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The 2012 Plasma Roadmap
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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001 (37pp)
The 2012 Plasma Roadmap
Seiji Samukawa1 , Masaru Hori2 , Shahid Rauf3 , Kunihide Tachibana4 ,
Peter Bruggeman5 , Gerrit Kroesen5 , J Christopher Whitehead6 ,
Anthony B Murphy10 , Alexander F Gutsol8 , Svetlana Starikovskaia9 ,
Uwe Kortshagen7 , Jean-Pierre Boeuf11 , Timothy J Sommerer12 ,
Mark J Kushner13 , Uwe Czarnetzki14 and Nigel Mason15
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University, Furo-cho,
Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603 Japan
Applied Materials, Inc., 974 E. Arques Ave., M/S 81312 Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto-daigaku Katsura,
Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics, PO Box 513, 5600 MB
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, 111 Church St. SE, Minneapolis,
MN 55455, USA
Chevron Energy Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way, Richmond, CA 94802, USA
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau
Cedex, France
CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, PO Box 218, Lindfield, NSW 2070, Australia
Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie (LAPLACE), Université de Toulouse, Bt. 3R2,
118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
General Electric Research, One Research Circle, Niskayuna, New York 12309, USA
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Michigan, 1301 Beal Ave,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122, USA
Institute for Plasma and Atomic Physics, Ruhr-University Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany
Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes
E-mail: samukawa@ifs.tohoku.ac.jp, hori@nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp, shahidrauf1@gmail.com,
kunihide@isc.osakac.ac.jp, p.j.bruggeman@tue.nl, g.m.w.kroesen@tue.nl,
j.c.whitehead@manchester.ac.uk, tony.murphy@csiro.au, gutsol@chevron.com,
svetlana.starikovskaya@lpp.polytechnique.fr, korts001@umn.edu, jpb@laplace.univ-tlse.fr,
timothy.sommerer@ge.com, mjkush@umich.edu, uwe.czarnetzki@ep5.rub.de and
Received 19 April 2012, in final form 23 April 2012
Published 7 June 2012
Online at stacks.iop.org/JPhysD/45/253001
Low-temperature plasma physics and technology are diverse and interdisciplinary fields.
The plasma parameters can span many orders of magnitude and applications are found in
quite different areas of daily life and industrial production. As a consequence, the trends in
research, science and technology are difficult to follow and it is not easy to identify the
major challenges of the field and their many sub-fields. Even for experts the road to the
future is sometimes lost in the mist. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics is addressing
this need for clarity and thus providing guidance to the field by this special Review article,
The 2012 Plasma Roadmap.
© 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd
Printed in the UK & the USA
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Although roadmaps are common in the microelectronic industry and other fields of
research and development, constructing a roadmap for the field of low-temperature plasmas
is perhaps a unique undertaking. Realizing the difficulty of this task for any individual, the
plasma section of the Journal of Physics D Board decided to meet the challenge of
developing a roadmap through an unusual and novel concept. The roadmap was divided
into 16 formalized short subsections each addressing a particular key topic. For each topic a
renowned expert in the sub-field was invited to express his/her individual visions on the
status, current and future challenges, and to identify advances in science and technology
required to meet these challenges.
Together these contributions form a detailed snapshot of the current state of the art
which clearly shows the lifelines of the field and the challenges ahead. Novel technologies,
fresh ideas and concepts, and new applications discussed by our authors demonstrate that
the road to the future is wide and far reaching. We hope that this special plasma science and
technology roadmap will provide guidance for colleagues, funding agencies and
government institutions. If successful in doing so, the roadmap will be periodically updated
to continue to help in guiding the field.
Plasma-etching processes for future nanoscale devices
Plasma deposition processes for ultimate functional devices
Very large area plasma processing
Plasmas in and in contact with liquids: a retrospective and an outlook
Plasma medicine
Plasma catalysis
Thermal plasma applications, including welding, cutting and spraying
Plasma for environmental applications
Plasma-assisted ignition and combustion
‘Nanodusty’ plasmas: nanoparticle formation in chemically reactive plasmas
Plasma thrusters
Plasma lighting
Plasma modelling at a crossroad
Plasma diagnostics
Atomic and molecular data for plasma physics—challenges and opportunities
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
a few nm in depth from the surface [4] (figure 2(a)). That is,
UV/VUV photons induce more severe irradiation damage than
positive ion bombardment. These defects, positive charges
and interface traps cause the degradation of MOS devices by
dielectric breakdown, shortening of the lifetime of minority
carriers and shifting of the threshold voltage in transistors.
Plasma-etching processes for future nanoscale
Seiji Samukawa, Tohoku University
Status. Recent ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) production processes involve the fabrication of sub-22 nm patterns
on Si wafers.
High-density plasma sources, such as
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and electron-cyclotronresonance (ECR) plasma, are key technologies for developing
precise etching processes. However, these technologies
include several types of radiation damage caused by the charge
build-up of positive ions and electrons [1] or radiation from
ultraviolet (UV), vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and x-ray photons
[2] during etching. Voltages generated by the charge build-up
distort ion trajectories and lead to the breakage of thin gate
oxide films, stoppage of etching, and pattern dependence of
the etching rate. Additionally, high-density crystal defects
are generated by UV or VUV photons radiating from the
plasma to the etching surface. These serious problems must be
overcome in the fabrication of future nanoscale devices as they
strongly degrade the electrical characteristics of the devices
and increase critical dimension losses in the etching process.
In short, sub-10 nm devices require defect-free and charge-free
atomic layer etching processes.
Here, we briefly introduce the electron shading
phenomena and a model for them (figure 1) [1]. In highaspect-ratio patterns, almost all ions can impinge onto the
etching bottom between the lines because of their vertical
incidence. Since the electron incident angles are usually
large, the photoresist shades the etching bottom from these
electrons. This shading causes an excessive positive charge
flow to the bottom, and results in charge damage and distorted
ion trajectories.
During plasma processing, the bombardment of positive
ions and irradiation of UV/VUV photons generate high-density
crystal defects on the etched surface. The UV and VUV
photons with wavelengths less than 300 nm then penetrate
MOS devices within a few tens of nm to 100 nm in depth
and generate high-density crystal defects (figure 2(b)), positive
charges in the dielectric film, and/or interface traps in SiO2 /Si
[3], while positive ion bombardment generates defects within
Current and future challenges. Argon fluoride laser (ArF)
excimer laser lithography, which has been proposed to
fabricate sub-50 nm-scale devices, uses chemically amplified
photoresist polymers including photoacid generators (PAGs).
Because plasma-etching processes cause serious problems
related to the use of ArF photoresists, such as line-edge
roughness (LER) [5] and low etching selectivity [5], we
have to understand the interaction between plasma and ArF
photoresist polymers. We investigated the effects of surface
temperature and the irradiation species from plasma and found
that ion irradiation itself did not significantly increase the
roughness or etching rate of ArF photoresist films unless it
was combined with ultraviolet/vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV)
photon irradiation. The structures of ArF photoresist polymers
were largely unchanged by ion irradiation alone but were
destroyed by combinations of ion and UV/VUV photon
irradiation. Here, UV/VUV photon irradiation plays a
particularly important role in the interaction between plasma
and ArF photoresist polymers.
Recently, non-planar double-gate metal–oxide–semiconductor field emission semiconductors (MOSFETs) have
provided a potential solution for nanoscale complementary
MOS (CMOS) technology thanks to their ability to control
leakage while maintaining a high drive current. However, the
fabrication of vertical Si fins is challenging. With conventional
plasma etching, defects caused by the irradiation of charged
particles and UV/VUV photons during processing seriously
affect device performance and reliability. Surface damage
and mobility degradation of the plasma-etched sidewall have
already been reported [6].
Plasmas are also extensively used for the etching/ashing
of low-dielectric (low-k) films. However, since low-k films,
such as SiOC films, are vulnerable to plasma irradiation, they
are severely damaged during plasma processes such as the
extraction of methyl groups from low-k films. As a result,
plasma irradiation increases the dielectric constant of low-k
films and reduces the reliability of Cu/low-k interconnects.
The plasma processes change the structure of the SiOC film
deep within the film (over 100 nm in depth) and increase
the film’s dielectric constant. It has also been found that
UV/VUV photon irradiation in the plasma etching enhances
the extraction of methyl groups from the SiOC film by
breaking Si–C bonds in the film [7]. This demonstrates that
photon irradiation plays a very important role in the damage
mechanism of low-k films during plasma processes.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
Ultraviolet radiation and charge build-up during plasma
processing affect the surface of materials. Nevertheless,
the interaction of UV photons and charge build-up with the
surface of a given material is not clearly understood because
Figure 1. Electron shading phenomena during plasma-etching
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Figure 2. Defect generation caused by (a) ion bombardment and (b) UV/VUV photon irradiation during plasma-etching processes.
of the difficulty in quantitatively monitoring these problems
during plasma processing. For this purpose, an on-wafer
monitoring technique for the amount of charge build-up and
the spectrum of UV photons has been proposed. Additionally,
this on-wafer monitoring technique has been combined with a
simulation to establish a relationship between the data obtained
from the on-wafer monitoring technique and the actual
damage [8].
To make a breakthrough in tackling plasma irradiation
damage, tens-of-microsecond pulse-time modulated plasma
processes [9] and neutral-beam processes [10] have been
extensively investigated. The charge build-up phenomena and
defect generation due to UV/VUV photons were found to occur
at a time constant of 10−3 s during plasma etchings. The
amount of surface charging and defect generation could be
precisely controlled by turning the plasma on and off at a pulse
timing of a few tens of microseconds in the pulsed plasma.
Conversely, the neutral-beam source completely eliminated the
charge build-up and UV/VUV photon irradiation by inserting
carbon apertures between the plasma generation region and the
substrate surface. In future nanoscale devices, both methods
will be very promising candidates for damage-free etching
processes. The neutral-beam processes in particular have
an advantage in terms of achieving atomic layer defect-free
etching while the etching rate is much lower than that in
plasma etching. As future nanoscale devices will not need a
higher etching rate, neutral-beam etching has greater potential
to create the essential characteristics of nanomaterials and
Furthermore, we think that new materials, such as Ge,
GaAs, carbon nanotubes, graphene, bio-supermolecules, e.g.
DNA and proteins, and organic molecules, e.g. self-assembling
monolayers (SAMs), will be also used for active areas on
silicon in future nanodevices. In these devices, extremely
low damage atomic layer processes with precise control
of generating reactive species and its acceleration energy
will be needed to integrate these new materials on silicon
Concluding remarks. Over the past 30 years, plasmaetching technology has been a leader in the effort to shrink
the pattern of ultra-large-scale integrated (ULSI) devices.
However, inherent problems in the plasma processes, such as
charge build-up and UV photon radiation, limit the etching
performance for nanoscale devices. To overcome these
problems and to fabricate sub-10 nm devices in practice,
tens-of-microsecond pulse-time modulated plasma etching
and neutral-beam etching processes have been proposed.
These processes can be used to perform damage-free etching
atomically and surface modification of inorganic and organic
materials. This technique is a promising candidate for practical
and accurate fabrication of future nanodevices.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
systems for non-silicon materials, such as ZnO and TiO2 ,
are also the subjects of increased interest for next-generation
green device applications. In addition, development of bottomup CVD techniques for organic materials such as carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene sheets has also been an area of
intensive research in recent years. For such materials, PECVD
is also a strong contender since low-temperature growth can
be achieved. However, there are difficult problems that remain
to be solved with regard to crystallographic control, such as
control of the chirality of CNTs.
Plasma deposition processes for ultimate functional
Masaru Hori, Nagoya University
Status. Applications of plasma for film deposition began with
the discovery of sputtering in 1852 by Grove [11]. Chemical
vapour deposition (CVD) was invented by Schmellenmeier
in 1953 as a method of forming amorphous (a-) carbon
films [12], and led to groundbreaking research on plasma
polymerization techniques in the 1980s. Even today, CVD
remains a highly active area of investigation for producing
materials such as diamond-like carbon (DLC), and is applied
in a wide variety of fields, such as tribology, biomaterials
and photovoltaics (PVs). Silicon thin-film CVD was first
reported by Chittick et al in 1969 [13]. Such films were
amorphous (a-Si) and included a high density of dangling
bond defects, thus making them unsuitable for use in electron
devices (EDs). This problem was tackled by Spear et al in
1975 [14], who used SiH4 in the Si CVD process. This led
to a-Si : H films whose dangling bonds were terminated by
H atoms, allowing them to be successfully applied to EDs.
In situ impurity doping techniques using, e.g., PH3 gas, opened
the door for the formation of pn junctions and fabrication of
PVs. Subsequently, the development of the hydrogen dilution
process allowed the formation of microcrystalline (µc-) Si
films whose quality was sufficiently high for the fabrication of
high-mobility devices. Recently, lower process temperatures
have been investigated, allowing film formation on flexible
plastic substrates. However, despite the remarkable amount
of progress that has been made, several issues remain, such
as optical degradation and the trade-off between quality and
deposition rate (table 1). As a method of achieving atomic
or molecular-level control during thin-film deposition, atomic
layer deposition (ALD) was developed in 1974 by Suntola
[15]. Self-assembly, bottom-up processes represent another
approach to achieving precise control of deposited films, and
such methods are being intensively investigated with the goal
of realizing atomic-scale devices (figure 3).
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
To fully understand the chemical reaction field in plasma
processes, real-time control and monitoring of such processes
are becoming increasingly important, in order to allow both
observation in space and prediction in time. Realizing these
goals requires advances in both measurement and simulation
techniques. Diagnosis must be carried out without disturbing
the reaction field, and measurements must be instantaneous
and have molecular-scale resolution [19]. Construction of
ultimate plasma equipment with autonomous controlling on
the basis of a self-diagnostic system will be a final goal [20]
(figure 3). In addition, to accurately simulate such processes,
complex models dealing with multiple scales ranging from
individual atoms to the overall equipment must be developed,
and high-speed computational resources made available. For
deposition of Si- and C-based materials, bottom-up, selforganizing approaches are expected to meet the challenges of
achieving high deposition rates without introducing damage.
However, achieving the ultimate goal of atomic- or molecularlevel control of deposited films requires an expansion of our
fundamental understanding of surface reactions. This will
involve obtaining basic data on the generation of reactive
species such as electrons, ions and radicals, such as crosssections and reaction probabilities for electronic and photoexcitation of atoms and molecules, and sets of elementary
reactions. Moreover, in situ evaluation of surface morphology
and damage at the material/device level is required. To meet
the needs for large processing areas, minimized feature sizes,
and the use of atmospheric-pressure plasmas or plasmas in
liquids, there is an urgent demand for the development of
evaluation techniques that have high spatial resolution and
high sensitivity. There is also a need to develop methods for
physicochemical control of the flux and energy of the reactive
species by generating beams of radicals or neutral atoms that
are stable over long periods, which can be applied to delicate
or soft materials such as living biological organisms. It is our
goal to push forward the frontiers of plasma applications by
developing revolutionary methods for depositing and etching
Current and future challenges. One imminent challenge is
the development of methods for rapid deposition of µc- and
a-Si films for PV applications. Since the light absorption
coefficient of µc-Si is lower than that of a-Si, thicker films
are generally required. To be economically viable, plasmaenhanced CVD (PECVD) techniques capable of depositing
µc-Si with faster rates of 2.5 nm s−1 on larger glass substrates
(>4 m2 ) are required. The density of H radicals is a key factor
determining the density of SiHx radicals [17]. One of the
major factors determining the deposition rate is the density
of SiHx radicals in the plasma, which in turn depends on the
density of H radicals. For this reason, information concerning
factors such as the surface loss probability of H radicals is
indispensable for numerical simulations and design of largescale systems, and this has been investigated by measuring
the decay of the H afterglow intensity [18]. Recently, plasmaenhanced ALD has attracted considerable attention as a method
for fabricating flexible devices at around room temperature.
