Yugoslavia (History)
Recent papers in Yugoslavia (History)
Горан Давидовић, Милош Тимотијевић, Затамњена прошлост : историја равногораца чачанског краја. Књ. 3, Агонија и слом : ратне 1944. и 1945. године (Чачак : Међуопштински историјски архив ; Краљево : Народни музеј, 2004 (Чачак : Графика... more
The city of Rijeka/Fiume underwent an array of transitions in the long twentieth century, from the port of Hungary in the Dual Monarchy to a free city, to D´Annunzio´s Italian Regency of Carnaro, annexation by Italy, incorporation into... more
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in... more
Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective
Publisher: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Belgrade 2017.
My article pp461-515.
Publisher: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Belgrade 2017.
My article pp461-515.
Knjiga se bavi prvim posleratnim kontaktima između socijalističke Jugoslavije i bliskositočnih zemlja. Od podele Palestine, prvog izraelsko-arapskog rata, otklona Jugoslavije od Svojetskog Saveza i potrage za novim partnerima. Manevrišući... more
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
Bu kitap, eski Yugoslavya cumhuriyetlerinden akademisyenlerin yazdıkları makalelerden oluşmaktadır. Hırvatistan’dan Zdenko Radelić, Miroslav Akmadža, Davor Marijan, Vladimir Geiger, Mario Jareb ve Nikica Barić; Slovenya’dan Zdenko Čepič,... more
Abstract: The security of demand for fossil fuels (crude oil, oil products, natural gas and coal) in the wider Central Europe is determined by energy intensity of economies, economic activity, access to maritime trade and availability of... more
Introduction to a survey of a history of Montenegro.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
REFERENCE: Předmluva, In: František Šístek, Dějiny Černé Hory, Praha: NLN 2017, pp. 1-21.
Године 1933. иницирана је обнова родне куће Вука Караџића у Тршићу. Паралелно са том иницијативом је предложена изградња Дома културе Вук Караџић у Лозници који би служио као центар културних и еманципаторских активности овог места.... more
At the end of WWI, according to the peace treaty of Saint-Germain, Italy annexed the former Habsburg territories of Trentino, South Tyrol, Venezia Giulia, Istria and a part of Dalmatia (the city of Zara/Zadar and some islands). The... more
The text concerns the camp for political prisoners established in 1949 in Yugoslavia on Goli Otok island. This theme was almost entirely absent from public discourse before the 1980s, and real changes and developments in discussions about... more
Регионални пројекат (Не)примерени споменици реализовале су у периоду 2015–2017. године партнерске организације из Хрватске, Босне и Херцеговине, Словеније и Србије – Социјални руб: занимљиве неиспричане приче (СФ:иус, Загреб), Хисторијски... more
The essay presents several ideas regarding the management of the «Adriatic Question» in the period following World War II, focusing particular attention on the strategies of the political centre-left, of «Moroteism» and of «border... more
Triglav, najvišja gora Julijskih Alp, je istočasno najvišji vrh Republike Slovenije. Umeščen je v državni grb in preko grba v državno zastavo in predstavlja najmočnejši nacionalni simbol Slovencev. Ta umestitev ima razloge v preteklih... more
The temporary employment of Yugoslav citizens in Western countries was one of the most important migration phenomena in socialist Yugoslavia. In the early 1970s, one in every four Yugoslavs employed outside of agriculture and craft work... more
U radu se na temelju arhivske građe i lokalnog tiska pokušava rekonstruirati proces formiranja režimske Jugoslavenske radikalno seljačke demokracije / Jugoslavenske nacionalne stranke na području Broda na Savi i brodskog kotara. Na... more
Zadnji dan leta 1943 je preko Jadranskega morja odrinila prva skupina od skupaj skoraj 30.000 beguncev, ki so našli zatočišče v šotorskih begunskih taboriščih Egipta. Večino so sestavljali ženske in otroci. Daleč od doma in očetov, ki so... more
This article examines the case for viewing the conflicts that took place in Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1999 through Huntington’s civilisational paradigm, whereby conflict is the inevitable result of the existence of “cleft states” such... more
This article deals with Yugoslavia’s tactics against Bulgarian and Hungarian minority petitions, which were filed before the League of Nations and later promoted before the European Congress of Nationalities.
Odmev na intervju v nedeljo 12.1.2020 na TV Slo1, kjer je novinar dr. Jože Možina gostil prof.dr. Ivana Čuka, pogovor pa je tekel zlasti o sokolski zgodovini, ki je kot telovadno gibanje pustilo močen pečat v slovenski narodni in... more
The critical literature on peacebuilding has mainly addressed the local and its agency in the post-conflict phase while the nexus between context occurring prior to the implementation of the liberal peace agenda and subsequent... more
In the first postwar decade, parts of the common border regions of Austria, Italy and Yugoslavia were contested between these countries, and the fate of South Tyrol, Southern Carinthia and the Julian March including Trieste was in limbo.... more
A book review published in Inside Story, June 2018
Рад анализира улогу заставе албанске народности у националној еманципацији Албанаца и њену симболику у националистичком, сецесионистичком покрету. Од 1969. године, када је застава истоветна оној НСР Албаније почела да се званично истиче,... more
Slovenian Castles and Mansions and the Year 1945. The Destiny of Their Architecture and Furnishings after the »Defining Moment« The article discusses destiny of Slovenian castles and mansions after 1945, when due to the change of the... more
Bosnia and Herzegovina was the most ethnically-mixed republic among the six republics in the former Yugoslavia. In 1990, the Communist Party was collapsing and beginning the process of transformation, and nationalistic parties were... more
Prvi maj praznujemo v spomin na krvave proteste leta 1886 v Chicagu, ko so delavci protestirali za osemurni delavnik in ostale delavske pravice. Prvi maj je tekom desetletij postal praznik dela v večini držav, med državami, ki ga ne... more
At the end of October 1918, the delegates of the National Council from Zagreb went to Geneva to inform themselves about the current international position. Because of political pressure from the Entente the South Slav politicians reached... more
Namera je da se u radu ukratko prikaže početak jugoslovenskog nuklearnog programa. U radu se ispituju kako specifičnosti konteksta Hladnog rata, tako i uloga i primena nauke, prvenstveno nuklearne fizike, u tom periodu. U radu se... more
This is paperback edition of the 1999 book, unchanged except for a brief Epilogue dealing with Kosovo. I still think this is the most detailed study of constitutionalism at the end of Yugoslavia, and in the constitutional design of the... more
In an earlier essay ‘Sanja Iveković: Becoming Woman Artist’ (Calvert 22, 2012) I posited Iveković's 1976 solo exhibition ‘Documents 1949- 1976’ at Zagreb Gallery of Contemporary Art as the first feminist intervention into patriarchal art... more
The purpose of the article is to present a (chronological) overview of denomination, renaming or abolishing streets and squares, setting up and tearing down monuments, naming and renaming primary schools, etc. of Yugoslav connotation in... more
Book Review of František Šístek (ed.), Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe: Representations, Transfers and Exchanges (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 2021) by Dejan Jović REFERENCE: Jović, Dejan. "František Šistek (ur):... more