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Volumetric Effects in Coal Sorption Capacity Measurements
By Vyacheslav Romanov*, Yee Soong, and Karl Schroeder
DOI: 10.1002/ceat.200500242
Many types of materials e.g., rubber, polymer, coal, change their volume and structure after absorption of gaseous and liquid
substances. Various kinds of volume changes affect the accuracy of absorption measurements by gravimetric and manometric
methods, the two major techniques currently employed. The errors associated with the volumetric effects, specifically, the
case of carbon dioxide sorption on coal, were investigated. It was demonstrated that the resulting error in the buoyancy
correction in the gravimetric method is equivalent to the corresponding error in the assumed void volume in the manometric
method. It is suggested that the integration of the two methods, combined with the binary gas mixture technique of
in-situ volume measurement, will contribute to dramatically improve the accuracy of absorption measurements for plastic
1 Introduction
Sequestration of CO2 in deep unmineable coal seams has
been identified as one of the technologically feasible options
to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions. However,
there is a fundamental lack of understanding of the physical,
chemical, and thermodynamic phenomena that occur when
CO2 is injected into a coal seam [1]. Being able to reliably
predict carbon dioxide injectivity is an important prerequisite to large-scale project investment. High precision sorption data are required to accurately forecast the performance of such projects.
There are two main methods currently employed for
measuring adsorption isotherms on coal: the manometric
and the gravimetric technique. A manometric apparatus
consists of a cell containing the coal sample, a system for
controlled admission of the adsorbate gas, and manometers.
As the gas is adsorbed, the pressure in the sample cell
decreases. The quantity of the gas is determined by the void
volume within the cell and the density of the gas that is estimated by using an equation of state (EOS) or the tables of
compressibility factors (z). The uncertainty in adsorbate
compressibility value complicates the analysis of the experimental data, especially, for real gas mixtures or gases near
the critical point.
In gravimetric systems, the adsorbed amount is measured
by a microbalance. Before the adsorption isotherm procedure, the sample volume is measured with a helium pycnometer to determine the buoyancy. By direct gravimetric gas
density measurements, the problems associated with the
equation of state are eliminated but the implicit assumption
that the sample volume remains constant seems absolutely
unwarranted for many types of materials (rubber, polymer,
coal, etc.). Similarly, the manometric method relies on
assumptions about the errors associated with the sample
V. Romanov (author to whom correspondence should be addressed,
Romanov@or.netl.doe.gov), Y. Soong, K. Schroeder, U.S. Department of
Energy – National Energy Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, P.O. Box
10940, Pennsylvania 15236-0940, USA.
volume changes. In fact, this is the key problem of these
methods [2]. In either gravimetric or manometric apparatus,
swelling of the coal sample and the corresponding volume
changes cannot be directly measured during the test.
A recent interlaboratory comparison of CO2 isotherms
measured on Argonne Premium Coal samples showed very
large divergence in the experimental results [3]. In order to
better understand the variability of experimental observations, the assumptions behind the main test methods will be
– Sorption of CO2 on coal reduces the gas pressure and
increases the mass of the coal sample.
– Sample mass changes are measured by the gravimetric isotherm method.
– Pressure changes are used in a volumetric isotherm method to derive the corresponding changes in gaseous mass.
– Compressibility values are tabulated (equation of state)
and/or measured directly.
– Traditional methods assume homogeneous properties of
the sorbate and constant volume of the sample and usually
are limited to single gas sorption.
Coal is known to swell in the presence of CO2 and this
may be significant with respect to interpreting experimental
data. Until recently, very limited investigations have been
conducted on the adsorption of CO2 on coal beyond the critical point. At pressures above the critical point, the measured data deviate strongly from the Langmuir model of
monolayer-type filling of micropores, in both manometric
and gravimetric systems. The manometric approach often
results in bimodal behavior observed in the vicinity of the
critical point, with an apparent local minimum (sometimes
even negative, especially for moisture-equilibrated coals
[4, 5]) around 7–9 MPa, followed by an abrupt rise in the
amount of absorbed CO2. This was interpreted as a swelling
effect caused by supercritical CO2 and enhanced by water.