In contrast to this kind of top-down approach, new reaction
Concluding remarks. Plasma deposition processes allow
new aspects of solid and liquid chemistry and physics to
be explored. The ultimate goal is atomic- or molecularlevel control during device fabrication. To achieve this,
a key approach is the fusion of top-down and bottomup processes based on self-assembly reactions.
It is
extremely crucial to establish diagnostic methods and
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Table 1. Target on CVD technology for fabricating ultimate functional devices.
Technological target
High-speed synthesis
and defect-less process (solar cell)
Autonomous controlled plasma
Spatio-temporal control for
generation of chemical species with
distribution of density and phases
Large area (high definition
flexible display)
Navigation assisted process tuning
Ultimate controlled beam processes
Self-assembled materials
Plasma–liquid process
Stability for production
(mature manufacturing)
Atomically controlled process
Real-time monitoring
Fusion of top-down and bottom-up
Self-assemble mechanism for
no-defect and high-speed synthesis
Atomic- and molecular-level
detection of reaction field
Multiscale simulation technique
Database for chemical reactions
for gas and surface
Reaction probability for exited
state navigation
Simulator design for chemical reaction
Figure 3. Technology roadmap of CVD for realizing an ultimate functional device. (Picture of carbon nanowalls as an example for
self-assembling material synthesized by CVD [21].).
eventually autonomously controlled plasma equipment for
precisely controlling plasma-induced gas–solid and gas–liquid
interfaces. Plasma deposition is expected to drive a wide range
of future advances in both industrial and academic fields.
author would like to thank Professor Rikizo Hatakeyama
(Tohoku University), Professor Masaharu Shiratani (Kyushu
University) and all committee members for the roadmap
creation in JSAP. The author would also like to gratefully
acknowledge Professors Makoto Sekine, Kenji Ishikawa and
Hiroki Kondo of PLANT, Nagoya University, for their
contributions to this paper.
Acknowledgments. This roadmap was created with reference
to the roadmap [16] prepared by the plasma electronics
division of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). The
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Current and future challenges.
Capacitively coupled
plasmas (CCP) are perhaps the most prevalent technology
in the processing industry for etching and deposition
applications. Many critical applications use very highfrequency (VHF) sources (60 MHz and above) where
electromagnetic non-uniformities become prominent on
substrates larger than 300 mm. Flat panel display and solar
manufacturing technologies use larger substrates, on which
the electromagnetic effects impact process uniformity at even
13.56 MHz [22, 23]. These plasma non-uniformities can
be suppressed or compensated for by shaped electrodes,
multiple RF feeds (or generators), gas flow optimization or
by using lower excitation frequencies. For example, nonplanar electrodes [24] can modify the electromagnetic field
spatial profile and hence the plasma distribution. Generally,
these compensation techniques work well for only a limited
parameter window, and are often costly to modify with
evolving technology.
Another important technology for plasma processing
applications is inductively coupled plasmas (ICP). ICPs rely
on the electromagnetic power coupling between current in the
RF coils and the plasma, and the plasma is generated nonuniformly close to the coils. Furthermore, any RF voltage
or current variations along the coils due to electromagnetic
effects lead to non-uniform plasma production along the coil.
These non-uniformities have generally been addressed through
careful antenna design for distributed plasma production and
by appropriate selection of RF frequency to minimize the
voltage and current variation along the lines. With increasing
plasma dimensions, antenna design also needs to ensure
that voltage on the coils does not become excessive leading
to reliability issues and undesirable capacitive coupling.
Scaling of conventional ICP technology becomes increasingly
challenging with increasing substrate size, often resulting in
complicated antenna designs. A few promising approaches
have been developed in research laboratories where electrical
non-uniformities along the coils are either avoided using
travelling waves with reflection-less line termination [25]
or by lowering the operating frequency and using magnetic
materials [26].
Microwave plasmas have also been finding applications
in large-area plasma processing. With a short wavelength at
microwave frequencies, the two general techniques that have
been used to obtain large-area uniform plasmas are (1) slot
antenna arrays [27], where the array pattern is designed to
obtain uniform radiation through the antenna, and (2) travelling
wave linear microwave sources [28]. The slot antenna
approach requires an antenna design fine-tuned for a particular
plasma regime (electron density and collision frequency) and
hardware optimization may become prohibitively expensive
with increasing plasma size. The travelling wave discharges
can be scaled more readily to larger dimensions, although
adequate power distribution can be challenging at larger
Physical vapour deposition (PVD), i.e. dc, pulsed dc or RF
sputtering, remains the dominant plasma technology for metal
deposition. Since PVD works well with dc sources, it does not
suffer from the electromagnetic non-uniformities. However,
Very large-area plasma processing
Shahid Rauf, Applied Materials, Inc.
Plasma processing is vitally important for
manufacturing of semiconductor chips, flat panel displays
and solar panels. Economic considerations have led to a
continuous increase in substrate dimensions in these industries.
Leading-edge semiconductor manufacturers are now seriously
considering 450 mm wafers while the display panel makers
have already started using Generation 10 glass substrates
(2.88 × 3.13 m). A typical Generation 10 plasma processing
system is shown in figure 4. Plasma etching and deposition
processes involved in manufacturing of devices on silicon
wafers or glass substrates sensitively depend on radical and
charged particle concentrations in the plasma and ion energies
at the substrate. Spatial uniformity and tight control of
the above parameters become very challenging with growing
plasma dimensions.
Most plasma processing is done using radio-frequency
(RF) plasmas using RF sources in the frequency range
typically from 100s of kHz to over 100 MHz. Due to
finite plasma dimensions and wave reflections at boundaries,
excited RF fields inherently form standing waves. If the
plasma chamber dimensions become commensurate with the
excitation wavelength, electromagnetic effects and spatial nonuniformities in RF fields become inevitable [22, 23]. The
plasma processes that use low-frequency or dc power sources
do not suffer from these electromagnetic effects. However,
they often use static magnetic fields which are non-trivial
to distribute uniformly over large areas. Spatially nonuniform electric and magnetic fields and related plasma nonuniformities are one of the main technological difficulties in
scaling plasma processes to very large substrates.
This short paper discusses the current status of several
plasma technologies in use for very large-area plasma
processing, highlights techniques that are being used to extend
these technologies to larger substrates, and discusses future
research trends and needs.
Figure 4. Model of Applied Materials Gen-10 PECVD system
(AKT 90K CVD) used for deposition of silicon based films for flat
panel displays. The system consists of up to five process chambers,
each capable of processing ∼9 m2 large glass substrates. Courtesy
of Jozef Kudela.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Figure 5. Rotary sputter targets in an Applied Materials PVD system for flat panel display fabrication. Courtesy of Marcus Bender.
the same electrode [31]. Phase control appears promising for
multi-electrode segmented plasma systems and triode CCP
configurations as well.
Electron beam plasmas were developed for largearea substrate plasma processing [32].
Although this
technology has not been widely adapted for commercial
plasma processing applications, it has promising features for
large-area processing. Being a dc technology, it does not
suffer from electromagnetic non-uniformities with increasing
dimensions. Furthermore, electron energy provides a readily
controllable parameter for uniformity control.
target erosion is usually non-uniform due to the non-uniform
magnetic field. Not only does the process uniformity become a
challenge with increasing substrate size, but also the target cost.
Several techniques have been developed to segment targets and
increase target lifetime [29]. One such example is illustrated
in figure 5.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. It
is fair to state that the fundamental physics mechanisms
governing plasma uniformity in large plasmas are reasonably
well understood.
The future challenges are primarily
technological regarding methodologies that can be used to
scale plasmas in an economical manner. Research on new
plasma source concepts that can be scaled to larger dimensions
more readily is also expected to be fruitful.
One of the most straightforward approaches to extending
plasma technology to larger dimensions is to combine
multiple smaller sources together. However, plasma is
a non-linear medium and coupling between the sources
makes operation of multi-source plasmas non-trivial. In
addition, where applications dictate small distance between
the plasma production region and the substrate, seamless
transition between individual sources is non-trivial. One
can in principle combine smaller capacitive, inductive, dc or
microwave plasmas. In the context of ICPs, a promising recent
approach uses an array of ferrite ICPs [30], which addresses
both uniformity and high coil voltage concerns for large-area
Although hardware modifications that compensate for
existing non-uniformities can render a tool useful for specific
plasma regimes and applications, this practice becomes costprohibitive as the plasma dimensions grow. More promising
would be approaches that allow dynamic adjustment of plasma
uniformity during plasma operation. One such concept is
to apply RF voltages at the same frequency but disparate
phases to either different electrodes or separate locations on
Concluding remarks. Economic considerations are driving
the plasma processing industry to larger and larger plasmas.
Conventional CCP, ICP and microwave plasma technologies
all experience uniformity issues when they are scaled to
larger dimensions. Electromagnetic effects make CCPs
susceptible to non-uniform plasma production with increased
electrode size. Although hardware design techniques have
been developed to compensate for these non-uniformities,
these techniques generally limit the range over which these
plasma processing tools can be used. Methods such as
phase control, where uniformity can be dynamically controlled
during operation, can result in more flexible plasma tools.
Similar electromagnetic effects make design of conventional
ICP and microwave sources challenging at larger dimensions.
Travelling wave ICP and microwave sources appear more
promising regarding scaling to larger dimensions.
addition to research on plasma uniformity control methods for
conventional plasma technologies, there is an increased need to
explore and develop plasma technologies that are more readily
scalable to larger dimensions.
Acknowledgment. This article has greatly benefited from the
expert advice of Dr Jozef Kudela, an acknowledged leader in
large-area plasma processing.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
driven by a low-frequency power supply of kHz ranges with
a rare-gas flow. One can obtain a long plasma plume of
a few cm in length ejected into ambient air. With a highspeed camera observation, however, it appears as if a series
of bullets are propagating with an apparent speed of several
tens of km s−1 . The mechanism is ascertained by various
experiments and simulations to be similar to the streamer
propagation mechanism in a corona discharge (see [37] and
references therein). It has been successfully applied to the
deposition of various thin-film materials such as SiO2 and
ZnO. By employing the non-equilibrium and transient nature
of a microplasma, it is also applied to the synthesis of
nanoparticles [38].
A more enthusiastic concern is directed towards
biomedical applications. Stimulated by the pioneering work
by Stoffels [39], many reports have been published on
the applications of microplasmas for dermatology treatment,
surgery haemostasis, dental treatment and so on (see [40] and
references therein). In most of these applications, however,
we are simply supplying chemically reactive species produced
in a plasma to targets for disinfection, sterilization or blood
coagulation. In future years, more sophisticated applications
are going to be performed such as cellular treatments for cancer
therapy and gene transfection.
For larger area processing or treatment, it is required to
integrate microplasmas into a large-scale device. This is also
true for photonic devices in constructing a large-area light
source [41]. Several kinds of sources have been proposed
with mesh or fabric structures, bundled jet structures and so
on. As a practical example, a plasma stamp with an array of
microplasmas on a substrate has been developed for localized
material processing in a designed pattern [42].
A more interesting functionalization of a microplasma
array is to construct a photonic crystal or a metamaterial for
controlling the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves.
In general, the permittivity of a plasma εp is given by [36]
Kunihide Tachibana, Osaka Electro-Communication
Status. In general, a microplasma is defined as a plasma of
mm to µm size in three-dimensional scales [33–35]. In some
cases, however, two-dimensional (linear) and one-dimensional
(planar) microplasmas are included. The characteristics of
spatial smallness can create new physics, chemistry or science
different from those of large-scale plasmas due to the increase
in the surface-to-volume ratio. In order to enhance the electron
multiplication rate in a shorter distance and also to prevent the
wall loss, microplasmas are mostly operated in higher pressure
(or density) ranges. Therefore, even if the ionization degree
is low or moderate, one can easily make the electron density
ne larger than 1013 cm−3 [35]. Let us suppose a density of
1016 cm−3 , for instance, the corresponding electron plasma
frequency ωpe /2π becomes about 1 THz. This encourages
the use of microplasmas as conductive/dielectric media for
electromagnetic waves in addition to the traditional uses such
as light-emissive and reactive media, as shown in figure 6 [33].
A microplasma can be used as an isolated device for a
localized material processing or biomedical treatment. On the
other hand, an assembly of microplasmas is used to construct
larger scale devices. It is also aimed at making new functional
devices such as photonic crystals or metamaterials with those
assemblies [36]. The technologies of integrating microplasmas
are also developing [34]. For example, printing technology,
such as the one used in manufacturing plasma display panels,
is applicable for glass or ceramic substrates and microfabrication technology used in semiconductor integratedcircuit manufacturing is effective for silicon substrates.
Current and future challenges. A microplasma can be used as
a source for processing various materials: a localized process
with a single source and a large-area process with an arrayed
source. As a single source, a microplasma jet is the most
frequently used device, being driven in wide frequency ranges
from dc to GHz. Among such devices a dielectric-barrierdischarge (DBD)-type source, equipped with a pair of ring
electrodes around a glass tube of a few mm bore, has become
the most popular one because of its simple design. It is
εp = 1 −
ω2 (1
+ iνm /ω)
ε 0 me
e 2 ne
+ iνm /ω)
ω2 (1
where νm is the electron collision frequency, ω is the angular
frequency of electromagnetic waves, e is the electron charge,
ε0 is the permittivity in vacuum and me is the electron
mass. From this relation it is seen that εp can be modified
from unity to negative values according to ne . When we
arrange microplasmas in space with a pitch considerably less
than the wavelength of propagating electromagnetic waves,
we can create a medium whose effective permittivity ε is
periodically modulated. As an example, let us think of a
two-dimensional array of columnar microplasmas in a square
lattice. The relation of ω with the wave vector k is given by the
photonic band diagram, as shown in figure 7, according to the
propagating direction [36]. It is noted that photonic band gaps
appear where the transmission of EM waves is prohibited.
In this extension, by modifying the fundamental
parameters of matter: conductance σ , permittivity ε and
permeability µ, we will come to an idea of synthesizing a
metamaterial from an array of microplasmas. Since plasma
itself has no inductance (or permeability), we have to add
Figure 6. Characteristic area of microplasmas in a plane of spatial
size d and electron density ne .
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
by electrical discharges in higher pressure gases. The
discharge media can be generalized as high-density media,
including liquids and super critical fluids. In these media
the discharge developing mechanisms initiated from a corona
discharge should be clarified quantitatively in order to optimize
the generation conditions. In particular, in relation with
biomedical and environmental applications, the mechanisms
in underwater discharges within, with or without bubbles are
of much concern.
Plasma–surface interactions are also important research
targets for various applications upon well-diagnosed plasma
characteristics. In particular, in biomedical applications,
the ‘substrates’ exposed to plasmas are living cells, tissues
or organisms, so that we have to pay attention not
only to instantaneous interactions but also long-range
responses stimulated by the irradiation. For basic study on
biomedical issues, it is required to miniaturize plasma sources
corresponding to the size of a biological cell in order to see
cause-and-effect relations of the interaction.
As for the theme of creating new functions by integration
of microplasmas, several ideas have been proposed in
two-dimensional structures.
In most cases, however,
microplasmas are actually generated only in pulsed modes.
