Roman Republic
Recent papers in Roman Republic
This was my second published article, in a graduate student journal called Past Imperfect (Vol. 15, 2009) out of the University of Alberta. The published version can be found at:... more
Estudio sobre la aristocracia romana del siglo I a.C. y su comportamiento ante la crisis republicana y la actitud de Julio César.
During the past few years, systematic field survey has revealed an important regional variation within Roman Italy. The settlement pattern that emerges in the Marche-region along the Central- Adriatic coast has many points of similarity... more
Ce livre offre un vaste panorama de l’histoire de la République romaine, saisie à l’époque de son apogée et envisagée dans son inexorable déclin. Embrassant ainsi une période qui va du milieu du IIè s. av. J.-C. à la mort de César, il ne... more
Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, A Brill Companion to Classical Studies Series Series Editor: Lee L. Brice Aims and Scope The aim of the series is to publish high-quality, useful volumes each focused on a specific topic related... more
J.Linderski, Review of T.N. Mitchell, Cicero. The Ascending Years (1979), in Classical Journal 77, 1982, 275-177 = Roman Questions (Stuttgart 1995) 287-289 + addenda 654-655. History and histories; history and philosophy; Wilhelm Drumann;... more
Note critique/Buchbesprechung/Book review de/von/of
G. Alföldy, Römische Sozial-Geschichte. Stuttgart, 2011, dans/in REA 117, 2, 2015, p. 639-651.
G. Alföldy, Römische Sozial-Geschichte. Stuttgart, 2011, dans/in REA 117, 2, 2015, p. 639-651.
Se pretende abordar el estudio de los graneros romanos de ámbito militar en Hispania, mediante un análisis del emplazamiento que ocupaban en el interior de los campamentos legionarios y fuertes y, especialmente, de las técnicas de... more
Пількевич А.Л. Деструктивні процеси в системі військової організації Риму та формування ранніх елементів професіоналізації армії в ІІ ст. до Р.Х. // Етнічна історія народів Європи. 2015. №45. С. 17-20. В статті проаналізовано ключові... more
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
This monograph uses literary and archaeological evidence to examine how farmers – from smallholders to the owners of large estates – bought and sold, lent and borrowed, and cooperated as well as competed in the Roman economy. After... more
The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century BCE onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99,... more
"Религия республиканского Рима" - четвертый том шеститомника "История античных религий" Ф. Ф. Зелинского
But concerning friendship, all, to a man, think the same thing: those who have devoted themselves to public life; those who find their joy in science and philosophy; those who manage their own business free from public cares; and,... more
The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
The kneeling figure with camel on the reverse of the denarius of A. Plautius has generally been identified as Aristobulus II. It is argued here that he is identifiable as his brother Hyrcanus II instead. In addition to the argument of... more
The ancient sources offer clear and unambiguous evidence that Sulla’s civil war victory at the battle of the Colline Gate was followed first by a wave of indiscriminate urban violence and then by the publication of the first proscription... more
The scholarly community has become increasingly aware of the differences between Roman myths and the more familiar myths of Greece. Early Rome: Myth and Society steps in to provide much-needed modern and accessible translations and... more
Appians Keltiké, das vierte Buch seiner vierundzwanzig Bücher umfassenden Römischen Geschichte, behandelt die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Römern und Kelten, beginnend mit dem von Brennus geführten Angriff auf Rom bis hin... more
"Una volta finita la battaglia, allora sì che avresti potuto comprendere con lo sguardo quanto grandi fossero state l’audacia e la forza d’animo nell’esercito di Catilina. Infatti, quasi la stessa posizione che ognuno, da vivo, aveva... more