The gravimetric results [6] also confirm that absorption by
coal under supercritical conditions is in excess of what is predicted using the Langmuir adsorption isotherms based on
adsorption at lower pressures, indicating that a greater
amount of carbon dioxide can be sequestered by coal than
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Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 3
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previously estimated. However, density-gravimetric measurements reportedly show no evidence of peculiar changes
in adsorption with pressure observed in volumetric systems
at ∼ 8 MPa.
Microbalance (gravimetric) measurements as well as
manometric (volumetric) measurements of the gas (fluid)
sorption equilibrium only allow the excess (apparent) mass,
Dam, to be determined, that is the difference of the mass adsorbed on a porous solid, Dgm, and the product of the buoyancy related volume, VS, of the sorbent/sorbate system and
the density of the sorbate. While this can be seen directly
from the formula for excess sorption calculation in the gravimetric method (Eq. (1))1),
m g nex
a m g m q Vs
where Dgnex is the excess sorption, m is the mass of the
sample, q is the average fluid density, l is the molar mass
of the sorbate, it will be shown that the manometric
method measures the same physical property, barring the
physical changes other than due to the sample-sorbate interaction.
The combination of the volumetric and gravimetric techniques, on the other hand, utilizes the advantages of both
and gives a very accurate direct method of adsorption measurement [7].
2 Theory
– Interlaboratory comparison [3] has demonstrated a wide
variability of the data for the same coal observed for the
CO2 pressures about the critical point. The Langmuir
model is questioned in the supercritical region, due to coal
swelling [2].
– The Palmer-Mansoori equation does not match historical
data [9].
– Coal swelling/shrinkage is treated within a rock mechanics
model, ignoring the polymer-like behavior.
If the pressure, temperature, temporal, etc., conditions are
reproduced, the excess sorption isotherms should be the
same, regardless of the technique (gravimetric or volumetric) employed, as long as the volume is determined by
the same gas. It turns out that VS can depend on the adsorptive gas mixture [7]. Various types of hidden volumes are
depicted in Fig. 1. It should be noted that the accessible pore
volume is not directly associated with the apparent dimensions of the sample. Should the volume V be inaccessible to
helium, for instance, but become partly permeable to CO2,
then it is treated as the envelope volume of the sample in
either adsorption measurement method. Any amount of
CO2 making its way to this volume is missing from the void
volume in the manometric/volumetric method and is erroneously attributed to excess adsorption. By the same amount
the gravimetric buoyancy is overcorrected and is still attributed to excess adsorption. Vice versa, if this volume is
accessible to helium but not to CO2, then the difference
between the adsorbate density inside of it and the quasiequilibrium density in the void volume of the sample cell
results in equal understatement of the excess adsorption in
both methods.
Conventional theoretical models used for analysis of sorption isotherms are the Langmuir theory and the PalmerMansoori equation [8].
– Langmuir equation:
V = V∞ · Ka · Pe/(1 + Ka · Pe)
where Pe is the equilibrium pressure, Ka is the absorption
equilibrium constant (1/Ka is the Langmuir pressure), V∞ is
the CO2 sorption capacity (Langmuir volume), and V is the
equilibrium volume of adsorbed gas.
– The Palmer-Mansoori model relates matrix shrinkage to
porosity and uses elastic moduli to describe the effect of
changing pressure on the coal volume.
The problems arising with supercritical carbon dioxide injection are:
– The volume of the coal sample is measured only before
and/or after the test. During the test it is an unknown variable and is assumed to fit a certain model behavior.
List of symbols at the end of the paper.
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Figure 1. Illustration of the open and closed voids in the coal network.
This can be shown precisely by the mathematical equations for volumetric (see schematic diagram shown in Fig. 2)
and gravimetric methods. The excess sorption, Dvnex, on the
sample of mass, m, is calculated in the manometric method
(sorption isotherm at temperature T) as a difference between the CO2 molar amount decrease in a reference cell
(volume VR) and the molar amount increase in the void volume of a sample cell (volume Vo), according to Eq. (2).
