Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
Public communication strategy for NASAÕs planetary
protection program: Expanding the dialogue
Linda Billings
SETI Institute, 3654 Vacation Lane, Arlington, VA 22207, USA
Received 2 September 2004; received in revised form 10 October 2005; accepted 12 October 2005
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Planetary Protection Office, in the Science Mission Directorate, has
a long-term initiative under way in communication research and planning. The possibility of extraterrestrial life and efforts to search for
evidence of it is one of NASAÕs key missions and a subject of great interest to the public. Planetary protection plays a key role in the
search for signs of life elsewhere, and NASAÕs Planetary Protection Office has long recognized the importance of communications in
accomplishing its goals and objectives. With solar system exploration missions advancing into the era of sample return and with the science of astrobiology changing assumptions about the nature and boundaries of life, the NASA Planetary Protection Office is expanding
its communication research efforts. For the past decade, communication research sponsored by the NASA planetary protection program
has focused on reaching members of the science community and addressing legal and ethical concerns. In 2003, the program broadened
its communication research efforts, initiating the development of a communication strategy based on an interactive model and intended
to address the needs of a broad range of external audiences. The NASA Planetary Protection Office aims to ensure that its scientific,
bureaucratic, and other constituencies are fully informed about planetary protection policies and procedures and that scientists and officials involved in planetary protection are prepared to communicate with a variety of public audiences about issues relating to planetary
protection. This paper describes NASAÕs ongoing planetary protection communication research, including development of a communication strategy and a risk communication plan.
Ó 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Public understanding of science; Science communication; Outreach
1. Introduction
Planetary protection is the term used in the international
space community to describe policies and practices that are
intended to prevent contamination of extraterrestrial environments by microbial Earth life (forward contamination)
and contamination of EarthÕs environment by possible
extraterrestrial microbial life (back contamination) in the
course of solar system exploration (Rummel and Billings,
2004). NASA has a mandatory planetary protection policy
in place (NASA Policy Directive (NPD) 8020.7F, Biological Contamination Control for Outbound and Inbound
Planetary Spacecraft) that applies to all solar system explo-
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ration missions. NASA also has established (NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 8020.12C, Planetary Protection
Provisions for Robotic Extraterrestrial Missions) mandatory procedures for compliance with this policy. The international Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) has a
similar policy in place (COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy, 20 October 2002), though compliance with it is voluntary. NASAÕs policy specifies that its Planetary Protection
Office is responsible for preventing biological contamination in connection with solar system exploration. Beyond
a concern for the possible effects of perennial heat sources
(radioisotope thermoelectric generators, for instance)
aboard spacecraft on the survivability of Earth life in extraterrestrial environments, the Planetary Protection Office is
not chartered to ensure protection against nuclear contamination in connection with solar system exploration. It also
0273-1177/$30 Ó 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Billings / Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
is not chartered to ensure protection of Earth against asteroid impacts.
The concept of planetary protection dates back to the
beginning of the Space Age. The International Astronautical Federation and the United Nations Committee on the
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space began consideration of planetary protection issues in 1956, and the US National Academy of Sciences first aired concerns about interplanetary
contamination in 1957 (CETEX, 1958, 1959). Planetary
protection involves many different disciplines and an array
of national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, and communication has always
been an important element of the practice. With the pace
of solar system exploration picking up (see National
Research Council, New Frontiers, 2002), and with public
concerns about biological contamination heightened due
to concerns about global infectious disease spread and possible bioterrorism, communication is an increasingly
important concern in the planetary protection community.
2. Planetary protection today
As knowledge of the solar system advances, so does
understanding of the need for planetary protection. For
example, in fall 2003, as the Galileo spacecraft neared the
end of its mission to Jupiter, NASA altered plans for the
end of this mission to ensure that the Galileo spacecraft
would burn up in JupiterÕs atmosphere and not accidentally
crash on one of three especially interesting moons orbiting
the planet (National Research Council, Quarantine, 2002;
Rousseau, 2003). The reason for this change was that, in
the course of its mission, Galileo had collected data indicating that liquid water oceans might exist beneath the frozen
surface of the Jovian moons Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede (NRC, 1999). The possibility of liquid water in these
extraterrestrial environments moved them toward the top
of the list of promising astrobiological research targets in
the solar system. When Galileo was launched in 1989, the
Jovian system was not a promising target in the scientific
search for extraterrestrial life. But the possible presence
of liquid water changed that assessment. In a letter to
NASAÕs Planetary Protection Officer dated 28 June, 2000,
the US National Research CouncilÕs Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (Space Studies Board) recommended that, to preserve pristine conditions on these three
Jovian satellites for future astrobiological exploration,
appropriate planetary protection measures should be triggered for the end of this mission.
