Processing and Characterization of
Microcellular Foamed High-Density
Polyethylene/Isotactic Polypropylene Blends
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E5
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G8
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E5
In this paper, a study on the batch processing and characterization of microcellular foamed high-density polyethylene/isotactic polypropylene (HDPE/iPP) blends is
reported. A microcellular plastic is a foamed polymer with a cell density greater
than 109 cells/cm3 and fully grown cells smaller than 10 mm. Recent studies have
shown that the morphology and crystallinity of semicrystalline polymers have a
great influence on the solubility and diffusivity of the blowing agent and on the cellular structure of the resulting foam in microcellular batch processing. In this research, blends of HDPE and iPP were used to produce materials with variety of
crystalline and phase morphologies to enhance the subsequent microcellular foaming. It was possible to produce much finer and more uniform foams with the blends
than with neat HDPE and iPP. Moreover, the mechanical properties and in particular the impact strength of the blends were significantly improved by foaming.
icrocellular plastics are foamed polymers with a
cell-population density greater than 109 cells/cm3
and fully grown cells smaller than 10 mm. A microcellular foamed structure can be developed by first saturating a polymer sample with a volatile blowing agent
followed by rapidly decreasing the solubility of the
blowing agent in the polymer (1–8). Our recent studies
have shown that the morphology and crystallinity of
semicrystalline polymers have a great influence on the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
solubility and diffusivity of the blowing agent in the
polymer and on the cellular structure of the resulting
foam in microcellular batch processing (9).
In this work, the microcellular batch processing and
properties of HDPE and iPP blends were investigated.
First, standard samples were produced from HDPE
and iPP and their blends with compositions of 90/10,
50/50, and 10/90 (wt/wt). Then, the solubility and
diffusivity of CO2 in these samples were investigated
along with the morphologies and the crystallinities of
the blends. The samples were foamed in a microcellular process, and the structures and properties of the
resulting foams were compared. The results of this
Saeed Doroudiani, Chul B. Park, and Mark T. Kortschot
work show that the presence of another phase in polyolefins has a great influence on the foaming of HDPE
and iPP in microcellular batch processing. Although a
foam structure was difficult to achieve in neat HDPE
and iPP, a microcellular foam structure was easily obtained with the blends. Also, the mechanical properties that were degraded by blending were improved
significantly by foaming. The experimental results reveal
that in some cases the addition of a low percentage of
another polymer greatly affects the morphologies, the
mechanical properties (10), the surface properties
(11), and the foamability.
Polyolefins comprise a large group of polymers with
various macromolecular structures and different degrees of branching. The density of polyolefins is the
lowest among the polymers, and their properties are
strongly affected by the density. Polyolefins, and in
particular PE and PP, are major components of postconsumer plastics waste. Separation of plastics waste
into individual parts and sorting is costly, and usually
technically difficult. Therefore, developing processes
for consumption of plastics wastes without sorting
would be valuable.
Polymers, depending on their structures, may form
crystalline or amorphous morphologies during cooling
from the melt. The crystalline structure of the polymer
strongly depends on the crystallization conditions.
HDPE and iPP are semi-crystalline polymers and form
lamellar structures and spherulites when cooled from
the melt.
Blending is commonly used to enhance certain
properties of the polymers. Two polymers may be miscible and/or compatible depending on their thermodynamic properties. A miscible polymer blend is a
homogeneous mixture of two polymers at the molecular level with a negative value of the free energy of
mixing (DGM > DHM # 0) (12, 13). In an immiscible
polymer blend, the free energy of mixing is positive.
Miscible blends are characterized by a single glass
transition temperature and a single homogeneous
phase, while immiscible blends display two glass transition temperatures and have two or more phases. It
is known that HDPE and iPP are immiscible and incompatible, in spite of the similarity of their chemical
structures (13, 14).
Blending affects the crystalline structures of both
polymers. In the case of HDPE/iPP blends, solidification from the melt usually involves the crystallization
of the iPP phase followed by that of the HDPE phase if
the rate of cooling is not too fast (15, 16). When
HDPE/iPP blends are cooled rapidly from the melt, simultaneous crystallization of the HDPE and the iPP
will take place, and the phase boundary as well as the
phase morphology will be different from those obtained through slow cooling. The effect of the second
polymeric phase on the morphology of the first phase
must be similar to the known effect of low molecular
weight additives on the crystalline structure (13).
