Second World War
Recent papers in Second World War
In recent years, the idea of ‘swarming’ – that is, simultaneous multidirectional attack or maneuver by large number of independent or semi-independent small units – became a subject of a heated debate. Some believe this is the future of... more
Горан Давидовић, Милош Тимотијевић, Затамњена прошлост : историја равногораца чачанског краја. Књ. 3, Агонија и слом : ратне 1944. и 1945. године (Чачак : Међуопштински историјски архив ; Краљево : Народни музеј, 2004 (Чачак : Графика... more
Kriege und moderne militärische Konflikte bergen das wirkmächtige Potential den Verlauf der Geschichte in einer derart gestauchten chronologischen Abfolge der Geschehnisse zu verändern, die es für Gesellschaften schwer macht, sie in ihrer... more
Actes du colloque de Gênes, 6 et 7 mars 2019 Visions de l’Europe d’après-guerre dans la Résistance en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas et au Luxembourg occupés Notre recherche porte sur les réseaux actifs dans les trois pays occupés, qui... more
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen größeren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt. In den hektischen Wendungen der öffentlichen... more
A második világháború lezárultának hetvenedik évfordulója alkalmából megrendezett Háborús évek. A veszprémi egyházmegye a második világháborúban című konferencián elhangzott előadások szerkesztett változatát tartja kezében az olvasó.... more
Mitteilungen Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg 15 (2022)
Alle 19.42 dell’8 settembre 1943 il maresciallo Pietro Badoglio annunciò via radio la firma dell’armistizio con gli Alleati, ma a Cefalonia, dopo pochi attimi di gioia per la fine della guerra, i militari italiani precipitarono in un vero... more
È uscito il volume A. Pascale, Ascesa e declino dell'impero statunitense, tomo 1 – Genesi di un regime elitario (dalle origini al 1945), La Città del Sole-L'AntiDiplomatico, Napoli 2022. Il testo consta di 620 pagine ed è acquistabile al... more
As historians are becoming more aware of the diversity of the Australian prisoner of war experience during the Second World War, increasing numbers of Indigenous Australians' stories are being identified. Through the combined hard work of... more
The corpus of narratives produced in Germany since 1943 about the battle of Stalingrad appears as a multifaceted "grand narrative" in which historiographical and mythical morphology coexist. The Nazi myth of Stalingrad contributed to... more
Book review of: "Sengo Nihon no Fuko no Kiroku, GHQ Kameraman Boria ga Totta Nihon no Fukei" (Records of the Reconstruction of Postwar Japan, Japanese Scenes Taken by The GHQ Cameraman Boria). Photographs by Dimitri Boria, Compiled by... more
"Still, something essentially sympathetic about Lucas persists, and his fate is heavy with pathos. Once he had been selected for a command he never should have held, he had no choice but to carry out his orders as he understood them, even... more
The Second World War gave a strong impulse to the development of translation and interpreting services in the Soviet Union. Military translators/interpreters were expected to engage in frontline propaganda, ad hoc language teaching and... more
Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
Abstract A rather poignant story of discovering the family name on a monument at the Al Alamein Battlefield, unleashes a long litany of information about the site and the battle: the various armies that fought for this land from the... more
Im Gegensatz zu den Aktivitäten der Einsatzgruppen, die nach dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion am 22. Juni 1941 in Hunderten von Orten Massenerschießungen von Juden durchgeführt haben, ist die Geschichte der bereits im September 1939, nach... more
The Turkish island of Bozcaada, widely known by its ancient Greek name of Tenedos, is located in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea. Due to military conflicts during World War I and World War II, and because of the startegic... more
Throughout the Second World War, a wide variety of methods were used to promote the actions and characters of the aviators in the Royal Air Force in Britain. In particular, flying clothing was repeatedly included in visual representations... more
Questo lavoro si prefigge lo scopo di descrivere le reti di spionaggio e di sabotaggio, le missioni e gli agenti dei servizi segreti tedeschi e della RSI inviati nell’Italia centro-meridionale, tra il 1943 e il 1945, con l’obiettivo di... more
Consideration of conceptions about music and music-making practice in the Independent State of Croatia and in the National Liberation Movement shows the ways in which different worldviews have been implemented at the field of music and... more
1. The changing character of naval battle in history When one looks across the spectrum of world naval history, the nature and character of major naval battles have changed dramatically over time. These changes have tended to punctuate... more
Alamein covers the events leading up to the battle in North Africa that turned the tides of war against the Axis Powers during World War II: the Battle of Al Alamein. The first part of the book is the history of the battle. Sections... more
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
Asia Pacific Perspectives, Volume XIII Number 1, Spring/Summer 2015 This paper,... more
The purpose of this report is to compile historical information regarding World War II aircraft losses in the Lake Victoria region of New South Wales. Lake Victoria was utilised as a training area for No. 2 Operational Training Unit... more
is is the first study to show how the Royal Navy’s ideas about the meaning and application of seapower shaped its policies in the interwar period. Drawing on a wide range of unpublished sources, the author challenges the accepted view... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
The issue of the political rehabilitation and glorification of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) became one of the central political issues in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution and... more
A day-by-day account, full of details and information.
O maior dos cineastas japoneses, Akira Kurosawa, fez no outono de sua vida um filme baseado nos seus sonhos. A rica simbologia dos oito episódios do filme é um convite para conhecer o folclore e a religiosidade do Extremo Oriente. No... more
This study briefly presents the history of the radical form of Ukrainian nationalism, paying special attention to the geopolitical circumstances which formed this movement. Then, it analyzes some aspects of this phenomenon, such as its... more