Roman History
Recent papers in Roman History
A Clausewitzian analysis of the Imperial Roman Army. Using the Year of the Four Emperors (69 AD) as a case study, the Roman Army of the Principate is examined in its ability to live up to the standards laid down in Karl von... more
Models of the Roman Civilisation in the Danubian provinces. Between local identities and universal values. Scientific report
Vestiges libyques et romains, colonie d'Auguste, épigraphie et vestiges.
translated by David Braund and Frank Pollock
Review of Bettany Hughes' Venus and Aphrodite: a biography of desire. New York: Basic Books, 2020. Pp. v, 188. ISBN 9781541674233
Libro de fotografía y arquitectura clásica, definiciones de conceptos arquitectónicos clásicos, acompañado de obras fotográficas que reinterpretan los conceptos arquitectónicos griego y romanos.
Roman helmets with face-masks constitute a category of military equipment that is rare and at the same time spectacular. They imitate human heads, bare or helmeted; rich decorations include mythological motives and apotropaic elements.... more
This paper examines how the Romans in the early Republic adopted Celtic panoply, in the process abandoning Greek-style hoplite equipment. The first part details the Celtic aspects of the major pieces of Rome’s new military equipment: La... more
In his early work, De inventione rhetorica, Cicero casually defines religion as the part of justice “which offers care and ceremony to a certain superior nature, which they call divine" (De inventione rhetorica 2.53). In Latin medieval... more
Private property in Rome effectively measures the suitability of each individual to serve in the army and compete in the political arena. What happens then, when a Roman citizen was deprived of his property? Financial penalties played a... more
Los niños que vivían en tiempo de los césares de Roma ¿jugaban a ser generales, gladiadores o aurigas del circo? ¿Cómo eran las muñecas a las que cuidaban las niñas? ¿Qué solían hacer, tanto niños como niñas, con un puñado de nueces?... more
COURSE DESCRIPTION This class introduces the environmental history of the ancient Mediterranean: that is, instead of assuming that the physical environment takes a passive role in human history as its background, environmental history... more
The monograph traces the use of the penalty by the Romans until its probable abolition by Constantine. Rabbinic and legal sources are not neglected. The material contributes to the understanding of the crucifixion of Jesus and has... more
Different aspects related to th development of the institution of the monarchy in ancient Morocco. We analyze the different models of king as an expression of personal power. Nous etudions divers aspects liés au développement de... more
The relationships between T. S. and hellenism can be found in the character of the (Greek) tyrant that the Roman annalistic tradition built, as well as in the image he wanted to give of himself. Like those of the other “kings” of Rome,... more
"The commercial trade of republican and imperial Rome was centered mostly on carriage by sea. The merchants and shipowners could agree on different contractual conditions, but these all fell into the general types of locatio conductio,... more
La polarizzazione dell'assetto politico nel passaggio dalla media alla tarda repubblica
Aligha van az ókornak még egy olyan ismert alakja, aki ennyiféle – és egymástól ennyire különböző – identitást hordozott magában. Joszéf ben Mattitjáhu néven látta meg a napvilágot Jeruzsálemben, köztiszteletben álló papi család... more
The CGRS syllabus (authored by Simon Trafford and Ian Grieve of Dartford Grammar School for the IBO) for examinations starting in 2017. The syllabus offers modules in Greek Epic, Roman Epic, Greek Tragedy, Augustan Rome, Roman... more
Exhibition Catalogue, National Archaeological Museum, April 2012 – April 2013
Pour les femmes de la classe « moyenne » romaine, qui ne disposaient pas des possibilités d’activités publiques valorisantes, la mention des métiers qu’elles exerçaient éclaire d’un jour intéressant leur insertion dans la vie économique... more
The settlement of Atrans on the Trojane Pass was situated on an itinerary road, still in the territory of Celeia in the province of Noricum, but close to the Italian border. It was a customs station within the framework of the Illyrian... more