Women's Studies
Recent papers in Women's Studies
Introduction to Women and Photography in Africa
ISBN 9781350136564
ISBN 9781350136564
Review of Arce, B. Christine. México's Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the
Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women in JPAS
Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women in JPAS
In the 21st century, when women have acquired equal rights in all spheres of life, the subject of women empowerment appears by default in literature. In this regard, Amish Tripathi’s fiction presents certain fascinating aspects. Shiva... more
Military is a profession which is mostly dominated by men. Often the words like combat, war and bravery are used for men folk. However, the scenario has changed in last few decades and women have also been commissioned in the forces in... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 26 ----- Su Ipazia di Alessandria e su Sinesio di Cirene molti hanno già scritto: Ipazia, una nota antica scienziata e filosofia, Sinesio, un nobile, suo allievo e poi vescovo cristiano; Ipazia, da... more
Nineteenth-century prima donnas were continually on the move, and making a living as a famous diva meant travelling as far and as wide as possible under conditions that were not always terribly pleasant. Pauline Viardot’s life was no... more
Hermine von Hug-Helmuth was one of the first women in Freud's circle, and the first child-analyst whom he personally supported. Her primacy of a pioneer is overshadowed by the circumstances of her tragic death. She was violently killed... more
Presentación para el Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe, sobre mi libro en curso "Crónica de un amor terrible", que revisa la historia real tras Crónica de una muerte anunciada de García Márquez, a partir de nueva evidencia... more
Nella letteratura italiana dal XIV al XVIII secolo ha discreta fortuna e circolazione il tema della sconfitta del dio dell’amore, umiliato e privato delle proprie armi soprattutto dalle donne. A partire dalle fonti classiche... more
Over the last thirty years we have witnessed the emergence, formation and consolidation in Australia of the field of futures studies and foresight. Given its relative population size and geographic isolation from major centres of... more
The aim of this project is to compile names and biographies of women attached to the military forces of the War for American Independence, 1775 to 1783; Whig (Continental), French, Spanish, British, German, and Loyalists. This... more
In this essay, I attempt to outline a feminist philosophical approach to the debate concerning (allegedly) false memories of childhood sexual abuse. Bringing the voices of feminist philosophers to bear on this issue highlights the... more
From sites like Hollaback! and Everyday Sexism, which document instances of street harassment and misogyny, to social media-organized movements and communities like #MeToo and #BeenRapedNeverReported, feminists are using participatory... more
The Lisbon sisters, Camille, and the "Arminuta" are the daughters and the protagonists of three novels set in three different geographical-linguistic areas: the United States, France, and Italy. "The Virgin Suicides" (1993) by Jeffrey... more
What exactly keeps women ‘in’ inequitable care relationships, and how do we get ‘out’? This dissertation offers a timely response to a pressing societal problem – that of how to understand and organize care. Feminist scholarship and... more
Résumé du mémoire de recherche de Marine Hebert
Sous la direction d'Annie Claustres
Université Lyon II
Master Recherche Histoire et Théorie de l'Art des XXe et XXIe siècles
Sous la direction d'Annie Claustres
Université Lyon II
Master Recherche Histoire et Théorie de l'Art des XXe et XXIe siècles
Programme du colloque international "La femme sauvage dans les arts et les lettres" organisé par FRAMESPA et ELH/PLH de Toulouse 2, CELLAM et HCA de Rennes 2, Université de Rennes 2, 13 & 14 octobre 2016
Published in Voss, A. & Wilson, S. (eds.) (2017) Re-enchanting the Academy. Auckland & Seattle: Rubedo Press.
In this book, women living in various cities in Turkey with different professions such as writers, scholars and journalists wrote about their mothers and their relationships with their mothers. The book includes not only essays but also... more
The research discusses the development of the women’s movement in Palestine in the early British Mandate period through a photo that was taken in 1945 in Jerusalem during a meeting of women activists from Palestine with the renowned... more
"ABSTRACT Before World War II, popular American culture, including newspapers, radio, and cinema, regularly depicted beauty as necessarily white. Similarly, mainstream magazines, board games, postcards, dolls, and virtually every form... more
Mormon Women’s History: Beyond Biography demonstrates that the history and experience of Mormon women is central to the history of the Church and to histories of American religion, politics, and culture. Yet the study of Mormon women has... more
"En las siguientes páginas se analizan principalmente dos aspectos. En primer lugar, la posición de los diferentes actores políticos y sociales marroquíes con respecto a la situación de los derechos civiles y políticos. De entre estos... more
Review of "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania" by Frank Bruni and "The End of College" by Kevin Carey
Introductory remarks to the special issue of Memorie Domenicane
The response to an uncontrolled spread of disease often incites a commingling of medical, moral, and political panic. Whether in the context of threats presented by early plagues, to contemporary super viruses, to lead toys, contagion,... more
Questo intervento intende esplorare e problematizzare la rappresentazione delle donne in quanto icone, muse o soggetti passivi, e come esse diventino ricettacolo di proiezioni sociali. Quali strumenti estetici e politici le donne hanno... more
This article examines recent TV (True Blood, The Vampire Diaries) and cinematic stories (Twilight saga) from a feminist perspective. It focuses on the the gender relations and female agency embedded in these stories in order to determine... more
This senior honors thesis evaluates the theories for racial progress put forth in A Voice from the South (1892) and The Souls of Black Folk (1903). Using secondary sources by David Levering Lewis, Joy James, and more, I critique Du Bois’s... more
The concept of feminism, which discusses the difficulties and oppression experienced by women just because of their gender, is an approach that defends all kinds of economic, political, and socio-cultural equality between the opposite... more
¿Cómo pudo ocurrir que la institucionalización de los derechos de las mujeres posibilitara la violación de los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres indígenas? Esta tesis empieza con el establecimiento del PNSRPF 1996-2000 (Plan de... more
The 'coat of many colors', worn by Joseph in Hebrew Scriptures, is possibly the most famous garment in the Western world. However, readers of the King James Version of the Bible may not realize that one other person in the Bible, Tamar... more
Tesi di dottorato - XXVIII ciclo