Solar system exploration is now advancing into the era
of sample return (NRC, 1998; NRC, 2002, Quarantine),
and the science of astrobiology is altering assumptions
about the nature and boundaries of life as we know it
(Fox, 2002; Wachterhauser, 2000). Over the past decade,
scientists have made great progress in learning about the
boundaries within which life can thrive on Earth (Cowen
et al., 2003) – and about locations on or beneath the surface of other solar system bodies where Earth life might
be able to survive and where indigenous life might exist
as well (Chyba and Phillips, 2001; Kargel, 2004; Paige,
2005). Right now it looks like life can survive just about
anywhere under just about any conditions (NRC, 2003;
Nicholson et al., 2000). Solar system sample return missions are already in progress to bring back particles of
the solar wind, comets and asteroids for scientific analysis.
And in the not too distant future, perhaps in the next decade, space-faring nations are eventually expected to begin
retrieving samples from the martian surface and subsurface, perhaps in the next decade (NRC, 1990). Planetary
protection requirements have already been drafted to prevent the forward contamination of Mars and other bodies
by Earth microbes and the backward contamination of
Earth by possible martian extraterrestrial life (NRC,
2005). In response to the growing number of solar system
exploration missions and expanding understanding of
planets and life, the work of NASAÕs Planetary Protection
Office is expanding, and interest in its work is growing.
Thus the Planetary Protection Office is expanding its communication research efforts.
Mars is of special interest to the international planetary
protection community because of the history of water
there. Planetary scientists have long believed that Mars
may have had liquid water on its surface at some point
in its history (Jakosky and Mellon, 2004; NRC, 2001).
Some scientists consequently have considered that the
planet may have hosted life as well (McKay et al., 1996;
Thomas-Kperta et al., 2002). Missions launched to Mars
over the past decade – Mars Pathfinder, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, the Mars Exploration Rovers, and
Mars Express – have produced new evidence of large quantities of liquid water on the surface of Mars in the early history of the planet (Arvidson et al., 2005; Malin and Edgett,
2003; Mangold et al., 2004; Paige, 2005) and considerable
stores of water ice on Mars today (Bibring et al., 2005;
Mitrofanov et al., 2003; Titus et al., 2003). In addition,
some scientists have recently claimed they see evidence of
methane in the planetÕs atmosphere in quantities sufficient
to suggest that biological activity might be producing it
(Musser, 2004). Based on recent observations of the planet,
a growing number of scientists are entertaining the possibility that liquid water – and perhaps even microbial life
– may exist somewhere on Mars today (Kargel, 2004).
Researchers have examined the potential for a natural
interplanetary transfer of microorganisms by the high-velocity ejection of soil and rock resulting from planetary
impacts of comets and other small bodies and concluded
that if microbes have ever existed on Mars, their viable
transfer to Earth would be not only possible but also highly
probable. Viable transfer of Earth life to Mars is also
believed to be possible. That is, microbial life from Earth
could have been delivered to Mars via meteoric impact,
and if microbial life ever evolved on early Mars, it could
have been delivered to Earth in the same way (Gladman
et al., 1996; Gladman and Burns, 1996; Melosh, 1984,
1985; Mileikowsky et al., 2000).
L. Billings / Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
Another issue that has recently surfaced in planetary
protection is the possibility that Earth organisms may have
already been delivered to Mars by human technology, given that three Soviet spacecraft (Mars 2, Mars 3, and Mars
6) and two NASA spacecraft (Mars Climate Orbiter and
Mars Polar Lander) have already crashed on the planet.
One proposal put forth to address the possibility of any
contamination that might be caused by these crashes is
remediation. It has been suggested that if life is ever detected on Mars, NASA should be prepared to reverse its Mars
exploration campaign and remove all of the space hardware it has left on the surface of Mars, toward reducing
that risk that any dormant bacteria surviving on these
spacecraft might be transported to more hospitable subsurface environments.
In light of current scientific understanding of Mars,
measures for Mars sample return missions will be especially
stringent, including the requirement for sterilization of all
spacecraft components intended to come into contact with
the surface of Mars and complete containment of returned
martian samples until they are verified free of contamination. Avoiding forward contamination – that is, preventing
human-caused microbial introductions to extraterrestrial
environments – is necessary to preserve the planetary
record of natural processes. And preventing back contamination is necessary to protect life on Earth from possible
extraterrestrial life and to preserve the pristine quality of
returned samples for scientific investigation.
