Urban History
Recent papers in Urban History
Esra Akcan, Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey and the Modern House, Durham: Duke University Press, 2012.
In 1899 the great exhibition devoted to Alessandro Volta was meant to open a new season of richness for Como and the Lake. Nonetheless, in 1927 the second exhibition organized for the centennial anniversary of Volta's death was promoted... more
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
I review quantitative data for several major social and economic changes in central Mexico from the Classic Period through the Late Postclassic Period. Two kinds of trajectories through time can be identified. First, population and... more
This book is the first of its kind to use historical studies and architectural research to outline Shanghai’s pragmatic developments dominated largely by its politics. Professor Reinhard Goethert from Massachusetts Institute of Technology... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
L’opera, catalogo dell’omonima mostra organizzata dal CIRICE dell’Università di Napoli Federico II con la Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli (Palazzo Reale di Napoli, Appartamento Borbonico, 12 dicembre 2019-13 marzo 2020) sotto l’egida del... more
In the spring of 1959 the City of Winnipeg ordered the removal of fourteen families, mostly Métis, from land needed for the construction of a new high school in south Winnipeg. For at least a decade, the presence of Rooster Town, as the... more
This slideshow introduces the third unit of my Victorian America class on the city. Because not all my students have a knowledge of Philadelphia history, I give this general overview before we look at the city during the late-19th and... more
The stories told by our nation's cemeteries are as diverse as the people buried in them. These plots of earth marked by rock, stone, and marble are more than just memorials to the dead, they are collections of our cultural histories;... more
The Tietê River Floodplain is a territory under transformation in Sao Paulo´s west zone. Defined by the railroad in its northern part, and the river in its southern part, the historic occupation of the area represents the historic... more
La base « Toulouse 1 Capitole Publications » est l’archive institutionnelle de l’université Toulouse 1. Elle a pour objectif la valorisation de la recherche de l’établissement en favorisant la diffusion libre et gratuite des travaux de... more
La ville d’Utrecht, aux Pays-Bas, siège épiscopal jusqu’à la Réforme, devint au XVIIe siècle un bastion à la fois de l’orthodoxie réformée et du catholicisme, quand bien même l’Église réformée y disposait d’un statut privilégié comme dans... more
Este artículo revisa y conecta diferentes eventos, construcciones urbanas y cartografías históricas de Nueva York en el marco cronológico definido por 1783, año de la firma del Tratado de París –que acabó con la guerra de la independencia... more
Kniha Rokytnice v Orlických horách vydaná při příležitosti výročí 700 let od první písemné zmínky o městě.
The development of modern transport networks inherited and implemented from the North has almost single-handedly shaped and informed the urban fabric of South African cities. This, in relation with a tumultuous socio-political past, has... more
This paper examines the writing of a little-known, but prolific interwar immigrant Eastern European Parisian Yiddish writer, Aron Beckerman, to demonstrate how Yiddish journalism played a pivotal role in defining Paris as a simultaneously... more
La produzione architettonica del primo Neoclassicismo “funzionalista”, introdotta negli Stati romani dal genio del Vanvitelli, con le sue opere giovanili nelle Marche aveva definito un nuovo linguaggio compositivo ed un particolare gusto... more
Entrevista que acompanha a resenha do livro "História do Urbanismo Europeu", publicada na Oculum Ensaios
Based on church and state records from the burgh of Aberdeen, this study explores the deeper social meaning behind petty crime during the Reformation. Falconer argues that an analysis of both criminal behaviour and law enforcement... more
El texto busca contextualizar y poner el relieve algunas de las principales experiencias y problemáticas que ha experimentado la Historia del Transporte en Chile, campo subdisciplinar de creciente interés en la narrativa historiográfica... more
Cet article a pour but de montrer que le mobilier urbain peut être utile à l'histoire des villes et plus largement aux études urbaines en général : la manière dont il est considéré par les divers acteurs qui le conçoivent et le... more
SOROCA URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE INTER-WAR PERIOD. Vitalie Iațiuc. From 1918 until 1944, the town of Soroca was a part of the Kingdom of Romania, except the period from July 1940 to July 1941, when it was part of the Soviet Union. The... more
Espacio público y sociabilidad popular en Lisboa a principios del siglo XIX / Espace public et sociabilité populaire à Lisbonne au début du 19ème siècle / Espaço público e sociabilidade popular em Lisboa no início do século XIX
The story of modern Chinese architecture is abundant in motions of temporalities, professionals, schools of design thoughts and globally circulating ideologies. The tales of the emergence of modern Chinese architecture are oftentimes told... more
Los tres textos que componen el libro buscan abordar, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria, la conformación de un imaginario urbano de la ciudad de Corrientes, tomando como punto de partida para la reflexión las fotografías y pinturas... more
In this paper, I wish to explore the way in which ideas about water and land, swamps and wetlands have been played out in the town planning of one of the driest continents. From the very beginning of settlement in 1829, the swamps and... more
This article enquires how notions of national identities are still topical in recent scholarship at a time when processes of globalisation appear to be undermining the nation-state and its territorial power. The so-called spatial turn... more
Evoking the painful failure of overcoming the fallout of centuries of slavery in the United States and conjuring up the specter of state-enforced apartheid in South Africa, “segregation” nowadays appears to be almost ubiquitously... more
The object of the present paper is to try and insert into discussions about the rich bibliography on the Ottoman municipal institutions some nuances, pertaining both to recent reflections on the circulation of reform models and to new... more
Young, poor men and women migrated from the countryside and swelled the ranks of the unemployed and underemployed in Mexico City during the eighteenth century. With this rapid growth in population came an increase in street crime--thefts,... more
Review of the anthology I co-edited and contributed to: Making Suburbia: New Histories of Everyday America
Durante el siglo XX en México, dos tipos de producir la ciudad estuvieron en constante tensión: la ciudad racionalista y la ciudad popular. La primera de ellas, configuró instituciones desde las primeras décadas del siglo XX.... more
In the more recent past, property tax reform in the City of Toronto has been thwarted by suggestions of "progressive elements" in the single residential tax base, that hold out prospects of regressive shifts in the residential... more
Beyond Preservation is a reflection on established models of urban regeneration, their dependence on financial incentives and investment from outside leading to gentrification, and the rebranding of inner city neighbourhoods as historic... more