Print Culture
Recent papers in Print Culture
Edited volume exploring the use of print culture as a form of social and political activism in the United States during the 20th century. From the intro: “Print activism” is a term I use here to refer to print media’s role in social... more
This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming... more
Au regard de l’essor timide de la taille-douce à Paris au début du xviie siècle, l’expérience italienne devint une étape nécessaire pour les graveurs qui voulaient apprendre ou perfectionner le métier. À la différence de ses collègues,... more
The article discusses the handwritten revisions and drawn additions by Albrecht Dürer in his own copy of the treatise on geometry, Underweysung der Messung (1525). Situating Dürer’s interest in mathematics within the scholarly milieu of... more
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
On the occasion of the 2020 exhibition "LIFE Magazine and the Power of Photography," this essay reevaluates longstanding myths about "the photo essay at life" while tracing how and by whom the magazine's varied photo features were... more
This particular consideration of Piranesi’s influence is not an exhaustive geography of the haunted wanderings of the artist’s aesthetic ghost. Rather, what follows highlights three aspects of eclecticism in his work—presented in loose... more
This essay examines Samuel Jackson Pratt’s Emma Corbett: Or, the Miseries of Civil War (1780), a popular novel about the American Revolution that mounted an argument against the violence of the war. Pratt’s critique of the transatlantic... more
La communication porte sur la dimension satirique d’une gravure de Jaspar Isaac intitulée « La Belle Helena. Cléopatre. Lucrèce », étudiée à la lumière du discours burlesque et misogyne qui voit le jour dans l'art et la littérature de la... more
Considérer l’image dans la dimension technique de son élaboration n’est pas une réflexion périphérique à la question de la caricature chez les Goncourt. Si l’image est plus volontiers abordée sur les plans stylistique et politique, la... more
Рад представља попис свих спомена (памети) и успомена (васпоминанија) светаца и непокретних празника по реду црквене године од 1.септембра до 31. августа, који се налазе у календарима венецијанских издања Божидара Вуковића. У основи је... more
Introduzione: ogni sera, una pillola contro la paura Cosa fare se da un giorno all'altro ti rinchiudono in casa e ti chiudono biblioteche, librerie e sale di lettura? Si può rimediare con la tecnologia, certo, ma non tutti i libri si... more
La civilisation du journal ne voit pas seulement apparaître une circulation accrue des idées, une extension du lectorat, un mode d’information tissé de romanesque et de nouveaux rythmes liés à la quotidienneté. Elle instaure aussi... more
This book aims to establish the position of the sidekick character in the crime and detective fiction literary genres. It re-evaluates the traditional view that the sidekick character in these genres is often overlooked as having a small,... more
Revolutionary Founders: Rebels, Radicals, and Reformers in the Making of the Nation, ed. Alfred Young, Gary Nash, and Ray Raphael, 357-375, 428-429. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011.
Conceived as a review of the state of book history in Colombia, this paper examines the roots, mutations and contemporary conditions of possibility for the development of this discipline in the country. After reviewing the bibliographical... more
"Artistry and Industry: The Portraiture of George Peter Alexander Healy, 1830-1865." What do antebellum portraiture and industrialization have in common? In a word: Healy. George Peter Alexander Healy (1813-1894), a little-studied... more
Maps were at the heart of cultural life in the Americas from before colonization to the formation of modern nation-states. The essays in Early American Cartographies examine indigenous and European peoples' creation and use of maps to... more
Dr. Herbert Halpert was an American folklorist who came to teach at Memorial University in the early 1960’s, and founded the Folklore Department. His private library, numbering approximately 13,000 volumes, is considered by scholars to... more
Architecture monograph engages with production and marketing instruments to exist within the system of our image-driven society. Challenging its conventional understanding, this article aims to uncover the contemporary monograph as a site... more
Le livre imprimé matérialise dans sa forme même la mutation du statut auctorial. De même que des milieux intellectuels et sociaux nouveaux se constituent physiquement autour de l’atelier des grands imprimeurs-libraires, le livre imprimé... more
Techniques applied to description of hand-press-era literary works can be turned toward popular duplication processes. Close examination of material objects tests other forms of evidence and aids in identifying potential concerns... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Semblanza sobre la editorial Argos, para el portal Editores y Editoriales Iberoamericanos (siglos XIX-XXI).
Radical Philosophy 2.01 (February 2018)
*Impressive Shakespeare* reassesses Shakespeare’s relationship with "print culture" in light of his plays' engagement with the language and material culture of three interrelated "impressing technologies": wax sealing, coining, and... more
This article analyses the place and value of occult arts in the healthcare market of Republican China (1912-1949). Medical historiography has long neglected the resilience of such occult arts as talismans, astrology and divination in the... more
L’usage de la mise en abyme abonde dans l’art du XVIIe siècle, qui voit une profusion de tableaux figurés dans des toiles. Elle se manifeste notamment sous forme de prolongement ou d'explicitation de la représentation, à l’aide de miroirs... more