3. Planetary protection communication research
NASA communication about planetary protection to
date has focused largely on interested members of the global space science community, particularly COSPAR,
NASA, and the NRCÕs Space Studies Board. NASAÕs
Planetary Protection Office has aimed to ensure that its scientific and bureaucratic constituencies are fully informed
about planetary protection policies and procedures. The
Office is now considering the needs and interests of public
audiences and aiming to ensure that members of the planetary protection community are prepared to communicate
with a variety of public audiences about issues relating to
planetary protection.
The scope of the content of communications about planetary protection is broad, encompassing a range of science
disciplines (astrobiology, astronomy, biology, chemistry,
microbiology, and planetary science), technology (for contamination detection and monitoring, sterilization, and
containment), national and international law and policy,
ethics, risk assessment, and more. Issues in planetary protection include technology requirements for sterilization,
containment, and sample analysis; boundary conditions
for life; implications of the use of space nuclear power
and propulsion systems; international cooperation; and
legal, regulatory and policy frameworks.
The planetary protection program at NASA is especially
interested in ensuring that it is able to meet public needs for
information about possible biological contamination on a
daily basis and in crisis situations. NASAÕs planetary protection officer characterizes his stance on communication,
with specialist and non-specialist audiences, as ‘‘tell Õem
early and often’’. The scientific community has endorsed
this approach as well: in a 1992 report on Mars sample
returns, the US National Research CouncilÕs Space Studies
Board recommended, ‘‘Throughout any sample return program, the public should be openly informed of plans, activities, results and associated issues, etc. The most effective
strategy for allaying fear and distrust is to inform early
and often as the program unfolds’’ (NRC, 1992,).
3.1. Research from 1992 to 2002: expert audiences
Communication research sponsored by the NASA planetary protection program began in 1992, initially focusing
on informing expert audiences, addressing legal and ethical
concerns, and understanding risk communication needs in
the context of public decision making. Early analyses of
planetary protection and public decision making (1992–
1994) identified a key message to be conveyed to expert
audiences: planetary protection measures are an integral
element of solar system exploration mission planning and
must be integrated with mission plans from the start. That
is, mission managers and others involved in solar system
exploration must understand that planetary protection is
mandatory, not optional. (NASAÕs Planetary Protection
Officer has the authority to stop the launch of spacecraft
if it is found to be non-compliant with planetary protection
requirements.) This message is now widely accepted at
NASA and in the broader space community. Early
research also addressed societal concerns and led to more
in-depth studies and journal papers (1995–1999) on risk
and other ethical issues (Race, 1996, 1999; Race and
MacGregor, 2000). Surveys and focus groups were
employed to gather data on expert and non-expert views.
In addition, the NASA Planetary Protection Office
engaged in outreach to scientific and technical associations
in an effort to convey the message that planetary protection
applies to ‘‘all of the planets, all of the time’’. Further
outreach to expert audiences (2000–2002) led to papers
published in diverse scientific and technical journals, and
preliminary outreach to general audiences, including story
placements in media outlets such as the BBC, Discover
magazine, and National Public Radio as well as the
distribution of information to museums and planetariums.
3.2. Current research: communicating with public audiences
In 2002, this communication research initiative expanded to examine theories and models of communication and
review research in science and risk communication, the
rhetoric of science, public understanding of science, and
public opinion research as they relate to planetary protection. Current planetary protection communication research
(2002–present) continues to address legal and ethical issues
L. Billings / Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
and communication within expert audiences, but it is also
now exploring theories, models, and research findings that
could contribute to a foundation for planetary protection
communication strategy and planning and guide the development of communication tools. Among relevant research
findings gleaned from the literature (Borchelt, 2001; Collins
and Pinch, 1993; Dornan, 1988, 1990; Douglas and Wildavsky, 1982; Dunwoody and Peters, 1992; Flynn et al.,
2001; Gregory and Miller, 1998; Hornig, 1992, 1993; Peters
et al., 1997; Sandman, 2001a,b, 2002; Shoemaker and
Reese, 1996; Valenti and Wilkins, 1995) are that:
‘‘The public’’ is not a monolithic audience.
Public understanding of science does not ensure public
appreciation or support for science.
Perceptions of reality can constitute reality, especially in
communication about science and risk.
Public understanding of science and risk does not
depend solely on the quantity or quality of information
conveyed by experts to non-experts. It also depends in
large part on the social context for the communication
in question.
In addition to the provision of official statements and
factual data, successful communication about risk
requires validation of emotional responses and personal
Trust is key to successful communication about risk.
Keys to establishing trust in communications about scientific and technological risks are caring and empathy,
honesty and openness, commitment and dedication,
competence and expertise.
