CPT resonances in dependence on Badd (parallel to the laser polarization).
Fig. 3. (Color online) Excitation scheme for level-crossing CPT
resonances. Polarization perpendicular to the MF Badd.
Fig. 4. Amplitude and width of the CPT resonances in dependence on Badd (perpendicular to the laser polarization Elas);
squares, fluorescence signal; circles, transmission signal; lineLorentzian fit.
plitude and width on the value of the additional MF Badd
are presented in Fig. 4. The resonances measured in fluorescence and transmission show the same shape and
width. The signal amplitude is taken at Bscan = 0 mG. The
CPT signal amplitude in dependence on the MF Badd behaves like a Lorentzian function. MFs of the order of
2 – 3 ⌫0 共80– 20 mG兲 destroy the ground-state coherence,
and a CPT resonance is no longer observed. The MF Badd
increases the width of the resonance in a nonlinear manner.
2. Magnetic Field Parallel to the Laser Polarization
The experimental geometry and the corresponding level
scheme valid for this case are presented in Fig. 5. The dependencies of the CPT resonances’ amplitude and width
on the value of the additional MF parallel to the laser polarization Elas are shown in Fig. 6. As in the previous
case, the CPT amplitude dependence on Badd has a
Lorentzian shape (but with opposite sign). The additional
MF in this direction increases the resonance amplitude.
The resonance width dependence on Badd can be approximated as being linear at a rate [0.98(2) G/G] for fields
stronger than 1–2 ⌫0, i.e., 40– 80 mG. In this configuration, the increasing additional MF destroys the coherence
more slowly, and a resonance can be recorded in a wide
region, until MFs corresponding to 25–30 ⌫0 (i.e.,
0.9– 1.0 G) are applied. A qualitative explanation of the
dependence observed can be given considering the atomic
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006
Fig. 7. (Color online) Excitation scheme for level-crossing MF
resonances in case of circular polarization.
system in the vicinity of the zero value of the scanned MF
(Fig. 5). If we choose a quantization axis directed along
the laser field polarization Elas, the laser-atom interaction
creates transitions 共⌬mF = 0兲. Through the spontaneous
emission, atoms are pumped into the states mF = + 2 and
mF = −2. This process is very effective, because the relative transition probabilities are the largest for these transitions. The MF Badd together with the scanned MF Bscan
cause a redistribution of these populations and, moreover,
they influence the optical coherence. As a result, the fluorescence and transmission signals are enhanced (Fig. 6).
A more detailed consideration for the case of excitation
with linearly polarized laser light, based on numerical solution of the system of density matrix equations, is presented in Section 4.
B. Excitation with Circularly Polarized Light
In the case of Badd = 0, no ⌳ systems are formed in the excitation scheme of Fig. 7, and thus the conditions for CPT
are not fulfilled. Thus in case of exact circular polarization, there is no quantum interference effect at all and, intuitively, the intensity of the fluorescence signal must not
show any sharp dependence on the MF Bscan. However,
around the zero MF a distinct bright level-crossing MF
resonance due to optical pumping is observed. This resonance shows a strong dependence on the additional probe
MF Badd. The circularly polarized laser beam excites, e.g.,
+ transitions and pumps the atoms into two of the
ground-state hyperfine sublevels (Fig. 7). The atomic
magnetic momentum created due to the atom-laser interaction is directed collinearly to the MF Bscan and does not
destroy the orientation of the atoms. The signal obtained
is due entirely to an uncompensated MF in transverse direction, which mixes the ground-state sublevels and
causes redistribution of the ground-states population,15,16
providing evidence of the magnetic momentum created by
the laser field. A precise compensation of the MF Badd cancels this signal. The dependence of the resonance amplitude and width on the additional MF Badd is depicted in
Fig. 8. Again the resonance amplitude dependence on the
transverse MF has a Lorentzian shape. As in Subsection
3.A.2, a redistribution of the ground-state population in
mF = 1 , 2 (Fig. 7), caused by the transverse field, increases
the amplitude of the resonance. The dependence of the
resonance width on the additional MF Badd shows a linear
dependence with a slope of 1.00共2兲 mG/ mG. Such linear
behavior is easily applicable for magnetometry, as it allows measurement of the value of the transverse MF by
determining the resonance width.
Huss et al.
