Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
Tertiary and Quaternary tectonic faulting in southernmost Illinois
W. John Nelson *, F. Brett Denny, Joseph A. Devera, Leon R. Follmer,
John M. Masters
Illinois State Geological Survey, 615 E. Peabody, Champaign, IL 61820, USA
Received 20 April 1996; accepted 30 November 1996
Tertiary and/or Quaternary tectonic faulting is documented in three areas of southernmost Illinois: the Fluorspar
Area Fault Complex (FAFC) in Pope and Massac Counties, the Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone (SGFZ) in Alexander
and Union Counties, and the Commerce Fault Zone (CFZ) in Alexander County.
In the FAFC, faults that strike NE and NNE displace Mounds Gravel (late Miocene to early Pleistocene) and,
locally, the Metropolis terrace gravel (Pleistocene; pre-Woodfordian). No Woodfordian or younger deposits are
deformed. Faults typically outline narrow, linear grabens that formed under tension with a component of strike slip.
North-south to NW-trending vertical faults near the southeast end of the SGFZ displace Eocene sediments. Again,
faults outline narrow grabens and show indications of strike slip. Deformed Quaternary sediments have not been
The CFZ, which trends northeast, displaces Mounds Gravel in Illinois and units as young as Peoria Silt
(Woodfordian) in Missouri. Quaternary movement has been interpreted as right-lateral strike-slip. The CFZ coincides
with a subtle gravity and magnetic lineament and seems to reflect a major feature in the basement. Surface expression
in Illinois is subtle, but marie and ultramafic intrusions, hydrotliermal alteration and small faults align with the
Commerce geophysical lineament. Earthquake foci in Missouri and Illinois lie on or close to the CFZ; some focal
mechanisms fit the fault trend.
Among these structures, only the CFZ exhibits slip that conforms to the current stress field (principal compressive
stress axis E - W to ENE-WSW). Possibly, the stress field changed during Neogene time. Alternatively, high fluid
pressures or local stress concentrations may have induced slip on less favorably oriented fractures. Tighter constraints
are needed on timing, magnitude, and direction of Neogene displacement. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Keywords: Faults; Grabens; Neotectonics; Neogene; Tertiary; Quaternary; Illinois; Mississippi embayment
I. Introduction
Southern Illinois, one o f the m o s t intensely
faulted areas in the Midcontinent, lies immediately
n o r t h o f the N e w M a d r i d seismic zone (Fig. 1 and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 217 244 2428; fax: + 1 217
244 7004; e-mail: jnelson@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu
0013-7952/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PH S0013-7952 (97)00005-7
Fig. 2). Small to m o d e r a t e earthquakes are a
c o m m o n occurrence in this area. Tertiary and
possible Q u a t e r n a r y faulting have long been
k n o w n in K e n t u c k y ( R h o a d e s and Mistier, 1941)
and Missouri (Grohskopf, 1955) directly adjacent
to Illinois. Ross (1963) discussed evidence for
tectonism involving units as y o u n g as the M o u n d s
Gravel (Pliocene to early Pleistocene) in southern-
~ John Nelson et al. /' Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
~,o~ !
- 2-..=
• ...,~
., ~
Rough Creeff"-
. . . . ~ .- -.~ - _ - - ' / _ =
":" •
N e w M a d r i d imic Zone
Fig. 1. M a p showing m a j o r structural features and New M a d r i d Seismic Zone.
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
*~,n. i
on ,0thro,n ~,ao
norrr~ ~Jlt, I~II ancl l)ar on downthrown side
earmcltake epicemer mentloned in text
sludy ~ ' m mentloned in text
Fig. 2. Map of southern Illinois showing selected faults and locations of sites mentioned in this report.
most Illinois. In spite of these findings, an opinion
persists that Illinois has been tectonically inactive
since late Mesozoic time. A comprehensive study
(Kolata et al., 1981) found no evidence for postCretaceous tectonic faulting in southern Illinois.
New geological mapping has re-opened the casebook. We found tectonic faults that clearly offset
Tertiary and, locally Quaternary deposits in several
areas of southernmost Illinois. Also, recent collaborative investigations by the US Geological Survey
and Missouri Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Geology and Land Survey, have discovered Quaternary tectonic deformation in the
Benton Hills of southeast Missouri, immediately
west of southern Illinois (Harrison and Schultz,
1994b; Harrison et al., 1995; Hoffman et al., 1996;
Palmer et al., 1996). This paper presents our initial
findings on faults that displace Tertiary and
Quaternary sediments in southernmost Illinois.
1.1. Location and structural setting
The study area lies on the east flank of the
Ozark Dome and the southern margin of the
Illinois Basin (Fig. 1). Outcropping sedimentary
Pennsylvanian and dip regionally northeast and
north from the dome into the basin. Weakly lithifled Cretaceous and early Tertiary sediments overlap Paleozoic bedrock at the northern edge of the
Mississippi Embayment.
We observed post-Cretaceous faulting in three
areas of Illinois. The Fluorspar Area Fault
Complex in southeastern Illinois and the adjacent
part of Kentucky contains northeast-trending
faults that offset sediments as young as
Quaternary. The southeast end of the Ste.
Genevieve Fault Zone in southwestern Illinois
locally displaces Cretaceous and Eocene sediments.
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
The northeast-trending Commerce Fault Zone displaces Quaternary loess in Missouri and crosses
into Illinois. All three represent complex crustal
fracture zones that have undergone recurrent episodes of movement since early Paleozoic time.
Tertiary and Quaternary tectonic faults are elusive. Outcrops are sparse and typically obscured
Distinguishing tectonic structures from products
of landsliding, solution collapse and other nontectonic processes can be problematic. Large gaps
exist in the stratigraphic record. Most boreholes
in the Embayment area lack reliable records. New
drilling, trenching, and geophysical studies are
needed to verify features observed in outcrops.
2. Huorspar Area Fault Complex
The Fluorspar Area Fault Complex (FAFC) is
a family of fault systems in the fluorspar-mining
district of extreme southeastern Illinois and the
adjacent part of western Kentucky. The FAFC
contains faults of diverse attitude, structure, and
age. The principal fault zones strike northeast,
outlining a series of horsts and grabens (Fig. 2).
The precursor to the FAFC was the Reelfoot
Rift, a failed intracratonic rift that formed during
the breakup of North America in latest
Precambrian to early Cambrian time (Ervin and
McGinnis, 1975; Hildenbrand, 1985; Thomas,
1991). Subsequently, faults in the rift underwent
recurrent movement under different stress fields
(Kolata and Nelson, 1991; Nelson, 1991;
Hildenbrand and Hendricks, 1995).
Five fault zones in the FAFC in Illinois displace
Cretaceous and younger sediments. From northwest to southeast they are the Lusk Creek, Raum,
Hobbs Creek, and Barnes Creek Fault Zones and
the Rock Creek Graben (Fig. 2). In addition,
published maps indicate that Tertiary and early
Quaternary sediments are displaced in the
Lockhart Bluff Graben in Kentucky.