Therefore, generation methods and durable device structures
of microplasmas should be investigated for their practical
uses in continuous operations. Their extensions into threedimensional structures will also be of great interest in
Figure 7. (a) Two-dimensional square lattice array of columnar
microplasmas of radius R with lattice constant a, and (b) photonic
band structure (dispersion relation); Ŵ is the origin and X or M is a
position at half of the reciprocal lattice vector in the direction
shown in (a).
some functional components which can contribute to the spatial
modification of µ. For instance, we can make use of the
electrode structure for the components, e.g. in the shape of
double spiral, split ring, etc. In that manner, we can realize
metamaterials with negative refractive index or non-linear
bifurcated electric response [36].
Concluding remarks. It is frequently asked whether there are
any new physics or chemistry of microplasmas in comparison
with large-scale plasmas generated in the low-pressure range.
To answer the question, some examples have been shown
above, which can only be realized by using inherent natures of
microplasmas. However, we have to seek more examples by
exploring the ‘meso-exotic’ parameter range of microplasmas
shown in figure 6.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
As described above, microplasmas are commonly generated
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
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occurs through a bubble mechanism or due to the presence of
voids [47, 49], all details are not well understood and recently
some indications have been found that ionization in pure water
without phase change could also be possible.
At this time, we start to grasp the basic physics and
chemistry occurring in PLs. Properties of PLs have been
investigated extensively [47]. As there is often limited
access by laser diagnostics in PLs, mainly optical emission
spectroscopy (OES) is used as a diagnostic.
Plasmas in and in contact with liquids: a
retrospective and an outlook
Peter Bruggeman, Eindhoven University of Technology
Status. The first experiments dealing with the interaction
of plasmas and liquids date back more than 100 years ago
and were conducted in the context of electrochemistry [43].
The same procedure is nowadays still applied to produce
nanoparticles at the liquid–plasma interface. Up to about 20
years ago, the main focus in the field of plasmas in and in
contact with liquids (PLs) was on glow discharge electrolysis
and the study of breakdown of dielectric liquids for highvoltage switching.
Nowadays, it is well established that discharges in and in
contact with water are a rich source of radicals, such as OH, O
and H2 O2 , and UV radiation [44, 45]. High-intensity plasmas
also produce strong shock waves in the liquid phase [45]. PLs
thus have strong oxidation and disinfection capabilities and
are often referred to as an advance oxidation technology to
break down organic and inorganic substances in water. In this
perspective the research focus in PLs has been shifted during
the last 20 years towards biological, chemical, material and
environmental applications. Two reviews, one focusing on the
applications [46] and the other on the physics of PLs [47], have
been published.
Currently, PLs are generated by nanosecond pulsed and
dc voltages. Also, ac excitation from 50 Hz up to MHz
frequencies is used [47]. The operation pressures range from
very low pressures (using ionic liquids) up to very high pressure
conditions in supercritical liquids [48]. Many different reactors
exist but the most basic configurations are shown in figure 8.
Electrical breakdown and ionization in liquids have been
investigated for several years. Ionization mechanisms in
relatively basic liquids such as liquid Ar are well understood
[48]. Although it is generally assumed that breakdown in water
Current and future challenges. Two main challenges can
be identified for PLs. The first challenge deals with the
breakdown processes and mechanisms in liquids.
The ionization process is of course the first step which
needs to be studied in order to understand breakdown in liquids.
In dense media, three (and more) body collisions and multi-step
ionization processes become dominant. Several unknowns still
exist for molecular species and gas mixtures at high pressures.
Plasma propagation dynamics spans time scales going
from sub-nanoseconds up to microseconds. Many processes
occur on these relevant time scales, i.e. phase change, density,
pressure and temperature fluctuations and charge accumulation
at the plasma–liquid interface, which makes the propagation an
extremely complex physical phenomenon. Additionally, the
electrical properties of the liquid can depend strongly on the
electrical field, the local density and the frequency components
of the applied field. All these effects on the discharge ignition
and propagation are to date neither considered in detail nor
The second main challenge is the understanding of the
physical and chemical processes occurring at the plasma–
liquid interface (see also figure 9). The liquid interface can
be an important heat sink. In fact, very strong temperature
gradients are observed at the plasma–liquid interface and it
remains to be seen if a real connection between plasma at
Figure 8. Upper drawings present three basic configurations of PLs. The corresponding figures below are a typical image of the discharge
generated in the above configuration. (a) Direct filamentary (microsecond pulsed) discharge in water, (b) dc excited glow discharge (in air)
with water cathode and metal anode and (c) (nanosecond pulsed) discharge in (Ar) bubbles in water.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
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Figure 9. Schematic overview of some important transfer processes at the plasma–liquid interface. Note that some processes are polarity
dependent. More details can also be found in [47] and references therein.
insights into the (gas phase) water chemistry. As water is
electronegative and has the tendency to cause clustering of the
ionic species [51] it adds significantly to the complexity of
these plasmas.
Diagnostics are also an issue for liquid-based chemistry,
especially when dealing with short-lived radicals which are
typically composed of the same atoms as water. The
time-averaged chemistry (seconds) in the liquid is known
and measurable while the plasma chemistry happens on
microsecond time scales. It would be very desirable to extend
the current bulk liquid techniques—often ex situ—to in situ
techniques with a time and spatial resolution compatible with
the plasma size and plasma chemistry time scales.
A further development of the modelling efforts such as
presented in [52] by including more detailed physical and
chemical processes at the plasma–liquid interface could yield
considerable insight into plasma properties which are not easily
accessible by diagnostics.
a supercritical temperature and liquid water occurs. Apart
from the thermal energy transfer at the interface many open
questions are still present on how charged species, neutrals and
radicals are transferred from the plasma to the liquid phase
and vice versa. There exist estimates of secondary electron
emission coefficients (γ ) based on relations from standard
glow discharge experiments, but it is unclear at this time
whether the mechanism can be assumed to be similar to the
case of a metal electrode.
The understanding of the plasma–liquid interface will
allow us to establish a quantitative correlation between gas
phase plasma chemistry and plasma induced liquid phase
chemistry. This is of utmost importance if one wants to
optimize and exploit new application areas.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. The
key to the understanding of PLs is the further development and
improvement of plasma diagnostics to map and quantify the
plasma physics and chemistry.
PLs, just like all high-pressure discharges, have very
particular issues concerning the interpretation of OES results
[50]. Additionally, it is very difficult to obtain quantitative data
on radical and ion densities by OES. This is the main bottleneck
for a better understanding of the chemistry in PLs. There is
without doubt much more information to obtain from OES with
more careful interpretations and more evolved models. The
collisional radiative models, of course, require an extended
knowledge of reaction cross-sections.
However, the possibility of applying active diagnostics
even in plasmas in liquids and bubbles would yield much
more direct information about the plasma composition. There
are several boundaries to be pushed forward to achieve this,
especially considering that discharges in bubbles are often
surface discharges and that PLs are mainly filamentary, hence
mostly not very reproducible in time and space.
More evolved diagnostics in gaseous high-pressure
discharges containing water vapour can lead already to more
Concluding remarks. In addition to the topics addressed
above there are several other interesting research topics
concerning injection of liquids in thermal plasmas to produce
coatings and powders and laser-induced plasmas in liquids.
The strong complexity of driving processes on micrometre
length scales and sub-nanosecond time scales in a fluid
environment and the highly dynamic plasma–liquid interface
provides a wealth of challenging fundamental interesting
physics and chemistry for PLs. It can only be unravelled
by further development and implementation of state-of-theart diagnostics and modelling. Note that the understanding of
the plasma–liquid interface is also of direct practical relevance,
e.g. in plasma treatments of wounds which often have a moist
or liquid layer. The effort for the proposed challenging
fundamental study will be worthwhile as it will allow us
to exploit more efficiently the highly reactive chemistry of
these discharges in emerging applications and extend it to new
application areas.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
effort in both industry and academia enabled a much better
understanding of the etching process. This understanding has
enabled the emergence of remote plasma-etching techniques,
where two or more plasmas are used: one to produce the
‘plasma deliverables’, and one to condition the surface of
the semiconductor wafer. Nowadays, this approach is the
commonplace technology in semiconductor production. This
is an example of where R&D first had to catch up with industry,
but later on was able to trigger new technologies. I think that
this is true for the plasma medicine community now.
Of course, even more progress in the field of new
medical treatments and innovative biological applications (e.g.
sterilization) is desirable. However, now we also should
address the fundamentals that determine the effectivity of the
process. These can be subdivided into three areas: plasma
physics, (micro)biology and medicine, and plasma medicine
technology development. The main research questions to be
answered are as follows.
Plasma physics:
Plasma medicine
Gerrit Kroesen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The
Status. The field of plasma medicine is, compared with other
applications of plasmas, relatively new. Started around the
turn of the century at various places around the world in
parallel, it has gone through an explosion of attention. In
2007, a dedicated conference series emerged: the International
Conference on Plasma Medicine, which will have its fourth
edition in 2012 in Orléans, France. Most plasma conferences
now feature a session on plasma medicine. Several reviews of
the field have been published, see e.g. [53] and all other papers
in that cluster issue of New Journal of Physics. Impressive
results are presented on clinical trials, in vitro experiments
and cell culture studies. There are indications that plasma
medicine can offer solutions for lesions that cannot be treated
otherwise, like diabetic feet and other severe ulcers [54]. Most
applications focus on the skin, but more recently internal
diseases are also tackled. Even the treatment of several forms
of cancer is explored successfully [55]. Already since 1996,
plasmas have been studied for sterilization purposes [56, 57].
A few studies do shed some light on cell biological aspects [58]
(figure 10).
However, there is a remarkable trend: most reports focus
on the medical applications, but the dynamics of the plasma
itself and the interaction mechanisms between the plasma and
the cells, tissues and organisms receive much less attention.
• Where in the plasma are the reactive species, photons
and electrical fields produced and what is the production
• What are the fluxes and energies of the various species
that the plasma delivers to the cells and tissues?
• What is the gas flow pattern?
(Micro)biology and medicine:
• How do bacteria and their signalling, spores, fungi and
prions behave under plasma exposure?
• How do animal or human cells behave under plasma
exposure? How cytotoxic is the plasma?
• How do human tissues and human beings react when
subjected to plasma treatment?
Current and future challenges. Plasma medicine nowadays
has the scientific status that plasma etching had around
1980. In the 1980s, the semiconductor industry was already
using plasma etching on very large scales in their production
processes. That fact has enabled Moore’s law to continue
to be valid in that period. Nevertheless, the plasma physics
community had no idea how exactly the etching process
The main research questions focused around
things like what plasma deliverables determine the selectivity,
etch rate and anisotropy? Around 1990, the large R&D
Plasma medicine technology development:
• What is the optimal flux cocktail for eliminating
prokaryotic cells?
• What is the optimal flux cocktail for stimulating the
recovery of human tissue?
• Which plasma conditions fulfil the best compromise of
these two optimums?
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
Plasma medicine is strongly multidisciplinary: collaboration is
required between plasma physics, fluid dynamics, biophysics,
microbiology, biology, physiology, medical science and
clinical practice. Since we are setting up a roadmap for
physics here, we will concentrate on the first three of the
above-mentioned disciplines. Plasma physics: diagnostics and
It will be necessary to determine the densities and fluxes of
all plasma deliverables, the so-called plasma cocktail. These
deliverables are chemically active molecules (e.g. NO, O3 ),
radicals (OH and others), photons (especially UV and EUV),
ions, electrons and electrical fields. In particular the last one,
the electrical fields, is often neglected. Frey and Schoenbach
have shown that large fields can cause electroporation and
Figure 10. Example of a plasma in contact with a cell culture.
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will in any case modify the ion transport through the cell
membrane [59], and even very small dc fields can have effects
on cell proliferation and mobility [60]. What is required
is a joint action of plasma diagnostics and modelling. The
densities and fluxes of all kinds of species will have to be
mapped out on the square micrometre. The plasmas that
are applied for medical applications in general are small
(a necessary consequence of the requirement that they operate
at a pressure of 1 atm), of the order of millimetres in at least one
dimension. This poses a challenge: most plasma diagnostics
that have been developed up to now are compatible with plasma
sizes of tens of centimetres and resolutions of millimetres.
Now, microscopic resolution is required. Techniques like
laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for molecule and radical
detection, Thomson, Raman and Rayleigh scattering for
electron parameters, Stark spectroscopy for electrical fields,
optical emission spectroscopy for discharge dynamics, and
infrared absorption spectroscopy for radical and molecule
detection will all have to be enhanced to be able to operate
through a (confocal) microscope. Mass spectrometry will have
to be carefully engineered to operate at atmospheric pressures
and yield results that are actually representative for the plasma
just above the sampling orifice. We will also have to address
the complication that the plasma parameters will be modified
as soon as the plasma contacts the living tissues. In addition,
plasma modelling will have to enter a new era. Almost nothing
is known about the dielectric properties of cells and tissues, so
boundary conditions will have to be revisited. The feedback
that the presence of living tissues is presenting to the plasma
will have to be addressed (humidity, evaporation, salts, organic
substances). Babaeva and Kushner are among the first to
address these issues [61].
flow. This will alter the flow dynamics, and may also modify
the chemistry. The whole system of plasma, flow, bubbles,
droplets and cells is a combination of a complex fluid and
a complex plasma: a formidable challenge for fundamental
Biophysics: plasma–plasma interaction. The cell membrane
seems to be a dominating factor in the interaction between
the plasma and the cell, more specifically between the gas
phase plasma outside the cells and tissues and the cytoplasm
inside the cell. There is substantial evidence (see [1] and
references therein) that Gram-positive bacteria react differently
to plasma treatment from Gram-negative bacteria, and the
main difference between these categories of prokaryotic cells
is the structure of the cell membrane. Furthermore, human
cells (eukaryotes) react differently to plasma treatment from
prokaryotes, and here again the cell membrane can play a
dominant role. In eukaryotes, each internal cell organelle is
enclosed in its own membrane. This is not true for prokaryotes,
where there is only one boundary separating the plasma from
the cell interior. Therefore, we need to study the plasma–
plasma interaction through the cell membrane. This field of
biophysics is as yet unconnected from the plasma medicine
field, but in order to understand what is going on, it is vital to
include groups that are active in this field [62].
Concluding remarks.
At present, the field of plasma
medicine is at the crossroads. Academic and clinical experiments have yielded very promising results. However, the fundamental understanding of the interaction between the plasma
and living cells, tissues and organisms is lagging far behind.
At the same time, large-scale clinical application of plasma
technology is not yet taking off. These two aspects may very
well be connected. We can use the analogy of plasma etching described before: in that case industry had no problem
in using the technology before it was understood. All that
could go wrong is a less favourable process performance. The
case of plasma medicine is totally different: human beings
are at stake. Without a more profound understanding of the
interaction mechanisms, long-term and side effects cannot be
predicted accurately. Therefore, we have to establish a multidisciplinary scientific community to generate this required understanding. After that, large-scale application becomes more
Fluid dynamics: complex fluids and complex plasmas. The
gas flow pattern is an important factor in transporting the
active species from the plasma to the patient. Techniques
such as particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) and other imaging
techniques such as shadowgraphy and Schlieren techniques
will have to be operated through a microscope. The flow
pattern will have to modelled as well, and these models
have to be connected, and often integrated, with the plasma
models. The gas flow may cause cavitation in the liquid on
the wound, which may have a beneficial effect or not, but
needs to be understood. Cells and small parts of tissues will be
removed from the surface of the tissue, and enter the plasma
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include gaseous products of the plasma processing and longlived reactive intermediates (commonly ozone and NOx in
oxygen-containing plasmas). Vibrationally excited species
interacting with catalytic surfaces may also play a role [63].