Compressibility z can be estimated from the equation of
state. The underlying assumption is that the void volume
before and after CO2 injection is the same. Similarly, the
buoyancy correction in the gravimetric method relies on the
assumption that the envelope volume of the sample does not
change (Eq. (1)). Eq. (3) shows that the errors in excess
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sorption determination by volumetric and gravimetric techniques caused by the uncertainty of the sample volume are
m v nex
B f
@ zSf
C Vo
zSi A RT
q Vs
RT zSf
Vs Vo
where the subscripts Ri and Rf refer to the initial and final
(equilibrium) conditions of the reference cell and Si and Sf
to the sample cell respectively, while Sv represents a virtual
state of no volume change with the same amount sorbed as
in the final state of equilibrium; DVS is the change in buoyancy associated volume, VS, and DVo is the change in the
void volume, Vo. The error in Eq. (2) is due to the fact that
the pressure and density of the “free” (nonsorbed) fluid in
the equilibrium state are different from their respective
values in the virtual state, Sv, because the same number of
sorbate molecules occupies a different void volume, Vo. The
transformation in Eq. (3) follows from the EOS and the
assumption that both VS and Vo change primarily due to the
changes in the envelop volume of the sample.
3 Experimental
Sorption and desorption behavior of carbon dioxide has
been studied on a set of well-characterized coals from the
Argonne Premium Coal (Argonne National Laboratory,
USA): a low volatile bituminous (Pocahontas #3), a high volatile bituminous (Illinois #6), and a lignite (Beulah Zap)
coal. All sorption experiments were performed on approximately 0.5–2.5 g of the powdered (100 mesh), dried (in vacuum, at 130 °C for 24 h) and moisture equilibrated (at 96 %
relative humidity and 55 °C for 48 h) coal samples.
The modified version of the ASTM moisture equilibration
procedure D 1412–99 (55 °C instead of 30 °C) was adopted
for all moist coal tests: the lignite sample that usually
requires 72 hours to reach equilibrium was also equilibrated
for 48 hours. This procedure was recommended in order to
reproduce the moisture content under the reservoir conditions [10]. The sample handling was performed in a positive
pressure (dry nitrogen) glove bag to prevent surface oxidation.
The NETL-built [2] high-pressure manometric/volumetric
apparatus (see Fig. 2) was used to collect the CO2 (99.999 %
purity, Valley Co., Pittsburgh, PA, USA) adsorption isotherm data at 55 °C (± 0.1 °C) and the pressures up to
16 MPa. Gases were pressurized by the ISCO syringe pump
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the manometric/volumetric apparatus: R =
reference cell, S = sample cell, B = constant temperature bath, T = thermocouple, P = pressure transducer, V = mechanical vacuum pump, G = gas regulator, D = data logger.
(Model 500D). The sample and cells volume determination
was done with helium (99.997 % purity, Valley Co., Pittsburgh, PA, USA). Evacuation of the gas line and the reference and sample cells was done by the HayVac-2 (HayVac
Products Co.) mechanical vacuum pump. Temperature was
stabilized by the constant temperature bath from NesLab
(Model RTE-111).
Additionally, the gravimetric adsorption isotherm measurements for the dry Pocahontas #3 sample under the same
conditions have been done with a magnetic suspension balance of the Rubotherm GmbH at the Leipzig University,
The excess (or Gibbs) absorption was used to interpret
the observations made, because at high pressures, where the
density of the supercritical fluid approaches the density of
the adsorbed phase, it is more appropriate than the absolute
adsorption [11, 12].
4 Results and Discussion
The gravimetric measurements gave a surprising result:
negative adsorption values at the pressures above 10 MPa
(see Fig. 3). This was explained by the estimated 45 % swelling of the coal sample (Argonne Premium Pocahontas #3
coal powder) during the test, which resulted in an erroneous
buoyancy term based on the He volume measurements prior
to the test. The new volume that was determined immediately after the CO2 adsorption measurements showed some
residual swelling (∼ 20 %). After correction, the excess
adsorption plot strongly deviates from the Langmuir model
at pressures above 8 MPa. Obviously, the above buoyancy
corrections are very tentative since the volume measurements were done only before and after the test, rather than
during the test. This is a common problem of pure gravimetric and pure volumetric techniques.
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Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 3
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Figure 3. Gravimetric vs. volumetric data. After the volume correction (based
on the “after-the-test” residual volume), the gravimetric isotherm is similar to
the volumetric data. Gravimetric-1 is based on the volume measured before
the test. Gravimetric-2 is based on the corrected volume.
The above gravimetric data were compared to the results
of the volumetric measurements (see Fig. 3) for the powdered sample of the same Argonne Premium Coal (Pocahontas #3). The volumetric adsorption plots exhibit a typical
mesoporous adsorbent behavior [13], similar to the corrected gravimetric data, except for a minor dip at the onset
of the supercritical CO2 pressures, at around 7–9 MPa.
Desorption of CO2 was done in a three-step catastrophic
expansion mode (into vacuum), similar to the comminution
process. After each step, the pressure was stabilized for an
hour before the data were collected. The sample volume
measured after desorption was ∼ 6 % smaller than the original volume, which is usually interpreted as shrinkage due to
extraction of the volatile matter. The apparent sorption capacity of the coal has increased dramatically in the above
procedure, which could also be attributed to either accessible surface area increase or the void volume increase or
both, since the breaking of the coal particles into smaller
pieces may decrease the “dead” (envelope) volume of the
sample and thus increase the accessible surface area.
Repeated adsorption measurements confirmed the correlation between the temporal sample volume changes and adsorption capacity, especially for the CO2 pressures less than
8 MPa (see Fig. 4). The second and third adsorption isotherms were run immediately after the first desorption and
were consistent with the first desorption data. The fourth adsorption experiment was run six weeks later, when the envelope volume of the sample measured by helium pycnometry
almost relaxed to its original value. It caused the gas phase
excess adsorption return to the original values as well. However, the subsequent injection of supercritical CO2 caused
the adsorption trend to break off from the original plot (first
adsorption) half way to the post-comminution isotherms. It
is suggested that after six weeks the structural relaxation of
coal was still incomplete. Partial restoration of the hydrogen-bond cross-links that contribute to elastic forces opposing the swelling of coal was sufficient to prevent carbon diChem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 3
Figure 4. Effects of coal volume changes on sorption capacity. After the first
(catastrophic) desorption, the envelop volume decreased by 5.6 % and the
sorption capacity increased by 50 to 150 %. Six weeks later (fourth absorption), the coal properties partly returned to the original values.
oxide molecules from reaching the excess adsorption sites.
However, the supercritical carbon dioxide fluid is capable of
reaching some of the hidden adsorption sites by exerting
additional osmotic pressure due to a thermodynamically
nonequilibrium condition inherent in the injection process
around the critical pressures. This can also increase the pores
interconnectivity and void volume.
For the volumetric study of the effects of moisture on
adsorption capacity, three types of Argonne Premium Coal
powders representing a wide range of carbon content and
corresponding degrees of hydrophobicity were selected (see
Tab. 1). An additional small sample of Pocahontas #3 was
used to validate the method by distinguishing between the
sample-specific and the instrument-specific effects. Unlike
the previous study, the bath temperature oscillated between
54 °C and 56 °C with a period of one hour.
Table 1. Volume changes of the moisture equilibrated Argonne Premium
Coal samples.
Pocahontas #3 Pocahontas #3
Illinois #6
Beulah Zap
473 mg
2.197 g
2.164 g
2.615 g
2 wt %
4 wt %
20 wt %
< 1 vol.-%
6 vol.-%
2 vol.-%
Desorption of the Illinois #6 sample was conducted by the
three-step catastrophic expansion, but the Pocahontas #3
and Beulah Zap samples were brought to zero CO2 pressure
by more gradual decompression. The resulting changes in
the envelope volume are consistent with the nonequilibrium
excessive surface area hypothesis. The moisture level does
not seem to have any significant effect on the volume
changes, but it does affect the sorption capacity to the gas
phase CO2 (see Fig. 5).
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Figure 5. Gas phase CO2 sorption on moisture equilibrated coals.
The only coal that showed a dip near the critical pressure
was Pocahontas #3 (both samples). This dip was more significant than the one previously observed for dry Pocahontas #3
at nearly constant bath temperature (see Fig. 6). At the
same time, the following rise in the excess adsorption after
transition to the supercritical phase was also much steeper
during the test with the larger bath temperature swings. This
is another indication of the nonequilibrium nature of the
adsorption process.
Figure 7. Development of the volume-gravimetric technique.
the sample can be computed by the standard volumetric procedure.
Since the sampled pressure and density have to be representative of the entire void volume, the volume-gravimetric
apparatus inevitably requires a static mixer incorporated
into the gas lines of the traditional volumetric apparatus
(see Fig. 8). The mass measurements have to be done during
shut-off periods of the mixer to avoid buoyancy errors
related to the flow of the CO2/He mixture.
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the volume-gravimetric apparatus. The reference and the sample cells should be separated by 0.5 m to minimize magnetic
interference. The mixer is required for homogeneous mixing of the fluids.
Figure 6. Anomalous sorption behavior of the Pocahontas #3 coal powder
near the critical pressure: A/C = absorption/desorption isotherms, B = sorption under the oscillating temperature conditions. The “dip” and rise become
more prominent as the temperature oscillations increase.
In order to eliminate this error, the volume changes need
to be continuously monitored during the test. This can be
done by combining the two techniques into the volumegravimetric method and using a binary gas mixture of CO2
and helium (see Fig. 7). By using the simultaneous pressure
and density measurements one can determine the partial
pressures of the two components as long as their molar
masses are very different [14]. Once the helium pressure is
known, the void volume and hence the envelope volume of
The common issue of the volumetric techniques is the
need for a very accurate EOS application to analysis of the
experimental data. This becomes a problem if the physical
properties of the adsorbate are not uniform or far from the
equilibrium state. It is suggested that the samples with significantly differing masses be used to calibrate the method.
In the experiments with oscillating temperature, the excess adsorption isotherms of the typical (2.197 g) and small
(473 mg) samples were compared to filter out the signal contribution that was not proportional to the sample size. The
corresponding equation of state was compared to Span and
Wagner [15] EOS (see Fig. 9).
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the Langmuir-type behavior (without hysteresis) can be
observed at very high CO2 pressures [3].
5 Summary
Coal swelling becomes a major factor at supercritical CO2
conditions. Various types of accessible volume changes affect
the accuracy of absorption measurements by gravimetric
and manometric (volumetric) methods. The resulting error
is invariant of the test method and is not directly related to
apparent changes in the sample dimensions. Swelling
kinetics can be quantified experimentally by the volumegravimetric technique.
Figure 9. Experimentally determined effective equations of state corresponding to uneven size sample calibration of the system with oscillating temperature: dashed line; Span and Wagner EOS: 55 °C (circles) and 56 °C (solid
A possible explanation of the observed deviation from the
equilibrium EOS is that, at pressures above 10 MPa, the
lower temperature entropic equilibrium (for simplicity, it is
called “condensation”) is reached slower than at higher temperatures (“evaporation”), resulting in effective compressibility values slightly higher than expected. Application of
the effective EOS to Illinois #6 and Beulah Zap isotherms
was not successful, which may indicate that the sample properties such as heat capacity, swelling, etc., are important as
well. The corrected absorption isotherm for Pocahontas #3 is
very similar to the corrected gravimetric isotherm for the
same coal powder (see Fig. 10), which confirms that the
supercritical CO2 region strongly deviates from the Langmuir-type isotherm. Still, some research groups report that
Figure 10. Volume-corrected gravimetric and temperature-corrected volumetric data versus Langmuir-type (enhanced form) isotherm [12], Volumetric-2.
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The authors thank Dr.-Ing. Frieder Dreisbach (Rubotherm GmbH, Germany) for providing the interpretation of
the gravimetric data. Thanks are given to Dr. Curt White
(NETL) and Dr. Angela Goodman (NETL) for discussion
of advantages and disadvantages of the volumetric and
gravimetric techniques and the volume-gravimetric method.
Received: July 19, 2005
Symbols used
Dgm [kg]
Dg nex [mol/kg]
absorption equilibrium constant
mass of the sample
equilibrium pressure
final pressure in reference cell
initial pressure in reference cell
final pressure in sample cell
initial pressure in sample cell
universal gas constant
pore volume
void volume of sample cell
void volume of reference cell
volume of the sample (inaccessible)
Langmuir volume (sorption capacity)
gas compressibility
gas compressibility in reference cell,
gas compressibility in reference cell,
gas compressibility in sample cell,
gas compressibility in sample cell,
excess (apparent) mass of adsorbed
actual mass of adsorbed molecules
excess sorption (gravimetric)
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Dv nex [mol/kg]
excess sorption (volumetric)
molecular weight
average fluid density
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Chem. Eng. Technol. 2006, 29, No. 3