Mass media play a key role in public discourse about
science and risk, but audiences tap many other sources
for information as well.
Experts and expertise serve a purpose in communication
about science and risk but are not sufficient to establish
effective communication.
Both journalists and scientists employ professional values and practices that are different and sometimes
Science and scientists are not apolitical, objective, or
value-free, and though they hold privileged cultural status as arbiters of knowledge, this status alone does not
assure them the publicÕs trust.
Journalism and journalists purport to be objective, but
they are not free of the influence of personal, professional and institutional values and interests.
In consideration of these and other relevant research
findings, the communication strategy developed for
NASAÕs planetary protection program characterizes communication as contextual and contingent. This strategy
envisions communication as an ongoing, interactive process occurring in specific social contexts and serving material and symbolic ends. The strategy rests on the
assumption that communication takes place in complex
networks of interacting exchanges by means of mass media,
local media and other public channels as well as interpersonal contacts (Burke, 1959, 1973; Carey, 1993;
Lewenstein, 2003). The aim of this communication strategy
is to expand public discourse on planetary protection,
accommodate multiple perspectives, validate expert and
local knowledge, and enable public participation (Freire,
1994; Servaes et al., 1996). Such a strategy, resting on an
open, contextual, interactive model of communication, is
intended to enable more effective communication about
science and risk; greater public engagement; and more
informed public decision making.
In addition to a communication strategy, a planetary
protection risk communication plan has been drafted,
including a contingency plan for crisis situations that offers
the NASA planetary protection officer the options of
employing risk communication contingency teams and citizen advisory groups as needed. Identification, characterization, and cultivation of audiences is also important in
planetary protection communication strategy and planning. Intra-agency, interagency, congressional, and intergovernmental communications must be considered; and
non-governmental organizations and interest groups, mass
media, students and community groups are other potentially important audiences. Preliminary audience research is
now under way. Among the audiences identified for possible cultivation are environmental groups and public health
4. Challenges
Successful implementation of the communication strategy developed for NASAÕs planetary protection program
depends on the ongoing participation of NASA officials,
program managers, public affairs officers, external and legislative relations representatives, education and outreach
specialists, and others inside and outside the agency. Coordination among organizations and individuals who may be
called upon to address various audiences about planetary
protection, toward ensuring that current, comprehensive,
and consistent information is available to all interested parties at all times, is a challenge. Members of the planetary
protection community may set the example for NASA
and other involved government representatives, as well as
other members of the science community, in their willingness and ability to employ this broadly inclusive and intentionally flexible communication strategy.
Experience at other US government agencies has shown
that an open, interactive approach to communication – an
overarching concept encompassing practices variously
referred to as public engagement, public participation,
community involvement, joint fact finding, public dialogue,
consensus decision making and collaborative problem solving – can be effective. The US Environmental Protection
Agency has a public involvement policy, and the US
Department of Energy also has a public participation policy in place. The Consensus Council, Inc., has reported on
some success stories ( The Policy
L. Billings / Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
Consensus Initiative has also reported on progress in public policy decision making and dispute resolution by consensus ( The Dialogue to
Action Initiative offers information on progress in public
dialogue and public engagement ( And Public Agenda offers guidelines
for and case studies on public engagement (http://
Experience also has shown, however, that there may be
resistance to implementing such an approach, especially at
top management or political levels, particularly if such an
approach represents a change in practices and because participatory practices tend to involve power-sharing. The US
Army, Centers for Disease Control, Department of Energy,
Environmental Protection Agency, and Geological Survey
have variously conducted research and adopted policies
relating to participatory communication, and some agencies
have employed participatory practices, typically at the local
level. Examining research on and experience with various
forms of participatory communication in government agencies, especially in the context of dealing with risks, may yield
some useful insights (Raloff, 1998; Tinker, 1996).
Another challenge in planetary protection communication research is associated with the advent of Mars sample
returns (NRC, 2002, Quarantine). Such a mission will be
very expensive and highly complex, and sample containment upon return to Earth will require strict security procedures. Criteria for Mars sample handling before release
from post-flight containment are established in ‘‘A Draft
Test Protocol for Detecting Possible Biohazards in Martian Samples Returned to Earth’’ (Rummel et al., 2002).
The NASA Planetary Protection Office has distributed this
draft protocol to organizations and individuals representing a wide array of communities and interests for their consideration. Criteria for Mars sample containment and
handling as described in the draft protocol will be updated
continually, as warranted by new developments in science
and technology. It is not yet known precisely when or
where samples will be returned to Earth from Mars (or
other planetary bodies with potential to support life). It
is impossible to predict who will be in charge of NASAÕS
planetary protection program, the planetary exploration
program, and the overall agency of NASA if and when
Mars sample return or other potentially sensitive planetary
protection issues draw public attention. Thus it is impossible to predict how NASA would respond to such attention.