Interactions in one-stage plasma catalysis are either from
the plasma with the catalyst or the catalyst affecting the
discharge (figure 11). As well as creating reactive species
above the catalyst surface, plasma can change the surface
properties by ion, electron or photon interactions. Packing
catalytic materials into the discharge may modify its electrical
properties through changing dielectric effects or by altering
its nature, e.g. from filamentary microdischarges to surface
discharges [69]. These different interactions may combine to
improve catalytic performance.
Figure 12 illustrates the complexity of plasma–catalyst
interactions during the processing of a NiO–Al2 O3 catalyst
with atmospheric-pressure methane plasma [70]. Firstly,
NiO is reduced to Ni by the low-temperature plasma
(4NiO + CH4 → 4Ni + CO2 + 2H2 O). This is complete
when no further CO2 evolves. Thermally, reduction takes
places at temperatures >400 ◦ C but is achieved here at
lower temperatures. Hydrogen is then produced with high
selectivity by the Ni-catalysed reaction, CH4 → C + 2H2
via the fragmentation of adsorbed CH4 on active sites of
the catalyst surface to form active adsorbed carbon and
hydrogen. The carbon appears as nanofibres; a Ni-catalysed
process is normally achievable at temperatures >600 ◦ C:
showing increased energy efficiency for low-temperature
plasma catalysis over conventional thermal processing and
demonstrating a synergistic effect for CH4 decomposition,
where both plasma and catalyst are vital.
Plasma catalysis
J Christopher Whitehead, University of Manchester
Status. One of the earliest papers reporting the effects of the
interaction of plasma and catalyst can be found in this Journal in
a review article by Gicquel, Cavadias and Amouroux published
in 1986 [63]. They looked at the effect of low-pressure plasma
combined with a tungsten oxide (WO3 ) surface on both nitric
oxide synthesis from molecular nitrogen and oxygen (N2 +
O2 → 2NO) and the decomposition of ammonia (2NH3 →
N2 + 3H2 ). They concluded that ‘perturbation of the steady
state of the plasma by an introduction of a solid surface has
been interpreted as a catalytic action to the extent that it leads
to a higher degree of chemical reactivity of the system in
question’. Probably, the first account of the combination of
an atmospheric-pressure plasma with a catalyst came in 1992
reported by Mizuno et al [64], who investigated the synthesis
of methanol (CH3 OH) from CH4 and CO2 in a dielectric
barrier discharge with a ZnO–CrO3 –H2 O catalyst and found
that the production of methanol and the conversion of CO2
and CH4 were ‘enhanced using the catalyst’. In general
terms, the beneficial effects of incorporating a catalyst into
a plasma are increased yield of a desired product with high
selectivity, i.e. the minimization of other unwanted species.
Plasma-assisted catalysis has been shown to have a wide range
of applications in environmental clean-up removing common
pollutants such as NOx and VOCs from exhaust gases [65, 66]
and in directed synthesis of added value products such as in the
reforming of hydrocarbons into fuels [67]. Using atmosphericpressure, non-thermal plasmas to activate a catalyst can often
give significantly reduced operating temperatures (in many
cases, close to ambient) compared with conventional thermal
catalysis. This can reduce commonly occurring problems
of catalyst stability such as sintering at high temperatures,
coking or poisoning by species such as sulfur. A synergistic
effect is often reported where plasma catalysis achieves a
better outcome than the separate effects of plasma processing
and thermal catalysis combined. However, this is far from a
universal effect and is usually most common at low operating
temperatures [68].
Advances in science and technology. The future applications
for plasma catalysis are most likely to be in the area of
remediation of gaseous waste and its conversion into products
of added value and the use of plasmas to prepare and
modify catalysts [71, 72]. A possible form of plasma-catalysis
technology for immediate use in environmental clean-up might
be a two-stage arrangement using plasma-generated ozone
dissociatively adsorbed onto a metal oxide catalyst (e.g.
MnO2 ) in the presence of a VOC. This has been used for
the remediation of benzene and toluene and can be scaled-up
for large volume flows [73, 74]. Another scheme selectively
adsorbs and concentrates a pollutant onto a catalytic material.
The gas stream is then diverted onto another adsorbent whilst
the saturated one is treated using a plasma in a one- or twostage configuration. This has been demonstrated with an
oxygen discharge for a range of VOCs adsorbed onto TiO2 ,
γ -Al2 O3 and zeolites [75]. Zeolites were recently used in
a cycled storage-discharge process to remove formaldehyde
with an oxygen or air plasma [76]. This technique offers
many advantages over a continuous thermal system as the cold
plasma is only used intermittently for a small percentage of
the time required to saturate the adsorbent catalytic material,
giving significant energy saving.
Fundamentally, we need to identify the interactions taking
place between plasmas and catalysts. Currently, a wide
range of spectroscopic and analytical techniques are used
Current and future challenges. The complex mechanism
of plasma catalysis is far from understood.
We can
combine plasma and catalyst in two distinct ways: a onestage arrangement where the catalyst is placed directly into
the discharge or a two-stage arrangement with the catalyst
downstream of the discharge. In thermal catalysis, heat
activates the catalyst but with plasma activation, the electrical
discharge supplies the energy. Electron–gas collisions create
ions, reactive atoms, radicals, excited species (electronic
and vibrational) and photons. In a non-thermal plasma,
there is non-equilibrium with high-energy electrons but little
heating of the gas. Many plasma-created species are shortlived particularly at atmospheric pressure where quenching,
recombination and neutralization are rapid. In one-stage
plasma catalysis, all of the species can activate the catalyst.
In the two-stage arrangement, only relatively stable species
exiting from the discharge will reach the catalyst. These
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Figure 11. Schematic representation of the way in which plasma catalysis involves both effects of the plasma on the catalyst and the catalyst
on the plasma. Adapted from [66].
characterization but some forms of spectroscopic probing such
as reflectance- and ATR-FTIR and non-linear laser techniques
that are sensitive to surface species such as second harmonic
generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) may
be used [77]. Such information will help us to understand
the relationship between the gaseous and surface processes
taking place in plasma catalysis and to develop more realistic
models and mechanisms which could then be used to design
catalysts optimized specifically for plasma activation with its
lower temperature operation.
Concluding remarks. At present, plasma catalysis is poised
to make a breakthrough for a range of applications principally
environmental in the broadest sense. Defining the applications
in which the technique offers unique advantages will be
necessary to construct a roadmap for its development. Certain
advantages such as low-temperature operation, high selectivity
and improved energy efficiency are clearly emerging. Issues
such as scale-up to high throughput processing will be
challenging but there is also the potential for smallscale applications based on microplasma techniques using
microfluidics such as lab-on-a-chip analysis and flow systems
for fine synthesis. Fundamental efforts in probing the
surface processes (chemical and physical) taking place will be
rewarded by improved modelling and simulation that can be
used to design and optimize plasma–catalyst systems for a wide
range of processing applications. Engagement with synthetic
chemists will produce a range of catalysts that can uniquely
exploit the benefits of low-temperature plasma activation.
Figure 12. Time evolution of species during the low-temperature
plasma reduction of a NiO–Al2 O3 catalyst to Ni by CH4 in a
dielectric barrier reactor at atmospheric pressure. Reproduced
from [70] by permission of Elsevier Ltd.
to identify and quantify the gaseous species including the
temporal and spatial profiling of short-lived reactive species
within the reactor. The catalyst is generally characterized
ex situ using surface analysis techniques. We can make some
deductions about the role of the catalyst from the gaseous
chemistry, by simulation and modelling and from the final
state of the catalyst but we need to perform real-time, in situ
analysis of the surface processes. A plasma is a hostile
environment for many conventional techniques for catalyst
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Thermal plasma applications, including welding,
cutting and spraying
Anthony B Murphy, CSIRO Materials Science and
Status. Thermal plasmas are those in which the heavyspecies temperature is approximately equal to the electron
temperature (typically in the range 10 000–25 000 K). The
plasmas are at or close to atmospheric pressure, and the degree
of ionization is high, with electron densities reaching around
1023 m−3 . Thermal plasmas can be formed by dc or ac electric
fields (electric arcs), inductively coupled rf energy, microwave
energy or laser energy. The most important properties for
industrial applications are (i) the high heat flux density, which
can melt metals and vaporize ceramic particles; (ii) the high
density of reactive species, which allows high rates of particle
formation and surface deposition; and (iii) strong radiative
emission, which is used in arc lighting and some mineral
processing applications.
Industrial applications of thermal plasmas range from
small scale (arc welding, plasma cutting, plasma spraying,
arc lighting, circuit interruption) to large scale (electric
arc furnaces and other mineral processing methods, waste
treatment), with some processes typically on an intermediate
scale (nanoparticle production, spheroidization).
Although thermal plasmas have been used industrially for
over a century, their applications are a subject of constant
For example, new arc welding techniques
are being developed in the effort to increase productivity,
involving for example coupling of two arcs (tandem arc
welding) or a laser beam and an arc (laser–arc hybrid
welding). Even minor increases in welding speed or decreases
in cost can be of great significance in industries such as
shipbuilding, in which many kilometres of welds are performed
Fundamentally, new variants of established processes are
also under development, such as solution and suspension
plasma spraying [78], which allow the deposition of thick
nanostructured coatings.
Newer technologies, such as nanoparticle production [79]
and plasma waste treatment, are increasing in reliability
and range of application; for example the conversion of
biomass to syngas is generating increasing research interest
and application.
While it is impossible to generalize across all the types
and applications of thermal plasmas, a number of issues
are of broad relevance. These include process control
and reproducibility, lifetimes of components (particularly
electrodes), scale-up and cost. Addressing these questions
requires not only continual process development, but an
increase in understanding of many of the fundamentals
of thermal plasma processes, as discussed in the next
Figure 13. Calculated isotherms in gas–metal arc welding arc and
electrodes, including (left) and neglecting (right) the influence of
aluminium vapour from the electrodes, for the welding parameters
used in [80].
the plasma has on condensed matter. Particular examples
include the following.
• In arc welding, production of metal vapour from the
electrodes has been found to have a dramatic effect on
the arc temperature and a strong influence on the depth of
the weld pool, as shown in figure 13. The concentration
of metal vapour in the arc and the mechanisms by which
it alters the temperature are subjects of controversy [81].
• In plasma cutting, the mechanisms leading to deviations
from square cut edges are not well understood [82]; it has
been hypothesized that the flow of the thin molten layer
is important, but it is also argued that the position of arc
attachment (e.g. above or below the workpiece) is decisive.
• In plasma spraying, arc instabilities, which involve the
interaction of the arc with the anode, continue to be a
subject of research [83]. For solution and suspension
plasma spraying, the formation of nanoparticles from the
injected liquid droplets is incompletely understood [78].
There have been huge advances in computational
modelling of thermal plasmas in the past decade [84], to the
point that models are now being commissioned by industry
to aid in the design, improvement and scale-up of processes.
Nevertheless, comprehensive models of all but the simplest
plasma processes do not exist. Sticking points include
treatments of vaporization [81], turbulence, radiative transfer
[84], arc–electrode interaction including sheaths and boundary
layers [85], deviations from local thermodynamic and local
chemical equilibrium (LTE and LCE) [86], and nanoparticle
nucleation and nanostructure growth [79].
Improvements in existing diagnostics and development
of new diagnostics are essential to progress. The challenges
are large: for example many applications, including gas–
metal arc welding, plasma spraying and plasma cutting, are
characterized by rapidly varying temperatures and species
densities, often inside hollow electrodes or other structures and
Current and future challenges. An issue of overriding
importance is the interaction of the plasma with solids and
liquids. Such interactions are fundamental to all thermal
plasma applications; indeed most applications rely on the effect
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
without axisymmetry. Further, plasma velocity measurements
are difficult and often unreliable, and current density
distributions can only be inferred from measurements made in
the electrodes. Due to its small dimensions, the boundary layer
between the plasma and the surface has to date proved difficult
to measure [85]. An additional challenge is the development of
methods to measure the influence of plasmas on surfaces; for
example weld pool temperature and shape, and the spreading
of a metal droplet as it enters the weld pool.
Finally, most plasma processes involve more than the
plasma and its interactions with solids and liquids. For
example, metallurgy is critical in welding and cutting, as is
the structure of the coating in plasma spraying.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. Increased sophistication and accuracy of computational models
of plasma processes will require improved understanding
of fundamental processes. For example, inclusion of the
influence of metal and other vapours in arc models will require
more reliable treatments of ablation and vaporization. This in
turn requires accurate treatments of heat transfer to the surface
by fluxes of charged particles and by radiation. There are
several areas in which sometimes severe compromises have
to be made between accuracy and tractability. These include
treatments of radiative transfer, turbulent flow, nanostructure
formation and growth, and the development of the free surfaces
at plasma–liquid boundaries.
Understanding of deviations from LTE is still incomplete.
For example, the appropriate methods of calculation of
the composition and thermophysical properties of a twotemperature plasma are still not clear. Moreover, values of
reaction rates at high temperatures, including those of excited
and ionized species, are often very approximate, hampering
the understanding of departures from LCE [86] and processes
that rely on chemistry such as gasification and waste treatment.
The boundary and sheath regions of thermal plasmas
remain a subject of controversy. The anode attachment
region requires further investigation, particularly in the context
of plasma spraying and cutting [85]. Development of a
full understanding of the electron emission process in nonthermionic cathodes is incomplete. The standard explanation
is thermofield emission, but this requires either electric field
intensification or very high pressures; other mechanisms such
as emission due to the impact of metastables are worthy of
further investigation.
Figure 14. Temperature distributions measured by emission
spectroscopy in a cross-section of an argon plasma jet at four times,
each separated by 2.14 µs. From [87].
Advances in diagnostics will require increases in spatial
resolution and advanced tomographic techniques; an example
of the state of the art is shown in figure 14.
required are improvements in the ability to measure plasma
parameters close to surfaces or in regions obstructed by
surfaces, and surface parameters in the presence of intense
plasma radiation. While advances in spectroscopic, laserscattering and probe techniques will all contribute, many cases
will require innovative designs for a particular experimental
Concluding remarks. It is an exciting period for research
into thermal plasma processes. Computational models are
increasing in capability and reliability, and predictive models
of many processes are within reach. Diagnostics are becoming
increasingly sophisticated and powerful.
the continual effort to improve and increase the range
of applications of existing processes and to develop new
processes requires improvements in our basic understanding
of thermal plasmas, and in particular their interactions with
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Plasma for environmental applications
Alexander Gutsol, Chevron Corporation
Status. Regardless of how strictly we define ‘environmental
plasma’, the history and future potential of this technology
are quite remarkable. Remember that the oldest and the
largest industrial plasma chemical process is ozone production,
the main purpose of which is environmental control. Our
civilization creates more and more challenging environmental
problems (e.g. chemical weapon destruction, dioxins, biohazardous waste, etc), where plasma can be a solution and
where it can be free from competition with a long-existing
and well-developed conventional chemical approach, for the
simple reason that the latter does not exist. Several major
environmental tasks already have commercially viable plasma
solutions: water sterilization and removal of organic pollutants
using ozone and/or UV radiation (remember that UV light
is generated by electrical discharges); waste destruction and
vitrification (including municipal, chemical, radioactive, biohazardous wastes and unused weapons); dust and chemical
fog separation in electrostatic filters; NOx and SOx abatement
on a large scale (e.g. power stations) using an electron
beam plasma. If we also consider plasma applications
that reduce power consumption (which also reduces CO2
production) and harmful emissions (NOx , hydrocarbons, soot)
during energy conversion as environmental technologies, we
should add plasma ignition of coal furnaces at power stations
as well as all other plasma ignition and plasma-assisted
combustion processes to the list above. Furthermore, plasmas
demonstrated significant potential for applications in the
following environmental control problems: air sterilization
and disinfection [88]; control of air pollutants like volatile
organic compounds (VOC), dioxins and mercury in highvolume low-concentration ventilation streams [89]; direct
water disinfection and water softening using discharges in
water [90, 91]; surface sterilization (not only wounds in
plasma medicine, but fresh food, vegetables, tables, etc [92])
by different plasmas; reduction of harmful emissions and
efficiency increase for internal combustion engines; H2 S
conversion [93] and carbon sequestration [94]. Recently
discovered ‘plasma acid’ (figure 15, [95]) allows pH control
without the use of conventional chemicals and can find
applications in water purification processes and water and
surface disinfection.