2.1. Lusk Creek Fault Zone
The Lusk Creek Fault Zone forms the northwest
border of the FAFC (Fig. 2). The Lusk Creek
strikes northeast and its larger faults dip southeast.
The zone varies from a few meters to about 500 m
wide and comprises subparallel, steeply dipping
(60 ° or greater) normal and reverse faults. Net
throw on Paleozoic rocks across the fault zone is
100-250 m down to the southeast.
The Lusk Creek Fault Zone is a major element
in regional tectonics. It is directly in line with the
northwest margin of the deep Cambrian graben
(Reelfoot Graben) within the Reelfoot Rift
(Hildenbrand and Hendricks, 1995), and also in
line (although strike trends differ slightly) with the
zone of intense seismic activity northeast of New
Madrid (Fig. 1). At its northeast end the Lusk
Creek joins the Rough Creek-Shawneetown Fault
System, which forms the northern boundary of the
Rough Creek Graben (Fig. 2). The Lusk Creek
and Rough Creek-Shawneetown have similar
structural histories.
Multiple episodes of displacement are evident
from stratigraphic and structural relationships: ( 1)
normal faulting during development of the
Reelfoot Rift, as shown by thicker Cambrian
section southeast of the fault zone on a seismic
reflection profile (Bertagne and Leising, 1991; their
Fig. 15-4); (2) renewed normal faulting during
Morrowan (Early Pennsylvanian) time, as shown
by abrupt thickening of units of these ages within
the graben (Weibel et al., 1993; Nelson, 1996a);
(3) reverse faulting that raised the southeast side
of the fault zone after Pennsylvanian time (Weibel
et al., 1993); (4) later normal faulting lowered the
southeast block again, below its original position
(Weibel et al., 1993). Any of these four episodes
of slippage may have included a component of
strike slip, although dip-slip movements appear to
have dominated.
Pliocene to early Pleistocene(?) displacement in
the Lusk Creek Fault Zone is evident near New
Columbia in northern Massac County (Fig. 3). A
narrow northeast-trending
graben contains
McNairy Formation (Upper Cretaceous) and
Mounds Gravel (Pliocene to early Pleistocene?)
downdropped against Mississippian sandstone.
This graben lies about 1.5 km northwest of the
main faults of the zone, which are concealed by
Quaternary alluvium.
W. John Nelson et al. I Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
..... ...... ,..... . , . . . ...... ....., "...... ,..... ...... ...,.."i.:i."i.::."i.:::'i.:?:,!.:::..i.:!...i.::..
.- : - . . : : - . . . : : . : . / ' / . . i . ~ ~
: "7
: ::
!.::.. i,i,~(-;:~ .:-:
• :::::::::::::::::::::::
• ,.....:.....:....
:: 7. :---.:-- .:-::::"::::'::...-'-:..'I: ':..' :: ':..": ':.':: ':.. :: ':.-' :: '
. . ~. ~:z.:..'5.~:-.~:t.?....:.::.:-i.::.:-:../ .-"
F--2Z-'I l,,lolocone alluvium
i "~ J
~i'iocene ~
,,o,~ ~,,.,
Mct,liry r-ormai~
~----~ W ~ ~ 1 : ~ ~
I km
smkn and dip of b e d l g
hoazontaJ bedding
Fig. 3. Map of the New Columbia structure.
In cross-section the New Columbia structure
forms a narrow "V" (Fig. 4). Mississippian strata
are horizontal and at nearly the same elevation on
either side of the graben. Bedrock dips steeply (up
to 55 °) inward along the marginal faults. Within
the graben, unlithified sand and clay of the
McNairy is steeply dipping and contorted, complexly faulted, and riddled with clay-filled fractures. Steeply dipping Mounds Gravel, cemented
by iron oxide, crops out along the axis of the
structure. The Mounds is downthrown 30-45 m
relative to its position outside of the graben.
Outside the graben, Mounds rests directly on
Mississippian rocks, with no McNairy between.
This observation implies two episodes of faulting:
the first post-McNairy and pre-Mounds, the
second post-Mounds.
Undeformed, horizontally bedded, unlithified
sand (New Columbia Sand) overlies faulted and
steeply dipping older units in the north part of the
New Columbia structure (Fig. 3). The sand is fine
to coarse-grained and crossbedded to plane-laminated; clay balls and rip-up clasts are present. A
truncated soil profile near the top is overlain by
the Peoria Silt (late Wisconsinan). We interpret
the New Columbia Sand as fluvial sediment that
was deposited prior to incision of the Cache Valley.
The time of initial incision of the Cache Valley is
14~ John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235 258
New Columbia
Lusk Creek
older Mis=dssippian rocks
o oar Mlaissippian rocks
~-~q ~
C~Jr~is Sand
W~t B ~ n Ssl~m~e
Downeys Btuff and Renm.dtLimutono
1 mt
1.5 km
Fig. 4. Cross-section of the New Columbia structure.
uncertain, but it is certainly pre-Woodfordian and
probably early Pleistocene (Masters and
Reinertsen, 1987; Esling et al., 1989; Follmer et al.,
in press). Thus, the last tectonic movement of the
New Columbia structure probably took place in
Pliocene to early Pleistocene time.
2.2. Raum Fault Zone
The Raum Fault Zone is 2-3 km southeast of
and parallel to the Lusk Creek Fault Zone (Fig. 2).
The northeast part of the Raum dips northwest
and may intersect the Lusk Creek deep within
Paleozoic rocks. To the southwest in Massac
County the Raum widens to nearly 2 km and its
net throws changes to the southeast. At least two
episodes of post-Pennsylvanian, pre-Cretaceous
movement are known: reverse faulting that raised
the northwest block, followed by normal faulting
that lowered the northwest block (Weibel et al.,
1993). Strike-slip motion also may have occurred
along this fault zone.
Post-Cretaceous movement took place at a site
called Reineking Hill in Massac County (Fig. 5
and Fig. 6). There, a narrow graben containing
McNairy Formation (Upper Cretaceous) is downdropped at least 45 m into Mississippian bedrock.
The Reineking Hill structure eroded to a narrow,
linear valley that strikes N20°E. Floored with
Quaternary alluvium, the valley is 2 km long and
100-200 m wide. No Tertiary sediments are present, and Quaternary sediments are not visibly
deformed. The time of faulting therefore cannot
be constrained better than post-Cretaceous, preQuaternary. The McNairy is no longer exposed at
Reineking Hill, but formerly was visible in a
railroad cut (now removed) and a clay pit (now
flooded). W.A. White (Illinois State Geological
Survey, emeritus), who visited the clay pit while it
was active, identified the clay as McNairy, and
described the east and south walls of the pit as
near-vertical fault surfaces (field notes by White
(1961) in open files of the Illinois State Geological
Survey, and oral communication to Nelson, 1991 ).
W. John Nelson et aL / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
: ~ . . . . ~ -'... ~..~.
". • .'.' ...
Hobm~ ~ttuUn
.'.'-.'.. HUl
• ..-.-...
~ - - - ' ~ U~er pope Grouo
~ 7 " ~ Tar S¢~ngsto Hlm:llngbu~
W~t ~
Do~mo~EU ~ RemuUUmbrae
~ - - ~ - .......... ~Jlt, cllmlx~ m
anclclaaN ~
hoCmmm ~Kkmng
I nJ
Fig. 5. Map of part of the Raum Fault Zone, showing the Reineking Hill structure (from Nelson, 1996b).
Lamar (1927) and Lamar and Sutton (1930) previously described deformed McNairy in the railroad cut, but attributed deformation to slump or
creep. Slump or creep, however, could not explain
how the McNairy, which is not present on nearby
hills, was displaced at least 10 m below the valley
The Reineking Hill structure closely resembles
the New Columbia structure. There is little displacement across the structure, and Mississippian
rocks are nearly horizontal on either side. Along
the bordering faults the bedrock dips steeply
inward. Tilted bedding and primary joints in bedrock strike parallel with the Reineking Hill
The Reineking Hill graben and several nearby
faults strike north-northeast, oblique to the overall
northeast trend of the Raum Fault Zone (Fig. 5).
This pattern suggests an extensional duplex formed
by left-lateral wrench faulting. However, the fault
pattern alternatively might reflect step-over
between parallel, overlapping pre-Cretaceous
Drillers' logs of three water wells indicate the
Reineking Hill graben may continue 9-10 kin to
the southwest. The logs show the top of Paleozoic
bedrock (beneath probable McNairy Formation)
downdropped 30-60 m relative to nearby wells.
We plan to conduct additional drilling to try to
determine whether any strata younger than the
McNairy are deformed in the Reineking Hill
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
. - ~ ,
.. -...~ : - . .
, -~.-:.~.~-
-.;- : .
- • ~'\.
* "
~Tar Springsto Har~a"~rg
We~'t B=clen ~ i e
Omene~Bluffand R ~
older Misalssippian rocks
m ,
-1/.. 4,r.
1 mi
1.5 k m
Fig. 6. Cross-section of the Reineking Hill structure.
2.3. Hobbs Creek Fault Zone
The Hobbs Creek Fault Zone, 2-3 km southeast
of the Raum Fault Zone, consists mostly of highangle normal faults having throw down to the
northwest. The Lusk Creek, Raum, and Hobbs
Creek zones together outline a graben (Dixon
Springs Graben) (Fig. 2). The youngest known
displacement on the Hobbs Creek took place near
Massac Creek in Massac County, where a narrow
graben underlies a linear valley that trends N20°E
(Fig. 7). Ross (1963, 1964) reported MeNairy
Formation and Mounds Gravel with steep dips
along this valley. Kolata et al. ( 1981, p. 19) restudied the site, noting that water well records indicated
a bedrock low along the valley. They performed
seismic-refraction and earth-resistivity surveys, but
the results were inconclusive. Kolata et al. summarized, "The available data do not indicate whether
this structure was caused by tectonic faulting,
landsliding, solution collapse, or a combination of
these processes".
New mapping (Nelson, 1996b) shows that the
tilted Mounds Gravel described by Ross is part of
a northwest-dipping block more than 600 m long
and 100 m wide and downdropped at least 20 m.
The tilted block is directly in line with faults that
displace Mississippian bedrock to the north. The
McNairy Formation within the structure has
strongly contorted bedding and is riddled with
small faults and elastic dikes. The size and linearity
of the downdropped block rule out landsliding or
solution collapse as possible causes.
A water well directly in line with the downthrown Mounds logged abnormal strata. The well
was drilled to +80 feet (+24 m) bottom-hole elevation without reaching bedrock, whereas nearby
wells encountered bedrock at elevations of + 325
to +360 feet (+99 to + l 1 9 m ) .
The Weaver borehole (Figs. 7 and 8) is a continuously-cored test hole 301 feet (91.8 m) deep adjacent to the anomalous water well. The core showed
15 feet (4.5 m) of loess and alluvium, overlying
multi-colored silt to coarse sand with thin layers
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
• . :--" :,,: "..:J''....:-t1,:,.:-" :.,:.-"
•:_...:..-•~.''." ~._.;.._..;~
PtdmC~ terraces
:: I~
" ' ~ ""~.'~,¢."~"
• •
• "~.'~"
Mct~ry ~
Tar Springsto Ha~nsburg
Vtl(16tBIItl~lltrl~ o
..L- . . . . . . . . f ~ t ,
whoro tnl~mla
and dottadwhere c,~-~,,,~mled
,>,,'to s t ~ m'mct~pof ~
0 3~
wmmrw~l, ~
of ta~ af ~
o:e .:.:;
in f ~ t
I1~1t'0¢k top b~Ow ekMltion of 130 fqmt
. ; , ~ . : ' . .. 7 . ..'~_.
.." •
: - - - - - : - = - - - : ~ _ - : : Z - : : : : - ~ : - = - - : : : :
.. f~-=_---_::_:--_::il
---------.--------- ...........
~ ,
-_ -_-_- - . . . . . . . . . . . . .
88°40 '
Fig. 7. Map of the Massac Creek structure (Hnbbs Creek Fault Zone)•
1.5 ICe -~
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
QTm borehole Qal
i ~ i -"'¥.M~-'~-
7~ ~,,'-
older Miuissipp~n rocks
, ~p.'J.~-'.:J
~ Q " ~ Hoiocane alluvium
Quaternary and upper Tertiary, undiffer~a~aid
McNairy F o ~
Mississippian betow Mdr
1 mi
1.5 km
Springs to Hatclim~urg
~=~'~ ~
West Baden Sarclstone
Oowneys Bluffand Rlmauit Limestone
Fig. 8. Cross-section of the Massac Creek structure.
and lenses of chert gravel from 15 to 108 feet
(4.5-33.0 m). Chert pebbles have bronze patina
diagnostic of the Mounds, but the unit contains
much more sand and silt than usual Mounds.
From 108feet (33.0m) to the bottom of the
Weaver borehole the core sampled a unit previously unknown in Illinois. It is mostly light gray
to yellow, very fine to fine-grained sand that is
well sorted and composed of quartz with little or
no mica. Scattered small, rounded granules of
quartz and chert are present. Interbeds of silt are
present, becoming thicker and more numerous
downward. The silt is medium to dark olive and
brownish gray and contains abundant coarse
fibrous, peaty plant material. The lower 70 feet
(21 m) of the core contains layers of tough, black,
highly organic clay that can be called gyttia or
Deformed sediments occur throughout the core.
Steeply tilted and contorted laminations, breccia
zones, clastic dikes (?), and chaotically intermixed
sand, silt, and clay are present.
