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      EngineeringSpatial AnalysisPublic HealthSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      Earth SciencesSpatial AnalysisArsenicGroundwater
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      Environmental MonitoringAir pollutionHealthEnvironmental Pollution
After elimination of the Aedes aegypti vector in South America in the 1960s, dengue outbreaks started to reoccur during the 1990s; strongly in Argentina since 1998. In 2016, Córdoba City had the largest dengue outbreak in its history. In... more
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      GeographyArgentinaMedicineSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      Spatial AnalysisClimate ChangeHydrologyClimatology
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      BiologyMedicineSpatio Temporal AnalysisBiological Sciences
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      SuicideSri LankaMedicineSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      BioinformaticsAnalytical ChemistrySpatial AnalysisLife Sciences
Geographically-grounded situational awareness (SA) is critical to crisis management and is essential in many other decision making domains that range from infectious disease monitoring, through regional planning, to political campaigning.... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision MakingSituation awarenessPolitical Campaigns
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      Spatial AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisSpatio Temporal AnalysisSea surface temperature
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      DemographySpatial AnalysisVeterinary EpidemiologySpatial Statistics
The dynamic nature of cities, understood as complex systems with a variety of concurring factors, poses significant challenges to urban analysis for supporting planning processes. This particularly applies to large urban events because... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningSentiment AnalysisSocial Media
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      EngineeringRemote SensingSpatial AnalysisTemporal Data Mining
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisComplex SystemCase StudyArtificial Intelligent
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      BioinformaticsAnalytical ChemistrySpatial AnalysisLife Sciences
Malaria control programmes across Africa and beyond are facing increasing insecticide resistance in the major anopheline vectors. In order to preserve or prolong the effectiveness of the main malaria vector interventions, up-to-date and... more
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      AfricaMedical MicrobiologyMalariaSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceVisual AnalyticsUrban Studies
Causa e effetto invertiti, entropia e sintropia, ordine e disordine, origine e scopo. Agli occhi della scienza il Tempo rimane ancora un enigma. Dall’America alla Russia passando per l’Europa, i misteri più affascinanti della quarta... more
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      PhysicsThermodynamicsPhilosophyBlack Holes
A mortalidade envolvendo motociclistas representa grande problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a tendência da mortalidade por acidentes em motociclistas (AM), entre 2000 e 2015, Pernambuco, Brasil por sexo e... more
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      Public HealthSpatio Temporal AnalysisTrend AnalysisEpidemiological Study
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      Nuclear WeaponsRiskJapanSpatio Temporal Analysis
The provision of diverse ecosystem goods and services by lakes is vital to ecosystem health and economic well-being of nations or regions. Securing ecologically safe lake water quality and quantity through sustainable uses and management... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem healthSpatio Temporal AnalysisLakes
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringElectroencephalographySpatio Temporal Analysis
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      Public TransportUrban PlanningUrban And Regional PlanningSpatio Temporal Analysis
During recent decades, Burundi was threatened by recurrent dry events resulting in crop failure and more socioeconomic losses. To assess the drought occurrence, duration and intensity, this study used the Standardized Precipitation Index... more
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      Climate ChangeEast AfricaDroughtSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      Cognitive ScienceSecond Language AcquisitionSign LanguageAmerican Sign Language
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      RoboticsRehabilitationCerebral PalsySpatio Temporal Analysis
The rise of the Greek film industry during the 1950s and 1960s was enjoyed not just in Greece but internationally throughout the Greek diaspora. This was especially apparent in Australia, where waves of post-war migration provided a ready... more
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      Australian multiculturalismSocial Experience of TimeTime UseFilm Distribution
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      Large CarnivoresSpatio Temporal AnalysisInterspecific competition
This thesis demonstrates the use of deep learning for automating hourly price forecasts in continuous intraday electricity markets, using various types of neural networks on comprehensive sequential market data and cutting-edge image... more
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      Computer VisionMachine LearningComputational FinanceSpatio Temporal Analysis
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisStochastic processesSoftwareHumans
We focus on the case of “symmetry” in the visual and cinematographic structure of the moving image, and present a multi-level model of interpreting symmetric patterns therefrom. Whereas our computational model is general, we particularly... more
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      Visual attentionSpatio Temporal AnalysisSymmetryCognitive film studies
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisRussiaBiological SciencesVirus
Approximately 74 thousand years ago (ka), the Toba caldera erupted in Sumatra. Since the magnitude of this eruption was first established, its effects on climate, environment and humans have been debated. Here we describe the discovery of... more
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The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      ManagementDecision MakingSustainable DevelopmentModeling
The availability of remote sensing satellite data at various spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions provides enormous opportunity to map the urban sprawl. When coupled with Geographic Information System (GIS) it is possible to... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisLandsatUrbun Space
The research objectives were to examine the concentration of crime and its temporal patterns in Niš and compare the related research results in spatial criminology. Longitudinal property and violent crime data were geocoded and assigned... more
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      CriminologySpatio Temporal AnalysisCrime MappingGeospatial Analysis
Air pollution measurements display patterns over space and time allowing for spatio-temporal modelling, through which pollution concentrations and trends can be analysed. In Malta, the MEPA (Malta Environment and Planning Authority)... more
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    • Spatio Temporal Analysis
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisRoad safetyTransport Geography
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      Spatial AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisSpatio Temporal AnalysisSea surface temperature
Seasonal crime patterns have been a topic of criminological research for more than a century with results often conflicting. This descriptive qualitative study examines the nature of property crimes in Dhaka city and whether crime... more
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      CriminologyPolice SciencePoliceBangladesh
West Bengal is a state with a large amount of geographical and physical variation and in relation to this the socioeconomic and political variation also prominent here. So, the crime pattern also varies from one area to another area with... more
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      Social GeographySocial SciencesSpatio Temporal AnalysisCrime
Crime data analysts can assist law enforcement officers in accelerating the crime prediction process with the rising advent of computerized systems. This survey paper, therefore, presents a description of the tools and strategies used in... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisRandom ForestRegressionCrime forecasting
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisStochastic processesSoftwareHumans
Contemporary culture is somewhat uncontemporary. One can even say that it is anachronistic and filled with nostalgia and unexplainable longing for what has been recently alive and new in it.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
This study entailed a review of 63 scientific articles on geospatial and spatial-statistical analysis of the geographical dimension of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The diversity of themes identified in this paper can... more
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      GeographyHealth GeographyMaps and SocietyGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
1. Digital tracking technologies have considerably increased the amount and quality of animal trajectories, enabling the study of habitat use and habitat selection at a fine spatial and temporal scale. However, current approaches do not... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisData VisualizationSequential Pattern MiningRoe Deer
Tutoriel pour formaliser, modéliser, représenter et diffuser des données spatio-temporelles - QGIS et l'extension Time manager - CartoDB et la fonctionnalité Torque Données pour les exercices :... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisSpatio Temporal Data Mining (Data Mining)QgisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsHistory