Venus Mobile Explorer With RPS For Active Cooling: A
Feasibility Study
Stephanie D. Leifer, Jacklyn R. Green, Tibor S. Balint, and Ram Manvi
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Mail Stop 125-109
Pasadena, CA 91109
Abstract— We present our findings from a study to
evaluate the feasibility of a radioisotope power system
(RPS) combined with active cooling to enable a longduration Venus surface mission. On-board power with
active cooling technology featured prominently in both the
National Research Council’s Decadal Survey and in the
2006 NASA Solar System Exploration Roadmap as
mission-enabling for the exploration of Venus. Power and
cooling system options were reviewed and the most
promising concepts modeled to develop an assessment
tool for Venus mission planners considering a variety of
future potential missions to Venus, including a Venus
Mobile Explorer (either a balloon or rover concept), a
long-lived Venus static lander, or a Venus Geophysical
Network. The concepts modeled were based on the
integration of General Purpose Heat Source (GPHS)
modules with different types of Stirling cycle heat engines
for power and cooling. Unlike prior investigations which
reported on single point design concepts, this assessment
tool allows the user to generate either a point design or
parametric curves of approximate power and cooling
system mass, power level, and number of GPHS modules
needed for a “black box” payload housed in a spherical
pressure vessel. Input variables include altitude, pressure
vessel diameter, payload temperature, and payload power
on Venus. Users may also specify the number and type of
pressure vessel windows, use of phase-change material for
additional (time-dependent) payload cooling, and amount
of (rechargeable) battery power for peak power demand
operations. Parameter sets that would enable a Venus
surface mission with fewer than 16 GPHS modules were
identified. Thus, the study provides guidance for design
practices that might enable a long-duration Venus surface
mission with an attainable quantity of 238Pu, and with
achievable operating parameters. 1
4. RESULTS ........................................................................... 4
MOBILITY ............................................................................ 6
6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ................................ 7
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................... 8
REFERENCES ........................................................................ 8
BIOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 8
The exploration of Venus is a challenging endeavor. In
spite of its proximity to Earth, Venus presents an extreme
environment of high pressure, high temperature, and
chemically reactive atmosphere. Furthermore, the dense
cloud cover on Venus prohibits the use of solar power
near the surface. Nevertheless, Venus is an important
target identified in both the National Research Council’s
Decadal Survey and in the 2006 NASA Solar System
Exploration Roadmap. Missions such as a Venus Mobile
Explorer, a Venus Seismic Network, or a Venus Lower
Atmosphere Balloon Network may address fundamental
questions about planetary habitability.
searching for evidence of past surface water on Venus and
when it might have disappeared may elucidate what
processes might have led Venus to lose its early
habitability. [1]. 2
Prior missions to Venus have had lifetimes at the surface
limited to a couple of hours due to limited battery life and
the extreme atmospheric conditions. The Venera (7-14)
and Vega (1 and 2) missions undertaken by the former
Soviet Union successfully landed probes on the surface of
Prepared by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, through an agreement with the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service
by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not
constitute or imply its endorsement by the United States Government, or
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................1
2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF PRESENT STUDY ......................2
3. POWER AND COOLING SYSTEM DESIGN .........................3
The opinions expressed here are those of the authors only and do not
necessarily reflect the positions of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
978-1-4244-2622-5/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE.
IEEEAC paper #1689, Version 1, Updated October 30th, 2008
Will be transferring copyright from California Institute of Technology.
Government sponsorship within 10 business days
Venus from 1970 through 1985, with the longest
transmission time from the surface of 127 minutes from
Venera 13. Venera 9 (and subsequent probes) utilized a
system of circulating fluid to distribute the heat load in the
payload pressure vessel. This system, plus pre-cooling via
phase-change material prior to entry, permitted operation
of the spacecraft for 53 minutes after landing. The U.S.
Pioneer Venus Multiprobe of 1978 sent four probes into
Venus’ atmosphere, only one of which continued to send
signals for approximately an hour after surface impact.
Stirling generator and cooler efficiency and specific mass
than those used in the VISM study.
Although prior missions to Venus have provided valuable
insight into the atmospheric conditions on Venus and in
situ analysis of surface samples, long duration operation
on or near Venus’s surface – in excess of 90 days -- are
necessary to fulfill the goals of NASA’s Solar System
Exploration Roadmap.
Also in 2005, a Venus Rover study was conducted by JPL
and Northrop Grumman Space Technology as part of a
larger study on the application of advanced radioisotope
power systems for solar system exploration entitled,
“Extending Exploration with Advanced Radioisotope
Power Systems” [5]. Two conceptual advanced Stirling
generators were considered. The first was based on the
Sunpower free-piston Stirling engine and linear alternator
with an estimated efficiency of 32%, specific power of
~5.9 We/kg, and power output of ~80 We at the
Beginning-Of-Mission (BOM). The second conceptual
Stirling generator considered was specifically tailored for
a long-duration Venus surface application. It is based on
the Thermoacoustic Stirling Heat Engine (TASHE) with
integrated pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) being designed by
Northrop Grumman Space Technologies (NGST) and Los
Alamos National Labs (LANL). The presumed payload
pressure vessel internal temperature was under 323 K,
with a surface lifetime of approximately 60 days. Unlike
the spherical pressure vessels used on prior Venus
missions and presumed in other Venus mission studies,
the Venus Rover study considered the use of a cylindrical
titanium pressure vessel of diameter 0.5 meter and length
1.5 meter with semi-spherical end caps. The largest
subsystem power consumption was 260 We for surface
The Stirling generator and cooler studies at GRC were
conducted in 2004, and focused on a Venus lander
mission application. However, as with the VISM study,
these works provided a point design. Some of the
parameters assumed were a 50-day lifetime at the surface,
an electronics temperature of 573 K, and a heat source
temperature of 1473 K.
One of the principal technologies that will be needed to
accomplish long-lived Venus surface exploration is the
development of an on-board power source with active
cooling for the payload. The demonstration of such a
technology development might pave the way for future
Venus sample return missions, and enable long-term
studies of Venus.
Prior Studies and Conclusions
Several studies of power and cooling systems for longlived Venus missions have been reported [2-5].
Uniformly, each has identified radioisotope heat sourcedriven Stirling power and cooling systems as the most
promising concepts for Venus exploration.
In 1992, a Venus Interior Structure Mission (VISM)
concept was presented at a Discovery Mission Workshop
[2]. The VISM concept explored a mission architecture
with three surface landers conducting seismology
experiments. Each lander would contain a spherical
pressure vessel and utilize a Stirling dynamic isotope
power system and cooler. The study outlined a system
point design with a 608 W-producing Stirling engine, a
Stirling cooler that would require 557 W input power, and
an alternator with required electrical power of 25 W
(leaving a system energy margin of 26 W). The pressure
vessel interior temperature was to be held at 300 K and
Venus ambient environment was assumed to be 743 K.
The study presumed a hot-end temperature of
approximately 1450 K, corresponding to the temperature
of the GPHS modules. Doing so led to an estimate of
engine efficiency of 0.312.
The Venus Rover study mission concept would have
required 53 GPHS modules for the point design concept
presented, corresponding to a 238Pu mass of approximately
26.5 kg. Given present stores of 238Pu, such quantities are
not likely to be available.[6]
The purpose of this study was to provide information to
the Venus Mobile Explorer Mission Concept Definition
Team at JPL and other future Venus mission study teams
on the feasibility of radioisotope power systems with
active cooling for long-duration operation on or near the
surface of Venus. Unlike prior investigations which
reported on single point design concepts, the product of
this study is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet model that
allows the user to generate either a point design or
parametric curves of payload pressure vessel, cooling
system, and power system mass as a function of altitude,
While the VISM study provided a valuable point design,
more recent calculations have been conducted at NASA
Glenn Research Center (GRC) [3,4].
The latter
calculations, based on thermodynamic simulations using
the SAGE computer code of a kinematic Stirling engine
and cooler, may provide more accurate estimates of
pressure vessel diameter, payload temperature, and
payload power on Venus. Users may also specify the
number of pressure vessel windows (assumed to be
sapphire) and window thickness, use of phase-change
material for additional (time-dependent) payload cooling,
and amount of (rechargeable) battery power for peak
power demand operations. The model does not include
any assumptions about the nature of the science, data,
avionics, or communications instrumentation. We also
completely neglect issues relating to cruise phase and
entry, descent, and landing (EDL) operations and
configurations; the model only applies to a Venus lander
once it is on or near the surface. We do provide the
ability to model metallic bellows mass in case an aerial
mobility architecture is desired.
Thermoacoustic Heat Engine (TASHE) system with a
pulse-tube cooler, and a free-piston Stirling generator and
cooler concept. Each of the potential configurations has
distinct advantages and disadvantages. For example,
kinematic Stirling engines have been successfully
developed commercially. However, kinematic Stirling
systems have moving parts that introduce the potential for
lower reliability.
The TASHE system boasts the
simplicity of fewer moving parts, yet has lower overall
theoretical efficiency. The free-piston design also offers
higher mechanical reliability than the kinematic Stirling
generator concept.
The model was developed in two parts. First, a heat leak
model of the pressure vessel was created. It considers the
heat load from the ambient Venus environment and that
generated by the science payload. It determines the
thermal power required to be lifted by the cooler unit.
Temperature-dependent conduction and convection
coefficients are calculated assuming the use of aerogel
insulation [8]. Insulation thickness is a user-defined
The model uses operating parameters for several different
power system and cooler designs calculated from other
studies. This study is not designed to advise on a downselection between these concepts. It does, however,
indicate the technology developments that would be
needed to make each concept capable of fulfilling the
Venus mission requirements.
Study Assumptions
Next, for each Stirling concept considered, temperaturedependent values of generator efficiency and cooler
coefficients of performance were taken from the
associated studies. These values were used to estimate the
input thermal power required to provide electrical power
to the payload and operate the cooler via the generator.
This value was then used to determine the required
number of GPHS modules. Specific mass estimates, also
identified from the design concept studies and scaled
according to the generator and cooler hot-to-cold-end
temperature ratios, were used to determine the lander
mass without the payload or other subsystem masses.
The specific architecture for a Venus Mobile Explorer
mission is undefined for this study. However, we assume
that the payload is a “black box” contained within a
spherical pressure vessel (either titanium or beryllium)
that will remain within 15 km of the surface of Venus. An
elevation of 5 km or less will be required for science
observations. However, elevations up to 15 km may be
used for mobility in a balloon mission architecture. Thus,
the ambient atmospheric pressure will be between
approximately 94 bar and 33 bar, and the temperature
ranges between 460 oC (733 K) at the surface to 343 oC
(616 K) at 15 km. We assume the payload would be
cooled to a temperature between 40 oC (313 K) and 400
C (523 K). A total mission operating time at Venus is
presumed to be 90 days. System redundancy is not
addressed; the cooling and power system is single-string.
Pressure Vessel design
The pressure vessel design assumptions for the model are
crucial because the choices of dimensions and insulation
strongly affect the heat leak from the ambient
environment. We assume the use of a spherical pressure
vessel. The user may specify the diameter. On the graphs
generated for this study, the diameter ranged between 0.5
m and 1.5 m. The pressure vessel can be composed of
either beryllium or titanium with both external and
internal insulation. The number of window ports, window
diameter, and window thickness may also be userspecified. Each window is presumed to be composed of
sapphire, thermally isolated from the pressure vessel
walls, and heated (through resistive heaters) to the
ambient Venus atmospheric temperature to avoid
distortions in scientific observations.
GPHS modules are the heat source for the power system.
The heat rejection temperature for the power generator is
held at 40 degrees above the Venus ambient temperature.