Palynological analysis was performed on two
samples from the core by R.J. Litwin and N.O.
Frederiksen, both of the US Geological Survey.
The samples came from depths of 145.3-146.0 and
298.6-299.0 feet. Both samples contained diverse
pollen assemblages of nearly "modern" aspect,
representing a variety of hardwood trees, conifers,
grasses and herbs. R.W. Litwin (written communication 1995) stated, "The abundance of the alga
Botryococcus in the (upper) sample suggests that
this sample was deposited in standing to sluggish
water, such as a channel cut-off, marsh, lake, or
pond". Litwin interpreted the age of both samples
as late Miocene to early Pleistocene, the older
sample being most likely Pliocene and the younger
sample Pleistocene. Frederiksen (written communication, 1996) differed in age interpretations,
reporting the lower sample probably represents a
W. John Nelson et al. /Engineering Geology 46 (1997)235-258
late Miocene flora, while the upper sample "may
not be younger than Pliocene, but it could be
Miocene, probably no older than late Miocene".
The discrepancy in age assignments is a topic for
further study.
Thus the Massac Creek graben probably began
to sink during or before late Miocene time, and it
persisted at least into Pliocene time. The graben
became a swampy depression that trapped sediment, pollen, and plant debris. Following deposition of the unnamed unit, the graben continued
to subside and received a sandy facies of the
Mounds Gravel (Pliocene to early Pleistocene).
The base of the Mounds is downdropped about
190 feet (57 m) relative to outcrops outside the
2.4. Barnes Creek Fault Zone
The Barnes Creek Fault Zone is named here for
Barnes Creek in Massac County. Weller and Krey
(1939) and Baxter et al. (1967) previously mapped
part of the fault zone but did not name it. The
Barnes Creek Fault Zone strikes N40°E across
Massac, Pope, and Hardin Counties, a distance of
about 40 km (Fig. 2). Along most of its length it
is a zone less than 0.6 km wide of subparallel faults
that outline grabens or, less commonly, horsts.
Throw across the zone is less than 30 m in most
places, but some grabens are downdropped 100 m
or more. There is little drag, and fault slices are
horizontal or gently tilted. Primary joints in bedrock strike parallel to the zone; secondary joints
are perpendicular to the faults.
Faults that offset Quaternary strata are exposed
in two places. Site A is along Barnes Creek in the
SW~ NW~ SE~, Sec. 9, T15S, R5E, Massac County
(Fig. 9). The Metropolis gravel (informal name)
is faulted against clay and sand of the Cretaceous
McNairy Formation at Site A (Fig. 10). The
Metropolis gravel is crudely stratified and composed of rounded chert pebbles in a matrix of gray
to brown silt and clay. Some pebbles have the
brown patina typical of the Mounds Gravel, but
most are bleached, worn and pitted. The
Metropolis therefore is interpreted as reworked
Mounds Gravel and must be younger than the
Faults at Site A are vertical or high-angle normal
(Fig. 10). Throws range from a few cm to more
than 1.5 m (the maximum vertical exposure in the
streambank). Most faults strike N10°E to N40°E,
but one NW-trending fault is exposed. Small grabens and elastic dikes in the McNairy are filled
with Metropolis gravel (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 ). Dikes
and grabens range from a few cm to 0.9 m wide.
The wider grabens look like the New Columbia
and Reineking Hill structures in miniature
(Fig. 11). Narrow ones are simply infilled tension
fractures. All structures are truncated at the top
by horizontal, undisturbed Holocene sand and silt.
Seismic-reflection and georadar profiles were run
along the north bank of Barnes Creek (Sexton
et al., 1996). Georadar profiles gave information
to depths of 10-15 m, whereas seismic profiles
yielded data to roughly 100 m, mainly in Paleozoic
bedrock. The seismic data indicated numerous
high-angle faults, some of which outline grabens
and others form apparent flower structures. Radar
profiles showed numerous small faults in the upper
McNairy and probably the lower part of the
Quaternary sediments. The uppermost, Holocene
radar reflectors are not displaced. Some faults
interpreted through geophysics match exposed
faults, while others are concealed.
Site B (the Midway Site) is along a creek in the
SW] SW~ NW 1, Sec. 36, T14S, R5E, Massac
County (Fig. 9). Steeply dipping normal and
reverse faults strike N20°E and outline a complex
horst or fractured anticline in the McNairy
Formation and Metropolis gravel (Fig. 12). As at
Site A, narrow fissures or grabens filled with clay
and Metropolis gravel intrude the McNairy. All
these structures are truncated by horizontal,
unfaulted Holocene sediment.
The Barnes Creek Fault Zone crosses the Cache
Valley in Pope County (Fig. 9). The Cache Valley
is a broad lowland that was occupied by the Ohio
River during most of Pleistocene time. The Ohio
shifted into its present channel between 8000
and 25 000 years ago (Weller, 1940; Masters and
Reinertsen, 1987; Esling et al., 1989). Surface
features, such as meander scrolls and terraces, in
the Cache Valley near the fault zone were examined
on aerial photographs and in the field. No offsets
IV. J o h n N e l s o n et al. / E n g i n e e r i n g G e o l o g y 46 ( 1 9 9 7 ) 2 3 5
> " .
Reinetdng ..
3~te .'-;~'" ~" ..¢'ite "
• ~'-" "
" ""
3 mi
• Mallard Creek
88o45 '
Fig. 9. Map showing Barnes Creek fault zone, Massac Creek structure, Reineking Hill structure and Rock Creek graben. Significant
outcrops and drillholes are indicated. Faults in Kentucky are from Amos (1966); faults north of Cache Valley are from Weller and
Krey (1939).
_. . . . . . . . . . .
/ -
• ". • ~ - . . . . . - . .
~ I
." ' . "
~ "
....- ' ,. ' o - ".,.- ' /., ...'-_./..
• : .• . ~" 7- " ,
-* .=
. . . .
• ,,.~_,,=.. • . . . ~ h • ~ I , . . . u , ~ a r v ~
..: : . r ~ . ~ . - .
.: : ...:.: V
"• ' .". .,' . . . . ' ~~. .:. ..' .". :. ."' . ; r ' -'. .' ~' " ': " ~/ : ~
_ " ":.'"
. •
. "~
"-~, A . J ' - ' ". . . . '
, , - ~
- , - , = ,.,t,,.,-,,
Fig. 10. Sketch of structure exposed in south bank of Barnes Creek at Site A. See Fig. 9 for location.
or disturbances attributed to tectonic activity
were found.
Five test holes were drilled straddling the Barnes
Creek Fault Zone just west of Homberg, on a
prominent terrace flanking the northeast side of
the Cache Valley (Fig. 13). Units drilled include
the Parkland Sand, an aeolian deposit of
Woodfordian age, the Henry Formation, slightly
older Woodfordian fluvial sediments; and the
informally-named Homberg sequence (Fig. 13).
The Homberg sequence is composed of interbedded gray to reddish brown silt and clay. It contains
two well-developed paleosols, one at the top and
the second 5-11 m lower. Radiocarbon dating on
two samples of plant material from the upper
paleosol yielded dates of 18 160+190 and
19 640+210 years (Chao-Li Liu, Illinois State
Geological Survey, written communication, 1995).
These dates match the Gardena soil, an informallynamed paleosol of early Woodfordian age. The
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
Fig, 11. Photograph of small pull-apart graben at Site A, Barnes Creek. The filling is Metropolis gravel downdropped into sand of
the McNairy Formation.
_.V~-~.• "/:--~ ~-~" • • . .
t o p of b a n k
. .
"~"" ~ . "
Fig. 12. Sketch of structure exposed in south bank of creek at Site B along the Barnes Creek fault zone. See Fig. 9 for location.
lower paleosol in the H o m b e r g sequence probably
is the Farmdale Soil, developed in Altonian
(middle Wisconsinan) sediments.
The cross-section (Fig. 13) indicates no significant vertical offset o f any sampled unit across the
Barnes Creek Fault Zone. This constrains the latest
movement in the H o m b e r g area to pre-Farmdale
(before 25 000 years ago).
To summarize, last movement on the Barnes
Creek Fault Zone is pre-Farmdale and postMetropolis gravel. Age of the Metropolis gravel is
poorly constrained. The gravel forms a dissected
terrace at 410-420 feet (125-128 m) west of Site
A. This feature, the Metropolis terrace of
Alexander and Prior (1968), is composed of
reworked "Lafayette" (Mounds) Gravel and is
W. John Nelson et al. ,. Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235 258
..~ . . :
.". "i- ' ! :
8 ~
~ :
I p ~ l
: . ". " , ' 1 ~ "
I- " - 1
: . : ; ; : : . ." .I- ..'.
-- :-l:.l'i"v
- - ° - - I- - - ~ . . # - . " . . ... .. . .. . . . I.. .. . . .
>320- ~ . ~ + , , / . 7 .
- -+
• radiocarbon samples
no horizontal scale
_- _-_
- 5-'11
+ . . . , , ~ ~ ~ i _ -~c = r-
"1 - ' -
41+= -+ =
Fig. 13. Interpretive cross-section based on drilling at Homberg.
overlain by Peoria Silt (Woodfordian). The
Metropolis terrace is higher than, and therefore
older than, the Brownfield terrace, which has a
Woodfordian radiocarbon age of 13000 to
14 000 years (Alexander and Prior, 1968). Further
study is required to pin down the age of the
The Barnes Creek Fault Zone shows elements
of both extensional (normal) and wrench faulting;
unfortunately we found no piercing points or
kinematic indicators in Cretaceous or younger
materials. Slickensides and mullion in an
underground fluorspar mine near the northeast
end of the fault zone indicate dextral oblique slip.
These slip indicators, however, might be as old as
late Mississippian. The fault zone probably has
undergone two or more episodes of movement
since that time.
2.5. Rock Creek Graben
The Rock Creek Graben is one of the major
grabens in the FAFC. It extends from Union
County, Kentucky into Illinois on a heading of
$55°W, then curves to $25°W, crosses back into
Kentucky, and finally re-enters Illinois (Fig. 2).
High-angle normal faults and a few reverse faults
displace Pennsylvanian and older rock, with
throws locally more than 600m (Baxter and
Desborough, 1965; Trace and Amos, 1984).
We mapped the Rock Creek Graben where it
crosses the margin of the Mississippi embayment
in Pope County (Fig. 9). Previous geological maps
by Weller and Krey (1939), Ross (1964) and Amos
(1966) show faults, but indicate no displacement
of units younger than Mississippian.
In Pope County the Rock Creek Graben is
composed of two smaller, parallel grabens about
3 km apart (Fig. 9). The western graben is bordered by high-angle normal faults that bear dipslip striations and mullion. Throw ranges up to
230 m. The eastern graben curves from N10°E on
the south to N50°E where it crosses the Ohio
River. On the Ohio River bluff just south of Bay
City, the southeastern fault displays drag folds
opposite to observed throw, and a series of tight
anticlines and synclines parallel the northwest side.
These features suggest two or more episodes of
displacement with reversals of throw, or sinsitral
strike-slip. The sharp jog in the fault zone at Bay
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
City would make a restraining bend for sinsitral
Outcrops of folded and faulted McNairy
Formation (Cretaceous) occur along Mallard
Creek in line with the western graben (Fig. 9).
Folds are gentle (dips less than 30°); folds and
faults strike northeast, parallel to faults in bedrock.
Narrow clay dikes or clay-filled joints in the
McNairy also trend N20-50°E. One clay-lined
fault in the McNairy is truncated at the base of
overlying gravel. The gravel, composed of wellrounded gray to black chert pebbles in a matrix
of sand and lacking the Mounds patina, resembles
Eocene gravel elsewhere in the northern
Mississippi Embayment.
The McNairy-Mounds contact does not change
elevation across the western graben north of
Mallard Creek. In the same area the
McNairy-Mississippian contact also appears not
to be offset,
Some Mounds exposures near Mallard Creek
contain narrow clay veins or clay-lined fractures
that strike in a variety of directions. Whether these
joints were created by tectonic stress, or nontectonic factors such as creep, is not known.
A suggestion of tectonism involving Mounds
Gravel was found in a small gravel pit near
Sevenmile Creek, about 5.5km southwest of
Mallard Creek. Here the Mounds dips about 4 °
northwest and contains numerous near-vertical,
clay-lined joints or fissures that strike N20-50°E.
Logs of nearby water wells indicate that the
Mounds-McNairy contact gently dips northwest.
Sevenmile Creek is near the projected trace of the
Rock Creek Graben, but no data on bedrock
structure are available here.
2.6. Lockhart Bluff Graben
Published geological maps show faults displacing units as young as the Mounds Gravel in the
Lockhart Bluff Graben, Livingston County,
Kentucky. The relevant maps cover the Little
Cypress (Amos and Wolfe, 1966), Smithland
(Amos, 1967), and Burna (Amos, 1974)
The Lockhart Bluff Graben is a major graben
in the FAFC, comparable to the Dixon Springs
and Rock Creek Grabens (Fig. 2). Faults along
its southeast margin have throws as great as 900 m,
the largest in the FAFC. The fault pattern is
intricate. Near the Cumberland River the graben
bends from S30°W to ST0°W; it sharply narrows
and curves south again near the Tennessee River.
Some faults on the geological maps show "scissoring", or reversal of displacement. The major
fault on the southeast border of the graben consistently displaces Paleozoic rocks down to the northwest (Amos and Wolfe, 1966; Amos, 1967).
However, the McNairy Formation and "continental deposits" (Mounds Gravel) are downthrown
to the northwest in some places, and downthrown
to the southeast in others. Apparent strike-slip
displacement of the Mounds Gravel is mapped
about 2130m from the north line and 3050m
from the east line of the Little Cypress Quadrangle
(Amos and Wolfe, 1966). The fault strikes northeast and offsets the contact of the Mounds with
older units about 120 m in a right-lateral sense.
Kinematic studies are needed to determine whether
such anomalies resulted from lateral motion or
from recurrent episodes of dip slip.
3. Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone
The Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone (SGFZ) extends
more than 190 km across southeast Missouri into
southernmost Illinois (Fig. 1). It is a complex zone
of high-angle faults that have undergone repeated
episodes of movement. The SGFZ may have originated as a crustal plate boundary or suture zone
during the Proterozoic (Heigold and Kolata,
1993). Faulting during late Middle to Upper
Devonian time displaced rocks down to the southwest in Missouri (Weller and St. Clair, 1928;
Nelson and Lumm, 1985). The Devonian faulting
included a component of left-lateral strike slip,
which formed a transtensional graben in the
Minnith Quadrangle (Schultz and Harrison, 1994).
During the Pennsylvanian Period, the block southwest of the SGFZ was uplifted along high-angle
reverse faults (Weller and St. Clair, 1928; Nelson
and Lumm, 1985). Strike-slip faulting of uncertain
magnitude and timing also has been postulated
(Clendenin et al., 1989; Harrison and Schultz,
W. John Nelson et aL/ Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
We mapped the southeast part of the SGFZ in
Illinois, where it approaches the Mississippi
Embayment. Here the SGFZ changes from a
narrow zone of large displacement (over 600 m) to
a widely bifurcating set of much smaller faults.
Some faults in this area displace Cretaceous and
Tertiary sediments.
3.1. Iron Mountain Fault Zone
The Iron Mountain Fault Zone in Union County
is a branch of the SGFZ (Devera and Nelson,
1995). The Iron Mountain structure is about 5 km
long, changing trend from NW-SE at the north
end to nearly N-S at the south end (Fig. 14). The
zone is 120-760 m wide and contains parallel faults
that outline narrow downdropped blocks
(Fig. 15). A few short, perpendicular cross-faults
also are mapped. Throws range to as much as
about 100 m.
The western large fault displaces Tertiary gravel
on the east against Devonian and Mississippian
bedrock on the west. The cut bank of Clear Creek
at the north end of Iron Mountain shows steeply
dipping Tertiary conglomerate adjacent to Middle
Devonian limestone. Outcrops of silicified, limonitic fault breccia along the crest of Iron Mountain
contain both angular clasts of Paleozoic chert and
well rounded Tertiary pebbles.
Clay was mined from Tertiary sediments along
the east face of Iron Mountain during the early
20th Century. Geologists who visited the mines
found clay deposits in deep vertical-walled depressions in Mississippian limestone. The limestone
walls were linear and vertical, running mostly N-S
and E-W. Clay was mined both from open pits
and from shafts as deep as 30 m (St. Clair, 1917;
Parmelee and Schroyer, 1921; Lamar, 1948).
Although St. Clair (1917) described a fault,
striking east-west and having about 4.5 m of throw
down to the south, the clay-filled depressions were
generally interpreted as sinkholes that formed
shortly before or during deposition of the clay.
The clay pits are all inaccessible today, and no
natural exposures were found. Factors that favor
tectonic grabens over solution collapse include: ( 1 )
walls of clay deposits were linear, nearly vertical,
and parallel or normal to mapped faults; (2) large
magnitude of downdrop (Tertiary sediments are
absent from nearby hills as much as 200 m higher
in elevation); (3) lack of reported solution features,
rubble zones or chaotic structure; and (4) lack of
any similar sediment-filled sinks elsewhere in the
The youngest Tertiary deposit along the Iron
Mountain Fault Zone is gravel, composed of wellrounded gray to black chert pebbles that lack
polish or patina. The matrix is white to gray quartz
and chert sand. This gravel is similar, but coarser
than Eocene gravel of southern Illinois (Kolata
et al., 1981) western Kentucky (Olive, 1980) and
southeastern Missouri (Johnson, 1985; Harrison,
in press). Perhaps gravel along the Iron Mountain
Fault Zone is coarser because it was deposited
closer to the source area.
Two separate palynological analyses of lignite
from wastepiles of abandoned clay pits indicate
Eocene age (Aureal T. Cross, 1984, oral communication to Nelson; D.J. Nichols, 1993, written communication). White to red water-bearing sand,
reported to underlie the clay (St. Clair, 1917) may
be McNairy. The Mounds Gravel does not occur
in the area.
3.2. Other faults
Other faults displace Cretaceous and early
Tertiary strata in southern Union and northern
Alexander Counties. These faults trend in a north-south belt more or less in line with the Iron
Mountain Fault Zone. Details are given by Nelson
and Devera (1995) and Nelson et al. (1995a,b).
Most post-Cretaceous faults in the area strike
N-S to N20°W, and are linked by short E-W
cross-faults. Fault surfaces are nearly vertical and
lack slickensides or breccia. Various Devonian and
Mississippian bedrock units are displaced, along
with the Tuscaloosa Formation (Cretaceous), the
McNairy Formation (Cretaceous, overlying
Tuscaloosa), and Eocene(?) gray to black chert
A well-exposed fault is in a cutbank of Cooper
Creek (Fig. 2; SW¼ SW¼ NE¼, Sec. 1, T14S, R2W,
Mill Creek Quadrangle). A backhoe trench along
the hillside south of the creek revealed a zone of
parallel, high-angle normal and reverse faults that
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
~ ' ~ - - ] Holocene alluvium
- J L _ .......... fault, rw~se fautt, and
dott~:l where concealed
1 mi
1'.5 Icm
~ ,...
. .""
Fig. 14. M a p of the Iron M o u n t a i n fault zone.
HL John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
Iron Mountain
Fault Zone
,~luaan and Omovio~
" .,'.-
1 km
'-~ Holocenealluvium
Tertiaryand Cretaceous
=='~ Middle Devonian
Fig. 15. Cross-sectionof the Iron Mountain fault zone.
strike N-S to N10°W and juxtapose silicified
Paleozoic bedrock with gravel interpreted as
Tuscaloosa Formation (Fig. 16). Overlying
Quaternary colluvium, alluvium and loess are not
Some north-trending faults contain grabens
filled with megabreccia of angular bedrock fragments up to several meters across. The Cape Road
Fault in Union County has a mega-breccia zone
as wide as 0.6 km. Similar breccias in the Thebes
Gap area are interpreted as filling pull-apart grabens produced by divergent wrench faulting
(Harrison and Schultz, 1994b). In Alexander and
Union Counties no Cretaceous or younger materials were found in breccia.
In fault exposures throughout the area
Quaternary sediments are not disturbed. Many
stream banks and artificial cuts show undeformed
loess, colluvium and alluvium truncating faults or
strongly deformed bedrock. Perhaps the finest such
exposure was along the Cape Road Fault in the
NE~ SWJ, Sec. 17, T l l S , R2W, Union County.
The Peoria, Roxana and Loveland Silts, along
with two distinct layers of pre-Loveland alluvium,
are horizontal and undisturbed above a chaotic
megabreccia of Paleozoic rocks.
Fig. 16. Sketch of the fault zone trenched at Cooper Creek, based on a photo mosaic.
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
4. Commerce Fault Zone
The Commerce Fault Zone (CFZ) is a northeasttrending structure in Scott County, Missouri and
Alexander County, Illinois (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The
CFZ coincides with a major geophysical lineament,
displaces 10-25 ka Woodfordian loess, and possibly is still generating earthquakes.
Stewart (1942), Stewart and McManamy (1944)
and Grohskopf (1955, pp. 26-28) reported units
as young as Mounds Gravel are folded and faulted
near Commerce, Missouri (on the Mississippi
River). Stewart (1942) described a fault displacing
Pleistocene loess about 6 km southwest of
Johnson (1985), Harrison and Schultz (1994b)
and Harrison (in press) mapped a complex array
of faults in the Thebes Quadrangle. The CFZ
strikes N50-55°E and lies along the southeast
escarpment of the Benton Hills in Missouri. It
displaces Mounds Gravel in both Missouri and
Illinois. Numerous faults that also displace the
Mounds branch NNE off the CFZ. These faults
reflect multiple episodes of displacement dating
back at least to the Ordovician (Harrison and
Schultz, 1994b). The most recent episode involved
right-lateral strike slip.
Trenches were dug in 1995 and 1996 across the
English Hill Fault, a NNE-striking splay off the
CFZ. They reveal a series of horsts, grabens and
thrust faults that displace Pleistocene units as
young as the Peoria Silt (Woodfordian; 10-25 ka).
As many as five episodes of tectonic deformation
may have taken place after deposition of the
Mounds Gravel (Palmer et al., 1996). Fault patterns fit both transtensive and transpressive,
dextral strike-slip. Seismic profiles show that the
faults dip steeply and extend to depths of at least
several kilometers (Harrison et al., 1995; Hoffman
et al., 1996; Palmer et al., 1996).
The CFZ coincides with a northeast-trending
zone of subtle gravity and magnetic highs, the
Commerce Geophysical Lineament (CGL). The
CGL extends more than 400 km from northeast
Arkansas to southern Illinois and possibly beyond
(Hildenbrand and Hendricks, 1995; Langenheim
and Hildenbrand, 1996). Modeling indicates the
source of the CGL may be igneous intrusions of
intermediate composition (Langenheim and
Hildenbrand, 1996). The CGL parallels the
Reelfoot Rift, and likely represents a basement
shear zone that developed during rifting.
Although no continuous fracture zone can be
mapped in Illinois, a series of structural features
lie along the CGL (Fig. 2). In Alexander County
the CFZ extends directly from the Thebes
Quadrangle (Harrison, in press) across the Tamms
Quadrangle (Devera and Follmer, in preparation),
southeastern Mill Creek Quadrangle (Nelson et al.,
1995b), and into the southwestern Dongola
Quadrangle (Nelson and Follmer, in preparation).
The northeast-striking faults are near-vertical and
create strikingly linear valleys and bluff lines.
Paleozoic bedrock along the faults is intensely
Coincident positive gravity and magnetic anomalies are centered on the CFZ and CGL in
Alexander County (Heigold, 1976; Heigold et al.,
1993; Hildenbrand et al., 1993). The anomalies
probably represent a mafic igneous intrusion,
which was a likely heat source for hydrothermal
activity and silicification in the southern Illinois
tripoli district (Berg and Masters, 1994).
Northeastward in Union, Johnson, and Saline
Counties, small faults that strike NE and N - S lie
along the CGL (W.J. Nelson, unpublished mapping). The New Burnside Anticline and associated
faults also follow the CGL. Faults along the New
Burnside strike northeast and dip steeply. Most
are dip-slip normal faults, but some exhibit signs
of an earlier episode of reverse faulting. On coalmine highwalls these faults do not displace
Pleistocene loess (Nelson et al., 1991 ).
In central Saline County a northeast-trending
fault, unusual for the area, lies amidst a swarm of
NW-trending ultramafic dikes. The dikes, radiometrically dated early Permian, are part of the
Cottage Grove Fault System: an east-trending
dextral wrench fault (Nelson and Krausse, 1981;
Nelson and Lumm, 1987). These mantle-derived
intrusions are concentrated where the Cottage
Grove crosses the CGL.
The Omaha Dome in northwest Gallatin County
contains ultramafic sills and lies close to the CGL.
Finally, faults in the Wabash Valley Fault System
I4( John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
change trend from N-S to about N30°E where
they cross the CGL.
The overall picture for the CGL in southern
Illinois is of a long-lived, deep crustal fracture
zone. The CGL provided a conduit for magma
and hydrothermal fluids, and influenced but did
not dominate near-surface structures. To date,
evidence of Quaternary deformation is confmed to
a small area near the Mississippi River.
4.1. Seismicity along the CGL
Harrison and Schultz (1994b) identified 12
earthquakes of Mb 3.0 or greater that possibly are
related to slippage along the CFZ. Nine of those
quakes occurred in Missouri and three in Illinois.
A fourth earthquake on or near the CFZ in Illinois
took place after Harrison and Schultz' paper went
to press.
The epicenter of the Tamms earthquake of 1965
(Mb 3.8) lies approximately 2 km southeast of the
CFZ (Fig. 2). The unusually shallow focal depth
of 1.5 km (Herrmann, 1979) lies near the base of
Ordovician bedrock. Focal analysis by Zoback
(1992) indicates the most likely solution was strikeslip along a surface trending N80°W/70°NE, which
would be antithetic to the CFZ.
A second earthquake near Tamms (Mb 3.3) was
part of the same event and was cited by Harrison
and Schultz (1994b). No focal solution is available.
The Harrisburg earthquake of 1984 (Mb 4.1)
had an epicenter about 1.5 km northwest of a fault
mapped by Nelson and Lumm (1986) from borehole data. The mapped fault is a NE-striking
normal fault that has about 20 m of throw down
to the northwest. Focal depth of the quake was
about 2 km (about Upper Ordovician depth).
Focal analysis (Otto Nuttli, personal communication, 1984) indicated slip on a high-angle normal
fault striking ENE - - a close match for the
mapped fault.
The most recent earthquake close to the CFZ
in Illinois occurred near Dongola in February 1994
(Mb 4.2). The focal depth of 16 km is deep into
Precambrian basement. The focal-plane solution
indicates the fault was oriented either N20°E/
70°SE with right-lateral slip or N59°W/62°SW with
left-lateral slip (Robert HeHii~ann, written com-
munication, 1995). The former could fit the CFZ,
the latter would be an antithetic fracture.
