Recent papers in Publishing
Dr. Chris Stout Influencer David Frangioni is quite the polymath-as he is an entrepreneur, award-winning veteran of the music industry, technologist, producer, engineer, author, and perhaps most fundamentally, a drummer. He is the Founder... more
Australia's first newspaper editor had the task of trying to construct a paper while lacking decent supplies of ink, paper and type settings. But George Howe had no shortage of criminal activity to report on.
Popcorn is an important snack food worldwide with significant nutritional benefits, including minerals and vitamins. However, adequate production of popcorn in Sub-Saharan Africa is hampered by lack of adapted varieties. This therefore... more
Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using... more
Rights Publisher version archived with the permission of the Dean, Division of Law, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia. This copy is available for individual, non-commercial use. Permission to reprint/republish this version for other... more
As the working hours of junior doctors decrease, adequate handover of patients becomes more important to maintain continuity of care and avoid errors caused by information gaps. A minimum dataset for surgical handover should include the... more
RESUMO Este artigo trata das possibilidades de personalização características das tecnologias digitais, que se estendem aos livros, cujo projeto gráfico pode, muitas vezes, ser alterado pelos usuários. As questões que encaminham o texto... more
Introduction The use of simulation in healthcare education has been extensively embraced over the past 20 years. It enables deliberate practice, and it allows immersion in learning tasks. It enables tasks to be structured in staged... more