Hence, the addition of iPP to HDPE might cause a decrease in the size of the spherulites.
Blending also affects the surface (or interface) properties. The surface phenomena in polymer blends,
even in simple systems, are very complex, and not
well understood. In general, blends of both compatible
and incompatible polymers show pronounced surface
activity, which is more pronounced in incompatible
blends than in compatible blends (11). The surface
properties of the polymers have a great effect on the
mechanism and kinetics of microcellular foaming (17).
The activation energy for bubble nucleation is much
lower for the heterogeneous interfaces developed in
the blends. Therefore, it is expected that the foamability will be greatly enhanced by blending. It is the purpose of this study to make use of blending to enhance
the microcellular foamability of polyolefin materials.
In previous work (9), it was shown that the batch
foam processing HDPE and iPP was strongly dependent on their crystal morphology and the degree of
crystallinity. In the batch foam processing of HDPE
and iPP, microcellular structures were difficult to
achieve, unless the polyolefin materials were quenched
during cooling from the melt so that they had a relatively low crystallinity. It was believed that the foamability of polyolefin materials was enhanced by
increasing the solubility of gas in the polymer and by
decreasing the stiffness of the polymer matrix when
the crystallinity was lowered.
In this study, the effects of the blending of HDPE
and iPP on the foamability and the properties of the
resulting foams were investigated. Blends of HDPE/iPP
were prepared by injection molding, and the samples
were characterized in terms of the crystalline parameters, the sorption parameters, and the mechanical
properties. Then the microcellular foamability of these
blends was studied as the composition was varied.
Finally, the mechanical properties of the resulting
foams were examined. Particular emphasis was given
to the impact strength of the foamed blends.
Injection-molding-grade HDPE from DuPont (SCLAIR
2909, melt index 13.5 dg/min at 190°C, density 960
kg/m3) and isotactic-PP homopolymer from Himont
(Profax 6331, melt index 10 dg/min at 230°C, density
902 kg/m3) were used as received. Commercial grade
carbon dioxide (Matheson Gas Products) was used as
a blowing agent without any further purification.
Standard samples of HDPE, iPP and their blends
with compositions of 90/10, 50/50, and 10/90 (denoted as PP10, PP50, and PP90, respectively) were
produced by an injection molding machine (Engel ES28) directly from neat and manually-mixed pellets,
using a standard test specimen mold (the dimensions
conformed to type I specimens of ASTM Method D638
for tensile and ASTM Method D256 for impact tests).
Processing and Characterization
Fig. 1. Normalized sorption curves of HDPE, iPP and their blends.
The barrel temperatures of the injection molding machine were 163°C–193°C–193°C (325°F–380°F–380°F)
in the hopper-to-nozzle direction for HDPE and PP10
materials, and 177°C–218°C–218°C (350°F–425°F
–425°F) for PP50, PP90 and iPP materials.
Sorption Experiments
The solubility and diffusivity of the blowing agent in
the specimens were measured in sorption experiments. For the purposes of this test, the specimens
were pressurized in a pressure vessel with carbon
dioxide. At various times, the mass uptake was recorded. From the uptake sorption curve, the diffusivity
was derived (18) as follows:
Mt yM` 5 4 (Dyp)0.5 (t 0.5yL)
t 0.5/L
A plot of Mt/M` as a function of
(Fig. 1) yields
essentially a straight line (for the initial time period of
the test) with a slope of 4(D/p)0.5, which is readily
solved for D. Here Mt is the total amount of gas that
has diffused into the polymer strip at time t, and M` is
the total amount of gas that has diffused at infinite
time. The solubility is calculated to be M` divided by
the weight of the sample.
Microcellular Foaming
Figure 2 shows an experimental setup for microcellular foam processing (the drawing is not scaled). The
pressure vessel design is detailed in reference (19).