Because the science payload is undefined, no vibration
requirements are presumed.
Previous studies have examined the use of Brayton and
Stirling cycle generators, solar arrays, and TPVs, and
concluded that Stirling cycle systems offered the most
promise in terms of efficiency, reliability, and specific
mass for a Venus surface application. Stirling systems in
general offer the highest theoretical efficiency of any heat
engine. Thus, we explore several Stirling system design
concepts in the model: a kinematic Stirling generator with
a linear-alternator-driven Stirling cycle cooler, a
Selected RPS Power and Cooling System Options
and removed at low pressure. The absence of pistons and
drive mechanisms in the heat engine offers the potential of
high reliability and long-term operation. The TASHE
performance parameters and specific mass estimates were
provided by NGST [11].
All Stirling configurations rely on the same concept of a
closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a gaseous
working fluid. Stirling engines use the temperature
difference between their hot ends and cold ends to
establish a cycle of a fixed mass of gas, heated and
expanded, and cooled and compressed, thus converting
thermal energy into mechanical energy. The greater the
temperature difference between the hot and cold sources,
the greater the thermal efficiency. In practice, efficiency is
limited by non-ideal properties of the working gas, and the
engine material properties such as friction, thermal
conductivity, tensile strength, creep, rupture strength, and
melting point [9]. Table 1 shows the parameters of each
Stirling concept considered.
Stirling [4,5]
TASHE with
pulse tube
cooler [6]
53 kg/kWt
6 kg/kWe
16 kg/kW
15 kg/kW
The Kinematic Stirling Power and Cooler Concept
The Stirling generator and cooler concept was derived
from the kinematic Stirling cycle systems modeled at
NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) and described in the
literature [3,4]. In the GRC studies, a point design was
investigated with an assumed pressure vessel (electronics
enclosure) internal temperature of 300 oC. The GRC
design also assumed a cooler rejection temperature of 500
C. We used the estimates of percent of Carnot efficiency,
coefficient of performance, generator specific mass, and
cooler specific mass in the model.
curve fits
to data
The Free-Piston Stirling Engine and Cooler Concept
NASA GRC provided performance estimates of several
free-piston Stirling engine configurations specifically for
this study [12]. Four configurations were considered.
Separate cryocooler and Stirling power generation units
were examined. Also, an integrated cryocooler and
Stirling system (referred to as the duplex) was considered.
Both variations were subdivided into options either with
cooled magnets (inside the pressure vessel) or with
magnets at ambient Venus atmospheric temperatures.
Higher magnet temperature translates into lower converter
efficiency, yet increases available payload volume in the
pressure vessel. Ultimately, we incorporated the duplex
model without cooling into the model.
The model was used extensively to evaluate the impact of
various input parameters. Principally, it was used to
determine what parameter space would enable a Venus
surface mission with an amount of 238Pu less than or equal
to that used in two Multi-Mission Radioisotope
Thermoelectric Generators (MMRTGs).
As each
MMRTG utilizes eight GPHS modules, this corresponds
to 16 GPHS units, or approximately eight kilograms of
Pu. Given current available quantities of 238Pu, this was
presumed to be an upper limit to what might be
considered acceptable for mission feasibility. A summary
of the findings follows.
Table 1 Stirling generator and cooler concept
Both batteries and phase change material (PCM) provide
important secondary power and cooling options for
reducing overall RPS power requirements and allowing a
cooling system alternative during some missions
operations, specifically science data acquisition. Timedependant models for both of these parameters are
included in the model. The selection of PCM and
associated properties is tied to the user-defined payload
The TASHE design concept
Insulation thickness is a parameter that can have
significant impact on science instrumentation, as fields-ofview and required pressure vessel penetrations are
Although the code reflects temperaturedependent thermal conduction and convection, and stateof-the-art aerogel material properties were incorporated
[ref], there was only moderate change in heat leak (and
In the Thermoacoustic Heat Engine (TASHE), there are
no moving parts (with the exception of an alternator for
electrical power generation). Instead, pressure waves
drive both a pulse tube cooler and linear alternator in
parallel. The pressure and velocity fluctuations are such
that heat is given to the oscillating gas at high pressure
conducted at the surface could be accomplished during
brief excursions, where batteries and Phase Change
Materials (PCMs) supply the additional cooling needed.
