Roman Religion
Recent papers in Roman Religion
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
See now full text version on! Apollo Cunomaglos leads to a multi-disciplinary discussion of Celtic religion: from wolves to cosmology, fertility, ancestry, afterlife, rites de passage and manty more. The epithet Cunomaglos... more
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
The paper discusses the cult of the Hirpi Sorani, comparing it with other wolf cults of central Italy (Roman Lupercalia, Etruscan reliefs possibly depicting the cult of Calu), analyzing the common elements of these cults, and suggesting... more
I membri del collegio di Nemesiaci oggetti di richiamo imperiale in un provvedimento del 412 nel Codice Teodosiano sono figure di controversa interpretazione nella storia degli studi. Per comprendere le attività da essi svolte e come... more
The references to the cult of Vesta included in numerous excerpts of Seneca the Elder’s collection of Controversiae offer a proof of the technical competence of declaimers in recalling the conditions prescribed by pontifical law for being... more
Although there is limited evidence for pre-Constantinian Christianity in Roman Britain, it is clear that in the fourth century AD the early church became increasingly widespread, partly owing to the influence of the Roman state. The... more
Abstract - Roma Triumphans by Biondo Flavio represents the first treatise offering a systematic investigation of the religious, civic and political institutions of ancient Rome, evaluating data from a historical-comparative viewpoint.... more
A detailed analysis of CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212, an inscription detailing the status and life of an association (collegium) of worshipers of Diana and Antinous in Lanuvium. A new edition of the text with English translation is also... more
[Gods, heroes and founders in ancient Latium]
Proposta di collaborazione editoriale per tutti gli storici iscritti su
No presente artigo, propõe-se uma análise crítica do modelo interpretativo das relações entre política e religião na Antiguidade Clássica, conhecido como Polis-Religion ou de Religião da Polis. Especificamente, analisaremos o emprego... more
La religión es un hecho y una necesidad que ha acompañado al ser humano a lo largo de su historia. Durante la Prehistoria, las fuerzas de la Naturaleza se convirtieron en objeto de adoración ante el temor a lo desconocido. Los egipcios,... more
The propaganda about Ceres has unique characteristics. It is an Italic goddess associated from the beginning with the plebeian cause, so since its origins, its propaganda was linked to this faction and highly politicized. For this reason,... more
Perhaps more than any other ceramic container, lamps have the greatest potential to bear very rich iconographic depictions. The central surface and the band around the perimeter were useful panels on which to illustrate either individual... more
Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM) is a biannual, not-for-profit, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the latest social scientific, historiographic, and ecclesiastic research on religious institutions... more
Qui se propose d’accompagner l’histoire religieuse des peuples de l’Italie centro-méridionale au temps de la Deuxième Guerre Punique doit s’affranchir de préjugés encore trop répandus, tels celui qui minore les cultes italiques et... more
As a methodological experiment, this article privileges a female voice belonging to an inferior class that survives in a well-known inscription (CIL 6.18817=ILS 8006) as its primary testimony regarding the manes, and it deploys parallels... more
New Roman altar from Northeast Portugal (Zava, Mogadouro, Bragança) dedicated to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Conservator. Novo altar dedicado a Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Conservator no Nordeste de Portugal (Zava, Mogadouro, Bragança).... more
Près d’un siècle après sa création, le régime patiemment instauré par Auguste connut sa première crise majeure : une révolte qui avait éclaté en Gaule et en Espagne au début de l’année 68 ap. J.-C. poussa Néron au suicide le 9 juin,... more
O cristianismo surgiu no interior do mundo social romano, que abrangia uma vasta extensão territorial, na qual a diversidade de povos estimulava constantes interações culturais. Este movimento religioso, que surge inicialmente como uma... more