C. Excitation With Elliptically Polarized Light
In the realistic experimental setup, the laser light polarization is not perfectly linear or circular. Consequently, in
this subsection, we investigate how a CPT resonance obtained by imperfectly polarized laser light behaves in the
presence of a probe MF. Experimental results for CPT
resonances are presented for two cases, namely, a small
deviation from a purely linear or purely circular polarization. These measurements were performed in flurescence
with 8 mW laser power and a laser beam diameter of
2 mm. In the presence of an additional MF Badd, a deviation of the laser light polarization from a purely linear or
circular one by less than 10% causes a distortion of the
Lorentzian resonance signal shape. The geometry of the
experiment is the same as in Fig. 3. First we discuss a deviation from linear polarization. The ellipticity of the light
is Ey / Ex = 8%. The shape and width of the resonances
were investigated in the presence of probe MFs applied
parallel and perpendicular to the axis Ex of the laser
beam polarization. The additional MF perpendicular to
Ex widens the contour, as it does in the case of purely linear polarization. The MF directed along Ex causes a split
of the CPT resonance that is arranged symmetrically
around the zero value of the scanned MF Bscan. An example of a CPT resonance, obtained with elliptical polarization Ey / Ex = 8% in the presence of Badd = 1.2 G, is
shown in Fig. 9. The characteristic splitting shows a linear dependence on the amplitude of the additional MF
(Fig. 10) with a slope of 0.46 mG/ mG. It could well be
Fig. 8. Amplitude and width of the level-crossing MF resonances in dependence on Badd in case of circular laser polarization: squares, fluorescence; circles, transmission.
Fig. 9. CPT resonance in case of elliptical polarization for Badd
= 1 , 2 G; lower curve, polarization ellipse oriented vertically; upper curve, polarization ellipse tilted around the z axis by 15°.
Huss et al.
Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006 / J. Opt. Soc. Am. B
Brazhnikov et al. conclude that the amplitude of electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) increases by more
than 1 order of magnitude in optimal elliptically polarized
light in comparison with excitation with linear polarization. For EIT or dark resonances, the maximum amplitude is obtained for pure linear polarization, which was
confirmed by our experiment. The conclusions for the
symmetry of the signal are proved by our experiment—
the line shape is symmetric in the case of exact resonance.
Fig. 10. Splitting of the CPT resonance obtained with elliptical
polarization in dependence on the additional MF Badd The arrow
indicates the splitting of the CPT resonance shown in Fig. 9
(lower trace).
Fig. 11. Shape of the level-crossing MF resonance obtained in
circular polarization and the CPT resonances in case of elliptical
polarization with 8% deviation from the circular one.
used for evaluation of MFs in the region of 0 – 1 G. The
splitting of the resonance can be compensated by tilting
the principal axis of the polarization ellipse around the z
direction (Fig. 9).
The change of a purely circular polarized laser light to
a slightly elliptical one also has influences on the shape of
the resonance—an optical pumping signal with opposite
sign is superimposed to the resonance (Fig. 11). Even
though the optical pumping signal is not symmetric, the
distinct MF resonance peak is always centered at the
point of zero-scanning MF. Our investigations demonstrated that to apply level-crossing MF resonances (like
CPT) to magnetometry one needs to strictly maintain the
laser beam polarization quality and direction. Any deviation from perfect polarization causes signal distortion
that would immediately result in distinct systematic measurement errors.
Matsko et al.17 showed that in NMOR signals obtained
with elliptically polarized light, similar peculiarities are
due to the creation of high-order ground-state coherence.
In our experiment, an M-scheme excitation connects the
m = + 2 with the m = −2 Zeeman sublevel via a multiphoton process [hexadecapole moment 共⌬m = 4兲]. The created
coherency is observed in transmission. The CPT signal
will not be sensitive to the ellipticity of the exciting light
if it is formed on the levels connected in a pure ⌳ scheme
(for instance Fg = 1 − Fe = 0). New results for magnetooptical resonances in a elliptically polarized field for a
closed F → F + 1 transition were published recently.18,19
To analyze in detail the experimental results described in
Subsection 3.A we carried out numerical calculations concerning the influence of the additional MF on the CPT
resonances. The theoretical description in the present
work proceeds from the equations in Refs. 20 and 21,
which describe the interaction of an atomic system with a
constant MF H0 and a resonant laser radiation. A concrete model was developed for the case of orthogonal MFs,
continuous (scanned) H0, an additional arbitrarily oriented probe field H⬘, and a linearly polarized laser field
E共0 , t兲. The irreducible tensor operator formalism was
used. The advantages of this representation, together
with a clear physical meaning of the tensor component,
are related to the diagonalization of the relaxation matrix
⌫. A necessary condition is that binary collisions and radiation trapping are assumed to be the main relaxation
processes in the atomic system. Then the relaxation constants ⌫共k兲 will depend only on the rank k of the statistic
operator qk 共 = f , , 兲.21,22 The set of equations describing
the ground-state with quantum number F, the excited
statef with quantum number Ff, and the optical coherency , can be quoted for arbitrary angular momentum:
ḟqk + ⌫f共k兲fqk = iBgfh−1 qH0fqk
共k + q兲共k − q + 1兲
共k − q兲共k + q + 1兲
+ Lqk + 共2Ff + 1兲NfW共v兲␦k0␦q0 ,
˙ qk + ⌫共k兲qk = iBgh−1 qH0qk
共k + q兲共k − q + 1兲
共k − q兲共k + q + 1兲
+ Mqk + 共2F + 1兲NW共v兲␦k0␦q0 + ⌫f共k兲fqk ,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006
Huss et al.
