SPINE Volume 37, Number 5, pp 351–358
©2012, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
The Dog as an Animal Model for Intervertebral
Disc Degeneration?
Niklas Bergknut, PhD,*† Joost P. H. J. Rutges, MD, PhD,‡ Hendrik-Jan C. Kranenburg, DVM,*
Lucas A. Smolders, BSc,* Ragnvi Hagman, PhD,† Hendrik-Jan Smidt, BSc,* Anne-Sofie Lagerstedt, DVM, PhD,†
Louis C. Penning, PhD,* George Voorhout, DVM, PhD,§ Herman A. W. Hazewinkel, DVM, PhD,*
Guy C. M. Grinwis, PhD,¶ Laura B. Creemers, PhD,‡ Björn P. Meij, PhD,* and Wouter J. A. Dhert, MD, PhD*‡
Study Design. Prospective observational and analytic study.
Objective. To investigate whether spontaneous intervertebral disc
degeneration (IVDD) occurring in both chondrodystrophic (CD)
and nonchondrodystrophic dogs (NCD) can be used as a valid
translational model for human IVDD research.
Summary of Background Data. Different animal models are
used in IVDD research, but in most of these models IVDD is induced
manually or chemically rather than occurring spontaneously.
Methods. A total of 184 intervertebral discs (IVDs) from 19 dogs
of different breeds were used. The extent of IVDD was evaluated by
macroscopic grading, histopathology, glycosaminoglycan content,
and matrix metalloproteinase 2 activity. Canine data were compared
with human IVD data acquired in this study or from the literature.
Results. Gross pathology of IVDD in both dog types (CD and
NCD) and humans showed many similarities, but the cartilaginous
endplates were significantly thicker and the subchondral cortices
significantly thinner in humans than in dogs. Notochordal cells
were still present in the IVDs of adult NCD but were not seen in
the CD breeds or in humans. Signs of degeneration were seen in
young dogs of CD breeds (<1 year of age), whereas this was only
seen in older dogs of NCD breeds (5–7 years of age). The relative
glycosaminoglycan content and metalloproteinase 2 activity in
canine IVDD were similar to those in humans: metalloproteinase 2
From the *Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; †Department of Clinical Sciences,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden; ‡Department of Orthopaedics,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; §Division of
Diagnostic Imaging, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University,
Utrecht, The Netherlands; and ¶Department of Pathobiology, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Acknowledgment date: October 11, 2010. Revision date: March 25, 2011.
Acceptance date: April 4, 2011.
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical
No funds were received in support of this work. No benefits in any form have
been or will be received from a commercial party related directly or indirectly
to the subject of this manuscript.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Niklas Bergknut, PhD,
Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Utrecht University, PO Box 80.154, NL-3508 TD, Utrecht, The
Netherlands; E-mail: n.bergknut@uu.nl
DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31821e5665
activity increased and glycosaminoglycan content decreased with
increasing severity of IVDD.
Conclusion. IVDD is similar in humans and dogs. Both CD and
NCD breeds may therefore serve as models of spontaneous IVDD for
human research. However, as with all animal models, it is important
to recognize interspecies differences and, indeed, the intraspecies
differences between CD and NCD breeds (early vs. late onset of
IVDD, respectively) to develop an optimal canine model of human
Key words: intervertebral disc degeneration, spine, animal model,
dog. Spine 2012;37:351–358
ow back pain is a common disorder with a lifetime prevalence over 70% in the global population.1 It is the main
cause of lost workdays in the United States, with estimated direct medical costs of $12 billion to $25 billion annually.2,3 Intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD) and herniation
are considered the main causes of acute and chronic low back
pain.4–8 Before new treatments for IVDD are tested in clinical trials, their safety and functionality should be extensively
tested in ex vivo and in vivo animal studies. Different animal
models have been used in IVDD research,9–12 but in most of
these models IVDD is induced manually or chemically rather
than occurring spontaneously. Animal models of spontaneous IVDD are the sand rat,13–15 pintail mouse,16 baboon,17 and
dog.18–20 Unlike mice and baboons, dogs commonly suffer
from back pain due to IVDD and are diagnosed and treated
for this. Moreover, the clinical presentation, macroscopic and
microscopic appearance, diagnostics, and treatment of IVDD
are similar in humans and dogs.8,21–23 Decompressive surgery
and spinal fusion are common treatments for IVDD in both
humans and dogs.
