Wood Science
Recent papers in Wood Science
Flue gas emissions and particle size distribution were investigated during combustion experiments of wood, forest residue and mixtures of these two. The combustion experiments were carried out in a grate fired multi-fuel reactor with and... more
This paper is based on an evaluation of the industrialization levels and main production systems of Brazilian timber housing producers. Two methods were used to investigate this understudied topic. Literature-based projection was carried... more
The aim of this work was to isolate a lectin from Myracrodruon urundeuva heartwood and to evaluate its antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi that attack plants, including woods. The lectin was isolated from heartwood through... more
The toxic effects of selected Malaysian timbers (Madhuca utilis, Anisoptera laevis and Endospermum malaccense) heartwood extracts were studied with the aim to determine and understanding the function of wood extracts as a natural... more
This comparative study focused on understanding the effect of coupling agent and particle size on weathering behaviour of wood polypropylene composite. Two coupling agents, namely maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene and m-TMI... more
Chemical characteristics of wood are used in this study for plant taxonomy classification based on the current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification (APG III System) for the division, class and subclass of woody plants. Infrared... more
The effects of wollastonite fibers on the physical and mechanical properties of medium-density fiberboards composed of wood fibers with up to 10 % camel-thorn chips were studied. Approximately 30 % of the wollastonite fibers were less... more
Los objetivos del trabajo fueron 1- Determinar los patrones de variación axial y radial de la densidad de la madera y longitud de fibras en el fuste de Robinia pseudoacacia, 2- Determinar la edad de transición entre madera juvenil y... more
Furfurylation is a modifi cation process carried out in order to improve the biological resistance and dimensional stability of wood. In this research work, a three-year outdoor weathering test of furfurylated wood was performed using the... more
Kayu merupakan komoditas alam yang hingga saat ini masih dipilih sebagai bahan bangunan dan meubel karena beberapa keunggulannya yaitu, warna, corak, kekuatan serta mudah dalam pengerjaan.. kekurangan dari produk kayu kapur (Dryobalanops... more
This work concerns basic research on the concept of wood hardness in a sense similar to Brinell or in the modified sense of Monnin. The experimental part of this article is based on research carried out on beech wood with six indenters:... more
Research on wood technological properties using near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has shown promising results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of NIR spectroscopy for estimating chemical properties of mangium wood... more
Color of wood pellets is mainly affected by the feedstock material used for their production and which composition and characteristic affect the final product quality. Pellets made from pure wood are light in color and have low ash... more
Potential of oil palm starch from oil palm trunk as a starch based adhesive was evaluated based on collection of starch yields (grams) using two types of steeping methods of starch extraction processes. Sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5) was... more
This book is written in Polish language. This book contains two parts: a theoretical description and tasks. The theoretical part presents knowledge of wood physics, especially: hygroscopicity in wood (e.g. adsorption, wood moisture... more
The effect of microwave heating on the iodine-catalyzed acetylation of rubberwood with acetic anhydride has been investigated. Microwave radiation was used as the heating source for modifying specimens saturated with acetic anhydride in... more
Effect of temperature and moisture content on compression strength parallel to the grain of selected species of wood with variable density and anatomical structures This paper presents an assessment of the effect of temperature and... more
Britain and the Mahogany Trade of the Americas in the 18th and 19th Centuries I have often wondered many things about wood. I have looked at pieces of furniture and wondered how tall the tree was that it came from. I have wondered where... more
Il legno delle specie del genere Salix, di colore chiaro e lucente, a durame appena differenziato, mostra notevole omogeneità a livello anatomico, e non presenta particolari differenze tra le diverse entità tali da rendere possibile una... more
Dimensional stability of wood plastic composites (WPCs) made from polypropylene and pine wood flour with and without coupling agent was investigated. The pine wood flour was prepared from wood chips which had been immersed, respectively,... more
This paper is based on an evaluation of the industrialization levels and main production systems of Brazilian timber housing producers. Two methods were used to investigate this understudied topic. Literature-based projection was carried... more
Dobór odpowiednich warunków klimatycznych w pomieszczeniach w których przechowywane jest drewno jest działaniem równie ważnym jak jego prawidłowa konserwacja. Umiejętność praktycznego zastosowania i wykorzystania odpowiednich zależności... more
Stosowanie drewna konstrukcyjnego i materiałów drewnopochodnych o korzystnej charakterystyce mechanicznej, cieplnej i akustycznej jest podstawową cechą nowoczesnego, lekkiego budownictwa szkieletowego. Z myślą o śmiałym używaniu drewna w... more
Waldbaden „Shinrin Yoku stammt aus dem Japanischen und bedeutet so viel wie „Baden in der Waldluft“. Die aus dem Inselreich stammende naturbezogene Praxis ist darauf ausgerichtet, Stress zu reduzieren und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu... more
Drewno zabytkowe stanowi majątek narodowy, i to bardzo często znacznej wartości pieniężnej. Pogarszanie się stanu fizycznego, a więc stanu zachowania drewnianych przedmiotów i obiektów muzealnych, będzie więc równoznaczne z uszczupleniem... more
Versatile, wood has been used by mankind in furniture, instruments, utensils and construction. About timber buildings, this critical review discusses their valuable and sustainable features that label their multiple options. Numerous... more