⌫f共兲 = 共− 1兲Ff+F++1⌫f共0兲共2Ff + 1兲共2F + 1兲共2Jf + 1兲
˙ qk + 关⌫共k兲 + i0兴qk
= ih−1
兺 共− 1兲
H−Q共− 1兲Jf+J+q共2k⬘ + 1兲
− q⬘
+ 共− 1兲k+k⬘ Bgf共f储jf储f兲
q⬘ + Gqk .
In Eqs. (1), the first term on each right-hand side describes the magnetodipole interaction of the atomic system. Here Hq 共q = 0 , ± 1兲 are the circular components of
the MF H. The interaction with the laser field is described
by excitation tensors Lqk, Mqk, and Gqk, which are defined as
Lqk = ih−1共2F + 1兲−1/2
⫻关dq⬘⬘ + d共−q⬘ ⬘兲共− 1兲k+k⬘+q⬘兴,
with a geometrical coefficient
Cqq⬘⬘Q = 共− 1兲2J+q⬘共2Ff + 1兲1/2共2k⬘ + 1兲
− q⬘
Mqk = ih−1共2F + 1兲−1/2
⫻关dq⬘⬘ + d共−q⬘ ⬘兲共− 1兲k+k⬘+q⬘兴,
Bqq⬘⬘Q = 共− 1兲2Jf+q⬘共2F + 1兲1/2共2k⬘ + 1兲
− q⬘
Gqk = ih−1共2Ff + 1兲−1/2d
+ 共− 1兲k+k⬘Rqq⬘Qq⬘⬘兴,
Rqq⬘⬘Q = 共− 1兲2J+1共2Ff + 1兲1/2共2k⬘ + 1兲
Sqq⬘Q is obtained from Rqq⬘Q with substitution of f ↔ ,
and 共 储 j 储 兲 = 关共2F + 1兲共F + 1兲F兴1/2. The last term in Eq.
(1b) describes the transfer of population 共k = 0兲 and coherence 共k = 2兲 from the excited state 共Ff兲 to the ground state
共F兲. The relaxation constant ⌫f共k兲 representing this
transfer is given by23
We should note that the relaxation constant ⌫f共k兲
characterizes the losses in the channel Ff → F. In the
case of a branching-ratio ⌫f共0兲 / ⌫f共0兲 close to 1, the atomic
system is closed, and thus the losses are minimal. On the
other hand, if this ratio is close to 0, the atomic system
becomes an open one, and therefore the losses reach a
maximum. In the particular case of the 87Rb D1-line Ff
= 1 → F = 2 and Ff = 1 → F = 1 transitions, the branching
ratio can be derived from Eq. (4): 关⌫1−2共0兲 / ⌫1−1共0兲 = 5兴.
The notations in Eqs. (1) are (as commonly used):
B, Bohr’s magneton; ប, Planck constant; gf and g, Landé
factors for the corresponding levels; 0, resonance frequency for the given transition; W共v兲, velocity distribution
function; Nf and N, population of the excited and ground
states, and d, reduced matrix element of the dipole transition. Parentheses denote 3j-Wigner symbols, and brackets denote 6j-Wigner symbols.