Upon returning to higher elevations, both batteries and
PCMs could be recharged/regenerated by the RPS system.
generator is hot-end temperature, as this parameter
dictates maximum (Carnot) efficiency. Figure 2 shows the
number of GPHS modules needed to provide the cooling
power for payloads of temperatures ranging up to 400 oC
for a variety of hot-end temperatures. All RPS concepts
considered in the model have a hot end temperature that
could be user-specified between 650 °C and 1300 °C.
However, state-of-the art Stirling systems are limited to
hot end temperatures of between 850 °C and 900 °C with
A table of the phase change materials used in the model is
shown below. The model selects the PCM closest to the
user-specified payload temperature.
Figure 2 - Mass of Kinematic Stirling lander (power, cooling, and pressure vessel) as a function of payload temperature
and mission altitude. Other parameters are GPHS hot-end temperature of 850 C, 1-meter diameter pressure vessel.3
Point (oC)
the use of MarM-247 alloy [6]. Higher temperatures result
in materials creep that compromises the seals in Stirling
generators. Significant technology development work
would be required to increase hot end temperatures
beyond this. Nevertheless, at a hot-end temperature of 850
°C, solutions could be found for the Plutonium-limited
Density of
Table 2 - Phase Change Material (PCM) look-up table
used in the model.
The mass of metallic bellows for an aerobot mission can
be scaled as a function of altitude and payload mass (up to
15 km) [8] to be used in concert with the power and
cooling system mass to determine feasibility of a balloon
RPS Design
One of the most important design considerations for the
for a of
Figure 3 - Number
GPHS modules needed for the TASHE system as a function of payload temperature and RPS
source hot-end temperature.
Simulation was performed for surface (altitude = 0), 50 W payload power, and 1-meter
pressure vessel diameter.
These data shown in Figure 4 provide an estimate of
bellows size for a maximum Venus float altitude of 15
km, where the density of the atmosphere is 45% less than
at 5 km altitude. Balloons at 5 km would therefore be
only 55% of the volume as shown in the figure, and the
mass, which is proportional to surface area, would be
about 67% of the mass shown.
We developed a modeling tool to examine the impact of a
large number of system parameters on the mass and power
of a long-lived Venus surface mission with active cooling.
The tool offers flexibility in evaluating system trades for a
Venus mission unlike those reported previously. The
model was useful in identifying design features that could
potentially enable a Venus mission utilizing an obtainable
quantity of 238Pu. Further, it provides insight into the
relative benefits of advances in Venus mission-related
The algorithm developed for the Venus mission model
potentially lends itself to applications in the study of a
larger class of space science missions. Specifically,
missions in other extreme environments may be modeled
similarly by simply modifying the environmental segments
of the model (e.g. changing atmospheric density and
temperature profiles) and removing or replacing the
cooling segment with other destination-specific systems.
Development of such a generalized tool may provide a
Figure 2. Venus bellows mass, diameter, and volume as a
function of payload mass for 15 km float altitude [8].
useful mechanism for evaluating mission architecture
trades for other destinations in the solar system.
[12] P. Schmidt, NASA GRC, Personal Communication,
September 2007.
[13] NASA Press Release 07-189, “NASA Researchers
Extend Life of Hot Temperature Electronic Chip”,
September 2007.
The research described in this paper was carried out at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, under a contract with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Stephanie Leifer is a Senior
Member of Engineering Staff at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
in Pasadena, CA. She has worked
with the Mission and Systems
Radioisotope and Nuclear Systems
Technology Program for the last
two years. She has eleven years of experience in the
Advanced Propulsion Technology Group at JPL, where
she conducted experimental studies. She also worked in
systems engineering for the Space Interferometry Mission
(SIM). Dr. Leifer obtained her undergraduate degree in
Mathematic and Physics from the University of
Pennsylvania. She holds MS and PhD degrees from the
California Institute of Technology in Applied Physics.