Plasma treatment time (min)
Figure 15. Variations of pH of deionized water after DBD plasma
treatment in three different gases [95].
Figure 16. [93] Specific energy requirement (SER) of H2 S
dissociation as a function of specific energy input (SEI) for different
discharges (including microwave (MW) and Gliding Arc in Tornado
(GAT)) and thermodynamic equilibrium model under absolute
quenching assumption.
a recent study [93] (figure 16) clarified that only thermally
controlled plasma dissociation can be energy efficient, further
process optimization and scaling up is necessary. There is
a paramount and urgent environmental challenge, to stop or
reverse climate changes. Many non-plasma approaches that
are under consideration are rather dangerous, e.g. spreading
sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere for controllable cloud
formation. Can plasma propose something safe and efficient?
Plasma CO2 dissociation can be rather efficient from the
standpoint of conversion of electrical energy to chemical
energy, but because of very low chemical energy of CO2 , this
process is attractive only under very specific conditions (e.g.
free electrical energy). Energy production with formation of
carbon suboxide polymers (C3 O2)n [94] can be considered
as a way of safe CO2 sequestration, and the formation of
carbon suboxides in plasma has been demonstrated by different
Current and future challenges. There are common challenges
for environmental plasmas and many other technologies:
energy efficiency, conversion efficiency, throughput, etc.
However, in addition, each unresolved environmental task for
plasma presents unique challenges. In the case of VOC control,
these challenges are of regulatory and technical nature. In the
case of automotive applications, plasma system development
must catch up with the fast pace of innovation in the automotive
industry. On the other hand, the interaction of plasma and
liquid or biological material is very far from being well
understood. Similarly, efficient H2 S dissociation was claimed
long ago; however, the process remains poorly understood
and therefore has not yet been commercialized. Although
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
researchers; however, it is unclear whether this process can
be made commercially attractive using plasmas or any other
approach. Safe controlled cloud formation is conceivable
using plasmas. For instance, charged water clusters that exist
at high altitudes due to cosmic radiation can be collected with
the help of solar-powered power supplies of airships, and then
this collected water can be electrically sprayed back in the form
of larger thermodynamically stable water condensation nuclei.
Yet not all technological elements are ready for realization of
this process, and neither is the influence of clouds on climate
completely clear.
a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma generator for
gas and surface treatment; a ‘warm’ plasma system based
on microwave discharge, atmospheric glow discharge, or
microplasma for generation of high fluxes of chemical radicals;
corona plasma for low fluxes of radicals and ions; etc.
Chemists are ready to use plasma systems when they are
made ‘plug-and-play’, for example inductively coupled plasma
(ICP) is now a common part of many analytical devices, and a
user of these devices does not need to know what an ‘electron
energy distribution function’ is and why it is so important for
plasma characterization.
Scientific and technological advances that are necessary
to meet the particular challenges in environmental plasma are
rather obvious, so significant progress towards meeting these
challenges can be expected. For example, the interaction of
plasma and liquid and biological material is the area of very
active research that involves non-plasma scientists. There are
multiple hypotheses about the way in which plasma ‘kills’
microorganisms in different environments, and testing of these
hypotheses should result in the development of advanced
plasma sterilization technologies.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. The
major advance that is necessary to meet the challenges listed
above is the acceptance of plasma as a common tool by the
chemical-engineering community. In the United States and
probably in many other industrial countries, plasma has been
historically considered a mechanical engineering discipline,
and therefore, chemists and chemical engineers have very little
knowledge on this subject. On the other hand, mechanical
engineers who work with technological plasmas and most other
people know only about the environmental problems discussed
in public media. Meanwhile, there are a lot of problems
in different industries that are not well publicized, such as
soils polluted with asbestos or hydrocarbons, scrap steel
contaminated with mercury, and spreading of invasive marine
and river species with ballast water of oil tankers. To bring
plasma closer to the chemical and environmental community
where it can find more applications, several steps should and
can be made. First of all, it is necessary to bring plasma
chemistry classes to chemical and chemical engineering
departments of universities. To accomplish this, there need
to be plasma textbooks for chemists. Plasma books available
now are written in physics language and require extensive
physics background to be understood. Another approach that
can bring plasma to the chemical and environmental industry
is the commercial production of reliable, fool-proof, universal
plasma systems that can become new tools in chemical labs.
Any chemical research lab can and should have in its arsenal
Concluding remarks. Plasma science and technology can
and should play a significant role in solving challenging
environmental problems. Global environmental problems
often require global approaches and actions on the level
of scientific and educational communities, as well as
governmental and international agencies. However, individual
scientists can make a big impact in making plasma science
more accessible and widely understood by focusing on
appropriate tasks, e.g. writing a plasma book for chemists.
Startups and well-established equipment manufacturing
companies can also make a shift in acceptance of plasma
by chemical and environmental engineering communities.
Environmental and chemical tasks can be best solved by
engineers and technologists with a relevant background. An
initial role of plasma specialists and engineers should be to
provide them with tools and necessary knowledge, and then to
help them improve and scale up these tools.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Plasma-assisted ignition and combustion
Svetlana Starikovskaia, Laboratory for Plasma Physics, Ecole
Polytechnique, Paris
In recent decades particular interest in the
problem of plasma-assisted ignition (PAI) and plasma-assisted
combustion (PAC) has been observed. In spite of the fact
that the principle of spark ignition has been known and used
for more than one hundred years, there are different systems
where the use of non-equilibrium plasmas may be of significant
There are several mechanisms to affect a gas when
using a gas discharge to initiate combustion or to stabilize a
flame. There are two thermal mechanisms: (1) acceleration of
chemical reactions due to gas heating (it is the main principle
of spark ignition); (2) flow perturbations, turbulization and
mixing due to inhomogeneous gas heating. Possible nonthermal mechanisms include (3) ionic wind, or momentum
transfer from the electric field to the gas due to space charge; (4)
production of gradients of active species leading to acceleration
of chemical reactions non-uniformly in space; (5) excitation,
dissociation and ionization of gas by electron impact leading
to acceleration/change of different stages of combustion
mechanism. These mechanisms or their combination may give
a significant benefit for ignition and control of ultra-lean flames
and high-speed flows, cold low-pressure relight systems for gas
turbine engine (GTE) applications, high-pressure conditions of
homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine and
so on.
Theoretical considerations concerning spreading of
boundaries of hydrogen–oxygen mixture ignition under
admixture of O atoms can be found in the pioneering textbooks
of N N Semenov. Interest in PAI/PAC was re-initiated
in the early 1990s by research programs of the US Air
Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) connected with
fundamental research concerning a possibility to use nonequilibrium plasma for control of combustion in high-speed
gas flows.
Figure 17. Quantitative data concerning decrease in induction delay
time by pulsed nanosecond discharge in a combustible mixture
(reference [Kosarev2009] from [99], work of group of Starikovskii
at MIPT).
blow-off velocity should be mentioned among the most
popular measured parameters. The ignition delay time
is determined as the time between the beginning of the
experiments, that is gas injection or initial temperature
installing, and the sharp increase in densities of species
and gas temperature, corresponding to combustion. The
blow-off velocity characterizes the stoichiometric ratio of the
combustible mixture: the fuel flow decreases until the flame is
detached from the flame holder and blown off.
In 1996, a nanosecond pulsed discharge (a few kV/tens of
kV amplitude, tens/hundreds of ns duration) was proposed as
a tool for plasma ignition. Three key features were indicated
as most important: (i) high reduced electric fields (E/N) in
the front, up to kTd, provide uniform pre-ionization, so the
discharge is homogeneous at relatively high gas densities;
(ii) E/N values behind the front, hundreds of Td, guarantee
high efficiency of the dissociation via excitation of electronic
degrees of freedom; (iii) typical time of production of active
species is less than the typical time of ignition/combustion,
which allows one to separate in time/space ‘plasma’ and
‘combustion’ problems. This principle has been used in shock
tube/discharge experiments (figure 17) where the ignition
delay time without/with plasma has been obtained for a set
of combustible mixtures simultaneously with resolved in time
E/N, current and deposited energy. The publications are
reviewed in [98, 99]. Nanosecond discharges at P = 1 atm
in fast repetitive mode (30 kHz) were used for ignition of
combustible gas flows at initial gas temperatures T = 1000 K
[100]. Stabilization of a lean turbulent flame has been
demonstrated. Another direction, connected to measurements
of ignition parameters at relatively low pressures (up to
hundreds of Torr) and detailed measurements of kinetic curves
of important components, is reviewed in [101].
Over the last decade, significant progress has been
made in understanding the mechanisms of plasma-chemistry
interaction, energy branching for discharge plasma of
combustible gas mixtures and non-equilibrium initiation of
combustion. Analysis of the main factors responsible for the
Current and future challenges. A whole class of pioneering
papers that investigate ignition of combustible mixtures in
fast gas flows was published in the 1990s. Typically, the
authors installed microwave or RF discharges in a supersonic
(M = 2–3) gas flow and observed a bright emission due to
combustion initiation. A lack of detailed plasma diagnostics
can be mentioned as a drawback of these papers although
the demonstration of a principal possibility of using nonequilibrium plasmas for ignition of combustible mixtures is
an advantage of these studies. A brief review of the first
publications concerning PAI/PAC can be found in [96]. An
example of recent development of these costly and timeconsuming experiments but with comprehensive diagnostics
can be found, for example, in [97].
Detailed measurements of integral parameters of
ignition/combustion under the action of non-equilibrium
plasmas are typical for the second period of research, 1995–
2005, reviewed in [96]. Different plasma sources, dc,
ac and pulsed, were tested. The ignition delay time and
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
PAI/PAC [97–99, 101–103] allows the conclusion that at high
electric fields in spatially uniform configuration at relatively
high initial temperatures the main mechanism of initiation or
supporting combustion process is dissociation of molecules via
electronically excited states and production of radicals. Partial
fuel conversion is observed due to chemical reactions with
radicals already on the stage of ignition delay time.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
Recently, the ignition of combustible mixtures by transient
plasmas has been directly compared with spark ignition
[104], and the advantage of multi-point ignition by pulsed
discharges was demonstrated. When ignition starts from low
temperatures, two processes are considered to be the most
important: first, production of radicals by an electron impact,
and second, heating of gas due to the developed gas chemistry
(in particular, recombination of radicals) and relaxation of
energy from electronically excited states (so-called fast gas
heating). The length of chemical chains initiated by radicals
increases with increase in gas temperature, and so, the
ignition occurs. Additional chemistry can be initiated with
participation of vibrationally excited or lower electronically
excited states. The detailed kinetic mechanism and role of
different internal degrees of freedom in PAI/PAC chemistry at
different E/N values are still a question of discussion, even for
the simplest combustion systems.
Another important question is the development of kinetic
mechanisms of PAI/PAC for complex fuels. The cross-sections
of collisions with electrons are well known only for the
simplest hydrocarbons. This complicates the description of
a ‘discharge’ part.
While well-developed combustion mechanisms are known
for high temperatures and small hydrocarbons, (GRIMech,
RAMEC, Konnov mechanism and others can be mentioned
here), there is no accepted mechanism for low initial
temperatures. Recent experimental data obtained by different
authors and observed in [99] prove that below the selfignition threshold, at low temperatures, kinetics of ignition
development coupled with the kinetics of the discharge can
be rather complicated. Standard combustion mechanisms
are rarely able to reproduce the temporal behaviour of the
main combustion intermediates, such as OH, CH, CN, for the
conditions of PAI/PAC. In this sense, detailed experiments and
Figure 18. Quantitative data concerning density of O-atoms in air
and air–ethylene (ER = 0.5) mixture. TALIF measurements,
P = 60 Torr, nanosecond pulse energy is 0.76 mJ (according to [20]
from review [101]).
modelling on PAI/PAC systems, combining measurements
of ‘combustion’ and ‘plasma’ parameters in situ (figure 18)
with a validation of chemical mechanism are required. As a
recent example of such a study, [105] can be mentioned where
the influence of low-temperature plasma-assisted oxidation of
methane on diffusion flame extinction limits was studied with
the help of TALIF, FTIR and chromatography measurements,
and the main kinetic paths of excited species and radicals were
Concluding remarks. PAI/PAC research is a promising
application of low-temperature plasmas, demonstrating both
high industrial abilities and serious non-solved fundamental
problems. Further understanding of PAI/PAC physics and
chemistry at low gas temperatures, low equivalent ratios
and/or high pressures needs detailed chemical mechanisms to
be developed taking into account discharge and combustion
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
‘Nanodusty’ plasmas: nanoparticle formation in
chemically reactive plasmas
Uwe Kortshagen, University of Minnesota
Nanoparticle formation in chemically reactive
plasmas has been known for decades. It was initially viewed
as a contamination problem in semiconductor processing
[106, 107]. However, with the emergence of nanoscience
and technology, the ability of dusty plasmas to produce
nanoparticles with controlled physical and chemical properties
was recognized. Today, it is well understood that particularly
for the synthesis of materials that require high synthesis
temperatures, such as covalently bonded semiconductors and
ceramic nanoparticles, nanodusty plasmas provide a unique
synthesis route [108]. Nanodusty plasmas offer several unique
attributes based on the exceptional physical and chemical
characteristics of plasmas in general, which set them apart
from other gas phase media.
1. Nanoparticles immersed in a plasma carry a unipolar
negative charge once their size grows to several nm
during synthesis [109].
This prevents nanoparticle
agglomeration and enables the growth of nanoparticles
with highly monodisperse size distributions. It also
reduces or eliminates diffusional particle losses to the
reactor walls.
2. Particularly in low-pressure plasmas, the combination of
energetic surface reactions and slow nanoparticle cooling
can cause a strong non-equilibrium [110], in which the
particle temperature can exceed the gas temperature by
several hundreds of kelvins. This feature is important for
the growth of crystalline nanomaterials of high melting
point substances.
3. Particle nucleation in plasmas is favoured by the high
concentrations of reactive radicals. In some situations
it can also be enhanced by the faster rates of ion–neutral
clustering compared with neutral–neutral reactions [111].
4. The mixing of several gaseous precursors often enables
easy synthesis of alloy materials [112]. The nonequilibrium during nanoparticle growth and synthesis
may even allow the formation of compounds that are
thermodynamically unstable.
Figure 19. Challenges in understanding nanodusty plasmas:
nucleation, growth, charging, heating and surface interactions.
involving negative ions has not been fully resolved. For
more complicated materials systems, such as compound
semiconductors, not even an initial understanding exists.
