Telecommunications Engineering
Recent papers in Telecommunications Engineering
Los desórdenes políticos que caracterizaron el siglo III d. C. en Roma estuvieron alimentados por dos grupos de causas principales: las luchas intestinas para alcanzar el trono imperial, por una parte y consolidarlo en clave dinástica, y... more
An efficient and new but non-intrusive method to detect the fluctuation in gear load may be the motor current signature analysis (MCSA). In this paper, a multi-stage transmission gearbox (with and without defects) has been studied in... more
Metode penentuan pengaruh gaya gelombang terhadap kelelahan pada sambungan struktur dapat dilakukan dengan cara
1. Analisa deterministik (deterministic analysis) atau dengan
2. Analisa spektrum (spectral analisis)
1. Analisa deterministik (deterministic analysis) atau dengan
2. Analisa spektrum (spectral analisis)
An assignment on development of Cellular mobile communication Generations, Namely, From 0 G to 5 G. Including a briefing on GSM, EDGE, AMPS, GPRS, And all others categories related to this field. This is totally a briefing that was just... more
With the development of health consciousness and growing of population, the healthcare demand becomes more and more important. The technologies and demands accelerated different kinds of home-based devices for the aged healthcare and... more
Main KPI 3G by 3GPP
Freedom 251 Mobile Phone Registration – Online Booking at Ringing Bells Freedom 251 Mobile Online Registration Freedom 251, world’s cheapest smartphone is right around the corner for you. It is an awesome news for all... more
This study has been undertaken to investigate the speed control ACIM using field oriented control. The principle of vector control of electric drives is based on the control of both the magnitude and the phase of each phase current and... more
slides about optical communication system
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, la catégorie marxienne de «subsomption réelle*» a souvent été utilisée comme un papier tournesol pour lire de manière matérialiste les changements faisant date auxquels la révolution technologique... more
Due to significant popularity of Location-based Services and Multimedia communication over mobile devices, there are many researches has been conducted to extend the features of location tracking and make it cost-effective to users. It... more
"This paper introduces the theory and hardware implementation of two new algorithms for computing a single component of the discrete Fourier transform. In terms of multiplicative complexity, both algorithms are more efficient, in... more
Poor voice quality in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) models during communication is a common occurrence that VoIP users experience, and can be frustrating when users cannot communicate efficiently. Most people find it difficult when... more
— An automatic verification of person's identity from its voice is a part of modern telecommunication services. In order to execute a verification task, a speech signal has to be transmitted to a remote server. So, a performance of the... more
Increased density of wireless devices, ever growing demands for extremely high data rate, and spectrum scarcity at microwave bands make the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies an important player in future wireless networks. However,... more
Breve formulario de preguntas teóricas comunes para el tercer de electronica III
In this paper, a printed Yagi antenna with an integrated balun is proposed for CubeSat communications. The printed antenna is mechanically adjustable to realize three functional states at different operating frequencies in the L-band and... more
This paper presents the design and implementation of a fully integrated transimpedance amplifier (TIA) as the analog frontend receiver for Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUTs) for ultrasound biomicroscope imaging... more
Abstract-Aeronautical Data Chain is a conceptual representation of the path that a set or element of aeronautical data takes from its origination up to end-use. There are classical databases such as navigation or terrain database and... more
— In digital communication system, digital information can be sent on a carrier through changes in its fundamental characteristics such as phase, frequency and amplitude. The use of a filter plays an important part in a communication... more
Abstract— Data Leakage can be referred as the unauthorized transfer of classified information from a computer or data centre to the outside world. Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured,... more
An examination of the techniques used for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking for military tactical radios.
Abstract— The research aims to isolate indigenous bacteria present in oil sludge from oil tanks and oil pits from Basrah Refinery Factories and study their ability to degrade oil sludge by Gas Chromatographic Analysis. The research... more
This report focuses on the Access network implementation of a 5G small-cell communication system using Cognitive Radio. 5G systems are the next major wireless communications standard and Cognitive Radio is being heralded as a valid... more
Objective quality assessment models have been used more and more in recent years to assess or monitor speech and audio quality in many multime-dia and audio processing systems. These methods offer a clear and repeatable way to evaluate a... more
This paper plans a LoRaWAN network for smart meters in Karawang Industrial Estate, Indonesia's largest industrial estate. To measure and recognize electricity use in a place immediately, we use a tool called a smart meter, which is part... more
The encoder changes data from one arrangement to additional for the resolves of calibration. The decoder is an automated scheme that transforms information from one formula to supplementary such as television. In this paper, the... more
The main objective of this project is to develop and implement a prototype of a controller scheme using latest control algorithms and drives technology to capture maximum sun energy from sun through solar panel in day time. The efficiency... more
— Designing an efficient Distributed Database System (DDBS) is considered as one of the most challenging problems because of multiple interdependent factors which are affecting its performance. Allocation and fragmentation are two... more
Drill cuttings represent one of the most significant waste streams in the upstream oil and gas industry, and they require effective and efficient treatment and disposal. The industry is working with regulators to achieve continuous... more
Ethernet technology made significant progress in recent years ushering a new era of terabit transport. It has now achieved 400GbE per link speed and leaping towards 800GbE. Such trend will shape the future of networks allowing hyperscale... more
—Having accurate, detailed, and upto-date information about wildlife location and behavior across broad geographic areas would revolutionize our ability to study, conserve, and manage species and ecosystems. Currently, such data are... more
The objective of the present paper is to evaluate the impact of adjacent and co-channel interference on the performance of some standard report systems that exists in an outdoor telecommunications cabinet - base station (BS) (also known... more
A VLAN is a logical connection that allows hosts to be grouped together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are delivered only to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. We can improve wireless network performance and save... more
El presente documento es una investigación introductoria a la teoría de Campos y Ondas que abarca ciertas definiciones y todo lo necesario para adentrarse en tal materia.
Citation/Export MLA K.Ramya, S. Brintha Rajakumari, Dr. T. Nalini, “Detecting Emerging Areas in Social Streams”, March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3 , International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC),... more