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Guiding and transforming our creative practices, this paper argues for a critical investigation of the techno‐material affordances at play in doing visual research with digital media. It interrogates how software and skill might interact... more
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      Visual AnthropologySoftware StudiesDigital EthnographyDocumentary Film
Research Stream 15 - Visual and Filmic Sociology at Athens 2017 - Esa. Deadline for submission: 1 february
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      Cultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
¿Cuánto puede contribuir el estudio de las imágenes y representaciones, ya sea como arte, ritos o simulacros, a comprender relaciones de poder y de agencia? Ésta es la pregunta que replantea el conjunto de estudios etnográficos en... more
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      AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyRitualAgency
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyChinese Philosophy
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    • Visual Anthropology
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyNew MediaVisual Culture
This is the entire book. "Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles?" is an attempt to understand why scholars have begun writing at such tremendous length on individual pictures. Before the 20th c., one of the longest texts on a single painting... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryClinical Psychology
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      Cultural HistoryVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyMaterial Culture Studies
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    • Visual Anthropology
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
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      Fiction WritingSociologyPublic SociologyVisual Sociology
Qu'est-ce qu'une image ? La multiplication proliférante des images semble bien – et c'est là son paradoxe – inversement proportionnelle à notre faculté de dire ce qu'est réellement une image. Si notre interaction quotidienne avec les... more
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryVisual Anthropology
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      Visual AnthropologyEthnographyPerformance EthnographySound studies
Ces dernières années ont été le théâtre d'une étonnante résurgence de la question anthropologique. Parmi les propositions les plus débattues, il y a eu celle qui consisterait à penser l'homme non pas comme un animal doué de langage, mais... more
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      AnthropologyAestheticsVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
Rödlach, A. (2010). Popular Images of the AIDS Epidemic. Contemporary Wood Sculptures from Southern Zimbabwe. African Arts 43(2):54-67.
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      Medical AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyAfrican Art
Search for post-thaw late Soviet rhetoric in "Let's live up to Monday" by Stanislav Rostotsky
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      Visual AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologySoviet FilmCinema of the Soviet Union
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      SociologyVisual AnthropologyEthnographyVisual and Sensory Anthropology
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      Visual AnthropologyVirtual Reality
An ethnographic approach to a range of visualizing practices and forms, emphasizing seeing as a socially situated, culturally variable, and historically specific practice. Topics include image, imagination, and power; visual economies;... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyVisual Anthropology and Sociology
Book review. Christopher Pinney monographs "Photography and Anthropology". (Full text of review in Polish).
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      AnthropologyVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyPhotography
Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
RESUMEN La relación interna entre filosofía, literatura y arte permite examinar con propiedad qué significan la pluralidad y complejidad en los usos de la razón. Posibilita la aproximación a esos usos y figuras desde un ángulo... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyCognitive Psychology
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      PsychologyAnthropologyVisual AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
In a place like the Caribbean, we cannot take the agency of portraiture for granted in the aftermath of a much longer history of topographical and anthro-pological representations. .. In the pictorial domain, we are still anthropological,... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyArt
The burial photograph taken at a German Cemetery on the 4 April 1944 is of Flight Sergeant Jones DFM’s funeral. His daughter Gill Sarsby was born one month after this event so they never met. Gill has always mourned not knowing her... more
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      Visual AnthropologyAgency (Archaeological Theory)StructuralismMemorialisation
In the early twentieth century, the Dutch colonial government, working with several private entities operating in the Netherlands East Indies, significantly increased propagandistic efforts promoting solidarity toward their colony. As... more
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      Visual AnthropologyFilm StudiesIndonesiaPropoganda
Video-Culturas Itinerantes: Visualidad y Performance en el Espacio Diaspórico Peruano [Itinerant Video-cultures: Visuality and Performance in the Peruvian Diaspora]. In Gisela Cánepa (ed.): Imaginación Visual y Cultura en el Perú, pp.... more
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      Visual AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyVisual CommunicationPeru
Ponencia en Seminario Memoria, conflicto y coexistencia: Interculturalidad y descolonization en América Latina y el mundo, Santiago, Chile, 16 diciembre, 2015. Aunque la Guerra del Pacifico terminó en 1883, Bolivianos, Peruanos, y... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologyAestheticsVisual Anthropology
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      Visual AnthropologyArt TheoryFilm StudiesFilm Theory
En août 1992, le rituel d'intronisation du nouvel hogon d'Arou avait lieu1. Etalé sur plusieurs semaines le rituel consiste, à consacrer un descendant de la tribu des Arou comme représentant du dieu Amma et comme responsable de la... more
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      Visual AnthropologyDogonArt and Ethnography of the DogonAnthropology of Religion
I explore material change in an area surrounding one high street in London, which is currently undergoing the process of gentrification. I consider the way material culture is used by a new urban class in the process of change: either to... more
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      Visual AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesVisual CultureGentrification
Introduction to new English translation of an article by Jiří (Georg) Mordechai Langer (Prague, 1894 - Tel Aviv, 1943): ''On the Function of the Jewish Doorpost Scroll (Mezuzah),'' first published in Freud's Imago Journal in 1928. Langer... more
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      Visual AnthropologyJewish StudiesEthnographyMaterial Culture Studies
В статье на основании текстовых и визуальных архивных документов исследуются особенности и информативные качества феномена советс-кого этнографического кино, практически не изученного ни в этнографии, ни в киноведении. Анализируя... more
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      Visual AnthropologyEthnographic FilmархивыВизуальная антропология
Essay on the 2016 film Thrust into Heaven (found at
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      Visual AnthropologyMedia AnthropologyPakistanSindh
Numa rua deserta e caiada da Aldeia da Luz, um galo canta. Ouve-se a voz de Benjamim Pereira, por detrás da câmara :-Sr. Francisco, vamos esperar mais um bocadinho, é que ... querem filmar! Este olha a câmara e, para cima, na direcção do... more
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    • Visual Anthropology
Photo Essay about the sensory experience of online dating. Anthropology News was looking for critical anthropological perspectives on and around love and invited me to write a short piece about my short documentary Looking for Mr. Right... more
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      Visual AnthropologySensory Anthropology
Este libro recoge las conclusiones más significativas de una investigación que comenzó en 1993 examinado la pertinencia de incluir medios y técnicas audiovisuales en proyectos de investigación social, y que desde 1996 hasta el 2000 se... more
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      Visual AnthropologyKinship (Anthropology)Spanish CinemaFamily
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      SociologyAnthropologyVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
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      Visual AnthropologyUrban AnthropologyMuseum AnthropologyDemocratic Republic of Congo
Le présent article étudie les dispositifs de certains romans graphiques à la lumière des concepts anthropologiques afin d’illustrer leur potentiel en tant qu’outil au service de la rencontre et de la contextualisation du regard de... more
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      Visual AnthropologyComics and Graphic NovelsArt SpiegelmanJoe Sacco
El presente artículo analiza algunas de las posibilidades teóricas y metodológicas que tiene un/a antropólogo/a audiovisual al trabajar en un archivo, en mi caso el Archivo Blomberg (Quito, Ecuador). Las siguientes reflexiones apuntan a... more
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      Visual AnthropologyEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyArchives
краткое определение предмета и области исследований визуальной антропологии. Описаны особенности видеосъемки в старообрядческой среде, основные тематические блоки видеоархива старообрядчества в МГУ и состав видеофонда верхокамского... more
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      Visual AnthropologyRussian Old Believers
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyVisual CultureVisual Rhetoric
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      Cultural StudiesVisual SociologyGender StudiesVisual Studies
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      Visual StudiesIconographyVisual AnthropologyCritical Thinking
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      Visual AnthropologyDocumentary Film
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    • Visual Anthropology
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      Visual AnthropologyDocumentary Film