Better knowledge of growth mechanisms will be essentials
in being able to control particle properties, composition and
purity of nanoparticle materials.
2. Nanoparticle charging and transport. Nanoparticles have
a mutual interaction with charge carriers in the plasma. By
collecting carriers, particles get charged; at the same time their
presence modifies the charge carrier densities in the plasma.
For many years, it was accepted that the orbital motion limited
(OML) theory correctly described nanoparticle charging. Only
recently, researchers learned that collisional effects may cause
severe deviations from the OML model, even for nanoparticles
that are much smaller than the ion mean free path [113].
Charge fluctuations also play a significant role for nanometresized particles. Furthermore, particle charging in multicomponent plasmas is almost entirely unexplored. Developing
an understanding of particle charging is a prerequisite for
developing models for nanoparticle transport and heating
in plasmas. A better comprehension of these mechanisms
may open up new routes to actively control and manipulate
nanoparticles in plasmas.
3. Plasma–nanoparticle surface interactions and treatment.
The interaction of plasma species with the nanoparticle
surfaces is another largely unexplored area.
nanoparticle surface reactions are the source of energy for
nanoparticle heating that plays a crucial role in the particles’
microstructure, e.g. whether particles are crystalline or noncrystalline. Details of the particles’ interaction with impacting
ions may also explain why the defect densities of nanocrystals
prepared with seemingly similar plasmas can differ by two or
more orders of magnitude.
Today, nanodusty plasmas find increasing applications
in the synthesis of nanoparticle materials. Successes have
been demonstrated in the fields of group IV and III–V
semiconductors, carbon-based materials and alloy metal
nanoparticles. Some of these successes have translated
into new breakthroughs in nanoparticle-based materials and
devices in areas such as photovolatics, light-emitting devices
and thermoelectrics.
Current and future challenges (figure 19).
1. Nanoparticle nucleation and growth. The mechanisms
that lead to the formation of nanoparticles in plasmas remain
poorly understood. Even for particle formation in silane
plasmas, which has been studied for more than 20 years,
the question whether particle nucleation is driven by neutral–
neutral reactions involving radicals or ion–neutral reactions
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
For nanoparticles to achieve their full potential, their
surfaces must be treated to terminate surface defects, protect
nanoparticles from environmental impact (e.g. water, oxygen),
and impart new surface functionalities such as solubility in
various solvents. In order to achieve these goals, novel plasma
approaches are needed to deposit organic and inorganic films
on nanoparticles, functionalize their surfaces with organic
monolayers and tailor the nanoparticle surface chemistry.
models. While measurements of the average nanoparticle
charge have been reported, there are currently no experimental
studies of the particle charge distribution, which becomes
increasingly important for smaller nanoparticles that may
become bipolarly charged. Developing novel probes to study
charge distributions of nanoparticles in plasmas would be of
great benefit.
3. Plasma–nanoparticle surface interactions and treatment.
In situ methods to study surface conditions of nanoparticles
in the plasma would be invaluable tools to unravel the
plasma–nanoparticle surface interactions. Such techniques
may be based on infrared absorption of surface species or
possibly on fluorescence techniques. Such methods may also
enable in situ investigation of the nanoparticle temperature,
which may allow validating models of particle heating.
Developing novel techniques for plasma–nanoparticle surface
treatment may considerably expand the utility of plasmaproduced nanomaterials for applications. Such approaches
may involve the deposition of layers or nanoparticle surface
modification in dual or multistage reactors. Again, developing
these approaches would benefit from in situ characterization
techniques, possibly based on infrared, x-ray or Auger electron
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
1. Nanoparticle nucleation and growth. Addressing this
challenge will require unravelling the rather complex chemical
kinetics in chemically active low-temperature plasmas. Both
computational and experimental investigations will be needed
to achieve this goal. Expanding the methods of chemical
kinetics to plasma environments will require determining the
thermophysical properties of radicals as well as ionic clusters
and determining clustering reaction rates [114]. Many of
these will likely be specific to the materials systems studied.
On the experimental side, models need to be validated with
measurements of growth species concentrations and particle
nucleation and growth rates. This will require measurements of
ionic and radical species with methods such as optical emission
and absorption spectroscopy, laser fluorescence methods, mass
spectroscopy, as well as measurements of nanoparticles in
plasmas, for instance, by laser scattering. For very small
particles, light scattering may be inefficient and may require
the development of novel particle probes.
2. Nanoparticle charging. Several theoretical approaches have
been developed to describe particle charging. Some of these
models involve particle-based simulations of ion collection by
nanoparticles coupled with Monte Carlo collision dynamics.
However, there is little experimental verification of these
Concluding remarks. Nanodusty plasmas are intriguing both
for their multi-faceted physics and chemistry as well as for
the significant opportunities to use plasmas as sources of new
nanomaterials. There are significant challenges as some of
the most basic aspects of nanodusty plasmas, such as particle
growth, charging, heating and plasma–nanoparticle surface
interactions, are still little understood. The development
of novel computational and experimental techniques for the
study of nanoparticle–plasma interactions could significantly
advance the field.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
Plasma thrusters
Jean-Pierre Boeuf, LAPLACE
Status. Electric propulsion (EP) systems can offer much
higher propellant velocities than chemical engines, thus
allowing considerable propellant mass saving and launching
cost reduction. The thrust of plasma thrusters is lower but a
combination of low thrust and high specific impulse is sought
in several types of missions such as orbit insertion, attitude
control and drag compensation.
EP was conceived about 100 years ago and the first use of
EP systems on commercial spacecraft started in the last two
decades of the 20th century [115]. An overview of the different
EP concepts currently studied is given in [116]. Reference
[117] discusses in detail the physics and technology of two
leading EP systems, the ion and Hall thrusters. A more recent
review on the physics of plasmas for space propulsion can be
found in [118]. The research on plasma thrusters is extremely
active and concerns basic scientific as well as technological
issues, as can be inferred from the papers presented at recent
International Electric Propulsion Conferences [119].
Plasma thrusters can be electrothermal, electrostatic or
electromagnetic, depending on the mechanisms providing the
thrust. In electrothermal thrusters a gas is electrically heated
(e.g. by an electric arc, as in arcjets) and expanded through
a nozzle. Since the expansion of the propellant is purely
thermal, they have the same limitations as chemical thrusters.
Electrostatic acceleration is well illustrated by gridded ion
thrusters (GITs) which are plasma sources where ions are
extracted and accelerated out of the plasma by a system of
biased grids. A large variety of low-pressure plasma source
concepts can be adapted to GITs: dc discharge with magnetic
confinement, rf inductive discharge, microwave discharge at
electron cyclotron resonance. Electromagnetic (EM) thrusters
(e.g. Magnetoplasma-dynamic thrusters, MPDTs) use the
Lorentz force J × B due to an external or self-magnetic field
acting on the discharge current to generate the thrust. Pulsed
Plasma Thrusters (PPTs) are small EM thrusters with a much
lower average power than MPDTs.
A very successful concept, the Hall effect thruster (HET)
can be considered both as a gridless ion source and an
electromagnetic thruster. In HETs, the electric field E
accelerating the ions is a consequence of the Lorentz force
due to an external magnetic field B acting on the E × B
Hall electron current. The typical thrust for an efficient
HET is 60 mN kW−1 . The propellant velocity required
for geostationary orbit maintenance is around 20 km s−1
(corresponding to an accelerating potential of about 300 V for
xenon ions).
Figure 20. Hall effect thruster PPS-20k ML operating at 23.5 kW,
developed in the frame of the FP7 HiPER project [120].
basic scientific issues. Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of
(1) Performance improvement: efficiency, lifetime and costeffectiveness. Lifetime is an important issue and is
limited by electrode or wall erosion. Lifetime of an
electric thruster must be larger than 10 000 h of (reliable)
(2) Design of more versatile thrusters, i.e. able to operate at
different combinations of thrust/propellant velocity.
(3) Extension of domain of operation to lower power (µN to
10 mN thrust range) for micro-satellites or very precise
attitude control.
(4) Extension to higher power for orbit raising of
telecommunication satellites (several tens of kW) and
interplanetary missions (100 kW and more).
(5) Extension of EP to low-altitude spacecraft: there is an
increasing interest in civil and military spacecraft flying
at altitudes around 100 km where the drag is significant
and must be constantly compensated.
Historically, research in EPs has been focused on
electromagnetic thrusters such as MPDTs. HETS and GITs
are now starting to compete with these thrusters for high-power
propulsion ( [120] and figure 20). The need for high-power EP
in telecommunication satellites for full orbit raising and orbit
transfer is expected to increase rapidly. Advances in solar
power generation systems are increasing the total amount of
available on-board power, and EP-based orbit transfers using
50 kW or more of electric power are becoming realistic. Work
is still needed to design and optimize electric thrusters (GITs,
HETs or other concepts) operating reliably in this power range.
Interplanetary missions require power on the order of 100 kW
and above and such a power can be provided only by nuclear
reactors. MPDTs are designed to operate in this power range
but the main issue is still the lifetime (fast electrode erosion).
Research on electrodeless electromagnetic thrusters is active.
To measure the current interest in the different types
of EP systems, it is interesting to look at the number of
Current and future challenges. Among the EP systems
described above, arjects, GITs, HETs and PPTs have already
a long history of space flight operations and are currently
in use in a number of commercial (telecommunications) and
government spacecraft. In these applications the electric power
used is on the order or below a few killowatts and the thrust
from millinewtons to hundreds of millinewtons. Some of these
concepts are still the object of intense research often involving
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
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papers devoted to each type. At the 2011 IEPC [119] in
Wiesbaden, Germany, about 40% of the papers were devoted
to HET research (including cusped-field thrusters), 15% to
‘unconventional’ (not yet mature) thrusters, 10% to GIT,
8% to PPT, 8% to MPDT, 5% to microthrusters, 5% to
cathodes (cathode neutralizers are an important part of ion
thrusters), 4% to electrospray and field emission electric
propulsion, 3% to arcjets and 3% to questions related to the
interaction of the plasma generated by the thrusters with the
still to be demonstrated. Plasma acceleration by the effect of
a diverging magnetic field alone seems however limited. The
VASIMR thruster [123], a well-publicized, megawatt-class EP
device, is also composed of a helicon source with a magnetic
nozzle, but with an ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) heating
module in between, which can provide much higher velocities
than the HelT alone. The ICR module requires large magnetic
fields, making implementation of this concept rather complex.
From a more general point of view, basic research is
needed to address the following (not independent) questions:
‘equipotentialization’ of the magnetic field lines (see, e.g.,
the discussion in [124]), the effect of magnetic field cusps on
beam divergence, and plasma acceleration through a diverging
magnetic field. Other needs for research in EP systems include
the question of an alternative propellant: xenon is used in
most HETs and GITs because of its large mass and relatively
low ionization threshold. Xenon is rare and very expensive
and argon would be more appropriate for systematic use in
EP systems. Using argon instead of xenon in HETs is not
straightforward because ionization is less efficient and implies
completely new scaling and magnetic design of the thruster. It
may also be necessary to use a complementary ionization stage
(double stage HET) to maintain good efficiency. The question
of double stage HETs has been previously studied ([118] and
references therein) but with limited success and deserves to be
For low orbit satellites, air breathing thrusters seem very
attractive and research is needed to conceive or adapt plasma
thrusters for operation under these conditions. Hollow cathode
neutralizers are used on most HETs and GITs. New cathode
concepts (plasma cathodes) must be studied for low-altitude
satellites because hollow cathode materials are very sensitive
to oxygen contamination. Specific plasma cathodes must also
be developed for ion microthrusters.
As described above, the need for basic research in already
mature EP concepts is still considerable. This should not
prevent researchers from exploring different and innovative
ideas, e.g. electrostatic wave heating or ion–ion thrusters (see
papers IEPC-2011-212 and IEPC-2011-130 in the Proc. of the
2011 IEPC [119]).
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. As
seen above, the research on HETs is extremely active. In spite
of the long experience on HETs, their design is still semiempirical because electron transport across the magnetic field
barrier is not well understood. Efforts in the development
of kinetic simulations and sophisticated diagnostics must
be pursued to fully understand the respective contribution
of microturbulence [121] and wall effects [122] (secondary
electron emission) to electron transport in the channel. There
is still no model able to self-consistently predict electron
transport in a HET and to guide the design of the magnetic field.
Erosion of the ceramic channel walls (generally BN-SiO2 type)
of the thruster by the plasma is an important issue for its
lifetime. In order to perform more systematic optimization
of the nature and structure of the wall material, it is essential
to develop diagnostics (possibly combined with simulations)
that could predict wall erosion without long and expensive
life tests. Grid erosion is a major life-limiting factor and
cannot be avoided in GITs but with careful grid designs
lifetimes longer than 20 000 h have been achieved. In HETs
it seems that optimization of the magnetic field design (e.g.
by magnetic cusps, as proposed in HEMPTs and DCFTs, see
[118] and references therein) could help increase the lifetime
even further. Electrode, grid or dielectric wall sputtering is a
concern in many EP devices, and systems where these effects
are absent are quite attractive. This is the case in devices where
a high-density plasma expands through a magnetic nozzle. The
magnetic nozzle is a divergent external magnetic field and the
thrust is due to the J × B force, as in HETs, except that J
is the azimuthal current due to E × B drift in HETs while it
is due to the diamagnetic drift ∇Pe × B in a magnetic nozzle
(Pe is the electron pressure). In contrast to HETs the plasma
expansion is current free in a magnetic nozzle (no need for a
cathode neutralizer). Helicons can be efficient plasma sources
for expansion through a magnetic nozzle, leading to an helicon
thruster HelT ( [118], and IEPC-2005-290 in [119]). The
potential and applicability of this ‘unconventional’ concept are
Concluding remarks. Electric propulsion is a very exciting
and active research field. The need for basic plasma physics
research is important to improve the performance and extend
the domain of operation of EP systems that are already in use
on commercial spacecraft as well as to develop new concepts
and new plasma sources specifically designed and optimized
for EP.
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power is lost when the plasma radiation (the mercury atom
intercombination line, wavelength 254 nm, ∼5 eV/photon) is
downconverted to visible radiation (wavelengths 400–700 nm,
∼2.2 eV/photon average) [126]. By way of contrast, highpressure (3–30 atm) metal-halide plasma lamps desirably and
efficiently emit radiation directly into the visible. Undesirable
plasma infrared radiation can be a significant power loss from
such plasmas [127]; it can only be reduced by modifying
plasma chemistry and conditions. The persistent unaddressed
power loss mechanism in high-pressure lamps is simple heat
transfer from the hot core of a thermal plasma (∼4500 K)
through the gas to the wall (∼1000 K).
These two energy loss mechanisms have motivated work
on non-equilibrium low- and medium-pressure plasmas that
have lower heat conduction losses (because there is no
thermalized hot plasma core) and in plasma chemistries that
emit radiation closer to, or even in, the visible, so as to
reduce downconversion losses. Low-pressure metal-halide
plasmas in halides of gallium, indium and other metals emit
radiation that is closer to 400 nm (∼3 eV/photon, primarily
from the metal atom), thereby halving the downconversion
loss. Several chemistries operate stably at wall temperatures
<200 ◦ C, thereby reducing thermal loss. They have shown
promise, but have not exceeded the overall efficiency of
mercury [128].
Highly efficient visible-light-generating
plasma chemistries have been reported [129], and efficient
conversion directly into near-ultraviolet and visible radiation
has recently been shown from strongly bound transition-metaloxide molecules in medium-pressure plasmas [130]. All of
these chemistries [128–130] are free of mercury. A reading of
the literature cited in these references will give some idea of
the practical challenges of finding efficient plasma chemistries
with the desired emission spectra, maintaining a suitable
vapour pressure of emitting materials in a relatively cold
envelope, developing compatible electrodes and phosphors,
and combining it all into an economical new product that
exceeds what is now available.
Some examples will have to suffice, to represent the
diversity of specialty plasma lighting. The first example is
light sources that emit radiation in the germicidal wavelength
range 240–290 nm. Such lamps are used to purify water
for drinking, and also air, and can be an alternative to the
undesirable use of oxidizing chemicals like chlorine [131].
Low- and medium-pressure mercury sources are an ancient
but unbeaten technology for this application, because no other
source can produce germicidal radiation with the combination
of efficiency and power density of mercury. There are few
other atoms or molecules that emit significant radiation in
the germicidal range. The second example is the ultra-highpressure mercury lamp used for video projection in home
theatres, conference rooms and cinemas [132]. A mercury
plasma is unique in this application, for its ability to provide
a very compact (<1 mm3 ), high luminance (>109 cd m−2 )
source through a combination of high pressure (>150 atm)
within the temperature limits of a vitreous silica ‘quartz’
envelope (<1500 K), high visible opacity of the emitting
mercury atom, and a high ionization potential leading to high
plasma temperatures (∼8500 K, for maximum radiation within
Plasma lighting
Timothy J Sommerer, General Electric Research
Status. Plasma lighting includes both ‘general’ lighting
of spaces like offices, stores and outdoor areas, and also
a wide range of ‘specialty’ sources from germicidal lamps
to extreme-ultraviolet sources for lithographic patterning of
semiconductors. Efficient conversion of electricity into light
for human vision motivates work to improve general light
sources. Specialty sources share the property of other plasma
devices and processes, in that they are complex and used where
they uniquely provide some needed benefit. Background
information can be found in [125].
For general lighting the importance of efficiency occurs
at both the user and the global scale. For a user, electric
power accounts for typically 80% of the total ‘cost-of-light’ to
illuminate a space, the remainder being the costs of installation,
replacement lamps and maintenance. At the global scale the
total electricity consumption by lighting is large, equal to
the total output of hundreds of large (gigawatt) power plants.
So it is the case that even a desirable improvement such as
the elimination of mercury from plasma light sources is not
sufficient to allow its widespread use if that new light source
is also less efficient.
Current and future challenges. State-of-the-art general light
source products have an efficiency that is <30% of the
maximum possible value of ∼400 lm W−1 for white light of
reasonable colour quality (colour rendering index >80). There
are two primary energy losses that limit the overall efficiency
in current plasma lamps (figure 21), and point out the direction
for research. In fluorescent lamps more than half of the
maximum white light efficiency ~420 lm/W
best existing plasma lamp products <130 lm/W
fluorescent lamp products
-nonequilibrium plasma
-electrical-to-ultraviolet: 80%
-uv-to-visible downconversion: 45%
main loss: downconversion
metal halide lamp products
-near-thermal plasma
-electrical-to radiation: 70%
-visible fraction of radiation: 50%
main loss: gas heating of envelope
new low-pressure metal-halide/molecular plasma lamp
nonequilibrium plasma
low temperature gradients to reduce gas loss to envelope
near-ultraviolet or direct-visible plasma emission
reduce downconversion loss
Figure 21. Quantification of energy loss mechanisms in existing
high-efficiency plasma lamps points to research topics for future
light sources.
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the limits of a thermal-blackbody radiation source). The
fact that mercury is the material of choice in fluorescent and
germicidal lamps (mercury pressure 5 mTorr), metal-halide
lamps (3–30 atm) and video projection lamps (>150 atm) gives
some indication of its unique properties, and the difficulty of
replacing it. A final and unique example of a specialty plasma
light source is the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) plasma under
development for next-generation semiconductor lithographic
patterning, beyond the current 193 nm excimer lasers. In EUV
sources, a plasma of multiply ionized tin atoms is the source for
radiation at 13.5 nm (92 eV). Continued development of this
most difficult technology is justified simply by the fact that
there is no other known means to produce hundreds of watts
of EUV radiation [133].
the limitation is often not the plasma model, but rather a
serious lack of input data for each new chemistry—reaction
mechanisms, cross-sections, rate-coefficients—both in the gas
phase and on surfaces. The growth of semi-empirical and
approximate methods to estimate such data has therefore been
key to timely generation of plasma modelling results, and to
the associated mechanistic understanding [128, 134].
Difficulties with optical access to lighting plasmas, even
idealized laboratory versions, tend to reduce the usefulness
of detailed time- and space-resolved optical characterization,
and lead to a productive emphasis on classical spectroscopic
analysis of integrated lamp emission spectra [128]. In fact, the
combined use of such models and characterization methods is
best, where the strengths of one approach can be used to fill
the gaps of the other.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
Experimental development of new plasma light sources is
a multidisciplinary effort that usually entails (i) handling
corrosive chemicals in an oxygen- and moisture-free
environment; (ii) sealing the desired chemistry into corrosionresistant envelope materials such as translucent alumina;
(iii) maintaining a minimum temperature on all inner
surfaces during operation, to prevent undesired condensation;
(iv) coupling electrical power through chemically and
mechanically stable electrode feedthroughs, or via highfrequency capacitive or inductive excitation; (v) accurately
accounting for power losses and estimating the power that is
coupled into the radiation-generating portion of the plasma;
and (vi) accurately estimating the radiant flux—that is, the
absolute total radiation into all angles over a wavelength range
200–800 nm. Any eventual high-volume lamp product will be
highly engineered towards simplicity, but a flexible laboratory
capability to explore new plasma chemistries and operating
methods is not easily assembled and maintained, even for
relatively ‘conventional’ general light sources. The need for
accurate measures of absolute input power and output radiation
should not be underestimated; even calibration standards are
lacking, in some cases. The development of specialty light
sources brings additional requirements that are particular to
the intended application.
Mechanistic computational models and experimental
characterization provide an understanding of the operation
of plasma lamps, and form the basis for insights and
breakthroughs. As is the case in some other plasma specialties,
Concluding remarks A legitimate question can be raised
about the future of plasma light sources, in view of the growth
of solid-state light sources (SSLSs), primarily inorganic lightemitting diodes [135]. The premise of this brief summary is
that the more cost-effective, energy-efficient technology will
prevail. However, the enthusiasm for any new technology
should be tempered by realities such as the 20-year gestation
period for the compact fluorescent lamp to mature and displace
even a relatively easy target, the 15 lm W−1 incandescent lamp.
Based on the properties of plasmas and SSLSs, plasma lighting
is more competitive when:
• high total lumen output is needed (because metal-halide
lamps are already efficient and their cost scales only
weakly with lumen output);
• low cost-of-light is key (because fluorescent lighting
systems are already efficient and of very low cost, and
because most white SSLSs have an analogous phosphor
downconversion loss); and
• deep ultraviolet radiation is needed (because plasmas can
produce radiation from ionized emitting species, while
SSLSs are limited by the bandgap).
The author acknowledges helpful
conversations with L Balázs, G E Duffy, M J Kushner,
G G Lister, D N Ruzik, D J Smith, A M Srivastava and
D O Wharmby.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
significant progress in LTP modelling cannot be achieved
without concurrent advances in the modelling of surface
processes. The challenges in surface kinetics modelling
parallel those for plasma modelling [143].
The advent and proliferation of commercial plasma
modelling (PM) software and broad distribution of university
codes has enabled both experts and non-experts in PM to
address a broader range of problems. In this sense, the trend is
similar to the situation in CFD—less development of unique
codes by individuals or teams of researchers and broader use
with more tacit acceptance of the validity of commercial or
university codes. This tacit acceptance should come with
some caution as there are still LTP phenomena that are only
approximately treated in many of these codes. The CFD
community made this transition to third party codes earlier
and in a more deliberate and quantitative manner. Suites of
test problems have been established to compare and benchmark
codes—the validation-and-verification (V&V) process [144].
To some degree, these are more directly achievable and less
ambiguous issues in CFD because the dynamic range of the
problems is smaller and the parameter spaces are more easily
delineated (e.g. subsonic versus supersonic). Having said that,
lack of similar V&V standards in LTPs has hampered progress.
Open-source codes work towards these ends by making
models widely available whose algorithms and outcomes are
transparent to the community.
Plasma modelling at a crossroad
Mark J Kushner, University of Michigan
Status. As a discipline, modelling of low-temperature
plasmas (LTPs) has made tremendous advances over the past
many years due to improvements in our understanding of the
underlying fundamental physics and our ability to represent
that understanding in computational algorithms [136]. These
developments have been concurrent with vast improvements
in access to computational resources. Two-dimensional (and
3D) modelling is now commonly performed for nearly all
types of plasmas, from low-pressure discharges for materials
processing to atmospheric-pressure plasmas for aeronautical
flow control [136]. Modelling is increasingly viewed as a
scientific tool on a par with experiments. Although progress
has been impressive, there are many phenomena that must still
be properly incorporated into models. Doing so collaboratively
with fundamental investigations will further both activities.
The Plasma 2010 decadal study by the US National
Research Council [137] cites predictability in plasma science
and engineering based on fundamental modelling as a
requirement for progress in the field. The International
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors [138] cites modelbased design for plasma equipment and processes as a
necessary capability to achieve the industry’s goals. In this
sense, there is general agreement on the intellectual and
technological importance of modelling of LTPs.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. The
two extremes of PM, global modelling (GM) and multidimensional modelling (MDM), have served the discipline
GM enables the development of fundamental
understanding and scaling laws, combined with the utility
of fast computation. MDM enables detailed examination
of plasma transport in specific systems which depends on
geometry or is driven by non-uniformities. In those cases
where MDM is best used, and in an era where computing
resources are seemingly becoming unbounded, there is a
tendency to address increased complexity by increasing the
size of the problem with more resolution. Although the LTP
community should adopt HPCC methods, this field is also
unique in serving two distinct but collaborative communities—
the science community whose access to HPCC is in principle
unlimited and whose time scales are long, and the technology
developers whose access to HPCC and time scales are both
more limited. It would be optimum to have modelling
platforms that serve both communities well. To do so may
require hybrid techniques [145] that not only combine different
computational techniques but which also combine theory and
There will always be spatial or time scales that are too large
or too small to be reasonably addressed computationally yet
still need to be resolved. Other disciplines have addressed this
dilemma by marrying theory and computations to a greater
degree than the LTP community. For example, the CFD
community combines theories of microturbulence with largescale computations to lessen the need for finer resolution.
Fundamental theories of plasma kinetics and transport that
capture non-equilibrium effects combined with computations
Current and future challenges. In spite of its progress, modelling in LTPs lags behind its counterparts in computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) and high temperature and high energy
density plasmas (HTEDP) in the sophistication of computational algorithms and adoption of high performance and cloud
computing (HPCC) [139]. The reasons are complex, partly
due to national priorities and funding, and partly due to the
context of the physics being addressed. The wide use of fluid
models whose underlying physics does not critically depend on
the kinetics of distribution functions has enabled the CFD and
HTEDP communities to concentrate more on computational issues. At the same time, there are classes of multiscale and multiphysics problems in LTPs that require HPCC techniques to
resolve. To meet these challenges, the LTP community should
migrate towards highly parallelized models using advanced
techniques such as domain decomposition, unstructured and
adaptable meshes, and truly multiscale algorithms [140].
The close alignment of the LTP science community
to applications has emphasized the need for performing
simulations for industrially relevant chemistries. As a result,
there is a continuing need for reaction mechanisms for electron,
ion and photon initiated processes in addition to neutral
chemistry and plasma–surface reactions [141]. Although
LTP science is one of the most challenged of all scientific
disciplines in assembling and maintaining these databases
and reaction mechanisms, the LTP community also lags
behind the combustion and fusion communities which have
established archives of such data and mechanisms, and
developed funding streams to populate and maintain those
databases [142]. Although not the emphasis of this report,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
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through aerosols and dust clouds, plasmas in high-speed flows,
highly intense microplasmas, repetitively pulsed plasmas for
control of particle distribution functions, plasmas for material
modification and nanostructure fabrication, non-equilibrium
kinetics at atmospheric pressure, radiation transport, transport
in magnetized systems, and electromagnetic wave phenomena
in low-pressure plasmas are examples of where our
understanding of the fundamental plasma transport processes
can be enhanced through computations. These are also
examples for which improving that understanding will rapidly
be translated into improvements in technology. Although the
emphasis in modelling of LTPs is usually on applications, there
is growing interest and importance in the modelling of naturally
occurring plasmas, such as sprites [145].
Opportunities also exist to leverage computational V&V
techniques developed for plasma modelling in non-LTP areas
and to share LTP knowledge with those fields. Direct
Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) techniques developed for
modelling rarefied and hypersonic plasmas, and implicit
electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) techniques developed
for modelling HTEDP are examples of where knowledge of
non-equilibrium kinetics from the LTP community could be
leveraged with these advanced computational techniques from
other fields. A continuing workshop on V&V for simulations
of high-temperature collisional–radiative plasmas could be a
model for the LTP community [146].
Figure 22. Plasma parameters from a 3D-hybrid simulation for a
streamer in air. The lines show the demarcation between regions
using a fluid simulation and those using a particle simulation.
(Adapted from [145].)
Concluding remarks. Modelling in LTPs encompasses an
intellectually diverse range of activities, from fundamental
transport to design of commercial reactors, and now even
describing nature’s plasmas. The field has made envious
progress in developing the fundamental understanding and
basic computational techniques that describe many LTPs.
The field is, however, at a crossroad. Maintaining this
progress may require a community wide change in its mode of
operation by borrowing best practices from other disciplines.
The marriage of theory and computation, adoption of HPCC
techniques, implementing V&V standards or open source
codes, and support of community wide databases are examples
of practices that have benefited other communities, and could
be adopted by the LTP community. However, the LTP
community should not measure modelling success by only
the number of processors used and the magnitude of the
calculation. Success should also be measured by how well
modelling has served the science and technology arms of the
field with models that address the science but can be broadly
implemented to improve technology.
hold the possibility of reducing the scale of the computations
while simplifying interpretation of the results. Developing
such techniques would serve the broad diversity of the LTP
There are also opportunities for innovation in algorithms
that rely less on a priori assumptions and allow the dynamics of
the system to determine the best computational path forward.
For example, self-aware models that automatically choose
the optimum computational technique based on local physical
parameters (e.g. kinetic transport in regions of non-equilibrium
and fluid transport elsewhere) place resources where the most
effort is required [145] (see figure 22).
Modelling LTPs has been simultaneously driven by
resolving fundamental science issues and by applying
that improved modelling capability to technology. New
applications will continue to motivate development of new
computational techniques which are then leveraged to improve
fundamental understanding and design new technologies.
Plasmas sustained in and on liquids, plasmas in contact
with organic and biological materials, extremely high aspect
ratio plasmas (such as through capillary tubes), plasmas
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
and power measurements in the external circuit, including
the relative phase and forwarded/reflected power, can provide
essential information.
Compared with other fields like surface science, the
range of commercially available diagnostics is rather limited
and even where diagnostic tools have become available
recently, often homemade setups are still frequently found in
laboratories. Nevertheless, plasma diagnostics has strongly
benefited from recent technical developments like ICCD
cameras with up to sub-ns resolution, novel and highly stable
lasers, and fast and high resolution micro-electronics for
probes, counters and oscilloscopes. This has enabled, for
instance, reliable application of various laser techniques such
as CRDS, IRLAS or Thomson scattering. A strong focus
is now on plasma–surface interaction and a wide spectrum
of surface diagnostics such as XPS, ellipsometry, microRaman, and others is frequently applied. Last but not least
the tremendous development of plasma simulation by modern
computers allows now a sensitive in-depth interpretation of
measured data that can put diagnostics really on a new level.