In the dog, herniation of the intervertebral disc (IVD) is
the most common cause of neurological deficits,24 and IVDDrelated diseases are common reasons for euthanasia in dogs
younger than 10 years.25 The dog has frequently been used
as a translational model for surgical procedures and biomechanical studies of the spine.26–31 In most of these studies,
purpose-bred, research dogs have been used. However, the
availability of veterinary IVDD patients as a study population
for preclinical trials has not yet been utilized, although it is
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
likely to be beneficial not only for humans but also for dogs
as veterinary patients.
Dogs can be divided into chondrodystrophic (CD) and
nonchondrodystrophic (NCD) breeds based on their physical appearance. In CD breeds, endochondral ossification of
the long bones is disrupted, resulting in short, bow-shaped
extremities. This trait is strongly linked with IVDD and
has in the past been favored in selective breeding for some
breeds,24,32 such as dachshunds, with short legs and a high
prevalence of IVDD. The disease is reported to develop by 1
year of age in CD breeds.32 However, NCD breeds, and especially large-breed dogs, also often develop IVDD-related diseases, but mostly later in life.24 The main factors responsible
for IVDD are considered to be trauma or “wear and tear” in
NCD breeds, but genetic in CD breeds.24,32
To investigate whether spontaneous IVDD occurring in CD
and NCD breeds can be used as valid translational models for
human lumbar IVDD research, by comparing the morphological appearance, histological structure, and biochemical characteristics in different stages of IVDD in dogs and humans.
Study Population and Processing of the Spines
Lower spine segments from 19 dogs (of different breeds, ages,
and sex) older than 1 year, without a history of IVDD-related
diseases, that died or were euthanized for reasons unrelated
to this study, were dissected within 24 hours postmortem.
The spinal units (endplate-disc-endplate) of the lower spines
were isolated, resulting in 184 intervertebral segments (137
from NCD and 47 from CD) and cut through the sagittal
midline. The midsagittal plane of each spinal unit was subsequently photographed with a high-resolution digital camera
(10 megapixels, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) for gross morphological grading according to Thompson et al.33,34 Thereafter, 3- to
4-mm-thick midsagittal slices were cut and stored in 4% neutral-buffered formalin for histopathological examination. The
remaining nucleus pulposus (NP) material was snap frozen (in
123 of the 184 IVDs) for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) analysis
and matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) zymography.
Twenty-five histological sections (5 per Thompson grade)
and 20 photographs (randomly selected) of adult human
lumbar IVDs, collected with the permission of the Medical
Ethics Committee, were obtained from the Biobank, Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht. The
age of the human specimens ranged between 3.3 and 88.5
years with a mean age of 56.2 years and a standard deviation
of 24.9 years.
Normal Anatomy and Gross Pathology
All photographs were assessed by 3 independent observers
(N.B., J.R., and B.M.) and graded I to V using the criteria
of Thompson et al,34 which have been validated for use in
dogs.33 The results were compared between human and
canine IVDs as well as between CD and NCD.
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
The midsagittal photographs of all Thompson Grade I
canine and human lumbar IVDs were used to measure the
width (anterior-posterior), height (superior-inferior), and area
of the midsagittal surface of the IVD and NP. All measurements were obtained using the software Image J (National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). In the photographs of
the canine IVDs, but not in those of the human IVDs, a transparent ruler was included to enable calculation of the dimensions. The dimensions (mm) of human lumbar IVDs were obtained from the literature.35–37 Ratios were calculated for IVD
height/width, midsagittal NP area/IVD area, and NP width/
IVD width for all Thompson Grade I IVDs.