More study of the CFZ clearly is in order.
Further trenching is planned near Thebes, Illinois
where Quaternary terraces terminate abruptly
along mapped faults. Another promising area is in
Saline and Gallatin Counties, where thick lacustrine silt and clay of the Equality Formation
(Wisconsinan age) occur near the CFZ. Trenching
here might show faulting or earthquake-related
liquefaction features.
5. Discussion
Tectonic faulting of Miocene to early Pleistocene
sediment is widespread in the FAFC in southeastern Illinois and nearby in Kentucky. Neogene
faults typically strike N20°E to N40°E and outline
narrow linear grabens. Fissures or open joints
filled with downdropped sediments occur in the
Barnes Creek Fault Zone. These structures imply
NW-SE extension. Several structures bear evidence of strike-slip movement, but the direction
and magnitude of lateral movement are not known.
No piercing points or reliable slip indicators have
been identified yet in the area. The FAFC has
undergone repeated episodes of faulting, with
reversals in the sense of displacement, dating back
to Cambrian time. All Neogene faults are probably
older faults that have been reactivated.
The youngest unit deformed by the FAFC is the
Metropolis gravel. Its age is not well constrained,
but probably it is Illinoian or older. Undeformed
New Columbia sand in the New Columbia structure most likely is pre-Illinoian. Wisconsinan and
younger sediments are not displaced anywhere, to
our knowledge.
Faults near the southeast end of the SGFZ in
Illinois displace Cretaceous and Eocene strata. No
younger units are known to be affected; several
exposures clearly show undeformed Illinoian and
younger sediments overlying large faults that offset
older rocks. Tertiary faults mostly strike N-S to
dip nearly vertically, and appear to
be pull-apart grabens. As in the FAFC, features
suggesting strike slip are present, but the direction
and amount of lateral movement cannot be deter-
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
mined. The SGFZ has undergone multiple tectonic
events under different stress fields.
The youngest documented faulting in the area
took place on the English Hill Fault, which
branches off the CFZ. Woodfordian (10-25ka)
loess is displaced in Missouri a few miles from the
Illinois border. Multiple episodes of movement
took place, the most recent being dextral. The
CFZ lies along a magnetic anomaly believed to
represent a major fracture zone in the basement.
Surface expression in Illinois is subtle, but mafic
and ultramafic intrusions, intense hydrothermal
activity, and faults follow the magnetic lineament.
Several earthquake foci in Illinois and Missouri
are on or very near the CFZ; focal analysis indicates that at least some may have originated in
the CFZ. However, the level of seismic activity on
the CFZ is not higher than background throughout
southern Illinois.
5.1. Stress field and faulting
The maximum horizontal compressive axis of
the modern stress field in southeastern Illinois and
the adjacent part of Kentucky is oriented nearly
east-west. This trend is shown by numerous lines
of evidence, including earthquake focal mechanisms (Hei-~mann, 1979; Zoback and Zoback,
1991), borehole breakouts (Dart, 1985), straingauge and overcoring measurements (Ingram and
Molinda, 1988), and roof-failure trends in
underground mines (Nelson and Bauer, 1987;
Ingram and Molinda, 1988). Elsewhere in Illinois,
the maximum stress axis is oriented about N50°E
to N70°E, as it is in most of the Midcontinent of
North America.
The maximum horizontal compressive stress axis
in the New Madrid seismic zone is oriented about
N45°E to N80°E, the average orientation being
ENE. Focal-plane solutions indicate that northeast-trending faults in the New Madrid seismic
zone are undergoing right-lateral slip with a reverse
component, whereas north-south to north-northwest-trending faults are undergoing primarily
reverse slip. Fault motions in the New Madrid
area thus are consistent with the measured stress
regime (Zoback and Zoback, 1981, 1991; Rhea
et al., 1994).
Among Neogene faults in southern Illinois, only
the Commerce Fault Zone exhibits the slip that is
expected under the modern stress field. The
Commerce strikes northeast and shows right-lateral displacement, like northeast-striking faults in
the New Madrid seismic zone.
Neogene faults in the FAFC strike NNE to NE,
so they also would be expected to undergo rightlateral slip under the contemporary stress field.
These faults appear to be strike-slip or obliqueslip (direction unknown) with a large component
of extension. The extensional component is not a
good match for the current stress field. Tertiary
extensional grabens in the SGFZ strike nearly
perpendicular to the present-day maximum compressive stress axis. These structures clearly are
inconsistent with the modern regional stress field.
Several explanations are available for the
discrepancy of fault and stress orientation. One is
that the stress field may have changed orientation
from Tertiary to present. The relatively high present-day strain rate and lack of pervasive deformation imply that the New Madrid seismic zone is a
young feature - - at most, a few million years old
(Schweig and Ellis, 1994). The center of seismic
activity possibly shifted from southern Illinois to
the New Madrid area as the stress field rotated.
Unfortunately, little evidence is available on
Neogene stress fields. Engebretson et al. (1985)
proposed that the relative motions of the North
American and Pacific plates changed roughly 5
million years ago, during the Pliocene
(Engebretson et al., 1985). Such a change in plate
movement and interaction might have changed the
stress regime of the continental interior.
Another explanation is that high fluid pressure
may have triggered slippage of unfavorably oriented faults. Fluid pressures commonly are high
in compressional regimes, where high-angle reverse
and strike-slip faults predominate (Sibson, 1990).
Seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone today
is partly attributed to high fluid pressure
(McKeown and Diehl, 1994),
Other factors that may contribute to slippage
on unfavorably oriented faults are local variations
in friction along faults and variable local stress
fields near fault intersections (Zoback, 1992). Also,
slippage along undulating faults may create local,
W. John Nelson et al. / Engineering Geology 46 (1997) 235-258
residual stress that differs markedly from regional
stress. For example, in southern California the leftlateral Cleghorn Fault strikes nearly parallel to the
adjacent, right-lateral San Andreas Fault (Saucier
et al., 1992).
Resolving which of these factors are at work in
southern Illinois will require further study. In
particular, closer constraints are needed on the
timing of movement and the magnitude and direction of slippage on Neogene faults.
This research was partially supported by the US
Geological Survey (USGS), Department of the
1434-95-G-2525. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors
and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or
implied, of the US Government.
Alexander, C.S., Prior, J.C., 1968. The origin and function of
the Cache Valley, southern Illinois. In: Bergstrom, R.E.
(Ed.), The Quaternary of Illinois. University of Illinois, College of Agriculture, Special Publication 14, pp. 19-26.
Amos, D.H., 1966. Geologic map of the Golconda Quadrangle,
Kentucky-Illinois, and the part of the Brownfield Quadrangle in Kentucky. US Geological Survey, Map GQ-546,
scale 1:24,000.
Amos, D.H., 1967. Geologic map of part of the Smithland
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