Using the basic equations, Eqs. (1a)–(1c), one can write
a concrete system of equations for the chosen atomic transition scheme in a certain geometry and experimental
In these calculations, the quantization axis was chosen
to be parallel to the electric vector Ez of the laser field,
and the scanned MF Hx was assumed to be perpendicular
to this axis. Only the additional MF vectors’ component
perpendicular to the scanned MF is of importance, and it
can be resolved to Hz (parallel to Ez) and Hy (perpendicular to Ez). Using the rotating-wave approximation and assuming a monochromatic laser field propagating in the x
direction 共L , kx兲, i.e., EQ共L , t兲 = eQE exp兵−i共Lt − kxx兲其
+ c . c., where the circular components are designated with
eQ, the system of equations can be reduced to an algebraic
one. The additional but not compulsory condition L
− 0 ≪ ⌫共k兲 was assumed to simplify the calculations.
The equations written under these conditions for the
transition J = 2 → Jf = 1 were solved numerically with the
aim of examining the solution behavior as a function of
parameters: the Rabi frequency dfE / h, the spontaneous
emission transfer rate ⌫f共k兲, and the stray field components Biadd. All these parameters and the MFs were expressed in units of ⌫. We present here the results concerning the stray MF influence on the resonance
amplitude and width only. The values of the parameters
were chosen in accordance with our experimental conditions. The radiative width of the upper level is known to
be 6 MHz, while the evaluated time-of-flight width of the
lower level is ⬍10 kHz, so the ratio of the upper to lower
level decay rate constants is 500.
All experimental investigations were performed with
laser power density of 57 W / cm2, providing for the
parameter24 共dfE兲2 / h2⌫f⌫ approximately 5. By virtue of
this estimation, the Rabi frequency was chosen to be 100
⌫ .
The model calculations for the geometry chosen in the
experiment showed that the longitudinal alignment of the
ground state plays a major role. An additional MF paral-
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lel to E changes the optical coherence 共0k ; k = 1 , . . . , 3兲,
thus enhancing the alignment.
The calculated dependencies of the excited-level population f00 on stray MFs are proportional to the unpolarized
fluorescence intensities observed. To compare the experimental data (see Figs. 4 and 6) with the model calculations a recalibration of ⌫ into units of a magnetic flux
density (cgs system of units) was done. The results are
presented in Figs. 12 and 13. A good qualitative agreement is seen, especially for the amplitude dependence on
the MF Badd. A qualitative agreement between the CPT
resonance measured width and the width calculated in
our model can also be claimed (Figs. 12 and 13). The nonlinear behavior of the CPT resonance width at small field
strengths is therefore well represented by the model calculations.
It is worth mentioning that both effects (broadening of
the CPT resonance and change of the CPT amplitude) in
the presence of additional MFs parallel to the laser polarization direction are nonlinear effects. It should be also
emphasized that the predictions of performed calculations
have only qualitative character because, e.g., the real velocity distribution of atoms always present in thermal vapor cells was not taken into account.
Fig. 12. Comparison of the calculated (curve) and experimentally obtained (squares) normalized amplitude and width of the
fluorescence signal in dependence on the Badd applied perpendicular to the laser beam polarization Elas.
The investigation of the influence of transverse MFs on
CPT resonances in the cases of linear and elliptical polarization (and on the level-crossing MF resonances in the
case of circular polarization) of the exciting laser light
showed that the resonances obtained in such a singlefrequency level-crossing configuration are sensitive to
probe MFs in the order of their width. The theoretical
analysis of the influence of transverse MFs on the CPT
resonances in the case of linearly polarized excitation is in
good agreement with the experimental results.
The results obtained can be used in MF measurements.
The resonance obtained with circular polarized laser excitation shows a quite-good linear dependence of the signal width on a transverse probe magnetic field. This signal width (in milligrams) equals the value of the
transverse field with good accuracy. A possible disadvantage of using the observed resonances for measuring MFs
lies in the fact that such an experimental arrangement
gives only the component in a plain perpendicular to the
laser beam of the measured MF.
The sensitivities of the resonances to MFs in the cases
of excitation by linearly and circularly polarized laser
light are comparable. The sensitivity can be increased by,
e.g., using narrower structures in the CPT resonance25
and by improving the registration system’s noise performance.
Fig. 13. Comparison of the calculated (curve) and experimentally obtained (squares) normalized amplitude and width of the
fluorescence signal in dependence on the Badd applied parallel to
the laser beam polarization Elas.
This work was supported in part by FP5 (EU) project
G6RD-CT-2001-00642 and the Bulgarian National Council for Scientific Research (grants F-1006/00 and F-1409/
E. Alipieva’s e-mail address is
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 23, No. 9 / September 2006
Huss et al.
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