State Formation
Recent papers in State Formation
[PL] Zdecydowana większość systemów politycznych na Bliskim Wschodzie jest sklasyfikowana jako autorytaryzmy lub reżimy hybrydowe, tj. łączące elementy demokratyczne i autorytarne. Jak dotychczas klasyczne teorie demokratyzacji nie były w... more
Although scholars tend to draw a line of confrontation between the conquerors Normans and the conquered Muslims and Greeks in the kingdom of Sicily, the actual relationship among these people was not so simple. In the kingdom there was a... more
This is a revised version for the second edition of the Oxford Companion to Archaeology, 2012. It was submitted under the title Kofun/Kobun (for Japan and Korea respectively), but the editors overrode this sensitive issue and assigned the... more
Neo- or structural realism is famously said to lack a theory of the state. Resisting the urge to devise one, I would instead argue that structural realist theories—most notably the original theory of Kenneth Waltz—implicitly contain a... more
There are many histories of the police as a law-enforcement institution, but no genealogy of the police as a form of power. This book provides a genealogy of the modern police by tracing the evolution of ‘police science’ and of police... more
In the paper, we express some doubts about one of the assumptions of Robert Carneiro’s model on state (and chiefdom) formation, namely the role of circumscription. In our opinion, the main flaw of Carneiro’s original theory of state... more
Book review of "Latecomer State Formation.
Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin
America" Sebastián Mazzuca. New Haven & London: Yale University
Press, 2021, 448 pp.
Political Geography and Capacity Failure in Latin
America" Sebastián Mazzuca. New Haven & London: Yale University
Press, 2021, 448 pp.
Since the early days of archaeology, Viking-Age burials and burial customs have attracted much attention. Evocative tales of warriors and their deeds preserved in Old Norse poetry and sagas, and recorded in the historical chronicles of... more
in Blouin, K. (ed.). The ancient to modern Nile Delta: Empires, societies, and environments. Cambridge University Press.
The origins and functions of the Polabian god Sventovit venerated at Arkona temple on the island of Rügen eluded most of the past and modern scholars. Most common, current theory postulated by Aleksander Gieysztor claims that Sventovit... more
Theorizes the relationship between energy markets and state monopolies in the longue duree of Chinese history.
The time frame of the thesis is the period approximately from the tenth to the twelfth century and it focuses on the area of north-eastern Germany that was more or less the north-eastern quarter of the former German Democratic Republic.... more
This paper aims at highlighting a methodological flaw in current biblical archaeology, which became apparent as a result of recent research in the Aravah's Iron Age copper production centers. In essence, this flaw, which cuts across all... more
The articles in a recent volume of the Göttinger Miszellen by Jiménez-Serrano (2001) and van den Brink (2001) on the palace-façade and the origin of the serekh both consider a possible Lower Egyptian origin. The aim of the present article... more
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la creación del Parque Nacional Iguazú en tanto parte del proceso de consolidación de la presencia del Estado nacional sobre la zona de frontera internacional del noreste argentino, en el... more
This outline of the theoretical and historical parameters of my recently published Famine Irish and the American Racial State synthesizes the work of Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, and David Theo Goldberg, among... more
The present paper will investigate pardon letters or “lettres de rémission” granted to soldiers by the Valois dukes of Burgundy from 1386 to 1482. During this period, the chancery records contain 885 remission letters by which the prince... more
"Factors quite different from those assigned causal significance in southern Mesopotamia may have dominated urban developments in the dry farming zone. There, for example, the kinds of social disequilibrium generated by natural... more
By using the concepts such as power, discourse, and «reverse» (counter) discourse, this paper contextualises colonial discourse and nationalist counterdiscourse through a critique of the concepts – Goa Dourada and Goa Indica. A comparison... more
Hertzman, Marc A. (2013) Making Samba: A New History of Race andMusic in Brazil, Duke University Press (Durham, NC), xvii +364 pp. £71.00 hbk, £16.99 pbk.
The global crisis that was sparked by the collapse of Lehman Brothers led many commentators to link the failure of neoliberal policy prescriptions to the dominance of men at the top of economic hierarchies, especially in the finance... more
's populist resurgence in the 1990's has attracted scholarly interest into considering to what extent this political phenomenon was characterized by more continuity than change with its political past and why. However, as Terry Lynn Karl... more
In this interview with the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS), Ziad Abu-Rish discusses the history of electricity service provisioning in Beirut in the context of state institutions, economic development, decolonization, and... more
This is coursework to understand the notion of citizenship. I tried to generate a game to explain the notion. It is just a draft. I hope I can develop it, one day.
The chapter proposes a historical and conceptual approach to the notions and relations between “State” and “refounding” from the point of view of Latin Amer- ican constitutionalism and thought, and from an analysis of the crucial... more