The midsagittal, intervertebral segments were fixed in 4%
neutral-buffered formalin and decalcified in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. After decalcification, all discs were embedded
in paraffin. With a microtome, 5-μm sections were cut, deparaffinized, and stained with hematoxylin/eosin or Alcian blue/
Picrosirius red.38
Thirty-five canine samples were used for histological evaluation: 7 samples of each Thompson grade were randomly
selected (from CD and NCD pooled) and evaluated by 3 independent observers (N.B., J.R., and G.G.), using the modified Boos grading scheme recently described for use in dogs.39
The 3 observers also examined 25 human IVD sections (5 per
Thompson grade) for comparison.
The height of the entire IVD (superior-inferior) including
endplates and the thickness and number of cell layers of each
endplate were measured on histological sections of canine and
human IVDs graded Thompson I.
Glycosaminoglycan Assay
The sulfated GAG content of 123 canine NP samples was
measured using the Farndale (dimethylmethylene blue) assay.40 The relationship between GAG content and severity of
degeneration in dogs was compared with that previously reported for humans.41,42
MMP-2 Zymography
MMP-2 activity was assayed by gelatin zymography, as
described previously.43 The protein content of the NP
samples was measured44 to standardize the amount of tissue extract loaded onto precast gels (Bio-rad Laboratories,
Hercules, CA) for the measurement of MMP-2 activity.
High-resolution pictures were taken of the gels, in which
the activity of the MMP-2 enzyme was shown as a clear
band against a darker background. Enzyme activity was
assessed by evaluating the amount of gel degraded by each
individual NP sample.45 The background staining of each
gel was used as baseline, and the relative destaining of the
individual bands was calculated using Quantity One software (Bio-rad Laboratories Hercules, CA). MMP-2 activity was calculated and grouped per Thompson grade in the
same way as for human IVD samples in a previous study.43
March 2012
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Statistical Analysis
Differences between dogs and humans in the ratios of IVD
height/width, NP area/IVD area, and NP width/IVD width
of Thompson Grade I IVDs were analyzed by means of an
independent sample t test. Normal distribution was verified
through Q–Q plots. Pearson correlation test was used to evaluate the correlation between IVD dimensions and the weight/
size of the dogs and between GAG content and Thompson
grades. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to test for the association between the type of dog and Thompson grades. Differences in GAG concentrations and MMP-2 activity between
the 5 Thompson grades were analyzed by Kruskal–Wallis
nonparametric 1-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni
correction. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
Normal Anatomy and Gross Pathology
The overall appearance of the IVDs from humans and dogs
was similar, with healthy IVDs from both species consisting of
an annulus fibrosus (AF) with a clear lamellar structure and a
gelatinous central NP. All 5 grades of IVDD described in humans by Thompson et al34 were also seen in dogs (Figure 1).
However, growth plates were found in the intervertebral segments of the growing dogs (1 year old), which is not the case
in growing humans.46 Dogs normally have 7 lumbar vertebrae
in comparison with 5 in humans. The cartilaginous endplates
were thicker in human IVDs, and, subsequently, more pronounced endplate irregularities were found in humans with
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
increasing severity of IVDD. In both dogs and humans, radial
clefts and fissures in the NP parallel to the endplate were first
detected in Thompson Grade III IVDD, whereas more extensive clefts and fissures, transecting the AF, were seen first in
Thompson Grade IV IVDs in both humans and dogs.
Although the canine IVDs were smaller than the human
IVDs, the ratio of NP area/IVD area was similar in the 2
species (P = 0.18; Figure 1, Table 1); however, the ratios of
IVD height/width, NP/IVD width, and endplate thickness/
IVD height were significantly different in healthy humans
and dogs. As in humans, the height of the canine lumbosacral
IVDs (5.4 ± 1.1 mm) was greater than that of the lumbar
IVDs (3.5 ± 0.6 mm).
IVD height at all spinal levels was significantly correlated
with weight in dogs (r = 0.8, P = 0.01), as were IVD width
and weight (r = 0.6, P = 0.01). The CD and NCD breed dogs
were of comparable age (5.2 years for CD dogs and 5.5 years
for NCD dogs). Higher Thompson grades (more degenerated
IVDs) were seen more often in CD dogs than in NCD dogs
(Z = −3.6, P = 0.0001; Table 2). There were too few human samples to allow analysis; however, the distribution of
Thompson grades in the human IVDs was more similar to
that of NCD dogs than to that of CD dogs (Table 2).
The overall histological appearance of the IVDs in different stages of degeneration was similar in humans and dogs
(Figure 2): the AF and NP had a similar appearance, and the
cell populations and density were comparable, with fibrocytelike cells in the AF and chondrocyte-like cells in the endplate
and NP. Notochordal cells were present in the NP of 7/7 canine Grade I IVDs and in 2/7 Grade II IVDs. All IVDs containing notochordal cells were from NCD. Notochordal cells
were not found in any IVDs from CD dogs or humans.
In both humans and dogs, increasing Thompson grade was
accompanied by degeneration of the NP with increasing cell
cluster size, increasing disorganization of the AF lamellae, and
increasing appearance of clefts and cracks in the IVD. However, the endplates had more chondrocyte layers in human
IVDs than in canine IVDs, whereas subchondral bony cortices were found to be thicker relative to the total IVD height
and endplate thickness in dogs than in humans. The absolute
thickness of the subchondral bony cortices was comparable in
the 2 species (Table 1).
The pattern of Alcian blue/Picosirius red staining (staining GAG blue and collagen I red) was similar in human and
canine IVDs: Thompson Grade I and II IVDs showed predominantly blue staining of the NP, whereas the NP of IVDs
of Grade III or higher IVDs was stained red and blue or predominantly red.
Glycosaminoglycan Assay
Figure 1. Midsagittal images of (A) canine intervertebral discs and
(B) human intervertebral discs depicting, from top to bottom, Thompson
Grades I, II, III, IV, and V.
Because only 1 of the 123 canine IVD samples used for the
GAG and MMP-2 analyses was Thompson grade V, it was
grouped with the Thompson Grade IV IVDs for statistical
analysis (Thompson IV+V). In dogs, the mean GAG concentrations in the NP (wet weight) were negatively correlated
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
TABLE 1. Measurements and Dimensions of the Midsagittal Surface of Canine and Human Lumbar
Intervertebral Discs as Determined by Gross- and Histopathological Examinations
Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
3.5 ± 0.6
Gross pathology
Height IVD (mm)
Width IVD (mm)
15.9 ± 2.0
Ratio IVD height/width
0.22 ± 0.03
0.29 ± 0.05
Ratio NP/IVD width
0.30 ± 0.05
0.38 ± 0.05
Ratio NP/IVD area
0.25 ± 0.05
0.28 ± 0.02
Thickness EP (mm)
0.22 ± 0.06
1.58 ± 0.35
EP thickness/IVD
height (%)
0.90 ± 0.36
0.66 ± 0.33
Number of cell layers in EP
Thickness cortex (mm)
The P values reflect significant differences between the values obtained in dogs and humans. Only the ratios of the human IVDs could be obtained from the
study material, whereas the actual measurements of human IVDs were all derived from the literature; hence, the SDs could only be calculated for the human
IVD ratios and not for the actual measurements.
IVD indicates intervertebral disc; NP, nucleus pulposus; EP, endplate; SD, standard deviation, N/A, not available.
Measurements obtained from the literature.35–37
†Statistically significant at P < 0.01.
with increasing Thompson grades (r = −0.84, P = 0.0001;
Figure 3), as has been reported in humans.41,42
MMP-2 Zymography
The mean relative activity of MMP-2 in canine IVDs increased
significantly with increasing Thompson grade over Grades I
to III, but decreased in the group Thompson IV+V (Figure 4).
A similar pattern has been reported in humans.43
We found that the gross pathology, histopathology, GAG content, and MMP-2 activity of human and canine IVDs were
TABLE 2. Distribution of Thompson Grades in
the Intervertebral Discs From Humans
and Chondrodystrophic (CD) and
Nonchondrodystrophic (NCD) Dogs
CD (%)
NCD (%)
Humans (%)
1 (2.1)
62 (45.3
7 (35
28 (59.6)
31 (22.6)
3 (15)
10 (21.3)
28 (20.4)
3 (15)
4 (8.5)
12 (8.8)
4 (20)
4 (8.5)
4 (2.9)
3 (15)
similar in all different stages of IVDD. In addition, dogs are
the only animals that develop IVDD-related diseases that are
diagnosed and treated, both medically and surgically, in the
same way as in humans. Combined, these facts indicate that
canine IVDD could prove a suitable model of spontaneously
occurring IVDD for human research.
This study also shows the common occurrence of asymptomatic degenerated IVDs in dogs, just as in humans,47 and, in
general, similar pathological changes were seen in degenerated IVDs from humans and dogs. Even the ratios of the different dimensions of the IVDs were similar in dogs and humans,
although the canine IVDs were generally smaller relative to
weight. Some differences were, however, found, such as the
absence of growth plates in growing human vertebrae and the
thicker cartilaginous endplates in humans. Whereas in dogs
most vertebral growth takes place in the growth plates, in humans vertebral growth takes place in the junction between the
vertebrae and the endplates,46 which may explain the thicker
endplates found in humans.
Also at the histological level, comparisons between dogs
and humans revealed similar pathological changes due to degeneration. The hallmarks of IVDD, including chondroid cell
clusters, disorganization of the AF, and increasing appearance
of clefts and cracks, were found in dogs and humans with
increasing severity of IVDD. Notochordal cells were found in
the healthy IVDs of adult NCD dogs but not in the IVDs of
adult humans or CD dogs; notochordal cells are present in the
March 2012
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. Midsagittal, hematoxylin/eosinstained histological sections of (A) canine
intervertebral discs and (B) human intervertebral discs, depicting the histological appearance of, from top to bottom,
Thompson Grades I, II, III, IV, and V.
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
NP in children and CD dogs younger than 1 year.32,48 Apart
from this discrepancy, the histological changes within each
Thompson grade were similar in NCD and CD dog breeds
and in humans, suggesting similar pathological processes.
Also at the biochemical level, the changes occurring during
IVDD were similar. In humans, MMP-2 activity is positively
correlated with increasing Thompson grade up to Grade IV
and decreases slightly in Grade V.43 We found a similar trend
in dogs, with the exception that MMP-2 activity was already reduced in Grade IV+V degeneration. The GAG content in canine IVDs was negatively correlated with increasing Thompson grades, as previously described for human
IVDD.41,42 Previous studies have shown that the GAG content of IVDs from CD dogs is lower than that of IVDs from
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
Figure 3. Box-plot displaying the glycosaminoglycan
(GAG) concentration in the nucleus pulposus of canine intervertebral discs in relation to the Thompson
Grade. *P < 0.05; z, outliers.
NCD dogs of similar age.49,50 This is consistent with IVDD
occurring at a lower age in CD than in NCD dogs.
A previous study has also demonstrated the striking similarities between the magnetic resonance imaging appearance
of IVDD in the different stages of degeneration in humans
and dogs, even enabling the use of the human magnetic resonance imaging grading system for lumbar IVDD51 in veterinary practice.52 Pfirrmann grading of canine lumbar IVDD
is strongly correlated with Thompson grades.33 In humans,
degeneration of the IVD on T2-weighted magnetic resonance
imaging is negatively correlated with the GAG content.53 Our
results and those of previous canine studies33,52,54 indicate a
similar trend in dogs, supporting the use of the dog as a translational model for studies of IVDD in humans.
The fact that dogs walk on 4 legs and humans on 2 is often
raised as a reason to not use dogs as models for human IVDD
because it is believed that humans have higher axial loading on
the spinal segments due to gravity. However, the axial loading
patterns of human and canine IVDs have been shown to be
comparable or even higher in dogs.30,55,56 The effect of IVDD on
the biomechanical function of the canine spine has, however,
not yet been investigated, and it would be of considerable interest to evaluate whether IVDD in dogs has similar effects on the
functional spinal unit biomechanics as it does in humans.
Figure 4. Box-plot displaying the matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) activity in the nucleus pulposus of
canine intervertebral discs in relation to the Thompson
Grade. *P < 0.05; •, outliers.
March 2012
Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The gross morphological and histological appearances
of IVDs in different stages of degeneration were similar
in CD and NCD dogs, but IVDD manifested much earlier in
CD dogs, as reported previously.24,32,57 All IVDs from adult
CD dogs showed histological signs of degeneration, regardless of the dog’s age, whereas similar signs were found in only
54.7% of the NCD dogs and most often in older dogs. These
findings support the theory that the etiology of IVDD is different in the 2 groups of dogs, which could thus make 2 different
IVDD models: early (CD dogs) and late (NCD dogs) onset of
IVDD. The IVDD commonly seen in CD dogs is believed to
be of genetic origin, as all IVDs show signs of degeneration
from an early age. In contrast, the IVDD seen in NCD dogs
is more likely to be caused by “wear and tear,” as in most humans,22,24 although a genetic influence has also been suggested
in some NCD breeds. This is supported by the higher correlation of age with IVDD in older NCD dogs and by the higher
prevalence of IVDD in working dogs, and in the lumbosacral
IVD, which is subjected to higher mechanical loads.58,59 Although IVDD in CD and NCD breeds appears to have different etiologies, the pathology is similar.
When using the dog as a model for human IVDD research, it
is important to recognize the differences between CD and NCD
breeds (early vs. late onset, respectively). The fact that these
2 dog types spontaneously develop IVDD at vastly different
ages makes them suitable as models for different types of studies. CD breeds, which develop degeneration in most of their
IVDs early in life, are best suited for longitudinal studies investigating the process of IVDD, or for preclinical studies of interventional treatments aiming to prevent, stop, or slow the course
of degeneration. NCD breeds, especially the German shepherd
dog, are thought to have a similar disease process as humans
with lumbosacral IVDD; that is, the degeneration of the lumbosacral disc in the German shepherd dog develops over a longer period (years) of chronic IVD stress, or “wear and tear.”
These dogs would thus make suitable models for investigating
the development of IVDD of the human lumbosacral disc, and
here veterinary patients could also be used for preclinical studies of new treatments for IVD degenerative diseases.
Relevant animal models are needed to improve the treatment of IVDD. As no animal model can perfectly mimic the
complex processes of IVDD in humans,60 the similarities and
differences between humans and animals should be considered when using animal models. Animal models of induced
IVDD can result in substantial and reproducible IVDD in a
short time, but it is likely that the pathological pathways differ from those involved in spontaneous IVDD, and thus the
extrapolation of data from induced animal models to humans
could lead to erroneous conclusions.
This study has shown that the many similarities between
canine and human IVDD could make the dog a suitable animal model of human IVDD. In addition, canine IVD material
for research (ex vivo) is substantially easier to obtain than human. Another advantage with using dogs as an animal model
is the potential of using veterinary IVDD patients as a study
population for the investigation of mechanisms of degeneration and potential new treatments. This would reduce the use
Dogs as Spontaneous IVDD Model • Bergknut et al
of laboratory animals as models of human disease and may
also lead to better treatments for canine patients. These facts,
together with our findings, suggest that the dog is one of the
most appropriate animal models for spontaneous IVDD.
There are many similarities between IVDD in humans and
in CD and NCD breeds, and both types of dog breeds could
serve as animal models of spontaneous IVDD for human research. However, when employing the dog as a model for human IVDD research, it is important to recognize the specific
interspecies differences as well as the difference of IVDD between CD and NCD dogs (early vs. late onset, respectively).
➢ Key Points
Spontaneous IVDD is common in dogs and especially
in CD breeds.
The gross pathology and histology of IVDD showed
many similarities in humans and dogs.
MMP-2 activity is increased and GAG content is decreased with increasing severity of IVDD in both dogs
and humans.
The early/late onset of IVDD and early/late disappearance of notochordal cells in CD versus NCD dogs
provide 2 different canine models of spontaneous
The authors thank Joop Fama for photographs, Jane Sykes for
language corrections, and Hans Vernooij (Utrecht University)
for statistical analysis.
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March 2012
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