First, specimens with a thickness of 3.2 mm (0.1250)
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for microcellular batch foam processing.
were saturated in a pressure vessel with carbon dioxide at room temperature (23–25°C) and 5.51 MPa (800
psi) for 110 hours. The required saturation time was
determined from the sorption curves. Then, the pressure was released and the samples were immersed in
a glycerin bath for 20 seconds at 133°C (for HDPE
and PP10 specimens), for 20 seconds at 140°C (for
PP50 specimen), and for 10 seconds at 160°C (for
PP90 and iPP specimens). It was not possible to foam
all the blends at a single temperature: when the temperature was too high, the foam formed but then collapsed, while a low temperature resulted in little
expansion because of the high viscosity of the polymers. Hence, the foaming temperature for each blend
was determined from the foaming behaviors at various
Saeed Doroudiani, Chul B. Park, and Mark T. Kortschot
Morphology and Structure Studies
Samples were prepared for morphology studies by
microtoming the injection-molded specimens at room
temperature with a Sorvall MT-6000 equipped with a
glass knife, and their morphologies were studied
using an Olympus BH-2 polarized optical microscope
equipped with a 35 mm camera. The foamed samples
were characterized using a Hitachi S-520 scanning
electron microscope (SEM) at an acceleration voltage
of 20 KV. The samples were immersed in liquid nitrogen for 30 minutes, then fractured and mounted on
stubs. The fracture surfaces were sputter coated with
gold prior to the microscopy work. The fracture surfaces resulting from impact testing were also characterized directly using the SEM.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
The crystallinites of HDPE, iPP and their blends
were investigated using a differential scanning
calorimeter (DSC, Model DuPont 2000) at a scanning
rate of 10 K/min under a nitrogen environment. The
crystallinity (x) of a single-phased material (i.e., HDPE
and iPP) was calculated by measuring the specific
heat required for melting (DHm) through integration of
the appropriate peak and dividing this value by the
heat of fusion for the pure crystalline phase (DH 0m)
(20–22). On the other hand, the calculation of crystallinity of a blend was complicated. The crystallinities
of HDPE (xHDPE ) and iPP (xPP) in the blends were separately calculated by dividing the specific enthalpies required for melting of each phase (i.e., DHm,HDPE and
DHm,PP ) by the heats of fusion for each crystalline
phase (i.e., DH m,
HDPE and DH m,PP ).
) 3 100%
) 3 100%
xPP 5 (DHm,PPyDH m,PP
DHm,HDPE and DHm,PP in Eqs 2 and 3 were determined
from the DSC thermograms of the blends using Eqs 4
and 5:
Mechanical Properties T esting
Tensile tests were performed on a Sintech Model 20
testing machine equipped with a computer, according
to the ASTM D-638 standard method. Tensile properties and statistical data were calculated using the
Testwork program (Version 2.10, Sintech Inc.). For
each sample, five (for foamed samples) or ten (for unfoamed samples) specimens were tested. The tensile
properties of the foamed samples were calculated
based on the expanded cross-sectional area (denoted
as “Foamed”) and based on the cross-sectional area of
the unfoamed material (denoted as “Foamed*”). The
impact strength of the samples was determined using
a Tinius Olsen 92T impact tester. The tests were run
at room temperature according to ASTM D-256 (Izod)
with notched samples. All the samples were allowed to
desorb the gas for at least two weeks before the property testing to remove the effect of the residual gas
(23, 24).
In the microcellular processing of semicrystalline
polymers, the crystalline structure and the stiffness of
the polymer matrix play a critical role (4, 5, 9).
Therefore, in order to understand the effect of blending on the foam processing of HDPE/iPP blends, the
crystalline morphology, crystallinity and the mechanical behavior of the unfoamed blends were studied
first. Since foaming affects the physical and mechanical properties of the materials, the results of tensile
and impact testing of the foamed samples are also
discussed, and the mechanical properties are compared with those of unfoamed specimens.
Morphology Studies
(1 2 x) ? w
DHm,PP 5
the integrated areas of each peak in the thermogram).
x and w are the weight fraction of iPP in the blend
and the weight of blend sample used in DSC, respectively. The weight of the blend samples ranged from
3.5 to 5.0 mg in this study.
where DHm,HDPE and DHm,PP are, respectively, the heats
required for melting the HDPE and iPP phases, (i.e.,
The crystalline morphologies of the microtomed sections of the injection-molded HDPE, iPP, and their
blend samples were investigated using an optical microscope with polarized light. The photomicrographs
in Fig. 3 show that the presence of materials in one
phase had a definite and pronounced effect on the
crystalline structure of material in the other phase. In
Table 1. Melting and Crystallization Parameters of Blend Samples Calculated from DSC Data.
Tm,HDPE (°C)
DHm,HDPE (J/g)
xHDPE (%)
Tm,PP (°C)
DHm,PP (J/g)
xPP (%)
xHDPE and xPP are the crystalline fractions of HDPE and iPP, respectively, calculated from the measured enthalpies of fusion for HDPE (DHm,HDPE) and ipp (DHm,PP). Tm,HDPE and Tm,PP are the
temperatures at melting peaks of HDPE and iPP, respectively.