But it is possible to be prepared for such an event.
The risk communication plan drafted for planetary protection is designed to provide the NASA planetary protection officer considerable flexibility in dealing with any
potential communication crises, including, for example,
the options of creating planetary protection risk communication contingency teams and citizen advisory groups to
deal with specific developments. But even with such contingency measures, this plan unavoidably contains considerable uncertainty. Communication planning, especially
risk communication planning, in relation to planetary sam-
ple return missions thus has a significant element of built-in
Although NASA does not plan to launch a Mars sample
return mission before the second decade of this century,
preliminary design studies are already under way for a
Mars sample return facility, which will be a Bio-Safety
Level (BSL) 4 science laboratory. BSL-4 is the US governmentÕs designation for laboratories certified to contain the
deadliest of microbes such as Ebola virus. Plans to build
BSL-4 laboratories for biodefense research have prompted
protests in some communities. The experiences of other
government agencies in communicating with the public
about BSL-4 facilities may offer some useful insights.
The number-one need in communication with public
audiences about planetary protection is to establish and
maintain credibility and trust. Current events can quickly
change the context for communication about contamination and other risks, at any time and without warning,
for better or worse. The communication strategy outlined
here is intended to enable the NASA Planetary Protection
Office to establish and maintain direct and continuous
communication with all of its various audiences, building
and sustaining continuity, credibility and trust by pursuing
a consistent, constructive, inclusive approach to communications; ensuring full and timely disclosure; getting to
know audiences; and acknowledging uncertainty.
5. Implementation
First steps toward implementation of this communication strategy for planetary protection include development
of a clear, concise and complete narrative explaining what
planetary protection is and does, describing links with
astrobiology and planetary exploration. Another useful
step will be to examine ‘‘lessons learned’’ in relevant NASA
communication campaigns for missions such as the Galileo
mission to Jupiter and the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn, which raised public concerns about risks related to the
use of radioisotope thermoelectric generators; and the
Keck telescope outrigger project, which raised community
concerns about public involvement in environmental
impact assessments. Environmental and other anti-nuclear
groups protested against the launch of Cassini because it
was carrying a nuclear power source. Environmentalists
and native Hawaiians took NASA to court over its plans
for a Keck outrigger telescope project, and in 2003 the
court ruled against NASA, observing that the agency did
not give sufficient consideration to public concerns and
directing the it to prepare a full-blown environmental
impact statement for the project before proceeding with
any work (Lum and Viotti, 2003; Dayton and Viotti,
2003). These cases may provide useful lessons for future
NASA communications about environmental concerns
that may arise in relation to planetary protection.
NASAÕs Planetary Protection Office will continue to
consult with the NRC, which already has offered extensive
expert advice (NRC, 1992, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2005).
L. Billings / Advances in Space Research 38 (2006) 2225–2231
A Planetary Protection Communication Steering Group
has been formed to oversee the development and execution
of communication strategy and plans, in consultation with
the NASA Advisory Council Planetary Protection Advisory Committee and other experts as needed. Another recent
step that NASAÕs Planetary Protection Office has taken
toward ensuring that communication about any possible
contamination risks associated with solar system exploration are timely and thorough is the offering of a threeday course on planetary protection policies and practices
for those involved or otherwise interested in planetary protection activities. The aim of this course is to ensure that all
who need or want to be are up to date on the latest scientific, technical, and policy developments in planetary protection. (As of June 2004, the NASA Planetary
Protection Office had conducted this course in three locations – Baltimore, Maryland, Santa Cruz, California, and
Basel, Switzerland, serving more than 100 students from
government, industry, and academia. The course was
offered at various sites in the US and Europe in 2005.)
6. Conclusion
The goal of the communication strategy outlined here is
to help the Planetary Protection Office identify and meet
the needs of its various ‘‘publics’’ and aid fulfillment of
NASAÕs statutory function to ‘‘provide for the widest practicable and appropriate dissemination of information concerning its activities and the results thereof’’ (Sec. 203 (a)
(3), PL85-568, National Aeronautics and Space Act of
1958). An open, interactive and inclusive approach to communication is a democratic approach, in this authorÕs view.
As solar system exploration continues to move forward,
the author is hoping that public servants and public citizens
will be engaging in a broadening dialogue about how and
why we are forging new pathways in space.
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