By comparing measured parameters with the simulation often
unmeasured parameters can be extracted from the simulation
with some confidence and used for data interpretation. Some
useful monographs and recent special issues and reviews can
be found in [147–156].
Plasma diagnostics
Uwe Czarnetzki, Ruhr-University Bochum
Status. The aim of diagnostics is to provide quantitative
information on plasma parameters essential for developing an
understanding of the processes determining the physics and
chemistry in a plasma. In an early phase of an investigation
of a novel discharge configuration this might just lead to
a basic characterization of the system, while in a more
developed phase results need to be combined with models and
simulation in order to achieve this goal. However, in industrial
application often a less demanding approach is sufficient and
only qualitative but sensitive information on the stability or
reproducibility of the system is needed for monitoring.
Plasmas are systems with multiple interacting species
which are usually distributed rather inhomogeneously. This
requires a broad spectrum of different diagnostics with
adequate spatial and temporal resolution. Generally, one can
distinguish between charged (electrons, positive and negative
ions) and neutral species (atoms and molecules). Ideally,
distribution functions of the gaseous species are measured but
often average values such as densities, fluxes and temperatures
are determined. In addition to classical diagnostics in the
volume, recent years have shown an increasing interest in
in situ diagnostics of the interaction of the plasma with the
surfaces of substrates, electrodes and the wall. There atoms
and molecules experience reactions and the surface structure
itself, especially for thin films, is of interest.
The multiple techniques developed over the years can
be categorized into optical techniques passively using the
emission of the plasma or actively probing the interaction
with external radiation, probes of various types immerged
into the plasma and sensors that can be integrated into the
wall (figure 23). Active optical techniques include various
laser and microwave sources as well as lamps or simple
diodes. Langmuir, B-dot, thermal, hairpin and other probes
are frequently used but care has to be taken about a possible
disturbance of the plasma. Mass spectrometers, ion energy
analysers and current sensors belong to the category of wallintegrated sensors. In addition, classical current, voltage
Current and future challenges. At present, non-equilibrium
atmospheric-pressure plasmas are experiencing a renaissance
in the form of so-called microplasmas. These plasmas
have a typical scale length of less than 1 mm and operate
often in pulsed or transient modes on time scales of
ns or less. The discharge physics can be considerably
different due to high collisionality, transient phenomena,
and in particular an enhanced influence of plasma–surface
interaction. Closely related are discharges in liquids, where the
discharge propagates through tiny gas channels and bubbles.
Most standard diagnostics established at low pressures in large
chambers fail under these conditions, e.g. probes, and others
have to be modified, e.g. taking into account strong quenching
in LIF. On the other hand certain diagnostics take particular
advantage of these conditions, e.g. CARS requires a rather
high gas density, and lifetime reduction by quenching strongly
enhances the temporal resolution in emission spectroscopy.
Nevertheless, many important quantities can still not be
determined since the diagnostics are missing. For instance,
measuring the ion energy distribution at an electrode in a
microplasma is still a challenge. At the same time simulations
are also facing new challenges and quantitative experimental
results are strongly needed. Clearly, there is a strong need for
the development of novel schemes and techniques in order to
reach the same standard as at low pressures.
An important motivation for investigating these plasmas
is their potential in biomedical applications. This raises new
challenges for the in situ diagnostics of biological tissues, the
parallel monitoring of a number of key radicals produced in the
plasma as well as radiation, electric fields and charged particle
penetration into the tissue and modifications caused in cells or
on their membranes. For classical plasma physics this is an
Figure 23. General techniques used to diagnose a plasma.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
area as unfamiliar as plasma physics is unknown to biologists
and medical doctors. Nevertheless, again there is a strong need
for diagnostic development.
For these plasmas as well as low-pressure plasmas,
emission spectroscopy has always been one of the major
diagnostic methods. The main challenges result from unknown
non-Maxwellian velocity distributions, cascading transitions,
direct and dissociative excitation channels, and collisional
transfer and quenching. The large variety of the various
schemes proposed in the literature seems natural with a view
on a similar variety of discharge conditions. However, still
collisional–radiative models need to be developed further.
There is no general answer to the question how to diagnose
plasmas optically. In fact, some prior knowledge on the
discharge is usually required in order to ensure that a particular
scheme is applicable. In any case, a good knowledge
of atomic/molecular and plasma physics is required when
applying emission techniques. An automated black-box is
still not visible on the horizon. However, conditions are more
relaxed for monitoring. There indeed for certain applications
the plasma emission can serve as a sensitive automated sensor
for deviations in the processing conditions.
Surface analysis techniques represent a category of their
own and plasma physics has benefited here largely from
the recent development in surface science in general. XPS
and ellipsometry setups are commercially available and can
under some conditions even be integrated in situ. Still
processes on the surface are often not well known which
can be a serious bottleneck, for instance, in the simulation
of chemical reactions. Also, elementary parameters such
as secondary electron emission and surface recombination
coefficients are often unknown and are in fact difficult to
determine experimentally.
Finally, many important atomic and molecular crosssections and rate coefficients are still terra incognita. Although
here the measurement techniques are generally established
they are far from being trivial. Unfortunately, activities on
actually carrying out these measurements are rather limited.
Programs supporting such efforts would be greatly welcome.
have been developed over recent years such as the hair-pin
probe, the plasma absorption probe, the plasma resonance
probe and others.
The self-excited electron resonance
spectroscopy technique detects non-linear current oscillations
in the 100 MHz regime. All these probes are already
commercialized or have the potential to become a commercial
As an alternative to commercial but rather expensive
plasma monitor systems (allowing ion energy and mass
analysis as well as neutral mass analysis) recently much
simpler retarding field analysers have become commercially
available. There, no distinction can be made between the mass
of the ions but the energy distributions can be determined at
low pressures.
In infrared laser absorption spectroscopy, quantum
cascade lasers are now often replacing the much more
demanding lead-salt systems of the past. In fact, operation can
now be very simple and stable so that with a proper computer
system fully automated monitoring of certain molecular
species is possible. A recent development with high potential
is fs THz sources for detection of either molecular species or
plasma densities.
Also, intensified CCD cameras have been developed now
to a level where stability of the gating, quantum efficiency
(especially with GaAs cathodes) and temporal resolution
(down to some 100 ps) allows diagnostics not possible in the
past. Techniques such as phase-resolved optical emission
spectroscopy (PROES) and radio-frequency modulation
spectroscopy (RF-MOS) have significantly benefited from this
Concluding remarks. As in any field, plasma diagnostics
has also taken advantage of recent technical developments.
However, a wider availability of commercial diagnostic
devices would be highly welcome. The complexity of plasmas
requires for their analysis a whole series of different parameters
to be determined. The result of a single diagnostic is often
ambiguous and ideally a whole spectrum of different diagnostic
techniques can be used in parallel. Combination of diagnostics
with simulation seems to be one of the most powerful directions
for the future. In any case, carrying out plasma diagnostics
requires a very detailed understanding of the physics and care
has to be taken not to be misguided by artefacts.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges.
For low-pressure plasmas quite a number of novel probes
using microwave frequencies around the plasma frequency
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
requiring sticking coefficients and cross-sections/reaction rates
on surfaces [161, 162]—but to date these are unknown and even
how they should be defined remains subject to debate.
Given the preceding discussion it may appear that it
has proven impossible to model/interpret any plasma system,
however, this is far from the case. Our knowledge of
atomic spectroscopy and collisions is good with theoretical
techniques able to provide reliable data where experimental
measurements are missing or not practical (e.g. for C targets
which cannot be prepared in the laboratory). Recent models
of He and Ar plasmas have been found to agree well with
diagnostic observations [157, 163]. Similarly atmospheric (N2
and O2 ) and many fluorocarbon-containing plasmas have been
modelled using a mixture of experimental and theoretical data
providing a satisfactory representation of the consequences of
plasma application (e.g. etch rates and profiles) but they are
still far from being predictive and no commercial industry
has based the design of their fabrication reactors on models
alone [164, 165].
Atomic and molecular data for plasma
physics—challenges and opportunities
Nigel J Mason, The Open University
Status. Control of plasma processing methodologies can only
occur by obtaining a thorough understanding of the physical
and chemical properties of plasmas [157, 158]. However,
all plasma processes are currently used in the industry with
an incomplete understanding of the coupled chemical and
physical properties of the plasma involved. Thus, they are
often ‘non-predictive’ and hence it is not possible to alter the
manufacturing process without the risk of considerable product
loss. Indeed, a US National Research Council Board report on
plasma processing [159] stated that ‘plasma process control
remains largely rudimentary and is performed predominantly
by trial and error’, an expensive procedure which limits growth
and innovation of the industry.’ The same report therefore
concluded that ‘A clear research imperative in the next decade
will therefore be to increase our knowledge of the chemical
and physical interactions in such plasmas of electrons, ions
and radicals with neutral species’. Although written more
than a decade ago these comments are still valid and only
a more comprehensive understanding of such processes will
allow models of such plasmas to be constructed that in turn
can be used to design the next generation of plasma reactors
Developing such models and gaining a detailed
understanding of the physical and chemical mechanisms within
plasma systems is intricately linked to our knowledge of
the key interactions within the plasma and thus the status
of the database for characterizing electron, ion and photon
interactions with those atomic and molecular species within the
plasma and knowledge of both the cross-sections and reaction
rates for such collisions, both in the gaseous phase and on the
surfaces of the plasma reactor.
The compilation of databases required for understanding
most plasmas remains inadequate.
The spectroscopic
database required for monitoring both technological and
fusion plasmas and thence deriving fundamental quantities
such as chemical composition, neutral, electron and ion
temperatures is incomplete with several gaps in our knowledge
of many molecular spectra, particularly for radicals and excited
(vibrational and electronic) species. Similarly, complete
and consistent datasets for electron scattering cross-sections
from most molecular species encountered in commercial
plasmas are limited to only a few systems (water, oxygen
and nitrogen), and even these compilations remain the subject
of debate; indeed, for many important molecules used in
industry (e.g. fluorocarbons for etching) such data has never
been compiled. A similar narrative holds for ion and neutral
molecule reactions with the additional proviso that when data
are available the rate constants are usually at room temperature,
whereas they are often required at elevated temperatures.
The situation is even worse when considering atmospheric
plasmas [160] where many of the ions and some neutrals are in
clusters for which we know few cross-sections/reaction rates
or even spectroscopic signatures. ‘Finally’ all plasmas are
confined hence wall interactions are important, indeed such
reactions often dominate the physics and plasma chemistry
Current and future challenges. The atomic and molecular
community recognizes the major needs of the applied
communities and over the past decade has developed novel
and sophisticated tools to study spectroscopic and collisional
parameters with an increasing range of targets, including
radicals. For example, they have developed cavity ring
down spectroscopy, velocity mapping and coldtrims to ‘image’
electron and ion collisions and adopted surface science
methods to study atoms and molecules on surfaces including
the use of STM.
However, the compilation of fundamental atomic and
molecular data required for such plasma databases is rarely a
coherent, planned research programme, instead it is a parasitic
process. In fact, today it is rare for atomic and molecular
physics researchers to be funded to measure fundamental
spectroscopy or collision processes since these are no longer
regarded in themselves as ‘cutting edge’ research, rather, the
field has developed to explore more exotic phenomena such as
cold atoms, nanotechnology and chemical control. Thus, the
greatest challenge to the atomic and molecular community is
to maintain the infrastructure (including people) that will allow
the fundamental data to be collected. This in turn challenges
the wider scientific community to recognize that their fields
rely upon such data. A united applied and fundamental
research community must then confront the funders of research
(government and industrial) and specify that scientific and
technological progress is based upon a strong fundamental
bedrock and that if this is neglected then the scientific and
technological advances they require will not occur and their
investment will not be rewarded.
More immediately, the plasma community must identify
its key needs to the atomic and molecular physics community
which must in turn present the plasma community with a more
coherent, commonly approved set of databases. Databases
listing atomic and molecular data have been assembled for over
40 years, initially purely in print form and often as lengthy
reviews—indeed there are journals that have specialized in
such data compilations (The Journal of Chemical Physics
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 253001
Review Article
can be extended to include all of the major international A&M
databases and provide a forum for standardizing datasets.
As stated above, the experimental community is
developing novel techniques that have the potential to meet
many of the challenges and data needs of the plasma
community, but even if adequately supported financially the
experimental community can never compile the amount and
variety of data the plasma community needs and should
therefore be increasingly used to ‘benchmark’ theoretical
formalisms that can mass produce the data needed by users. In
fact this is already true in spectroscopy where the millions of
transitions needed for astronomy and aeronomy are generated
by computational codes validated against a selected set of
high-accuracy measurements. It should therefore be a goal
to add to such databases access to theoretical tools that
will allow the user to evaluate cross-sections for targets and
scattering processes for which experimental data are not yet
available. Indeed there already exist several methods for
evaluating electron impact ionization cross-sections while
some commercial software evaluates a wide range of crosssections.
Reference Data). Some of these databases have acquired
international status being widely accessed by the international
community, for example the AMBDAS and ALADDIN
databases compiled by the Atomic and Molecular (A&M) Data
Unit as part of the Nuclear Data Section of the International
Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. However, to date
these databases (databanks) have acted independently of one
another providing the user with a myriad of conflicting
recommendations. The scientific community must therefore
address this issue to formulate an international network of
data standards. For example, A&M data will be essential in the
ITER reactor which will contain diagnostic tools developed by
different international teams; such tools cannot be calibrated
using different sets of cross-sections as listed in different
national databases.
Advances in science and technology to meet challenges. The
fundamental research community, the providers of such data,
needs to assemble, update and police a set of approved
databases. This is no longer as complicated as it was a
decade ago. Most publications are accessible online and
most authors place their data on home pages and in archives.
Hence compiling databases is easier than it was in the past,
for example by using the General Internet Search Engine for
Atomic Data (GENIE) developed as part of the International
Atomic Energy Agency facility for collisional atomic data for
fusion and atomic physics research [166]. In the future such
electronic databases will provide the opportunity for authors
to both add results to the database and provide a forum for
discussing such data. Such procedures should allow future
databases to be constructed more easily, be maintained more
regularly and be accessed more commonly by users who
may be confident of the standards and accuracy of the data
provided. The EU supported Virtual Atomic and Molecular
Data Centre (VAMDC) is being developed with this philosophy
aiming to provide a ‘one stop’ data resource that will support
researchers across a wide range of fields, including the plasma
community [167, 168] by allowing access to more than 20
databases through a single portal. In the future this architecture
Conclusions. The plasma community is a rapacious user of
atomic and molecular data but is increasingly faced with a
deficit of data necessary to both interpret observations and
build models that can be used to develop the next-generation
plasma tools that will continue the scientific and technological
progress of the late 20th and early 21st century. It is therefore
necessary to both compile and curate the A&M data we do
have and thence identify missing data needed by the plasma
community (and other user communities). Such data may
then be acquired using a mixture of benchmarking experiments
and theoretical formalisms. However, equally important is the
need for the scientific/technological community to recognize
the need to support the value of such databases and the
underlying fundamental A&M that populates them. This must
be conveyed to funders who are currently attracted to more
apparent high-profile projects.
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