Recent papers in Violence
This article aims to present the solutions that would make it possible to eliminate violence in Brazil. Increasingly, the media make it clear that Brazil is increasingly vulnerable to violence, forcing us to note that it has invaded all... more
From the foundation of the Order of St John in 11th century Syria as a community of lay brethren intent on providing shelter, care and assistance to pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the destiny of the Hospitaller Knights was irremediably... more
Violence against lesbians and gay men has increasingly captured media and scholarly attention. But these reports tend to focus on one segment of the LGBT community—white, middle class men—and largely ignore that part of the community that... more
En este trabajo, se hizo un breve acercamiento a la percepción de inseguridad en Xalapa, Veracruz, en relación con el consumo de medios, en particular de periodismo impreso en los años 2010-2015
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
in: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Concentration Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945, Volume 1, Indiana University Press 2009.
Der Dreißigjährige Krieg: Zeugnisse vom Leben mit Gewalt (The Thirty Years War: Testimonies from Living with Violence). Goettingen: Wallstein, 2018. Historical treatments of the Thirty Years War have heretofore been mainly political... more
One of the strongest claims made by proponents of mixed martial arts (MMA) is that the confrontations are more authentic than other types of combat sports or, in the words of one promotion, ‘as real as it gets’. Since the advent of the... more
À travers l’analyse de la violence naissant du seul fait de l’urgence, nous étudions le processus d’acting. Dans les services d’urgence, la technicité et l’efficacité médicales se lient paradoxale- ment à la confusion et aux... more
The indigene/settler question has been central to scholarly discourses on land ownership, ethnicity and identity in Nigeria. The legacies of the 1804 Jihad and the subsequent divide and rule colonial model of governance are extant in the... more
Mediante las voces y experiencias de campesinos quechuas de las comunidades de Ocros y Huancapi (Ayacucho), Los silencios de la guerra. Memoria y conflicto armado, hurga en los rastros de los años de violencia que enlutaron al Perú a... more
André Corten & Vanessa Molina, Éditions Nota Bene, 2010, "La première, Barbara, est un personnage de roman; la seconde, Rufina, est une vendeuse ambulante qui raconte sa propre histoire. Ce livre présente deux défilés de portraits: l'un... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
VITA Life in a Zone of Social Abandonment With photographs by Torben Eskerod Updated Blurb (2013) Zones of social abandonment are emerging everywhere in Brazil’s big cities—places like Vita, where the unwanted, the mentally ill, the... more
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
The "Big Five" personality traits of Neururoticism (N), Extroversion (E), Openness (O), Agreeableness (A) and Conscitiousness (C) are differentially associated with aggression and violence. While the dimensions of lower A and lower C,... more
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
The idea of monstrosity is closely allied with the articulation of monsters in visual culture. In literature, especially in Gothic woks, it implies the spectacles of violence in which real monsters play a pivotal role in setting the... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
Resumen. Este artículo examina las tragedias de honra conyugal de Calderón de la Barca a partir de los esquemas hermenéuticos propuestos por Réné Girard. Estos se muestran especialmente útiles para analizar la culpabilidad o inocencia de... more
As an incredibly diverse religious system, Buddhism is constantly changing. The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism offers a comprehensive collection of work by leading scholars in the field that tracks these changes up to the... more
O objetivo geral do Diagnóstico da Violência e Criminalidade do Município de Itabuna é aprofundar a análise dos principais problemas de violência e criminalidade, bem como a percepção da população sobre os mesmos, buscando identificar... more
The essay explores how silence represents a «feminine language» that communicates through a non-uttered voice. The analysis of silence is here conducted in performance art practice by focussing on the work of Guatemalan artist Regina José... more
Esta tese buscou compreender como a morte violenta se apresenta na relação do sujeito com o laço social, considerando-se as dimensões imaginária, simbólica e real por meio das quais Lacan aborda a experiência freudiana. A partir de... more