Processing and Characterization
Fig. 3. Morphology of (a) HDPE, (b) PP10, (c) PP50, (d) PP90, and (e) iPP. Scale bars 20 mm.
Saeed Doroudiani, Chul B. Park, and Mark T. Kortschot
k 5 [kam,HDPE(1 2 xHDPE) 1 kcr,HDPE xHDPE](1 2 x)
1 [kam,PP (1 2 xPP) 1 kcr,PP xPP]x
where kam,HDPE, kcr,HDPE, kam,PP, and kcr,PP are the solubilities of CO2 in the amorphous and crystalline regions of HDPE and iPP, respectively; and xHDPE and
xPP are the crystalline fractions of HDPE and PP, respectively. Since CO2 dissolves only in the amorphous
phase (4, 5, 9), the second term in each square bracket can be ignored. Therefore, the solubility of CO2 in
the blend can be written as a function of the blend
composition and the crystalline fraction of each component:
Fig. 4. Solubility of CO2 in the HDPE/iPP blends as a function
of blend composition.
this work, the size of the spherulites for HDPE and
iPP samples were 30–40 and 50–60 mm, respectively.
It was observed that the regular spherulite patterns of
HDPE and iPP (Figs. 3a and e) tended to become irregular with blending (Figs. 3b, c, and d). These observations are consistent with the results of Lovinger and
Williams (22), and Teh (25).
The crystalline fraction of each component in the
blends was measured in the DSC experiments, and
the results are summarized in Table 1. Various values
have been reported for the heats of fusion of HDPE
and iPP depending on the mode of crystallization
(26–33). Since it was not clear which crystallization
mode was dominant for the HDPE and iPP crystallites
in our blend samples, the most representative values
of 293 J/g (26–31) and 209 J/g (28–33) were chosen
as the heat of fusion for HDPE and iPP, respectively,
in calculating the crystalline fractions.
The crystalline fraction of iPP decreased as the
HDPE component increased, whereas the crystalline
fraction of HDPE did not change much with the weight
fraction of iPP in the blends. It seemed that blending
tended to reduce the crystallinity of the iPP. These results are in agreement with the observations made by
Martuscelli with iPP/LDPE blends (34), and Bartczak
et al. with HDPE/iPP blends (35). The presence of PE
melt was found to retard the crystallization of iPP.
k 5 kam,HDPE(1 2 xHDPE)(1 2 x) 1 kam,PP(1 2 xPP)x (8)
The solubilities of CO2 in the amorphous phases of
HDPE and iPP (i.e., kam,HDPE and kam,PP) were calculated from the measured solubilities of CO2 in the HDPE
and iPP and the corresponding crystallinities of the
pure HDPE and iPP samples (measured from the DSC
k 5 44.0 (1 2 xHDPE) (1 2 x) 1 79.5 (1 2 xPP)x
Based on the measured crystalline fraction in each
component of the blends, the expected solubilities of
CO2 were derived using Eq 9. The solubilities calculated using Eq 9 (based on the DSC results, see Table 1)
and the measured solubilities of CO2 in the blends are
compared in Fig. 4. Note that the crystallinity of each
phase in the blend was less than that found in the
pure polymers (Table 1). As a result, the total fractions of amorphous region for the blends were greater
than the values predicted by the rule of mixtures, and
therefore, the solubilities predicted by Eq 9 were
greater than those calculated by the rule of mixtures
(Fig. 4). The measured solubilities were slightly lower
than the predicted ones.
Few models have been proposed to describe the diffusion of small molecules in polymer blends. In the
simplest model, the polymer is assumed to consist of
Solubility and Diffusivity
The effects of blending on the solubility and diffusivity of the blowing agent in and through the samples
were investigated using a sorption test (Figs. 4 and 5).
At equilibrium, the rule of mixtures should describe
the solubility of CO2 in the blends. The solubility of
CO2 in the blend is
k 5 kHDPE(1 2 x) 1 kppx
where kHDPE and kPP are the solubilities of CO2 in the
HDPE and iPP phases, respectively. Since each component actually consists of both amorphous and crystalline regions, the solubility may be rewritten as
Fig. 5. Diffusivity of CO2 through the HDPE/iPP blends as a
function of blend composition.
Processing and Characterization
Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of foamed (a) HDPE, (b) PP10, (c) PP50, (d) PP90, and (e) iPP.
Saeed Doroudiani, Chul B. Park, and Mark T. Kortschot
laminae of each component arranged in either series
or parallel configurations (36). In our case, the diffusion of CO2 in the HDPE/iPP blend is more complicated because the matrix has four different phases: the
amorphous and crystalline HDPE phases, and the
amorphous and crystalline iPP phases. Despite the
complex phases in the blend matrix, the measured
diffusivity of CO2 in the blend almost followed the rule
of mixtures due to the minor change in the crystalline
fraction in each component of the blends (Fig. 5).
Microcellular Foaming
In microcellular foam processing, after a saturated
solution of the polymer/blowing agent is prepared, a
large number of cells should be nucleated. The resulting microcellular foam structure is determined mainly
by the number of nuclei. The nucleation of microcells
in semicrystalline polymers strongly depends on the
crystallinity and morphology (9). This section describes the effects of blending on the microcellular
foamability of semicrystalline polymers.
The microcellular foamability of the materials was
greatly enhanced by blending. Since both the HDPE
and iPP were injection molding grades with relatively
low molecular weights, the crystallinities were high.
Because of the resulting increase in the stiffness and
decrease in the gas solubility (9), a microcellular
foamed structure was difficult to achieve with these
pure materials. Cellular structures were developed
only locally near the edges of the samples. However,
when these materials were blended, the foamability
was significantly improved. A uniformly distributed
microcellular foamed structure was obtained with the
blend samples of PP10 (Fig. 6b). A microcellular structure was also developed in PP90. However, the foam
structure was not very uniform (Fig. 6c). The volume
expansion of foamed PP50 was much larger than
those of foamed PP10 and PP90, and a large degree of
non-uniformity was observed in the resulting foam
samples of PP50. Because this sample was foamed at
140°C, it is probable that the bulk of expansion was
confined to the HDPE phase. The volume expansion
ratios of foamed PP10, PP50, and PP90 (denoted as
FPP10, FPP50, and FPP90, respectively) were 11%,
71%, and 14% respectively. The SEM pictures of microcellular foamed HDPE, PP10, PP50, PP90, and iPP
are shown in Fig. 6. The particulate pattern on the
fracture surface of foamed HDPE (Fig. 6a) seems to be
due to the ductile nature of the HDPE materials (37).
The improved foamability of blends can be attributed
to many factors such as the interface developed between the two immiscible materials, the crystalline
morphology of blends, the reduced crystallinity, etc.
First of all, the foamability of HDPE/iPP blend samples must have been strongly affected by the interface
in the blends. HDPE and iPP are immiscible and form
stable interfaces. Because it is well known that the
poorly bonded interfacial regions have a lower activation energy for bubble nucleation (17), it is believed
that the interface developed in immiscible blends of
HDPE and iPP must have provided favorable heterogeneous nucleating sites for bubble formation. Therefore
from the viewpoint of the surface characteristics,
blending should be advantageous to microcellular
The foam structure of HDPE/iPP blends must also
have been affected by the crystalline morphology of
blends. Our previous study demonstrated that the
morphology of a semicrystalline polymer affects the
foam structure (9). The study of the blend samples
showed that by blending, an irregular texture of crystallites was obtained. Since the blending of two semicrystalline materials influences the morphology in
each phase of the blend, the resulting foam structure
must be affected by the changed morphology of HDPE
and iPP in the blends.
The degree of crystallinity could also have affected
the foamability of the HDPE/iPP blends. Since the
crystalline fraction of iPP in the blends decreased as
the weight fraction HDPE increased, the solubility of
CO 2 in the blend increased, as discussed above.
Although there was only a slight increase in the solubility by blending, its effect may not be negligible because the amount of thermodynamic instability
produced by the rapid pressure decrease and temperature rise during microcellular foaming is very sensitive to the concentration of gas dissolved in the
polymer (6). Furthermore, the reduced crystallinity
must have reduced the stiffness of the blend matrix.
Since the stiffness of the polymer matrix affects the
foamed structure significantly during microcellular
foaming (9, 38), the reduced crystallinity must have
been favorable to the foaming.
The unique foaming behaviors of the HDPE/iPP
blends must also have been affected by the gas loss
during foaming. Matuana et al. (8) and Behravesh et
al. (39) showed that the void fraction of a microcellular foamed sample is strongly affected by the amount
of gas lost through the foam skin at various foaming
temperatures. Behravesh et al. (39) showed that for a
5 wt% concentration of CO2, the maximum achievable
volume expansion ratio would be 29.5 times if there is
no gas loss through the foam skin. For the typical solubilities of 2.1, 3.3, and 4.4 wt% in the HDPE/iPP
blends, the maximum achievable volume expansion
ratios would be 12.4, 19.5, and 26.0 times. Since the
obtained volume expansion ratios of the HDPE/iPP
blend foams were much lower than the maximum
achievable ones, it is speculated that a significant
amount of gas was lost during the foaming in the
batch microcellular process. Because of the difficulty
involved in measuring the amount of gas lost in the
microcellular processing, it was not easy to identify
the effect of the desorption on the resultant foam morphology for each blend. A further study will be carried
out to quantify this effect.
Mechanical Properties
One of the interesting features of HDPE/iPP blends
is their tensile properties. The tensile properties of the
Processing and Characterization
Fig. 7. Tensile properties of unfoamed and foamed samples as a function of composition: (a) stress at yield, (b) ultimate tensile
strength, (c) elastic modulus, and (d) elongation at peak. The properties of foamed samples are presented based on the expanded
cross-sectional area (Foamed) and the cross-sectional area of the unfoamed material (Foamed*).
blend samples are shown as a function of composition
in Fig. 7. Each data point represents the mean of at
least five measurements, with related standard deviations shown as error bars. The changes of the stress
at yield for the unfoamed blend samples were close to
what is predicted by the rule of mixtures (Fig. 7a); the
yield stress increased monotonically as the percentage
of iPP increased from 0 to100%. But the nominal tensile strength (Fig. 7b) and the elastic modulus (Fig. 7c)
of blends showed a positive synergism, whereas the
elongation at break was deteriorated slightly by blending (Fig. 7d). These results support the observations
made by Noel and Carley (40) and by Teh et al. (10).
Deanin and Sansone (41) and Lovinger and Williams
(22) also found similar results with 25/75 composition. From their detailed studies of the tensile properties and the morphology of HDPE/iPP blends,
Lovinger and Williams concluded that morphological
effects may be the main reasons for the tensile behavior of HDPE/iPP blends (22); these include spherulite
sizes, intercrystalline links between lamellae, and
some interactions between the two incompatible phases and their mutual boundaries.
The tensile properties of the foamed samples (based
on the total foamed cross-section) were in general
lower than those of the unfoamed samples. In particular, the tensile properties of the foamed samples at a
50/50 composition deteriorated significantly because
of the large volume expansion ratio obtained from the
foamed samples. The normalized yield stress and
elastic modulus of the foamed samples (denoted as
Foamed*) at all compositions were almost the same as
those of the unfoamed samples; the one exception
was the ultimate tensile strength. Although the introduction of a microcellular foam structure into these
blends lowered the stress at yield and the elastic modulus (based on the same volume), the ultimate tensile
strength seemed to be improved by foaming. For example, Fig. 7b shows that the ultimate tensile strength of
the foamed blend at a 10/90 composition was twice
as high as that of the unfoamed blend. This reinforcing effect caused by the microcellular structure may
be due to the orientation of macromolecular chains in
the cell walls during foaming. The elongation at peak
of the HDPE/iPP blends did not seem to be much affected by microcellular foaming.
In contrast to what was observed for the tensile
properties, the effect of blending and microcellular
Saeed Doroudiani, Chul B. Park, and Mark T. Kortschot
Fig. 8. Notched Izod impact strength of HDPE, iPP, foamed
and unfoamed samples of blends.
foaming on the impact strength of blends was quite
pronounced. First, it should be emphasized that blending produced a significant loss in the impact strength.
For example, the impact strength of the PP10 sample
(containing 10% iPP) was less than the half of that of
the neat HDPE (Fig. 8). The lowered impact strength
seemed to be due to the weak interface between the
neat HDPE and iPP phases in the blends. It is interesting to note that the trend of impact strength as a
function of composition was similar to that of the
elongation at peak (Fig. 7d) (42).
When a microcellular foam structure was developed
in the blends, the impact strength was improved significantly. The notched Izod impact strengths of
foamed PP10, PP50 and PP90 were three, four and
two times as high as those of the corresponding unfoamed ones, respectively (Fig. 8). One possible explanation is that the microcells blunt the notch and
retard its propagation. A mechanism has been suggested for describing this behavior of foamed samples
in analogy with the toughening of brittle plastics by
incorporating rubber particles (1, 43). The toughening
mechanism depends on the failure of the matrix under
impact. When the craze initiation stress of the matrix
is lower than the yield stress, the failure mechanism
is due to crazing, the dispersed rubber particles act as
craze initiators, and toughening is achieved. Another
toughening mechanism is yielding, in which the craze
initiation stress is higher than the yield stress. Sometimes crazing and yielding may occur at the same time
(44, 45).
The microcellular processing and the mechanical
properties of HDPE, iPP, and their blends have been
studied. It was observed that blending decreased the
crystallinity of iPP in the blends. The presence of another phase also had a great influence on the crys1214
talline morphology in all blends. The results of this
work also show that the presence of another phase influences the foaming of HDPE and iPP in microcellular
batch processing. All blends were foamed with a fine
cellular structure, whereas little or no foaming took
place in the neat polymers. The blend with a 50/50
composition was foamed with a very high volume expansion ratio and had a nonuniform structure, which
was reflected in the large standard deviations in the
test results. Based on the experimental results, it is
suggested that a minor phase of another polymer
should be added to the major phase materials to facilitate the microcellular foam processing of polyolefin
The tensile properties and impact strength of blends
and their foams were investigated. Overall, the tensile
properties of blends nearly followed the rule of mixtures. Some tensile properties, such as the ultimate
tensile strength and the elastic modulus, showed a
synergistic effect with blending while the elongation at
the peak was deteriorated by blending. When a microcellular foam structure was developed in the blends,
the specific tensile properties (based on the same
weight) were almost the same as those of the unfoamed
blends except for the ultimate tensile strength. The ultimate tensile strength of PP10 was improved significantly by microcellular foaming. However, the tensile
properties based on the same volume were lower than
those of the unfoamed blends. On the other hand, the
impact strength was deteriorated dramatically by
blending. Although the impact strength was deteriorated by blending, it was improved significantly by introducing a microcellular foam structure into the
D 5 Diffusivity, cm2/s.
FPP10 5 Foamed HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of 90/10.
FPP50 5 Foamed HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of 50/50.
FPP90 5 Foamed HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of 10/90.
k 5 Solubility of CO2 in the blend, g/g.
kam,HDPE 5 Solubility of CO 2 in the amorphous
phase of HDPE, g/g.
kam,PP 5 Solubility of CO 2 in the amorphous
phase of iPP, g/g.
kcr,HDPE 5 Solubility of CO2 in the crystalline phase
of HDPE, g/g.
kcr,PP 5 Solubility of CO2 in the crystalline phase
of iPP, g/g.
kHDPE 5 Solubility of CO2 in HDPE, g/g.
kPP 5 Solubility of CO2 in iPP, g/g.
L 5 Thickness, cm.
Mt 5 Amount of gas in the polymer at time t, g.
M` 5 Amount of gas in the polymer at equilibrium saturation, g.
PP10 5 HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of
Processing and Characterization
PP50 5 HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of
PP90 5 HDPE/iPP blend with a composition of
t 5 Time, s.
Tm,HDPE 5 Temperature at melting peak of HDPE,
Tm,PP 5 Temperature at melting peak of iPP, °C.
x 5 Weight fraction of iPP.
w 5 Weight of sample in DSC, g.
DGM 5 Free energy of mixing, J.
DHM 5 Enthalpy of mixing, J.
DHm 5 Specific enthalpy required for melting a
polymer, J/g.
0 5 Specific enthalpy of fusion of a pure
DH m,
crystalline phase (or heat of fusion), J/g.
DHm,HDPE 5 Specific enthalpy required for melting
HDPE, J/g.
DHm,PP 5 Specific enthalpy required for melting
iPP, J/g.
5 Heat of fusion of HDPE, J/g.
5 Heat of fusion of iPP, J/g.
Dhm,HDPE 5 Specific heat required for melting the
HDPE phase in a blend, J/g.
Dhm,PP 5 Specific heat required for melting the iPP
phase in a blend, J/g.
x 5 Crystallinity.
xHDPE 5 Crystalline fraction of HDPE.
xPP 5 Crystalline fraction of iPP.
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Received August 1996
Revised July 1997