The authors thank Mike Petach of Northrop Grumman
Space Technology, and Paul Schmitz under contract with
NASA Glenn Research Center for their work on the
TASHE and Free-Piston Stirling models, respectively.
Also, the efforts of JPL staff members Sal Destefano for
aerogel insulation data, Jack Jones for metallic bellows
information, and Robert Miyake for PCM data are
[1] NASA Solar System Exploration Roadmap, September,
[2] E. Stofan, R. Saunders, “Venus Internal Structure
Mission (VISM)”, Discovery Missions Workshop
Concept Number 81, Pasadena, California, September
[3] K. Mellott,, “Electronics and Sensor Cooling with a
Stirling Cycle for
Venus Surface Mission”, AIAA 2004-5610, 2nd
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Providence, Rhode Island, August 2004.
[4] K. Mellott, “ Power Conversion with a Stirling Cycle
for Venus Surface Mission”, AIAA 2004-5622, 2nd
International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
Providence, Rhode Island, August 2004.
[5] R.D. Abelson, T.S. Balint, M. Evans, T. Schriener, J.
H. Shirley, T. R. Spilker, “Extending Exploration with
Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems”, JPL D-28903,
PP-266 0333, November 2005.
[7] D. J. Anderson, J. Sankovic, D. Wilt, R. D. Abelson,
J. Fleurial, “NASA’s Advanced Radioisotope Power
NASA/TM—2007-214487, April, 2007.
[8] S. Distefano, JPL, Personal Communication, March
[9] V. Kerzhanovich, J. Hall, A. Yavrouian and J. Cutts,
"Two Balloon System to Lift Payloads from the Surface
of Venus," AIAA-2005-7322 AIAA 5th ATIO and16th
Lighter-Than-Air Sys Tech. and Balloon Systems
Conferences, Arlington, Virginia, Sep. 26-28, 2005.
[11] M. Petach, NGST, Personal Communication, March
Jacklyn Green
Tibor S. Balint is a Senior-A
Engineer at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, in Pasadena, CA. His
work within the Planetary and Lunar
Missions Concepts Group involves
programmatic support to NASA's
Planetary Science Division, related
to Solar System Exploration and to
the Nuclear Systems and Technology
Office related to RPSs. He also leads Pre-Phase-A
mission studies, and specializes in radioisotope power
systems. Dr. Balint obtained an MSc degree in
mechanical engineering from the Technical University of
Budapest, Hungary; an MPhil in chemical engineering
from the University of Exeter, UK; a PhD in engineering
from the University of Warwick, UK; and an MSc in
Master of Space Studies (MSS) from the International
Space University, Strasbourg, France. He also worked as
a nuclear design engineer for 9 years at Ontario Hydro,
Canada, conducting nuclear safety analysis.
Ram Manvi received his
doctoral degree in mechanical
engineering from Washington
State University. He is a Registered Professional
Mechanical Engineer in California. He has over 45 years
of experience, here and abroad. in engineering education,
academic administration, project management, research,
and professional practice. His extensive background
includes: (1) teaching undergraduate and graduate level
courses in engineering; (2) consulting for industry; 3)
serving as department chair and college dean at CSULA;
(4) service to ASME in various leadership positions; and
(5) Principal Investigator of grants and contracts funded
by industry, & NASA, NSF, and the State of California.
He was involved at JPL, for over 34 years, in the areas of
Advanced Energy Systems, Spacecraft Thermal Control,
Nuclear Space Power, Evaluation and Assessment of
Advanced Space Technologies for missions to Europa,
Titan, and Venus, Systems Engineering and Mars
Exploration. After retiring from JPL in 2007, Dr. Manvi
became the Division Dean of Mathematics, Sciences, and
Engineering at College of Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA.