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Kapitola pojednává o jménech Přemyslovců objevujících se v místních jménech v Čechách a na Moravě. Věnuje se také proměnám místních jmen v období kolonizace v okolí slezského kláštera Henrykówa. The chapter deals with the names of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryToponomasticsCentral European history
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1970 / The book was published in Prague in 1970.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
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V članku je predstavljen kratek povzetek predavanja. V prostoru okoli nas se prepletajo vidni del (narava, prostor), nevidni del (energije, kačje črte) ter naša preteklost. Prostor je sestavljen tudi iz svetih mest v naravi, megalitov,... more
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      ToponomasticsVernacular ArchitectureSimbolismSymbols
This contribution analyses all current etymologies of the Italian and dialectal toponym Polesine, trying to show their main weaknesses. Moreover, Edoardo Scarpanti presents a new etymology, which is based on a wide range of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsEtymologyToponomastics
La ricerca toponomastica applicata alla ricerca storico-urbanistica rappresenta un valido strumento per diverse branche del sapere. I nomi propri dei singoli luoghi conservano una traccia della propria origine. Numerosi i nomi di... more
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      GeographyCultural GeographyLandscape ArchitectureToponomastics
Phantom islands are falsely mapped islands that turned out non-existent. This paper examines the histories and the etymologies of the names of Bermeja, Hy Brasil, and Sandy Island. Appearing cartographically since 1539, Bermeja's... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyCultural Heritage
Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti il, ilçe, kasaba, mahalle, köy ve mevki isimleri, üzerinde önemle çalışılması gerekli atanlardır. Çünkü Kıbrıs yer adları, birçok medeniyetin yaşamına yönelik ipuçları vermektedir. Osmanlı Türk idaresi de,... more
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      ToponomasticsToponymyKIBRISOsmanlı Tarihi
The paper provides a survey of the settlement names used in the municipality of Kiili, Harju county. As a regional study it is intended to become a brick in the foundation for more general studies covering the whole language area. The... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEtymologyOnomasticsToponomastics
Since the mid-19th century many artificial languages (henceforth ALs) have been created in order to facilitate international communication and understanding; the best known of these is Esperanto. The vocabularies of these languages often... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsOnomasticsToponomastics
Only download paper you can translate! When examining the local names of settlements was found a Celtic origin of the name of one of the villages - Košťany. The village has retained its Celtic name until such time when the name was in the... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsCornish LanguageCeltic Studies
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      ToponomasticsMedieval ArchaeologyToponymyAgrarian Archaeology
В топонимии Воронежского края отразились основные этапы истории заселения и хозяйственного освоения региона. В статье рассматриваются разряды соответствующих топонимов.
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsрусский языклексикология
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      CartographyPopular CultureOnomasticsToponomastics
Hvordan er de sønderjyske stednavne opstået? Hvilken betydning har de? Hvordan daterer man de forskellige
stednavnetyper? Lektor Peder Gammeltoft dissekerer de velkendte stednavne og placerer dem i deres rette sammenhæng.
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsPlace-NamesPlace Names (Cultural Geography)
Establishing the origin and dating of the palatalization of the CA and GA clusters in the Rhaeto-Romance languages and in the Cisalpine area is one of the most debated problems in Romance linguistics, also because of the classificatory... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesToponomasticsPlace Names (Cultural Geography)Loanword Phonology
Данная дипломная работа посвящена микротопонимике Осло, а именно анализу названий улиц, площадей, районов и других внутригородских объектов столицы Норвегии с точки зрения их этимологии, грамматики и отражения в них культурных... more
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Street names (odonyms) and their academic study constitute an important part of onomastic research. This paper takes stock of the growing literature on street naming processes and provides a meta-analytical systematic review of odonymic... more
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsPlace-NamesPlace Names (Cultural Geography)
Con R.D. del 23 dicembre 1894, n.591, la
denominazione del Comune di Forcabobolina
(Chieti) fu sostituita con quella di San Giovanni
Teatino (Gazzetta Ufficiale 18 gennaio 1895
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      GeographyToponomasticsArcivescoviToponomastica antica
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Türk dilinin Kıbrıs Adası üzerindeki izleri, 1571 fethinden itibaren açıkça görülmektedir. Bilindiği üzere Osmanlılar, fethettikleri ülkelerin öz kültür ve dokusunu sarsmamış, aksine korumuştur. Bunun yanında, kendi önerdiği yaşam şekline... more
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      ToponomasticsToponymyKIBRISYer Adları
COMPLETE TITLE: Review: "Concepción Suárez, Julio, Diccionario toponímico de la montaña asturiana (etimológico). Picos, mayaos, mayadas, carbas, puertos de verano, brañas, cabanas, acebales, fayeos, mazos, jayeos, robledales, riegas,... more
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsToponymyAsturian language
El estudio histórico de la toponimia de una zona consiste esencialmente en determinar la etimología de cada topónimo, es decir, señalar la raíz —o étimo— del que procede, junto con el significado original de dicha raíz, y aclarar las... more
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      ToponomasticsSpanish LinguisticsLinguisticsToponymy
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsToponymyAsturian language
L' "Archivio dei nomi di luogo del territorio di Carbonate" (2015, 96 pp e una carta a colori 34x48cm) è uno studio completo nato da ricerche d'archivio e interviste sul campo che raccoglie 190 toponimi in italiano e milanese, relative al... more
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Kniha byla vzdána v Praze roku 1932, jako devátý svazek edice : Práce Učené společnosti Šafaříkovy / The book has been submitted in a Bratislava in 1932, as the ninth volume edition: Work of the Learned Society Šafárika
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyToponomasticsSlovakia
The project of this thesis is topically and methodologically based on Hydronymia Slovaciae, a project being composed by Slovak linguists whose aim is to exhaustively map Slovak hydronymy according to individual instructions and which is a... more
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsToponymyCzech Republic
This article discusses the account of the settlement of Þórsnes by Þórólfr Mostrarskegg as it is presented in Eyrbyggja saga, relating it to the question of the applicability of current thinking on landscape to the interpretation of Old... more
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      Place AttachmentPlace and IdentitySpace and PlaceOld Norse Literature
Resumo Este traballo presenta unha análise do topónimo "O Preguntoiro" como exemplo do uso dunha metodoloxía apoiada na observación dos padróns xeográficos, de cara á identificación do significado e, máis importante aínda, da motivación... more
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      ToponomasticsSantiago de CompostelaToponomasticaOrtegal
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      ToponomasticsMedieval ChroniclesFranco-Italian LiteratureAttila the Hun
В пособии излагаются современные представления по основным направлениям топонимики. Рассматриваются существующие схемы классификации топонимов, анализируется разнообразие топонимических фактов и явлений, их роль в современном мире. The... more
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      ToponomasticsPlace Names (Cultural Geography)ToponymyHistorical and Cultural Geography, Landscape and Memory, Toponymy
The aim of this paper is the etymological reconstruction of three Italian place names from the current regions of Piedmont and Liguria (North-Western Italy). The toponyms analyzed in this study, Vinchio (Piedmont), Laigueglia (Liguria),... more
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Lexicology
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      ToponomasticsLinguistica italianaToponomasticaItaliano regionale
Книга представляет собой первую часть монографии, посвященной одной из самых сложных проблем отечественной топономастики – происхождению субстратных географических названий Русского Севера, дискуссия о которых продолжается уже почти два... more
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      DialectologyOnomasticsToponomasticsFinno-Ugric languages
This research is dedicated to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, were provided the toponymy’s images of the coast of the Black and Azov Seas are shown, which are indicated on medieval handwritten sea maps, the... more
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      ToponomasticsHistory of CartographyHistorical and Cultural Geography, Landscape and Memory, Toponymy
Raffaele Petra (Napoli 1798-1873), marchese di Caccavone (oggi Poggio Sannita) e duca di Vastogirardi, tenne il primato tra gli epigrammisti e assurse a grande notorietà a Napoli nell'Ottocento. Ma beneficiò di fama equivoca. I... more
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В статье рассматривается влияние уровня эмоционального интеллекта на учебную и профессиональную деятельность юриста в современных условиях. Авторы анализируют отечественную и зару- бежную научную литературу по теме, акцентируя внимание на... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationToponomasticsLegal English
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Yer adları incelemesi
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      ToponomasticsToponymyKIBRISYer Adları
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicOnomasticsToponomastics
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      OnomasticsToponomasticsLiterary OnomasticsHungarian Studies
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      ToponomasticsToponymyItalian languageHistory of Italian Language
İnegöl adının etimolojik kökeninin araştırılması ana başlığı altında, Antik çağda ki İnegöl için yer adı olarak Angelacoma’nın bugünkü İnegöl merkezine lokalize edilmiş olmasının irdelenmesi, İnegöl'ün (Cumatepe Höyüğü baz alınarak)... more
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      ToponomasticsNumismaticsArkeolojiEskiçağ Tarihi
Gli agiotoponimi friulani San(t) Andrat e San Tomat e i veneti Santandrà, Sandrà, San Tomà conservano traccia della flessione nominale latina in -ās/āti- che integrava nel sistema tardo-latino elementi allotri, in particolare gli... more
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      Historical MorphologyRomance philologyOnomasticsToponomastics
redatto nel 1753. Il territorio censito comprendeva allora, oltre alle tre Parrocchie del paese, Santa Maria, San Nicola e San Maurizio, anche Villa Santa Croce, Villa San Vittorino, Villa Sant' Eufemia, Villa San Giacomo e Villa... more
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      ToponomasticsLingüísticaDialettologia italiana
SUMMARY. This paper deals with processing and classification of papers published in the publication Onomatološki prilozi (I–XXI) during the period from 1979 to 2011, related to the onomastic material collected on the current territory of... more
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Il presente lavoro intende essere, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, uno studio monografico sul dialetto e sulla toponimia dialettale di Scanno, comune di circa 1.700 abitanti situato nell’Appennino abruzzese in provincia dell’Aquila.... more
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      ToponomasticsItalian dialectsItalian DialectologyDialetti italiani
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